• Published 5th Dec 2016
  • 839 Views, 11 Comments

Catch Me If You Can - Zantetsuken

Rainbow and Applejack have a simple unspoken rule with their friendly rivalry: Keep their friends out of it. But it was only a matter of time before one of them bent the rules.

  • ...

The Setup

Chapter 1 (The Setup)

It was a little after noon when Rainbow Dash touched down in front of Sweet Apple Acres and began trotting forward. She had agreed to help Applejack with some farm work today. The speedster pegasus usually detested farmwork, but still agreed to do it this time seeing as how she hadn't helped out Applejack in a while, also all they would be doing is cleaning things up in the barn.

She walked up to the already open barn and tapped her hoof on the door a few times before entering.

“Applejack, hello? You in here?” Rainbow asked as she stepped into the barn, the hay on the floor audibly crunching under her hooves.

Rainbow Dash was slowly advancing into the barn and looking around when Applejack came down from the second floor to greet her. “Well howdy there Rainbow!” Applejack said in a cheerful tone, causing Rainbow Dash to turn and face her. “Ah’m happy to see y’all came ‘round, ah’m in need of some help here. Follow me back up to the second floor!”

“Kay.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to the hatch that led to the second floor and Applejack took the ladder back up.

Rainbow Dash touched down onto the second floor and waited near the hatch for Applejack. While Applejack was slowly making her ascent up the ladder, Rainbow lazily looked around the room. It was pretty much a cluttered mess with various objects all over the floor and walls. This floor, much like the first, was covered in hay as well. Rainbow Dash looked down and kicked some hay with one of her forehooves.

After a few more seconds, Applejack emerged from the hatch and got up onto the floor. “Ah’m a might thankful for ya helpin me today.”

“No problem,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked around. “It’s a lot worse than I thought, though. What happened up here?”

“It’s Applebloom and her friends, they been playin up here a lot lately and makin’ a huge mess of things. That’s why ah put a lock on the hatch a few days ago. Applebloom got annoyed, but ah told her it’s dangerous to be playin up here seein’ as how ah got pitchforks, shovels and all this other farm equipment just lyin’ ‘round the room. Since ah like the things to be stored in this room in a very neat and tidy way, ah gotta clean it, also Applebloom ain’t allowed up here anymore.”

“I see,” Rainbow Dash responded.”Well I guess we should start cleaning then.”

Applejack nodded, told the pegasus what to do, and both of them got to work.


Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been working and talking for the past few hours organizing and straightening out the barn. They were almost done when Applejack had to lasso a few bales of hay that were in the barn and bring them outside.

Applejack picked up her rope and started to twirl it above her head with Rainbow Dash hovering in the air to her left. Applejack cast the lasso on the hay bale and missed.

Applejack let out a slight annoyed grunt and pulled the lasso back before twirling it over her head and casting it on the hay bale again. The lasso went too high and caught on a pitchfork that was up against the wall instead, causing it to fall onto the hay bale Applejack was trying to rope. Applejack facehoofed. “Oh, for Celestia’s sake.”

Rainbow Dash started to laugh as Applejack went and untied the lasso from the pitchfork. “Wow Applejack! You really must not have it today,” the pegasus said while still snickering.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes were closed, her laughing was dying down when she suddenly felt all four of her hooves yanked together. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and they instantly widened when she saw a rope tying her hooves together. Before she could even react or say anything she was pulled to the ground and landed on the hay covered barn floor with a thud.

The dazed pegasus opened her eyes and saw Applejack standing by the hay bale with the lasso in her mouth, her eyes followed the rope back to her hooves. “Hey! What gives!?” she asked, shooting a glare at the work horse.

Applejack chuckled a bit. “Y’all said ah didn’t have it today and laughed at me so ah thought ah would lasso ya to test that theory.”

Rainbow Dash wiggled her hooves a bit and slipped out of the lasso. “Well you didn't have to pull me to the ground!” she said as she stood back up on all fours. “You just caught me off guard!” She took a few confident steps towards Applejack. “I guarantee that if I knew you were going to lasso me there, I would have been able to dodge it!”

“Would ya really now?” Applejack asked.

“Absolutely!” Rainbow Dash said standing tall with pride before before hovering a few feet in the air again. “Wanna try me?” She asked with a confident glare.

Applejack took a few steps past Rainbow Dash and chuckled. “Maybe later, but not right now.” She replied before successfully lassoing the hay bale and walking it outside.

While Applejack was dragging the hay bale outside, Rainbow continued to hover behind her and decided to playfully push Applejack a bit farther. “You know, it’s cool if you just want to admit you wouldn't be able to do it.”

Applejack put the hay bale at the side of the barn and turned around to face Rainbow. “What are y’all tryin’ to say?”

Rainbow Dash landed in front of the earth pony. “Nothing really, just that I know you couldn't lasso me if I expected it. You're just saying ‘maybe later’ instead of admitting that I'm just too awesome and fast for you to catch and tie up!” Rainbow Dash replied with a bright smile.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?” the blonde maned mare asked with intrigue.

“Maaaaaaaaybe.” Rainbow Dash playfully replied while rocking back and forth on her hooves.

Applejack closed her eyes and started walking back to the entrance of the barn. “Fine then, let's make a bet. Ah want y’all to come back here at nine o'clock tonight and we will see if y’all can avoid being caught and tied by me till seven in the mornin’, sound good?”

Rainbow Dash returned a confident grin. “Ten hours? No sweat!” the pegasus boastfully replied, hovering a few feet off the ground again. “I’ll do it, but you need to have a good reward for when I undoubtedly win!”

Applejack thought for a moment. “Ah could give y’all five-hundred bits for your troubles and admit you were right.” She said, giving Rainbow a nervous smile.

Rainbow Dash just hovered in the air with her front hooves crossed and gave the farm pony an unimpressed look. “Really AJ? Come on now! I deserve better than that!”

Applejack nervously rubbed the back of her head. “Well Ah’m not sure what else ah can offer ya, Unless you have any ideas.”

Rainbow Dash thought for a few moments.”Hmmm, how about when I win, you tell me how awesome and amazing I am everyday for the next week and at the next cider season you give me all the cider I want for free and without me having to wait in line!”

Applejack ran her hoof along her chin for a moment before answering. “Hmmmm, you drive a hard bargain, Rainbow. Ah’ll do it! But ah ain’t goin easy on ya and if ya win don’t think ah’m ever gonna give ya this chance again! Ah can’t just have any pony cutting in line and gettin cider for free! Now if you lose to me, you have to do farm work everyday for the next two weeks!”

“Ha! You’re on!” Rainbow Dash replied. “I’ll see you later tonight then!” The pegasus shouted as she slowly flew backwards. “Wow Applejack, you are so going to regret this!” Rainbow Dash snickered before turning around and flying in the direction of Ponyville.

Applejack grinned at the pegasus as she flew off. “We’ll see ‘bout that, Rainbow… we will see.” Applejack lassoed the last two bales of hay and put them at the side of the barn.

After finishing up a couple other small things, Applejack looked around and climbed up the ladder in the barn that lead to upstairs. She walked around the room and looked for something. She had been drawn to a large circular container in the corner of the room and she opened it to see golden-brown material inside. Applejack stuck the tip of her hoof into the material and tried to lift it out only to have a strand of the material come up with her hoof, stuck to it. She had pulled her hoof out and wiped the material off on the floor, she then turned the container around revealing a label that read adhesive. A devious grin crept across the face of the earth pony “Perfect,” she muttered to herself.


Rainbow Dash flew over Ponyville on her way to Sugarcube Corner. From her vantage point she could see ponies trotting about the streets and roads, all of them normally going about their activities. She also noticed quite a few foals walking around in the mix too, it wasn't surprising, seeing as how school let out a couple hours ago. Before long Rainbow Dash made it to Sugarcube Corner and touched down onto the bustling street before trotting in.

Rainbow Dash blinked, surprised when she saw Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie all sitting at a table near the back of the shop.

Pinkie Pie quickly noticed the pony and started frantically waving her forehooves in the air. “Hiya, Rainbow Dash! Over here!”

Af is she wasn't already going to without Pinkie’s overly enthusiastic greeting, Rainbow Dash promptly trotted over to the table. “What are all of you doing here?” the pegasus asked as she approached the table.

“Pinkie Pie decided to invite all of us over for dinner.” Twilight answered.

“Pinkie Pie is trying out a new recipe for hayburgers that she found. We all just got here about five minutes ago so she hasn't started making them yet.” Fluttershy added on.

“She would have invited you and Applejack over, but as I recall you two were busy with other matters,” Rarity said, finishing the explanation.

“Yeah, but me and Applejack finished up already,” Rainbow Dash said, pulling up a seat.

“Is Applejack coming?” Twilight asked looking around.

“Not that I know of.” Rainbow said while sitting down. “Actually I kind of have a funny story to tell you all. Me and Applejack are kind of in the middle of another challenge with each other. Even though she doesn't realize I totally have her beat this time!”

“Ohhhh another challenge! What is it? NO NO! Let me guess! Best cook? Best looking pony? Best Swimmer? A rap battle?” Pinkie rattled off excitedly.

“No, none of those things,” Rainbow Dash calmly answered back. “I have to go back to Sweet Apple Acres at nine o’clock tonight where Applejack gave me a challenge. If I can avoid being lassoed and tied by her, which I totally can and will by the way, until seven in the morning. I get a super awesome reward!” Rainbow Dash said, eyes glistening at the word ‘reward’.

Twilight put one of her forehooves to her chin “Sounds more like a test of endurance. Interesting.”

“What would this supposed reward be, Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked with her interest piqued.

“If Applejack wins, I have to do two weeks of farmwork.” Rainbow Dash answered in a bored tone of voice. “But if I win, Applejack has to tell me how awesome and cool I am everyday for a whole week! Not only that, I get all the free cider I want next cider season without having to wait in line!” she said with glee.

“FREE CIDER!?” The other four ponies simultaneously asked, causing the pegasus to lean back a bit in shock.

Rainbow Dash took a second to recover from the shock before sitting upright again. “YEP! That’s what I said, free cider!”

“How in Equestria did you get free cider out of Applejack?” Twilight asked in bewilderment.

Rainbow Dash simply shrugged. “I dunno, I just kinda asked her and she agreed to it, she did say she would only do it this one time though.”

“Hmmm I see.” Twilight responded. The table soon went awkwardly quiet with the ponies all just looking at each other in silence for about a full minute before somepony finally spoke again.

“I think I’m going to go start those hayburgers now.” Pinkie said while slowly stepping away from the table.

“Yes quite that sounds like a… good idea.” Rarity said, just as awkwardly.

“So ummm… how has everypony’s day been?” Rainbow Dash asked in an attempt to break the awkwardness.

“Oh it was uhh… good.” Twilight answered first, her words short and snappy as if she was trying to avoid speaking.

“Yes, I had a good day as well.” Rarity followed.

“I just look after my animals.” Fluttershy answered in a monotone voice.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “You know, you guys have been acting real strange since I brought up the free cider I’ll get when I beat Applejack’s challenge, are any of you jealous?”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “N-No, Rainbow, we’re happy for you! I mean it’s not like any of us drink that cider every year and would love to not pay for it or wait in line.”

Rarity just gave Twilight an unimpressed look. “Subtle, darling.”

Rainbow thought for a moment. “You know, maybe you could all come with me and I could convince Applejack to let you in on the challenge.”

Twilight put her hoof to her chin. “I don’t know, Rainbow Dash, Something tells me Applejack wouldn't be willing to risk all that profit.”

“Don’t worry, Twilight! I got this! Just come with me and let me do the talking!” Rainbow Dash confidently boasted.

“Alright then, I’ll try it, are we all in, girls?” Twilight asked, sticking her hoof out.

Fluttershy thought for a few moments before nodding and putting her hoof over Twilight’s “I’m game.”

Rarity used her forehooves to fix her hair a bit. “Normally I would not agree to this but I simply cannot pass up the promise of free cider if Applejack allows it and we are successful! Count me in!” Rarity confidently said, sticking her hoof out over Fluttershy and Twilight’s.

The three ponies all agreed and pulled their hooves back. They all casually talked while they waited for Pinkie to come back with the hayburgers.

A few minutes later, Pinkie walked downstairs carrying a platter of fifteen hayburgers on her head, three for each pony.

Pinkie got up to the table and started passing out the meal to each of the ponies. “Here you go! I hope you all like it! It’s a recipe I found just a few days ago!”

Twilight had spoken up as Pinkie passed by her. “Pinkie, I wanted to let you know we are all going with Rainbow Dash to Sweet Apple Acres to see if we can be a part of the challenge her and Applejack are doing.”

A huge smile came onto Pinkie’s face as she put Rarity’s burgers down in front of her and sat down herself. “Whew, that’s a relief! I was worried that we would all eat and Rainbow Dash would fly off to Sweet Apple Acres and win that challenge and we would all be jealous cause Rainbow would have free cider and not have to wait in line while we would still have to camp out and pay and all that stuff!” She finished, taking a large breath.

“So... does that mean you’re in?” Fluttershy asked.

“Are you loco in the coco?” Pinkie asked. “Of course I’m in! I would be crazy to pass up free cider!”

All the ponies ate their burgers, left Sugarcube Corner and agreed to meet outside Sweet Apple Acres just before nine.


It was about ten minutes before nine now, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight were all trotting over to Sweet Apple Acres, as well as Rainbow Dash who was gliding along with them.

When the mares got done eating at Surgarcube Corner they all had a little less than than three hours before having to go to Sweet Apple Acres for the long night ahead. While they weren't sure if Applejack would let them be apart of the challenge or not, most of them took precautions anyway.

Both Rarity and Twilight went home and took naps, with Twilight opting to read up a bit on endurance challenges before hers. She had also asked Starlight Glimmer if she wanted to join the challenge, to which she politely declined. Starlight had stated that she wouldn't be any good at the challenge, and she didn’t care for cider anyway.

Rainbow Dash took the time to practice her reflexes, not only while flying but also on her hooves, a thought that came when she realized that Applejack might pull the no-flying rule on her.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie didn’t really do anything other than their usual routine.

The five ponies got to Sweet Apple Acres and noticed the barn was both lit up and open, prompting them to walk towards it. As they got closer they were able to see Applejack leaning up against the barn on her side with both her front and back legs crossed. Her stetson hat was down over her eyes and she had a stick of hay in her mouth. Her laid-back posture and look indicated a mare who was just as confident as her competitor in her abilities to win the challenge of the night.

Rainbow Dash had walked up to Applejack and gave the pony a smug grin and glare as the other four ponies stood behind her. “I hope you’re prepared to lose some bits this cider season, Applejack!” Rainbow Dash taunted.

“Ah would give up on the trash talkin’ if ah were you,” Applejack said. She stood up straight, and used her forehoof to tip her hat back up. “It might not be as easy as ya…” The earth pony stopped what she was saying she noticed Pinkie, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity standing behind Rainbow Dash.

“Might not be as easy as what?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack ignored Rainbow Dash's question and was more focused on the ponies behind her. “Rainbow, mind telling me why ya brought along Pinkie, Twi, Rarity and Fluttershy?”

Rainbow Dash was about to open her mouth to answer Applejack when Pinkie interupted her. “Rainbow Dash told us about the challenge you and her were having tonight and said that if she wins she gets free cider and we all like cider too so we want in!”

“PINKIE!” Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash, all yelled at her in unison in a scolding tone.

Applejack shot a glare at the pegasus and took a few steps towards her. “So y’all went ‘round town tellin’ ponies I was gonna give ya free cider if ya won the challenge?”

“No I didn’t!” Rainbow defensively shouted. “The only ones I told were them!” The pegasus said as she pointed at the four ponies behind her. “I was thinking maybe they do the challenge with us and if one of us is left uncaptured when the challenge ends we all win! You still have to tell me how awesome I am every day for a week and give all of us free cider without having to wait in line at the next cider season, sooooooo...”

“Absolutely not!” Applejack responded, stomping her hoof. “Ah’m takin a big enough risk just lettin you have free cider, Rainbow! Ah even told ya when we made the challenge that ah can’t have just any pony cuttin’ in line and gettin’ cider for free!”

“But we’re not just any ponies, we’re your friends!” Pinkie Pie gleefully responded.

“It’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable taking the risk, Applejack, we understand,” Twilight said in a neutral, though slightly disappointed tone.

Applejack sighed. “Gimme a few seconds.” She took a deep breath, and turned around. She thought of her position and what she spent the last two hours doing… maybe she was more prepared to take on all her friends than she thought. What if they won though? How many bits would she lose in cider sales from them alone?

Her thoughtful reverie was interrupted when a familiar raspy voice broke through.

“See, Applejack? I knew you were too scared to take on all five of us! You know, I’ll still let you admit you can’t do it, if you wanna save yourself the embarrassment.” Rainbow Dash taunted.

Applejack knew the mind game Rainbow was trying to pull again. She used it earlier in the day to coax Applejack into doing the challenge, she noticed then too but purposely took the bait. Rainbow Dash probably figured if the trick worked once it would work again, but Applejack wasn't usually one to fall for the same trick twice. Despite the taunts from the pegasus, Applejack had thought things over and had reached a decision.

Twilight saw Applejack still standing with her back to them and gave a sigh. “Looks like she’s not going to budge. Let’s go, girls.”

The four ponies turned and started walking away, while Rainbow Dash shot a glare at the work horse.

A couple seconds later, Applejack turned around and finally spoke again. “Wait!”

All four ponies stopped and looked back to face Applejack.

“Ah’ll do it!” The earth pony enthusiastically said with a grin. “If y’all can survive until 7 in the mornin, ah’ll give y’all free cider without havin to wait in line this year!”

Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s eyes lit up with excitement while Twilight was skeptical. “But Applejack, weren't you just worried about the bits you would lose if we all won? Why the sudden change of heart?”

“Well, ah thought it over and ah reckon, y’all will have a pretty tough night ahead of ya considering some… surprises ah have in store.” Applejack chuckled deviously.

“Oooooh I love surprises! Especially fun surprises! What kind of surprises do you have?” Pinkie excitedly asked.

“Sorry! Not tellin ya!” Applejack answered.

“Well then what are we waiting for? Let's start!” Rainbow Dash was about to fly off when Applejack stopped her.

“Hold up Rainbow, since y’all are playing now ah’m gonna have to make some new rules. The first rule applies to you, Twilight, and Fluttershy.”

“Oh, here it comes.” Rainbow lazily said.

“No flying allowed!” Applejack cheerfully said with a smile, while at the same time Rainbow Dash recited the infamous rule in a monotone voice. The annoyed pegasus touched down on the ground and pawed at the dirt beneath her hooves. While she didn’t like the rule she was at least relieved that she worked on her on-hoof agility before coming.

“Now this next one applies to you, Twi.” Applejack said, stepping over to the alicorn.

Twilight already had a good idea of of what Applejack was gonna say but decided not to guess and just let Applejack say it. “Alright.”

“If ah manage to lasso ya, ah don’t want ya teleportin all over the place, otherwise it’s unfair.”

“Don’t worry, Applejack, I have every intention of playing fair,” Twilight responded. “But let me just clarify something; so I can still use magic, just not teleport away when and if you catch me?”

Applejack nodded. “Y’all can use magic as long as it doesn't break any of the rules.”

“Got it!” Twilight replied with a smile. “I was actually thinking you were going to tell me I couldn't use magic at all.”

“Ah thought about it, but ah reckon as long as it doesn't break any rules ah’m fine with it.” Applejack said as she walked into the barn and motioned for the others follow her. Once they were inside, Applejack grabbed some rope and started tying Rainbow’s wings to her body, as the pegasus rolled her eyes. “So here is how the challenge is gonna go. Imma be searching the orchard for y’all all night, if ah find ya, ah have to lasso ya, tie ya up, and get ya to the barn. If y’all can escape before ah get ya to this here barn then you’re still in the game but if ah get ya in the barn, y’all have to stay here for the rest of the night. Ah’m also locking the barn door to make sure none of y’all can escape.”

Applejack finished with Rainbow Dash and began to tie Fluttershy's wings to her body. While the earth pony was doing that, Rainbow Dash looked at the rope around her body and tried to move her wings, obviously they didn’t budge.

As Applejack was tying Fluttershy, she spoke again. “If any of y’all leave the apple orchard before the challenge is over, ah win by default.”

Applejack finished tying Fluttershy’s wings and was getting the rope to do Twilight’s, when Rarity asked a question. “Applejack, I was just wondering, will anything happen to us if we lose? Or will Rainbow Dash just have to do the two weeks of farmwork?”

“Ah’ve actually been thinking of that, and ah came to a decision. If y’all lose, y’all have to do farm work for me for one week. It don’t feel right for me to have just Rainbow slavin’ away on the farm when all y’all were a part of the challenge.”

Rarity’s eyes widened in horror.

“Hmmm, that makes since.” Twilight replied. ”I guess I can have Starlight and Spike take care of things at the castle if we lose.”

“I used to work on a rock farm when I was a filly! So no biggie!” Pinkie replied.

Fluttershy said nothing and just nodded her head in agreement.

Rarity started backing away from the group. “Um y-you know I just remembered I umm have a very important order of dresses to make for tomorrow and I umm I have to get my beauty sleep. S-So I’ll just be on my way and leave you all to your challenge.”

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight all shot suspicious glares at Rarity, causing the pony to nervously glup and force a crooked smile.

Applejack had finished tying Twilight’s wings to her body and scrutinized Rarity, along with the rest of the group.

Rarity looked on for a couple more seconds before realizing none of them were buying her lie and slowly walked back over to the group. “I don’t want to do farm work, though! Just imagine the dreadful state my hooves coat and mane will be in at the end of each day! I will have to take constant trips to the spa just to get it all out!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I don’t see why you're even complaining about it, Rarity, we got this in the bag! Even if me Twilight and Fluttershy can’t fly, there is no way Applejack can catch all five of us in one night!”

“I will have you know that I'm not complaining, I'm whining.” Rarity said, regaining her composure for the most part.

“Whining, complaining, same thing. Point is we got this.” Rainbow confidently boasted.

Twilight tested her wings, but the rope held them firm. It felt weird not being able to use her wings, almost like she was a unicorn again. She shrugged it off and turned to Applejack. “So is that everything, Applejack?”

“Sure is!” Applejack took her hat off and pulled out a watch. “Ah got this here little watch so ah can tell what time it is… It looks like it's 9:14 now, so I’m gonna start the challenge right away and it will end at 7:14 in the mornin’. So once ah say go, y’all are gonna run off into the orchard and y’all can’t come out until the challenge is over! Ready?”

All her friends nodded in unison.


All five of the ponies rocketed out of the barn and into the Apple orchard.

(End of Chapter 1)

Author's Note:

Here it is The start of my newest big project

After 5 months of work I'm excited to finally be releasing these.

Chapters two and three are finished and will be released weekly so if you liked this, then great because there is more coming!