• Published 4th Dec 2016
  • 11,557 Views, 755 Comments

Dear Small Pony Book - Carapace

Princess Cadence and Prince-Captain Shining Armor have given Thorax a journal to document his days in the Crystal Empire so they can help him learn from his experiences. This can only go well.

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6. A Good, Loyal Subject

Dear Small Pony Book,

I’m sorry for the lack of entries since Learning Day with Princess Cadence last Friday. I hope you will find it within your … pages (do you have a heart somewhere? I searched, but couldn’t find it) to forgive my absence.

I have no excuse to offer aside form the fact that things have been a bit hectic—that seems a nice, fitting word. It has been hectic around the palace.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine there was so much to do to prepare for a simple trip to Canterlot! So many bags to fill with regalia polish, brushes, toothbrushes, other toiletries (not that sort, it’s a weird naming system I barely understand), and Sunburst’s spare capes and glasses (don’t laugh at poor Sunburst. He hasn’t yet developed the reaction time to shield himself or dodge our overlady’s playful assaults), and all of Flurry Heart’s supplies.

By the First Mother, I hadn’t realized how much there was until I sat with Sunburst and pulled it all out of her closet.

With that said, I must wonder if bags can get tummy aches when overstuffed. I asked Shining this morning, but he just started laughing and pounding his hoof on the table.

Ponies are strange.

On top of all the packing, there was the organizing with local herd leaders—I’m not certain what a “politician” or “councilpony” is supposed to be, but important changelings in the hive are referred to as swarm leaders, so important ponies in Equestria are therefore called herd leaders. This I learned from my old swarm leaders when I was young.

Cadence laughed herself silly when I used the term at breakfast, and Shining snorted coffee through his nose. It looked quite painful, so I can’t imagine why he would ever do such a thing.

Ponies are very strange. But I love my hosts all the same.

Fortunately, dealing with the complaints of the herd leaders wasn’t my task—it was Cadence’s, and I don’t envy her one bit. Though I will say that she possesses far greater patience for such trivialities then my former Queen, or that she gave Cadence credit for.

No, Small Pony Book. My task was far more enjoyable, yet challenging in its own right. But enough talk, let’s dive in, as Shining might say.

He pulled me aside yesterday, calling me away from one of my less pleasant duties as Flurry Heart’s favorite changeling: changing her nappie.

I had a very different idea of what this mean the first time Sunburst first mentioned it. I was such an innocent changeling in those days. Such a shame.

In any case, he led me to his office in the palace. I’ve been there once or twice before, but I’m afraid you’re not permitted inside yet. I am told that such places in the palace, those used by the guards, require a certain level of clearance, which you have not yet been granted. It’s not that they don’t trust you, of course. They simply wish to be careful.

No, they don’t dislike you. In fact, they were smiling when they informed me as to why you could not come by at present time.

Shining’s office is quite nice, I must say. He doesn’t furnish it with crystal, like most of the palace. Rather, he prefers to bring in wood furnishings—his desk, his chair, the picture frames, and military academy diploma mounted on the wall are all done up in traditional Canterlot style. He even has some lovely pictures of Twilight, Cadence, Spike, and himself on his desk, from their younger days.

They were quite adorable at that age. Spike most certainly made for cute baby. Though, I wonder if he is still technically a baby dragon—I’ve seen pictures of adult dragons. Spike, though I love him as a dear friend, has quite a ways to go.

Er, if you wouldn’t mind keeping that between us, I would be most appreciative, Small Pony Book. I’m told that he’s sensitive regarding his size. If you must inform him, then please be sure to impress my support for his longstanding goal to one day look down at Rainbow Dash and ask her how the weather is down there (though I imagine it will be the same as the weather “up here”).

“Sit down, buddy,” Shining said as he trotted around his desk and settled into a blue cushion, gesturing toward a matching cushion across from him. “We need to have a little talk about something from your last entry.”

My earfins twitched. I walked over and sat down as asked—and this time, I didn’t sit on the floor. That had been quite embarrassing the first time.

I couldn’t quite help but let out a nervous chitter, or stop my wings from buzzing, the itch to fly away from the most powerful unicorn sorcerer in the Equestrian Armed Forces was a tough habit to shake, no matter how nice he was. After all, I knew what he wanted, and I knew how close to home it hit.

“You want to talk about the hive in the Smokey Mountains,” I said without hesitation. After all, he is my Prince now. My ruler. My host.

He nodded solemnly. His horn wreathed in a strawberry pink glow, he took up a pencil and a pad of notepaper. “Yes. The one formed by the union of … uh …” Shining’s brows knitted together as he tried to recall.

“Morrigan the Temptress of the Mountains and Wily Winsome of the Southern Plains,” I recited almost automatically. Just as Queen Chrysalis would demand if I were reporting to her. Just as I should for my new rulers and hosts.

Shining offered a small smile of thanks. “Yes, them. The ones who run the, ah, brothels in Equestrian territory.” His smile faded. “I’m going to have to ask you some questions about them.”

A small part of me felt suddenly important. I could teach them about my kind! Like they had me! “To learn?”

“Yes, in a way. I’d like to learn if they’re going to be a threat like Chrysalis.”

“The Smokey Mountain hive has never held any interest in conquest or subjugation,” I rattled off before I could even process the meaning behind his words. Then I did. I blinked twice. “Are … are you going to attack them?”

He gave his head a firm shake as his pencil scratched across the page. “I don’t plan on it, but I’d like to be careful. Hearing that changelings have been living in those mountains, running brothels out of them for generations, is a matter of national security. So, while I’ll admit, part of my interest is academic—” his eyes hardened, those warm blue irises were less like the open sky, more like the breath of the Winter Spirits “—if they’re hurting ponies, I’m not going to let it continue.”

I did try to suppress the shudder that ran through my body. Shining Armor, as mentioned before, is no pushover. Absentmindedly, I rubbed my faceplate, the first thing to hit the ground after his shield cast my former hive from Canterlot, and separated me from my kind.

Not a pleasant feeling or memory, but I can’t complain. It led me here, after all. With them. And you, of course, Small Pony Book. Last, but not least on the list.

I licked my lips, a nervous tick I’d picked up from watching him when Cadence was angry. “The Smokey Mountain hive doesn’t like to hurt ponies. They prefer to offer, ah, intimacy in exchange for love. Like, say you wanted—”

“I don’t.”

“I don’t mean you, but say … hang on.” I picked Sunburst’s form from memory and changed in a flash of green fire. “Let’s say Sunburst wanted to enjoy a beautiful mare’s company,” I said in his voice. “If he went to their resort in the mountains, he’d find a hive of changelings happy to see his needs met.”

Shining nodded and glanced down at his notes as he added a few more lines. “Standard practice then. Anything else?”

“Oh, much more. Or, if maybe he was feeling some, ah, urges ponies aren’t too inclined to share because of connotations, they’ll take part to satisfy him.”

His pencil stopped. “That sounds almost like some strange club.” Then his ears twitched. “Though, I suppose that would also fit a brothel’s nature. And given what changelings need … never mind.” With a shake of his head, he resumed writing. “Continue, please.”

In another flash of fire, I transformed into Starlight Glimmer. “Or if Starlight needed somepony to talk about details she didn’t want to share with Princess Twilight, and needed them to show her she could still be loved afterward …”

Scratch, scratch scratch went his pencil across the page. Shining glanced up at me for a moment, frowning. “Could you change back, please?”

“Oh, right!” A blush blossomed across Starlight’s cheeks before I transformed back into my natural form. I rubbed at my headfin and gave a sheepish smile. “Does that help?”

“It’s … information, all right,” he said with a sigh. He brought a hoof up to massage the bridge of his snout. “Ponies go voluntarily, then? No compulsion?”

“None but what takes them there. I think Queen Ember might send a few changelings into the nearby towns to offer services—” he winced at my choice of wording “—but no compulsion is used. Well, unless the pony is inclined toward that sort of thing. I hear it can be quite—”

Shining held up his free hoof. His face twisted as if he were sucking on a lemon. “Please don’t,” he grumbled, his other hoof moved to cover his eyes. His shoulders shook.

“Ah, right. Sorry.” I could’ve bit myself. How could I forget his history with compulsions?

“It’s fine. Just not something I want to hear about.”

Another nervous chitter sounded from the back of my throat. I thought a moment, searching for something else. “Their Queen is quite nice, I hear.”

His ears perked up. “Oh?”

“By virtue of causing Queen Chrysalis to rage for days when she refused to allow our hive to feed upon her patrons so we could strengthen for the invasion.”

Slowly, he brought his hoof down from his eyes. “Really?”

I nodded so vigorously I thought my brain might rattle around in my head. Not pleasant. “That was after she refused to take part in the invasion. She even slighted our hive.”

Shining arched a brow. A bemused smile crept across his face. “What’d she say?”

“That we must be impressively pathetic to come seeking nourishment in her territory, served up like a buffet. She also added that she would take any of us trespassing to feed on ponies an offense of the gravest sort.”

His brows disappeared beneath his mane. “She doesn’t play around.”

“Of course not. The safety of the hive is paramount to any Queen, as is the vitality of their food source.” When I noticed the flat look he shot me, I ducked my head. “Er, well, ours aside. Queen Chrysalis sort of went mad. Even by the standards of our history, no changeling had ever thought to wage open war and risk exposing the entire race as an enemy to hate and fear—I mean, we need love and other positive emotions to survive!”

Again, his brows disappeared beneath his bangs. “So,” he said, “what I’m gathering here is that most of your kind didn’t think the invasion a particularly wise move.”

“To be fair, we don’t do much independent thinking. If the Queen orders it, we do it.”

“Right. Should’ve known that by now.” With a sigh, he ran a hoof through his mane. “Okay. Well, thanks for the information, buddy. That puts me at ease. Somewhat. In some sense.” Shining wrinkles his snout. “As much as I can be with that revelation.”

I sat up straight, happy to have been of service to my Prince. But there was still something on my mind. “So, you’re not going to attack them? Or are they still in trouble?”

“Last time I checked, there’s no law against being a changeling in Equestria.” He set his notepad and pencil down and leaned back, folding his hooves over his belly. “I’ll double check and see if Celestia and Luna know about them. If so, we do nothing. If not, we’ll probably end up trying to contact their Queen—uh—”


“Right, Ember. We’ll see about some sort of diplomacy with Queen Ember. Something.” Shining took one last look at his notes, then floated them off to the side. “Either way, thanks for your help, Thorax. I appreciate you sharing this with me.”

I bowed my head. “Of course. I’m happy to serve.”

Occasions such as these are quite gratifying, Small Pony Book. They remind me that, despite how strange my hosts might seem, they are still rulers. Rulers are served by good, loyal subjects.

Princess Cadence and Prince-Captain Shining Armor are my rulers. As are Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle. To each of them, I am grateful and loyal.

I will always be a good, loyal subject.

Author's Note:

Queen Ember is a reference to one of SPark's OCs from a story I can't link here!

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