• Member Since 20th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Wednesday


A Warning to Others


Comments ( 31 )

You magnificent bastard

Wow.... I'm speechless.

Wonder what's next

Lovin' it. Yay slobbery messy gross Spike sex!


Anyway, Fluttershy had played him a funny song about this sort of thing at one point, and according to that, licking his own cum out of a female’s pussy was definitely not gay.

:rainbowlaugh: You are the best.


And yet I forgot to to give you your by-line! Cerulean edited this! I'll put that in the description tonight.

Anyway, expect more awkward sexual self-questioning when Fluttershy's husband shows up in the next one. :raritywink:

Probably zooerasty. Sweet, nasty zooerasty.

Nice, hints at some real relationship development off-screen.

Is the cover art cropped from a larger piece, or is that it? If so, where would one find it?

Yay Spike sex! Lots of it.


That's all, actually! I whipped it out in a few hours! My FA screen name is in the sidebar on my page, but I haven't gotten around to any EqM art besides the cover art. Life is too full of things to doooo!!!! :raritycry:


Adult Spike is such a good everyman... dragon... whatever! I need to make a more serious work about him.

More serious but still smexy.

Him being Rarity and Fluttershy felt a little better to me because it had that one night stand feel that worked in the first story's favor. Twilight just kinda came out of nowhere at the end and she felt rather intrusive in an otherwise serviceable story. The more familiar relationship Spike and Twilight shares doesn't work as well because it has no real arc or conclusion. Kinda neutral on this one.

Looks like a great story but i cant get past the cover art


Fair enough. I really do need to work on structure. :facehoof:

I liked the original better but am still hype for the next 1-7

I'm so happy, I didn't realize there is a second-story until now. I finally have something to look forward to, LMFAO :rainbowlaugh:

Please continue this story! I really like the Fluttershy-x-dog!Spike parts in particular(because Rarity kind of comes of as a total bitch[the bad kind] in this series, and because that pairing has been done to death). It might be ridiculous plot but when has that EVER mattered? Keep up the good work!:pinkiehappy:

with the ending ending off with twilight saying i'm gonna solve it does that mean there will be a part 3


Yeah. I've started writing it, even.

Comment posted by Josephe1 deleted Aug 18th, 2017

when will part 3 be uploaded


Ahhh! I did promise you that, didn't I? I'm sorry, I get distracted easily. I'll move it to the top of my Fanfic cue. I DO have to try to write some for-money stuff, first, though.


Actually I sent the first chapter to Scoots yesterday! Part 3 is about 10K words of mostly sex; I like it.

sweeeet cant wait to see this foursome and more knotting happen

“It’s ribbed for my pleasure. Get in there.”

-Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship :twilightsmile:

Cute story, like the touch about dragon immortality!

“The pyramids are constructed with far too much precision to be the work of primitive people…” said the TV.

That's actually not true. The pyramids are actually pretty shoddy in most places. Only the most important areas were smoothed to perfection.

“But… but Nefertiti’s elongated skull!”
“That’s a hat, Spike. Everybody knows that’s a hat.”

Well actually it's not a hat, it is her real skull. However it was deformed after birth by wrapping it in tight bandages. In an infant the skull plates are separate pieces so that they can deform during childbirth and get a human's large head through the birth canal. They fuse together in the first few years. However if you tie the head up in a shape then they will also fuse that way.
This practice is not unique to Egypt. Modified skulls have been found from North America to South-East Asia. Some tribes in Africa still do it.

I think you're doing a pretty good job with the characters. Twilight being proper, intelligent, dominant but also experimental and eager to try new things. She wants to do things in the best way possible and uses logic to guide her actions. Spike being excitable, playful and a little absent-minded but empathetic and considerate. He will never dismiss someone or downplay their discomfort but he can sometimes underestimate his own strength and the far reaching consequences of his actions.

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