• Published 9th Dec 2016
  • 1,866 Views, 47 Comments

My True Self - _Undefined_

Bon Bon and Lyra loved being best friends, but they both wished for more. If they only knew how the other truly felt…

  • ...


It was two weeks before the six-month anniversary of when Lyra and Bon Bon had begun dating. As the day approached, Bon Bon had pointed out that by definition, an anniversary could only celebrate something that occurred after a year. Lyra countered that while that may technically be true, their relationship was still worth celebrating, a fact that Bon Bon couldn’t deny.

Lyra and Bon Bon were walking back into town, having successfully scouted out the perfect location for the romantic picnic lunch they planned to have in two weeks. As they began to work their way toward Beech Tree Apartments, they passed by a cottage with a sign out front reading “For Sale – Open House Today.”

“Do you want to stop inside for a second?” Bon Bon asked. “I’ve been saving up for a house, and I want to get an idea of what I should expect once I start looking.”

Lyra followed Bon Bon inside. The house was two stories tall, but it wasn’t large – only about three rooms on each floor.

“It’s cozy,” Bon Bon said. “Not too big, not too small. This actually isn’t too far off from what I hope to find someday.”

They walked into the kitchen. Bon Bon was awestruck. “Look at that,” she said. The room was nearly four times the size of the kitchen in her apartment. “All that space. I could do so much in here.”

After admiring the kitchen for a couple of minutes, Bon Bon walked up to the real estate agent to find out what the asking price was. When the agent told her, Bon Bon’s face fell. She and Lyra walked back outside.

“I can’t afford a down payment on that,” Bon Bon said. “If that’s what houses cost, I’m going to have to save up for at least another half a year.”

Lyra looked at the house, then looked at Bon Bon. She thought for a moment. Finally, she asked, “Do you really like it?”

“Oh, absolutely,” Bon Bon said. “I just hope I can find something like it once I have the money to start searching.”

Lyra said, “Well, what if I put in some of my savings, and we both bought the house?”

Bon Bon looked at Lyra. She was serious.

“So we’d officially be living together?” Bon Bon asked.

“Why not?” Lyra said. “We practically do already anyway.”

Bon Bon took a minute to think about it. Lyra was right – they had been spending more and more nights at each other’s apartments.

It was a significant decision – one that Bon Bon knew would affect the rest of her life. It couldn’t be made hastily. Bon Bon spent a few more minutes lost in thought. She came to the only sensible conclusion.

“Let’s make an offer.”

The day preceding their “anniversary,” Bon Bon and Lyra received terrific news: Their offer on the house had been accepted. In order to make it official, paperwork needed to be signed and money needed to be paid to the appropriate parties. Even though it would mean a lot of time rearranging accounts at the bank and sitting with the notary at town hall, the couple was looking forward to owning a house together. But before they did any of that, they were going to spend the entirety of the upcoming day celebrating their love.

In a secluded section of White Tail Woods, Bon Bon and Lyra relaxed on the picnic blanket after having finished their romantic lunch. They were lying side by side on their backs, each with a foreleg wrapped around the other’s. They stared up at the vibrant shades of orange and gold on the trees overhead.

“Six months already,” Bon Bon said.

“Yeah,” Lyra replied.

“It feels like it’s gone by so fast.”

“Not like the year before it,” Lyra said.

Bon Bon laughed. “Why did we stay single for so long?” she said reflectively.

Lyra turned to look at Bon Bon. “Because I didn’t know it was possible to have a marefriend as great as you,” she said. Bon Bon turned her head and kissed Lyra right above the bridge of her nose.

They both looked back up toward the sky.

Bon Bon spoke. “Am I really the first pony you dated since you moved here?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Lyra said. “Once I assumed you weren’t interested in me, I thought about looking for a marefriend in Ponyville, but I couldn’t get a good enough read on any of the mares here to figure out whether they’d want me to ask them out. It’s easier in Canterlot – you just go to one of the gay bars and it makes things a lot less complicated.”

“So it wasn’t just me, that I couldn’t figure out how to get a date,” Bon Bon said.

“It’s always hard,” Lyra said. “After a few months, I was getting so desperate to find a date that even though I don’t usually go for the athletic type, I nearly tried asking out Rainbow Dash.”

“Is she?” Bon Bon said, turning to Lyra. “I thought she might be, but I’ve never been sure.”

“That’s why I didn’t ask,” Lyra said. She looked at Bon Bon. “You’ve lived here longer – I was kind of hoping you knew.”

“Oh,” Bon Bon said, pretending to be hurt. “So that was your plan all along? To use me to get to Rainbow Dash?”

Lyra smiled. “Yeah, but then you seduced me and ruined it.” She gave Bon Bon a peck on the lips.

Bon Bon smiled and returned her gaze to the sky. “Really, I think Rainbow Dash is more in love with herself than with anypony else.”

Lyra laughed. “I think you’re right.”

After lunch, the two returned to Bon Bon’s apartment to exchange gifts.

“Who should go first?” Bon Bon asked.

“Let me,” Lyra said as she produced a wrapped present shaped like a flat heart. “You know, you’re really hard to get a gift for. Normally, I could just buy a box of chocolates and call it a day. But what do you get a pony who can make all the chocolates she wants?”

“I would say something from the heart,” Bon Bon said. “But it looks like that’s what you did.”

“It’s the best I could think of,” Lyra said. “I’m sorry in advance.”

Bon Bon unwrapped the gift. She gasped. “It’s beautiful,” she said.

Bon Bon held a heart-shaped frame. On the canvas inside the frame was a painting of a lyre. Three yellow and blue wrapped candies were entwined in its strings.

“I love it,” Bon Bon said. “I didn’t know you could paint so well.”

“I can’t,” Lyra said. “Remember when Bold Palette asked me to play lyre for inspiration while she painted that scene of ancient Hippopolis? She made this for me in return.”

“It’s perfect,” Bon Bon said. “Actually, it makes my gift look bad. You had somepony paint this amazing artwork, and I just made you some candy.” She gave Lyra a shallow rectangular pan wrapped in aluminum foil with a bow on top.

“I love your candy,” Lyra said. “I’m never going to be disappointed if you make something special for me.” She removed the bow and began to peel back the aluminum foil.

“I wanted it to be heartfelt,” Bon Bon explained. “To tell you what you mean to me. But I had trouble finding the perfect words. Or candy.”

Lyra looked inside the pan to see a batch of swirled chocolate and peanut butter fudge. Written on the top in white icing was the following message:

Lyra Heartstrings
You make me the me I want to be
I love you

Lyra looked at Bon Bon as her eyes welled up.

“I love you, too.”

Comments ( 23 )

"You make me the me I want to be"

Sure, sure. Mutilate my poor heart why don't ya? :twilightsmile:

This was an adorable story, one of my favorite Lyra/Bonnie ships I've read. You really took the time to let things progress naturally and it payed off! Part of me wants to hear more about the early days of their actual relationship now, but I am a glutton for adorable awkwardness.

Keep up the good work!

I thought this was a fantastic story. Thanks for writing it and keeping me up past my bedtime!

Great story! I've been looking for a good Lyrabonbon story and this kept me hooked!

finally finished? can't wait to dig in!

Crud. I literally just said in my other comment I want more, and it's done? I still require more though:fluttercry:

You must sequel this. Please? :fluttershysad::applecry:


2: I honestly kind of skimmed the chrysalis parts. I know the plot of the episode already, so that's the only part I've skimmed in this story at all. :twilightsheepish:

Yeah, I had some trouble with that section. It felt necessary to include (both for character motivation and to better space out the big emotional scenes), but there wasn't a whole lot to add that we couldn't have assumed on our own.


You must sequel this. Please? :fluttershysad::applecry:

Well, for the time being, I'll shamelessly plug Lyra's Journey, if you haven't read that yet (it isn't a romance, but one of the reasons I wanted to write this story was that I was unexpectedly delighted by scenes in Lyra's Journey where Bon Bon and Lyra were being cute together). But I will say that I have ideas for a couple of shorter, one- or two-chapter stories with my take on Lyra and Bon Bon that I'll try to publish in the first half of 2017.

Plus, I've already written the outline for another novella-length story that will be a direct sequel to this one, although I don't anticipate finishing it until the real show hits its next mid-season break. But rest assured that I have more stories with these two that I want to tell!

This was an amazing fanfic. Thank you for sharing your talent with us readers! I had a lot of difficulty finding a romance origin story recently for Lyrabon, since the pairing was kinda taken for granted by the fandom. You wonderfully filled a gap and I thank you for that.

I'll await eagerly for what you write next!

P.S. If I can give you a small constructive criticism, while the changeling part is important for Lyra's character and her friends, we already watched that episode and as such that part was less interesting than the rest. Other than that, awesome work!

This was an amazing story, and exactly what I've been looking for for months now - which was a long story about the start of the relationship between Lyra and Bon Bon.

Strangely, it seems that in almost every lyrabon story out there, their romance is either in the backgound, or already established. The closest you get to an origin story is a flashback sequence.

I love the way you made the relationship work between the characters - and the way they speak, joke and act with each others was a delight to read.

Definitely convinced me to follow you for anything else you can bring us!

I'm confused as to why this story doesn't have a LOT more recognition. This is a fantastic Lyra/Bon Bon ship that actually takes its time to establish their friendship and histories before their relationship. It's very well written and well paced to boot, and comes out at a really solid length.

This is front page material, it's a travesty that a work like this should be lost to obscurity.


After getting similar results with additional stories, I've decided that it's probably a combination of two factors:

1. I'm not very good at writing descriptions that will grab the average person's interest (marketing has never been part of my skill set). Personally, across all media, I avoid spoilers like the plague, so when I write my descriptions, I tend to err too much on the side of not wanting to give away plot points.

2. The Lyra/Bon Bon coupling has been a part of the fandom since the first season -- I wouldn't be surprised if some people simply have no desire to read yet another story about their relationship.

Oh well. I'm late to the pony fan fiction party, so it's still fresh to me. I just keep reminding myself that I'm doing this for my own personal enjoyment. And even though the Featured box is beyond my grasp, I'm grateful for the people who have found and enjoyed my work.

Despite the lack of views, this was a great story.
Good job!


No guarantee but this wonderful story would likely get more views if you added it to a few more groups.




Would all be fitting places for your Lyra/Bon stories.

PS. Loving the story so far on chapter 7 at the moment.


When I wrote that part, I was trying to redeem Shining Armor for not telling Twilight about the wedding or even about dating Cadance -- my thought was that if the relationship had already gotten that serious, then he would have already let her know. And you know those royals... always doing impulsive things like getting married on extremely short notice. I guess.

Of course, that justification still wouldn't completely explain why the two of them went ahead and immediately got married afterward. (Maybe after seeing their love defeat Chrysalis, they realized they truly were meant for one another?) It's a problem with no good solution, and admittedly the weakest part of what I wrote. And all to try to make things right by a character who isn't even in the story. Lesson learned.

Thanks for enjoying this!

Your story has been accepted into the Good Grammar Directory.
Congratulations! :twilightsmile:

You should link your sequels together properly.


You should link your sequels together properly.

I'd agree, if it wasn't for the fact that doing so forces each story description to begin with "This story is a sequel to _________." For this specific story, the anal-retentive part of me didn't want to see that phrasing when this is technically a prequel. And for all of the stories in which reading the tens-of-thousands-of-words preceding story wasn't necessary, I didn't want to scare away readers. In my opinion, immediately announcing "This is a sequel to a story you haven't read" is a good way to get people to skip the rest of the description.

And now by this point, it's more consistent for me to not do it.

Prequels don't get the description note; their sequels appear in the sidebar.

This story was simply amazing! I loved it!

This story is brilliant.
It mostly feels right on with canon,it’s cute (huge plus in my books) and the two lovebird felt so right on. I also really enjoyed the story and read it in one sitting as I got glued to my iPhone screen till done. I really found it that good. It’s been great reading their interactions and wondering how they would finally break the news that they had been harbouring feelings for each other and yea. The ending and reveal was solid, I would have accepted more cuddles though.
How This has 63 upvotes (including mine) is beyond me. It’s incrediblely high quality and these two are totally perfect for each other.
Probably only beaten in cuteness by Flutterdash. You did good. I would not have said that earlier in the day. Up till finding your story these two were very much a background pairing for me.
Anyhoo, I’m off to read some more since it appears you have continued their tales :pinkiehappy:

Soo... after having had Lyra’s Journey in my favorite list for years, why did I only find this now?

Oh, well, now I have found it, read it, loved it.

And I see a boatload of stories based on this one. Needless to say, I am going to devour them like I can assume Lyra devours Bon Bon's candy.


And I see a boatload of stories based on this one. Needless to say, I am going to devour them like I can assume Lyra devours Bon Bon's candy.

Lyra: "I love devouring Bon Bon's candy. It's one of my favorite things about being with her. I just can't get enough! The part I love the most is seeing the pleasure on her face while I devour her candy."

Bon Bon (blushing intensely): "That's more than enough, Lyra."

I like this story it was pretty good.
I like the idea of seeing bon bons life before she meets Lyra.
But I feel like chapter 2 and 3 kind of put me off a little bit. It's not that I didn't like the chapters I just wasn't expecting it I felt like those chapters could have been used for telling Lyra story or even flesh it out bon bon situation with her family.
I guess the best way I can explain it is chapter 2 and 3 we're kind of like the theory of Chekhov's gun.

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