• Published 11th Dec 2016
  • 402 Views, 7 Comments

A Nation Divided... - Silver Inkwell

When war spreads across the land of Equestria, ponies must choose a side between the two sisters, but Ruby Crystal has no plans to get involved in this war, but when she is forced to choose a side, who will she pick and join?

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Introductions, Meeting Princess Luna, and Promises

Chapter Three: Introductions, Meeting Princess Luna, and Promises

There are many phrases which can describe shock and surprise, some are not appropriate for this story, some can be religious in a very loose term and definition of the word, most are questions or just comments instead, and there are different kinds of responses too, anger, fear, sadness, joy, even confusion.

The last one is the one that I will be talking about, mostly, or at least for this story anyhow, and it is that exact same feeling that she had in her now.

And why was that, because the castle less then she expected or dreamed about, and many things in life can turn out to be that way, for example, a recent event in my life was that I went to the beach with my family, but it turned out to be a ‘beach’ in only the very loosest of terms and definitions.
It had sand, it had water, it had no waves, and the water was very low, and that was it, in fact to be quite honest it was more of a very shallow and dry pond that just happened to be so very large wide and vast as well.

But this is not about me and that beach, no, this is about Ruby instead, so lets’ get back to her now, shall we? “What is this?” she said looking at it.

“The castle, it’s quite a sight, isn’t it?” Orion said with some pride.

“I guess that is, depending upon how you look at it.”

“What do you ever mean by that exactly?” He said with some slight confusion.

“Well...” she said looking at it trying to list all the little tiny faults within it, “It’s just that I’s not quite as I imagined it, there’s dust and cracks everywhere.”

“That’s only natural, a castle will get that with time,” he said.

“Yeah, I know, but you could have some pony to fix and clean that up, and there is also the matter of decoration, why that door and those gargoyles?”

“Them?” he said, “Oh don’t mind them, and the door is obvious, don’t you think so? I mean I always have said it gives away our hiding spot.”

He was right, because a crescent moon was painted on it, and the castle itself was very gray (and not black as she expected) and the door was black with a silver moon (two actually, one facing left, the other right instead), but overall from her first impression it was severely lacking in a lot of things already.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “Not everything is as it seems at first.”

And with that said he knocked on the door in a very particular pattern, two fast, pause, one slow, two fast, pause, one slow, and then repeat twice more.

And with that the door opened up very slowly to let them in.

“Hello Orion, it’s nice to see you again, and I see that you have a new recruit here with you,” the female voice said stepping back to let them both go in.

“Yes,” he said, “Thank you for that, and by the way, my partner should be coming along very shortly, she always does seem to run a bit behind.”

“I was just about to ask you that,” the female voice continued, “And yes, Miss Muffins does always seem to be on the slow end, but she is still very loyal to us, and that’s the only thing that really matters or counts
around here now.”

And with that said they waited for Orion’s partner to come, who turned out to be a pony that Ruby knew to her great shock and surprise, “I see that there were guards,” Derpy said, “And it also seems that you were wrong yet again.”

“Derpy?” Ruby said, “You’re with them too?”

“Shut up,” she said. “Don’t say my real true name, don’t you know that?”

“No, she doesn’t because I just abducted her,” Orion said.

“I’m sorry,” Ruby said, “I don’t really know anything that’s going on here really, if I did then I wouldn’t have done what I did, please forgive me.”

And with that said they all looked at her, “She’s a bit too weak, don’t you think” the unnamed female one said. “If I recall you were that way too, Amethyst.”

“Hey, did you forget that you’re not supposed to use our real true names?”

“No, I just don’t care, if she accepts then it doesn’t matter, if not, well then the princess does have many
memory spells, so no harm and no foul ever done.”

“Well then,” Amethyst said, “I think that you should show her the labs then.”

“Very well then,” he said taking Ruby’s hooves very gently and the walking her to a door and then entered a room with the others, “Alright.”

And then with that said Ruby spoke up, “What labs here exactly?”

He laughed and then pulled on a lever that started to pull the room down, and then said, “Why it’s the underground labs, it’s the part that we don’t show every pony, well except the ones that we want to join us, and you my lucky dear, are one of them, and just so you know, this is called an elevator by the way, it’s a very useful thing that makes it very easy and convenient for any pony to get to high up or very low places without taking the stairs or flying or using magic instead, but anyways,” he said as it suddenly came to a
stop and then opened its doors very slowly to reveal a very large wide vast big chamber, “Welcome to the
Republic,” he said pointing out his hoof to display it with much pride, for it indeed was something that she could have easily imagined and thought up of, and it was like all her dreams were coming true.

“This is like a dream come true,” she said staring at it, “But how?”

“I don’t really know exactly, but let’s just say that since this is the princess of dreams and the night and the darkness and shadows that we’re talking about here, well let’s just say that she knows how to manipulate your mind, and she quite often can and will, especially for the new recruits, but don’t worry, there are some parts that every pony does see constantly, so you should be seeing what I see and the others too very soon, that is only if you decide to join us.”

“Why would I not want to join you?” she said.

“That is the question that we have asked many, and there are many reasons as to why, one, you could be loyal to Celestia, but that is very rare since we make sure to check their true real allegiance by reading their mail and what they write and how they act, two, they could want to remain neutral like many who still are, three, family or friends, they don’t want to fight them or join them either, they would rather prefer to just sit and watch from the sidelines instead.

Four, love, again, they don’t want to fight against that which they care for.

And finally, five, fear, they are afraid of what will happen if they do join us.

But we know that you don’t have any love or friends, and we know that your current loyalty is none, but we also know that you want to change his war too, but you can’t, you wish that you could, but you don’t have the strength or power or even knowledge to do so, but we can help you get that for you.”

“How?” she said, “How can you help me out? How do you know all this?”

“Hello, I’m a mail pony,” Derpy said, “And they need resources, why do you think that they even have me here in the first place? I mean I’m not that good at anything else really, other than communications, but that’s all really.”

“Yes, exactly what I was going to say, more or less,” Orion said, “But anyhow, we have all kinds of ponies here, mail, delivery, mission, info, warriors, leaders, artists, painters, writers, readers, janitors and cleaners, maintenance and repair, cooks and chefs, scientists, the honest, brave, loyal, kind, and also generous too as well, basically if you name it then we probably already have them, if not, well let’s just say that we soon will, we don’t exclude any pony who is willing and ready to serve, weak or strong, smart or not, we will always have a place for you, and if we don’t, then we’ll make one, that’s our motto here, or is it something else in Latin instead? I’m sure that it doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter,” Amethyst said, “It matters very much and a lot to Luna.”

“I know, but I just don’t really care unless she does, and that’s because every new recruit is different and special and unique, and that’s why I am the best.”

“You don’t have to brag about it,” a new but still very familiar voice said that perfectly summed up what all the females were about to say then.

“Octavia!” Orion said turning to the gray mare, “So glad that you could join us here and now, but if I may ask, what took you so long to get here exactly?”

“I was busy,” she said and then she looked very carefully at Ruby, “Who’s this here? A new recruit I would assume? She looks very cute for you, good choice.”

“Hey,” he said, “You know that I don’t work that way, not anymore at least.”

“Oh, I know that,” she said, “But what I don’t know is what’s her name now.”

“Oh, she’s Ruby Crystal, and hopefully she will be our latest and newest recruit because she still hasn’t said yes yet,” Orion said to Octavia very plainly.

“Well then, get on with that, if I have another new one to train I need to know as soon as possible, oh, and you can take off that silly little disguise now.”

“I know,” he said as she walked very slow away and then he took off his plain and very simple brown cloak to reveal a pair of wings along with his horn.

“Wait,” Ruby said looking at him very carefully and slowly, “You’re an alicorn?”

“Temporarily,” he said, “Only for the duration of this war, but yes, I am, at first I was originally a Pegasus, but after Luna saw how well I fought she decided to give me a ‘promotion’ and a higher rank and position, but to be quite honest and frank with you, I really don’t use the horn that much except in dire need when magic is required or would be faster instead, and that’s about all really.”

“I can’t believe that you’re actually an alicorn,” she said.

“I know, neither did I at first, I thought that it could and surely would be and was a mind trick of Luna, but it wasn’t it was all real as you can clearly see now, but come, we have delayed too much time talking, we must meet her.

And with that said he walked on and continued to talk as Derpy went to do her various random tasks that she had to do, “Though I do must admit that having magic is pretty cool and awesome, I also know that one day I can’t and won’t have it, so that’s why I don’t use it too much, otherwise I might become too addicted to it and won’t stop, but when I do use it, oh, it gives me such a thrill and much delight and joy too, I just wish that I could use it more often.”

And with that said he stopped as they arrived outside a very large office with the symbols of the moon on the front door, “Here we are,” he said, “The only question now is this, do you want to go in first, or should I go instead?”

“I think that you should go first,” she said, and with that said he nodded and said, “Very well then, as you wish,” and then opened the door very slowly.

“I have a new guest for you, one that probably has questions.”

“They all do,” Luna said, “But come now, let me see her.”

And with that said Luna turned around from the window to stare at her as Ruby finally got the chance to look at all of them. Orion had a black coat and hooves, and a silver mane and hair and eyes, and Luna, well you should know how lovely she looked, but she also was regal and quiet and scary then too.

“Still picking all the right mares, aren’t you Orion?” she said jokingly.

He took a very deep heavy long sigh, “I don’t work like that anymore.”

“I know, I was merely just joking round with you, but nonetheless she is still quite well for our purpose, but her goals are not the same as our quest.

But still, if she is to join us she must make and oath and a promise to us.”

“Of what kind is it exactly?” Ruby said before she could stop herself.

“So you can speak, that is very good, but to answer your question, it is one of the most serious nature, but if you are to take it, you must show me respect first, after all, a loyal and obedient citizen will bow and kneel before their leaders and rulers, and while I may not be yours just yet, I am still a princess no matter
what others say, I still rule the night sky and stars, I still enter dreams and control the darkness and
shadows, so show some respect.”

She lowered he head and bowed, but did not kneel, “I only do this because you wish it,” she said, “Because any ruler or leader who will not bow or kneel before the ponies that they serve is not fit or worthy to be called one, and therefore they are not fit or worthy to rule and lead, and the position must be taken by another, so the only real question now is this, can you bow and kneel before others, princess?” she said getting up and staring her straight in the face.

“I see that we already have a spark of rebellion in you, that’s very good too, but yes, I can and will and do bow and kneel before others,” Luna said.

Orion looked like he wanted to speak but then was quickly shut off by Luna instead, “Keep your mouth shut, now then Ruby, here is the first question that I need to know, the one that we all must know, are you willing to join us?”

“Yes,” she said, “But only to find out the real truth, and to seek peace too.”

“Very well then, alright, but are you sure that you are ready to join?”

“I am not, and I don’t think that I ever can or will be, princess Luna.”

“Please, just call me Luna, now then, are you ready to take the oath?”

“Can I make one instead? I feel that it would be much better that way instead.”

“Very well then,” Luna said slightly confused, “Make your oath.”

“I swear to be honest and loyal to me so much as you are to me, I swear never to lie or hide the truth so much as you do to me, I swear to lay down my life to protect the princess Luna, I swear to seek and find the truth and peace, and I also swear that I will do whatever it takes to bring it to this land, even if it means that I will have to betray my friends, family, and even Luna herself.

I swear to obey orders unless I really think that another idea is much better, specifically mine, and I also swear to always do my best and be brave too.”

“I accept your oath,” Luna said, “Welcome to the Republic recruit, soon enough you’ll know everything that there is to this little tiny operation and what our goals and quests are for this organization, Orion here will be your guide and teacher along with our customary trainers like Octavia, you will train here until all of your trainers deem you ready and fit to go into battle to fight, but you won’t without my specific permission and authority first, breakfast and dinner are at six, lunch at twelve, and I don’t want to hear about you complaining about chores or the wake up time or the food or your work or your trainers or anything else instead, we don’t have time for complainers, and if you do have a real concern, interest, question, or complaint, just talk to one of your trainers or come see me if they will not respond. Also you are never to use your real true name in public ever again, your trainers will assign you a new nickname very soon enough but until then you are just recruit 02081999 or you can use your real true name only here in the underground lab and castle, but nowhere else, do you understand that?” Ruby nodded very silently. “Yes? Good then, okay, alright. Other than that have fun and stay alive, because we’re going to need every pony that we can for the war, now then if you don’t mind, please leave me now, I have duties that I must do, even if they are not royal or regal because of my sister they are still very important, so goodbye and good luck.”

And with that said Orion nodded and then they left and once they did Orion finally decided to speak, “What was that exactly back in there? Explain.”

“What was what?” she said, “I made the oath, showed her some due respect, she explained the basic rules to me and that was it, what more was there?”

“You know what I mean, your respect was very lacking and your oath, why would you ever say anything like that? To be quite honest and frank with you, I am not only surprised that she accepted it, but shocked too, she shouldn’t have, she should have demanded a better one, or the regular one instead at least, but no, she has to try out all these new crazy stupid ideas instead.:

“It seems like some pony is upset about something,” she said, “But before you explain that to me, I do actually have another question for you.”

“And that would be?” he said waving his hoof impatiently.

“You kept saying that you don’t work like that anymore, what does that mean exactly? I mean did you do something bad back when you were younger?”

“Yes and no,” he said taking a very deep heavy sigh, “And honestly I wish that I didn’t have to tell you this, but I know that if I don’t that you’ll keep your oath and be less honest with me, but back in the day, before I became an alicorn, hell even before the war, I was known for getting girls, I hunted the one that I wanted, dated her, and then would always break her heart in the end, and it wasn’t that I was a jerk, oh no, they all said that I was so very kind and nice and generous and smart and wise and intelligent, ask any pony here and they’ll also tell you that too, but the problem was with them, I liked them all, but I never found one that I could love and stick with my whole entire life, but then again, I guess that is the curse of the hunter after all, hunt, stalk, kill, but with me it’s more like hunt, stalk, date, and then break their tiny little hearts.

But no matter what I tried I couldn’t make the pain any less or make the break up any better either, and that’s why I had the name of ‘Hunter’ at one point, it was a joke about me hunting girls, but now I don’t do that anymore, for my sake and their sake, me because I have been disappointed far too many times, and them because I don’t want to hurt any more other hearts, including yours, and yes, I do admit, I liked you from the moment I saw you, even more so than some around here and others that I have hunted, but it can never work out between the two of us, not because of our rank or position or even because of this war or you, it’s all because of me, so you can train with me, talk with me, work out with me, walk with me, eat with me, whatever, but if you try to do anything romantic at all, I will know, and then I’ll try to stop it to prevent the pain, and I don’t want to end something so sweet and romantic, so I’m asking you this now, if you have any respect for me at all, and not love, just don’t try anything like that, ever. And if you do fall in love, well just don’t, please.

I don’t want you to fall in love with me, I can’t, so just try to for me.”

“I will,” she said, “But I don’t know how you can stop matters of the heart.”

“You can’t,” he said, “But you can try to change and persuade the mind instead and that will work, or at least I think and hope so, but come now, you have lots of training to do and many ponies to meet, and also we need a new uniform for you, it’s customary and tradition for every new recruit even though I don’t ever wear mine, well I do technically, but only on rare very special events like the ceremony and introduction of a new recruit just like you, but other than that I don’t just because it’s too itchy and scratchy for me, and a bit tight and stuffy now even though it’s custom made, but come now, enough with my idle talk.”

And with that said they went on their way for many new introductions.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter: Training and Ceremony

So (please) stay tuned for more!