• Published 2nd Dec 2016
  • 1,298 Views, 124 Comments

Unhinged - SirNotAppearingInThisFic

A collection of short stories inspired by Magic cards generated by RoboFoME. No understanding of Magic is required to read these.

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Sneezing System [Slice of Loaf] [Georg's "The One Who Got Away"]


This is meant to be a side-story to Georg’s The One Who Got Away, taking place around the middle of chapter 7 (the last chapter). If you have not read that (yet) and do not mind spoilers, here is the minimal context summary:

Baron Gaberdine has spent about a week in the castle – a smallish, run-down steamship – of his Barony of Fen – a river. Sen is the old seneschal who lived there since the old Baron ruled, and Ripple is an enthusiastic young unicorn/seapony of about nine years of age who lives in the river with her family, and hopes to be an engineer one day. After being gifted a new toolkit for earning her cutie mark, “Sen poked his nose into the bedroom and stated that the toaster had ceased to toast and wondered if perhaps there was anypony in the vicinity who could repair it.”

“Breakfast was a disaster. Sen was sound asleep, and Gaberdine really did not want to disturb him, but after burning several pieces of toast, nearly chopping a hoof off while slicing a grapefruit and managing to squirt both of them in the eyes with grapefruit juice, he somehow reduced an entire pot of boiling oatmeal to a gluey substance that claimed three serving spoons before he gave it up as a lost cause and dropped the whole mess into the sink.”

--Georg, The One Who Got Away

Ripple considered the broken toaster on the counter before her. It looked mostly fine on the outside – aside from a collection of dents, scratches, and smudges of burnt toast – but Sen reported that it had finally ceased to toast entirely, so it must have broken on the inside. A good enough place to start for any engineer, aside from one problem. “There aren’t any bolts or screws. How am I supposed to open it up?”

She pulled the largest screwdriver out from her brand-new toolkit, figuring that the long metal rod coming to a flat tip would give her the leverage she’d need to pry it open, if only she could get it lodged in between the plates of thin metal casing. Maybe someday, when she had a lot of practice being an engineer, her magic would be sufficient to disassemble anything she wanted without needing tools.

Sen grunted, then he walked across the galley and unplugged the toaster. “I think the ponies that make ‘em figure you’ll have to purchase a new—”

There was a loud crack as something gave way. “Better. Wow,” Ripple remarked. The inside was nearly completely black with soot, in stark contrast with the definitely-used-to-be-shiny casing.

“Sen, have you ever cleaned this out?” she asked, casting him an inquisitive glance. His expression told her he was more than a little worried about what she had done. Even if the cover didn’t snap back on, it would at least make the toaster easier to clean out in the future. Given how often Mister Baron Gaberdine incinerated slices of bread, and her suspicion that he had completely forgotten to remove one of the most recent ones, she figured that easily-removed casing was an improvement.

“I’ve given it a fair up-ending once or twice. Last time’d be about a month ago. This one’s only a couple of years old.”

Ripple started to poke around the ash pile of an unfortunate piece of toast with her screwdriver. It hit something hard and fork-shaped a moment later. “I think I found—”

Dislodging the fork freed the spring, which happily returned the toast-holding-bar to its raised position, sending burnt crisps and former-toast-ash flying at her. Her snout responded with a sensation not unlike the one that followed inhaling a minnow.

She sneezed. Several times.

When the gritty black powder settled and her eyes stopped watering, she heard Sen mention something about a broom and towel before he walked off. She couldn’t help but notice that his coat now resembled a burnt orange, and wondered how Mister Baron Gaberdine had managed not to burn any oranges yet.

Ripple turned her attention back to the toaster. When she picked it up with her magic, more toast-ash found its way to freedom. This was clearly an invitation to shake all the toast-ash from the toaster, and Ripple happily complied. A couple of metal tabs, a bread knife, and enough ash to make up at least one whole loaf of bread came tumbling out. She found herself wondering just how often Mister Baron Gaberdine tried to make toast.

She checked to make sure that the spring was properly freed, then inspected the piece of casing she had removed. By the look of it (and the metal bits in the pile of toast-ash), she had snapped off a couple of the metal tabs that held it next to the rest of the casing. Still, it slid back on nicely, even if it was a little loose.

Satisfied, Ripple replaced the power cable in its socket and dug around the galley until she found some bread. Sure, the insides of the toaster glowed like they were supposed to, but how else could she know if it would toast properly again?

Sen made his way back in just in time for the toast to pop – perfectly done. Ripple watched him take in the scene, and took a moment to appreciate how much toast-ash she had blown around. She also noted that she hadn’t remembered to use more tools from her new toolkit. Maybe for another project.

Finally, Sen let out a sigh. “Alright, that settles it. If’n I’m not makin’ toast, we leave the toaster unplugged. Now le’s get this cleaned up ‘fore the Baron stops starin’ at the river.”

Author's Note:

RoboFoME card:

Sneezing System


Legendary — Pony
Flying together. If your controller color of a spell or activated ability until end of turn target land can't loses deals 5 damage to the magic doesn't untap step. If your mana cost equal to." If turn

Adorable finally begging some on, she’ll make constructionism is a few more.