• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 12,957 Views, 555 Comments

Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium - Matrix7o6

Hurt by the ones she once called friends, Twilight uses the Crystal Mirror to run away. But an accident causes the mirror's exit portal to come out in a very different place.

  • ...

The Treaty (Edited)

Chapter 6: The Treaty

(Insomnia, Kingdom of Lucis)
(24 hours later)

The capitol of the Lucis kingdom was busy with passing citizens going to and from either work or home as the afternoon sun blazed in the sky. In the heart of the city, children played as they lived out their days carefree. Skyscrapers all but covered the city. A massive barrier kept the city safe from outside attacks.

At the center of this great barrier the king’s castle sat, complimenting the beauty of the city itself. However in this time of bliss, a different kind of war was being waged inside the king’s hall. King Regis sat on his throne with council members at the sides of the room. They were in heavy discussion of the previous day’s battle.

“A sudden and inexplicable retreat?” a man wearing all black asked. There was a gold leg brace on his right leg, and he had on a silver, horn-like crown. He was also wearing a cape.

“Yes, my king,” the captain of the Glaives confirmed. “Between the Sorceress and the massive Daemon, their forces had the upper hand. But they let with no reason whatsoever.”

“We are at risk, nonetheless Your Majesty,” a council member said. “There is no telling when their next attack will happen.”

“Your Majesty!” a man in a tuxedo shouts as he runs in the room. He stops beside the Glaive captain. “A man claiming to be an envoy for the Empire requests an audience with you.” The entire room fell silent as they processed the news. Soon they all looked to the king, whose face had become stern.

“Bring him in,” the king commanded.

“Yes, my Lord.” The man bows and leaves the room. After about ten minutes, the man returns. “The envoy awaits, Your Majesty.” Regis gives a silent nod at the guards on either side of the doors. They open the doors, letting in a man clad in black with an odd, wing-like sleeve on his left shoulder.

“Hello there,” the man greets as he slowly walks up to the throne. King Regis tensed at the sight of the man.

“Has Niflheim grown so bold as to send the chancellor as an envoy? And without a guard at that?” King Regis asked.

“It is an honor to be recognized by the great King Regis,” the man replies in a humbled manner. “But permit me to stand on ceremony and introduce myself, nonetheless.” He pauses for a moment, taking their silence as being granted permission. “Ardyn Izuina, chancellor of Niflheim, at your humble service.” Ardyn took off his hat and bowed before the king. “I have come to you on this fateful day to offer terms of peace.” The group’s attention fell completely on Ardyn.

“Peace?” the king asks with a hint of suspicion.

“As you might’ve summarized, that last maneuver was no strategic retreat.” Ardyn paced around the room, but stopped after setting a foot on a single step that ascended to the throne. “Call it, a gesture of imperial good will.” He walks up a few more steps until he was on a second platform. “Like you, we wish to bring an end to this pointless war.”

“Is that so?”

“It is, indeed.” He paced back and forth, but never stopped speaking in his courteous tone. “We require but a singular compliance. Save your grand Insomnia here, Lucis must forfeit all territories to Niflheim rule.” Before anyone could shoot up in protest, the king swiftly raises his hand to demand silence. “Insomnia; the jewel in the crown of the Lucian Kingdom,” Ardyn says, looking around in mock awe. “Oh, how foolish of me to forget; there is one small triviality I must mention. It concerns your son.” Regis tenses, gripping the arms of his throne in silent anger. “The fetching Prince Noctics of Lucis, and the fair Princess Lunafreya of Tenebrae. They are to be wed.” Regis was finding it more difficult to contain his anger as he leaned forward. “You seem vexed Your Highness. I assure you the princess holds you in high regards, as she has for these twelve long years.”

“And how do I know Niflheim will not try to assassinate my son while outside of the kingdom?” Regis’s suspicious look only hardened as Ardyn backed away in mock pain.

“You wound me, Your Highness,” he chuckles. “But I understand your trepidation. When one’s child is on the line, the parent wants nothing more than to ensure their safety. We had a feeling such a question would arise. Along with however many bodyguards you see fit to give him, Niflheim will lend you one of its best soldiers.”

“Magitek infantry?” a council member asked.

“Not at all,” Ardyn retorted. “We’ll be sending Second Lieutenant Twilight. Or, as you all know her, The Sorceress of Niflheim.” Regis’s eyes widened as the entire room erupted with gasps.

(Niflheim: Gralea Throne Room)

The Emperor sat on his throne. Magitek troopers stand by the twin bronze doors as they slide open. Twilight walks in and stops at the base of the steps. She kneels. “You wished to see me, My Lord?” she asks.

“Yes,” the Emperor replied. “I must inform you that we are pulling all military assets out of this war.”

“What?” Twilight nearly shouts. “I don’t understand. We-no-you have Lucis’s back against the wall. Why stop now?”

“This war has gone on long enough,” he assures her. “We’re moving on to better…”

“Bullshit,” she interrupts. “I didn’t fight for you for twelve years for you to quit this easily. I know you wouldn’t.”

“Rest assured, Twilight Sparkle. It’s the truth.” He slowly stands from his throne.

“So how does this affect me?”

“We have a new assignment.” Ledolas made his way down the stairs. “We have made peace terms with Lucis. If they are accepted, we will have full control over all territories, Insomnia being the outlier.”

“Sounds like more of a surrender than a peace treaty.” She rolls her eyes. The Emperor walks around her.

“There is something else,” he adds, stopping in front of her. “Lucis and Niflheim are to be joined with the marriage of Lady Lunafreya and Prince Noctis of Lucis.”

“What?!” She raises her head in alarm.

“That being said,” he continued, “we are issuing you as a body guard for Prince Noctis as a sign that our empire does not wish the prince harm.”

“So, you send the infamous Sorceress. I bet that will go over well. Why don’t you just send me to guard Lunafreya instead?” Twilight’s tone began to rise.

“Enough, Twilight,” Ledolas ordered. He grabbed her by her hair. “You are a soldier, and as such you will follow orders. Do I make myself clear?!”

“Y-yes, My Lord,” she utters. He lets go of her hair while pushing down, causing her to fall to her hands and knees.

“Now get prepared. You are to leave in less than twenty-four hours. You’ll meet up with the prince in Galdin Quay, then take the ferry to Altissia, which is where the wedding is to take place.”

“Yes, My Lord,” she responds.

“Now that we’re clear, you are dismissed.” He climbs the stairs and sits back on his throne. Twilight smirks.

“It will be done, My Lord, hopefully before your old ass turns into a pile of dust.” She walks out as Ledolas groans in frustration.

“Thorn in my side,” he mutters to himself.

(One year after Twilight’s disappearance)

The year was great for many ponies. Hearth’s Warming Eve went off without a hitch, and the start of another year began. The ponies were filled with nothing but joy. However, all was not well for the man five.

Applejack never really got over the heartbreak of what she had done to Twilight. Applejack was the first pony she’d talked to, outside of Pinkie’s odd introduction. She prided herself on her steadfast mindset and fair, but firm, honesty towards her friends. However the day of the wedding, and even the night during the mirror fiasco, she felt lost. She was so sure she was doing the right thing… Wasn’t she?

Applejack shook her head and sighed as she faces a large apple tree. “Al’rite,” she says, turning her flank toward it. She reared her legs back and attempted to deliver a powerful buck to the trunk. And yet, only two or three apples fell into her wooden collection bucket. “Con sarn it all! Why is this so hard?” She lets out a frustrated snort.

“Sumthin on yur mind, sis?” a large red stallion asked while walking up to her.

“Naw, Big Mac. It’s just…” she trails off, unable to find the words.

“Yu’ve been havin’ a hard time ev’r since the middle o’ last year. Are ya sure yu’re okay?” He looks at his sister with caring eyes. Applejack sighs.

“No,” she whispered. “No, Ah’m not okay, Big Mac. I can’t live with myself. Ah feel like sumpony stabbed me in the gut. Ah understand the value of honesty. Yet, Ah’m not only a liar, but I’m a hypocrite too.” Big Macintosh tilts his head to the side and raises an eyebrow.

“Ah don’t understand,” he replies.

“Ah know why Twilight is missin’.” Applejack lowered her head and ears as she spoke, letting her hat fall to the dirt.

“Ya know what happened?” he asked. She nods.

“Ah’m one of the reasons she left.”

“How?” He sits down, ready for a rather heavy conversation.

“At the Canterlot Weddin’ a monster kidnapped the bride and posed as her. Twilight saw this and tried to warn us… But Ah didn’t believe her. Ah was so caught up in what Ah wanted to do for my part of the weddin’ that Ah never took into account wut Twilight was goin’ through. In the end, Twilight didn’t want to be friends with me and the gals anymore.” Applejack spoke thoughtfully, kicked some dirt as she explained. Big Mac gave her a stern look.

“That all?” he asked. Applejack shook her head.

“Ah wish. At first… Ah was against it.” She looks away. “Princess Celestia wanted to erase Twilight’s memory of the weddin’ so we cud be friends again.” Big Mac snorted rather loudly, causing Applejack to cringe from her brother. “Celestia told us that without Twilight we wudn’t stand a chance against another attack. Ah know it was wrong, but Ah didn’t want to lose you or Applebloom, Granny Smitth, the farm… Ah didn’t want to lose any o’ ya. So I agreed, and Twilight ran away.”

Big Macintosh stamped a hoof on the ground and raised his head. Applejack closed her eyes and looked away again, bracing for a hit or a shouting. But they never came. When she opened her eyes again, she felt a large object wrap around her. Big Macintosh embraced her tightly.

“Y-ya mean yu’re not mad?” she stutters.

“Oh, Ah’m mad. Ah’m furious,” he says sternly. “But Ah can understand why. Remember when ya lied to cover up that deal ya made with Filthy Rich?” Applejack sighs, recalling the blunders that threatened their farm’s livelihood.

“Yes, Ah do. But what does this…?”

“Why’d ya lie?” he questioned.

“Ya were there, ya lug,” she shoots back.

“And why did ya then?” He smirks.

“Ta git the farm more business.” She was nearly in his face.

“Exactly,” he says. “Ya did it fer the family. Ya always have the hardest time tryin’ ta be honest when it involves sumthin’ big like the farm.”

“Wut’s that supposed ta mean?” Applejack asked with a frustrated tone.

“It means ya did it again. Yu’re right sis; though Ah don’t approve of it, ya were thinkin’ of us.” He places a reassuring hoof on his sister’s back. “Back when Ah was still a growin’ colt, Ah caught a filly stealin’ sum apples off our trees. Ah chased the varmint down to a rundown shack towards the edge of ponyville.

“As Ah recall, it wasn’t too far off from where Fulttershy’s cottage is now. But anyway, Ah finally caught up to her. Ah tackled’er into tha door, made both o’us fall into the shack. The apples went everywhere. Then Ah saw sumthin’ I’d never forget.” He paused for a moment.

“Wut? Wut’d ya see?” she asked impatiently.

“Ah saw a mare and two other foals grab the apples.” Applejack frowned. “This filly was her oldest. Their home’d been condemned, they didn’t have anywhere ta go, and she’d run out of money. Some o’her documents never went through the mayor’s office an’ she was left without a home. She an’her kids had been homeless for months. They’d lost hope. So her oldest filly followed Ma and Pa one day to tha farm and waited fer the night to start pickin’ apples fer them all.

“Ah might’ve not given much thought about it and demanded that they give back wut they stole before threatenin’ to get the guards on’em. But apparently, Ah’d been followed too; by Pa. He saw that tha family need help, so he let them keep tha apples and offered the mare a temp job on tha farm.

“Tha foals got proper care, an’ after a few months tha mayor finally got through the mare’s paperwork. She was compensated fer all her troubles, too.” He paused a moment as Applejack’s ears turned back up a little. “Now, wut does all this have ta do with you? Well, sis, Ah learned that tha truth ain’t always easy ta see. Yeah, ya did betray Twilight, but why? Ya thought ya were doin’ tha right thing.”

Applejack started crying a little as her brother continued. “An’ Ah’m not gunna lie, Ah don’t envy you. Ah’m an apple farmer; Ah live as one, and Ah’ll die as one. But you, Applejack. Yu’re life has always been more complicated than normal ponies around these parts. Yu’re an Element of Harmony.

“Yu’ve protected Equstria against almost anythin’. So when faced with a decision like that, Ah know it can be hard. But on that day we found tha mare, Pa gave me sum advice. He told me, ‘Life ain’t always cut’n dry. An’ when those days come along, it’s no longa’ about tha truth; it’s about wut truth ya believe is right an’ about livin’ with it.’ Now, Ah don’t know where Twilight ran off ta, but she’ll be back. Just be ready to apologize when she does.”

Applejack broke down sobbing and embraced her brother. He returned her embrace, knowing she needed the comfort. He pats his sister’s head.

“Now let’s go git sum cider. But ya’know Granny Smith may beat ya flanks with an apple branch when ya tell’er.” He smirks.

“Oh horseapples,” Applejack chuckles through her tears.

(Sugarcube Corner)

Sugarcube Corner was as busy as always during the day. However, though it was lively, a certain pink mare wasn’t sharing the store’s vigor. Pinkie Pie couldn’t face what had happened on the night Twilight went through the mirror. She’d hoped Twilight was going to be happy again.

The tears the lavender mare shed were those of heartbreak. That angry, tears-stained face was forever etched in Pinkie’s mind. She couldn’t bare it; she made her best friend cry again. She started to nod off into a bowl of cake mix when a light blue colored mare walks into the kitchen.

“Pinkie? You okay dearie?” Her pink eyes held worry for the pink mare. Pinkie jerks up.

“H-hi, Mrs. Cake!”

“Dear,” Mrs. Cake began. “I’m not sure what’s going on, and though my husband and I enjoy a bit of quiet every now and then, you haven’t quite been yourself lately.”

“I-I don’t know what you mean, Mrs. Cake. I’m perfectly fine.” Pinkie offers the best smile she could manage, but Mrs. Cake only gave her a serious look.

“Did you know that about ten ponies moved into Ponyville this past year? Not a single one got a Pinkie greeting, or a Pinkie ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party. Plus you aren’t as bouncy as you were before. You barely go out with your friends anymore.” She sighs before continuing. “And to top it off, all you really do anymore is sleep. Carrot and I are getting worried. So I want to talk to you after work, okay? And I want the truth.”

“Okay,” Pinkie sighed. Mrs. Cake left the kitchen and Pinkie went back to work.

(Fluttershy’s Cottage)

Fluttershy was taking Twilight’s disappearance moderately. Her depression became apparent, but she had the company of her animals to help soothe her sorrows. However, she had started to become more assertive with some of her more stubborn animals; one certain little bunny in particular.

“Angel,” Fluttershy stated, “hurry before the others eat your lettuce, or you won’t be getting anything until supper.” Angel, though annoyed, hopped over to his bowl of lettuce. The bunny was frustrated; he used to eat from a plate. But ever since Fluttershy got back from Canterlot, all she does is treat him like a pet.

“I swear to Faust, you’re going to be the death of me,” she groans as she began to fix food for her other animals. She cleaned out another bowl when she heard the doors and window slam shut. Fluttershy jumped, dropping the bowl onto the floor. “Wh-who’s there?” she calls out.

“No one in particular,” a voice responded, echoing through the cottage. All the animals tensed up. “Just an old friend.” With a white flash and some confetti, a chimera-like creature appears in front of the buttercup colored mare. “Guess who,” the creature says, spreading his arms out with a smirk.

“D-D-D-Discord!” she screams.

“The one and only,” Discord chuckled. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it Fluttershy? Must feel great to get out and not have to worry about gathering moss.”

“W-what do you want?” Fluttershy shook in place as Discord shrank to accommodate the weight limit of her couch. He daintily floats down to sit on it.

“To speak, of course.” His tone was nonchalant. “I mean, out of the six of you, I always saw you as best friend material.” He snaps his fingers and a mug of chocolate milk appears. “So let’s make merry conversation. How has life been this past year? Anything good happen?” He takes a sip of his drink. Fluttershy grits her teeth.

“Go away.”

“My, my.” Discord wagged a finger on his lion’s paw in front of her face. Why the hostility?”

“You know why,” Fluttershy seethed. “You tried to take over Equestria. You turned me against my friends. We all became the opposite of what we are.”

“Did you?” he questioned. “Or were you always that way?”

“You monster!” she shouted.

“Who is really the monster here, Fluttershy?” he retorted. “After a thousand years in stone, I finally break free. And what does Celestia send you and your friends to do? Imprison me again. I must ask; what was my crime? Having some fun?”

“You caused chaos and disharmony throughout Equestria, and ponies suffered because of it.” Her voice was stern.

“The ponies only suffered because they couldn’t learn to savor my fun. They watched in horror as the worst thing I’d ever do to them was make their house float a few feet away to mildly startle them, or turn it into a house of cards. Maybe make cotton candy clouds that rained chocolate milk. Or make huge apples, or make all animals have tall legs. My point is, out of all of that did anypony get hurt?” She seemed taken aback by his question.

“No offense,” he continued, “but look at what your precious “harmony” did for Twilight.” Fluttershy’s eyes shrunk with horror. “Yes, I know about that. I have great three-sixty, three-sixty hearing.” He popped his ears off his head and began juggling them. “Plus, my eyes are great too.” His eyes sprouted little wings and flew around his head.

“But my point is, what is so great about harmony? You think you have all the answers, yet it’s so hard for you to comprehend why Twilight left. It’s simple; she didn’t want to serve harmony out of obligation. She has free will to refuse. Yet, Celestia was so desperate that she was going to strip Twilight of that very free will by taking her memories, just to make her compliant. Tell me, Fluttershy; why did you, of all ponies, want your best friend to suffer such fate.”

“I…” Fluttershy attempted to hold back tears. “I’d hoped Twilight would forgive us. But we only made things worse.” Her voice became oft, but high-pitched as she spoke. “I just wanted her to forgive me for being so cruel. I wanted to help take the pain away.” Discord sighs at the pony.

“That’s the problem with you ponies. You’re so used to being in control that you even try to subjugate the forces of nature. So when something like this happens, you never understand why. You just want it to fix itself rather than learn from the problem. Say what you will about chaos, but there is one rule that must be followed; expect the unexpected.”

“I’m so sorry, Twilight!” Fluttershy shouts, no longer able to hold back the tears. Discord sighs again and pulls her into an embrace, much to Fluttershy’s surprise.

“I’m not heartless, you know,” he says with a gentle smile.

(Carousel Boutique)

Rarity, though saddened by Twilight’s absence, never let it interfere with her work. Instead, she poured her emotions into her dresses. Much to her dismay though, this first dress of the year came out dark, and seemingly tattered. She was about to throw it out when the front door to the shop opened.

“Hello? Iz zere anypony here?” a voice called out. Rarity sighed and put the dress on the counter.

“How can I…” She gasped at the mare that was standing in her shop. She was wearing pink shades and a grey, pink, and white dress. “Photo Finish,” she finally gets out. “W-what brings you here today?”

“I came to zee an old friend in town on my way to do a shoot. Zey said your dressez are ze town jewelz.” She casually starts looking through the clothes. “So, I wanted to see for myself what your boutique haz to offer. I might find what I waz looking for.”

“What would that be?” Rarity asked.

“Somzing wit less flare, and more mellowed out, so to speak.” Photo looks at Rarity.

“I think I might have something that might work over here,” Rarity says as she starts raffling around for a dress to present her. This leaves her latest creation in full view to Photo. Photo eyes the dress and silently walks up to inspect it.

“What about zis one?” she asks and she picks it up. Rarity turns to see the dress and panics.

“U-um, th-that one isn’t for sale.. it was garbage.”

“Nonsense. Zis looks amazing.” Photo Finish marvels at the gothic black dress. “You can plainly see ze sadness, but you can also see ze utter mystery behind it. Why is ze mare sad? What haz brought her to such a state? How can she be so strong? I’d like to make you an offer of a thouzand bits.” Rarity’s eyes lit up.

“Y-you really like it?” Photo Finish nods, which elicits a sigh from Rarity. “Make it five hundred bits, just in case it is garbage,” Rarity states.

“You sell yourself zort, Rarity. But I aczept.” The photographer nods and lays out five hundred bits. “Zank you. If zis sellz well, then you may have a place in ze fashion business,” Photo says as she leaves.

As soon as she let, Rarity sighs then smiles. “Well, at least one thing is going right for me.”

(Cloudsdale: Wonderbolt training grounds)

Two pegasi soared through the air at sound-breaking speeds while dodging and weaving through various obstacles. “Now that’s what I like to see!” a mare with fiery orange hair and tail shouts. She is clad in blue spandex with a lightning bolt symbol running down the sides.

The mare watches the other two expertly fly around the arena. They soon land and wait for the mare to walk up to them. “Excellent job, recruits. But as fun as that was, being a Wonderbolt is about a team effort. Now I know we all like to show off, but if it can cost you a comrade then was it worth it?”

“No, Ma’am!” the two respond.

“Alright, now I want you to meet up with captain Rainbow Dash and start running drills.”

“You rang?” Rainbow Dash says as she trots toward the three. “Alright foals, listen up. I want you two to work on dive recoveries; if you can’t recover from a fall, then any time flying could be your last. And remember; do NOT open your wings too fast or you can end up with a broken wing or two if they catch the air too quickly.”

“Ma’am!” they respond, eyeing her with adoration.

“Well, get to it,” she yells, making the recruits head to the other section of the building. Rainbow Dash sighs. “So, how have you been, Spitfire?”

“Same old, same old,” Spitfire answered with a shrug. “Anything new with you?”

“No. Just thinking,” Rainbow says.

“About Twilight?” Spitfire asks. Rainbow Dash’s eyes narrow.

“No. I have better things to do than sit around and cry about that bitch all day,” she says through gritted teeth.

“Sorry I asked.” Spitfire took a step back then grew a rather mischievous grin on her face. “Maybe I can make it up to you later.” Rainbow Dash shot her a smirk.

“Maybe later,” Rainbow jokes. “For now, I’ve got to get these recruits ready.” With that, she sauntered off.

“You’re hopeless,” Spitfire said as she rolls her eyes. She turns and goes into her office.

(Canterlot city streets)

“Hey, buck off you stupid bastards!” a voice shouted as a door is kicked open. Two large stallions throw a white unicorn stallion with messy blue hair out onto the streets. This causes his flank to become mucked with dirt, covering his shield cutie mark.

“You’ll be sorry you ever did that!” the stallion cries as he struggles to get to his hooves. “You idiots have no idea… it’s alright. I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!” he yells as he drunkenly stumbles through the streets.

Though Celestia’s laws demand that all customers, in the correct age range, be serviced regardless of the frequency of visits, this was one of the many times this stallion was thrown out of a bar. The ponies of Canterlot found themselves both disgusted and feeling sorry for the stallion. Never, in all their lives, had they seen a stallion in such a dark place.

Some say it was the breakup he had with his beloved, others say it was his family disowning him. That in of itself was an action his parents are demonized for to this very day. “Haven’t they already lost one foal?” many Canterlot nobles would ask themselves. Or they would shout to his family in protest. This stallion was none other than the former captain of the guards; Shining Armor.

“What are you looking at?” he would drunkenly yell at passersby.

“Shining, damn it. I told you to wait for me back at the house,” a voice started from behind the drunken unicorn. Shining stumbled around the meet the owner of the voice.

“W-well if it isn’t C-captain Spike,” he slurs out as he looking at a large bipedal lizard clad in emerald colored armor. “You gonna turn me in?”

“No,” Spike sighed. “But this is unhealthy. You need to stop this.”

Who cares?” Shining starts stumbling away again, this time with Spike close behind him. “M-mom and D-dad d-don’t care—Cadence – doesn’t care, and – I’ll bet Twilight would lo—ve to see me like this,” he says through hiccups as he starts his tangent. “Ain’t that right, Loser—Sister—Worst Friend—Forever?”

“Come on Shining,” Spike groaned, “let’s get you home.”

“Not u-until—I have another drink.” He begins to stumble off again.

Spike sighed again as he watched Shining leave. It won’t be long now Twilight, Spike thought to himself. When you come back I’ll show you how strong I am. I can protect you now. And if Celestia tries anything, that royal bitch with have me to answer to. Spike clenches his fists. “Shining, come on,” he says once more.

(Canterlot Castle; Throne room)

“Is the mirror ready?” Celestia asks sternly.

“Yes, Princess. But, there’s a rather large issue,” a guard stallion answers. Celestia groans in annoyance.

“Isn’t there always? What is it this time?” She regains her composure.

“We have no possible idea where the mirror could have sent her,” he reads off his paper. “It could take years to find her.”

“That is time we do not have,” Celestia sighs. She raises her head toward the stallion after a moment. “Where is the mirror opening a portal to now?”

“Some kind of school. Why?”

“Good,” the princess proclaimed. “We won’t be able to find Twilight for a while, so a replacement is necessary.” Her tone was mildly hopeful. “Go through the portal and bring back the girl named Sunset Shimmer.”

“Yes Princess,” the stallion replies, bowing his head. He leaves the throne room.

“I’m sorry for everything, Twilight. But this must be done,” the solar monarch whispers to herself.

(Tenebrae; House Nox Fleuret)

Lunafreya makes her way down a flight of stairs as a servant waits for her. “I’ve left the back gate open Princess. Must you go?” the servant remarks. Lunafreya put a reassuring hand on the servant’s shoulder.

“I refuse to be a tool in their war. Twilight and my brother have given themselves to protect me. I can no longer watch as they put themselves in harm’s way because of me.” The servant nods. The two look at the front door as they hear marching footsteps outside.

“Hurry, Your Highness. I’ll distract them.” The servant went to meet the guards, however before Lunafreya could get out of the door Ravus, flanked by several Magitek troopers, surround her.

“Luna, that’s quite enough,” Ravus says as he grabs her arm. “Must you insist on putting your life on the line for the monster who murdered our mother?”

“Must you be so ignorant Ravus?” a voice echoed from the hallway. The Magitek troops draw their gun and Ravus and Lunafreya turn toward the voice.

“Twilight?” Ravus questioned. Twilight walked down the hallway, flanked by her own guards. “You’re supposed to have already left by now.”

“And miss a chance to see us all together after all these years?” she responds sarcastically. “Not a chance. So, if you’ll let her go I’ll take her back to her room.” Ravus reluctantly releases Lunafreya. “Thank you.” Twilight smirks as his fists clench. He walks back from the hall he came from followed by his guards.

“Twilight,” Lunafreya said. She was hushed by Twilight’s finger over her lips.

“Not here; your room.” Lunafreya nods, and they both go to her room. Once inside, Twilight locks the doors.

“What is going on?” Lunafreya asked. Twilight took a deep breath before she began to speak.

“Niflheim is making a peace with Lucis.”


“Frankly, I don’t buy it for a minute. It’s not like the Empire to back down, especially with their enemies’ necks in a noose,” Twilight pondered. “Look, I’m not supposed to be here but you were on the way to my assignment so I thought I’d drop in. So make the questions brief.” Lunafreya nodded.

“Do you think this is a trap?”

“Undoubtedly. And I can’t help but feel you’re being mashed in the middle of all this. So here’s what I’m going to do.” Twilight pulls out a purple cell phone. “Keep this on hand,” she says, holding it out to the princess. “I don’t care what you have to do, but keep it close. If anything—anything at all happens, you get the hell out of there and call me. Don’t go anywhere else until you do, okay? Promise?”

“If something happens to me, then…” Lunafreya tried to speak.

“It’s not, Lulu!”Twilight interrupts. “Not if you don’t be a hero and call me. I promised your mother I’d protect you and Ravus and I will. I owe her this debt. You’ve been a sister to me, as Ravus has been a brother, and I’ll be damned if you’re going to die before me.” Lunafreya sighs, seeing futility in reasoning with her. She takes the phone from Twilight’s outstretched hand.

“Thank you Twilight,” Lunafreya says quietly.

“It’s what I do. Now, be ready for anything. I have to get going. See ya.” With that, Twilight left the room. As she walked down the stairs and into the main hall, she spots Ravus leaning against a wall.

“How long do you intend on babying her, sister?” he asks coldly.

“As long as you all remain my family, brother,” Twilight mimics his coldness. She continues her way out the door and to her transport.

(Galdin Quay)
(Several hours later)

Twilight sat on the beach listening to waves crash onto the sand. It’s been over an hour and a half since they were supposed to arrive. What in the hell is taking the prince so long? Twilight thinks to herself.

(Outside of Lucis; A mile and a half away from Hammerhead Auto Repair)

A rather muscular with brown hair and ember eyes tries in vain to flag down a passing car. Perhaps his tattoos and the scar on his left eye were a bit too intimidating for someone to want to help. He kicks the tire of his own vehicle in frustration.

“Well, looks like we can forget about hitching our way there,” he says, looking to the man sitting in the driver’s seat. This man had light brown hair and green eyes. He pushes the frame of his glasses back up the bridge of his nose with a gloved hand as his friend speaks. “And here I thought people outside the city were friendly.”

“Well, you can only get so far with the kindness of strangers,” the man in the driver’s seat sighs.

“I guess we’ll have to push her all the way,” the first man says as he walks to the back of the car. He and two other men started pushing the car. One man, a scrawny fellow with blonde hair and blue eyes, was at the left side of the car, another man, with black hair and blue eyes, was at the left of the car, and the large man was at the back.

“I’ve already pushed myself,” the scrawny man says, “to the brink of death.” Sweat had dampened the bandana tied around his right arm.

“Get up,” the first man states, kicking the blonde man’s foot.

“Awe man,” the blonde man sighs. “I thought the car was supposed to move us.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice,” the black-haired man says. He was wearing cropped black trousers a short sleeved jacket, and a pair of black shin-high boots.

“Can it and keep pushing,” the first man commanded. Music starts playing from the radio.

“Unbelievable,” the man with black hair whines.

“Not exactly a fairytale beginning, huh Prince Noctis?” The prince could only nod in agreement.

“We let ourselves get carried away,” the man in the driver’s seat says, looking back to the blonde one.

“Look, these things happen,” the blonde man quickly defended.

“Let’s just hope this isn’t some omen,” the large man says.

“Gladio, do me a favor,” Noctis grunted.

“What?” Gladio asks.

“Push this thing by yourself.”

“All by myself?” Gladio was already struggling with the back side of the car.

“You wouldn’t even notice if we just let go,” the blonde man replied.

“Prompto, don’t even think about it!” Gladio shouts.

“Save some of that breath for pushing,” the man with the glasses said.

“Ignis come on, time to switch,” Noctis says to him.

“No way!” Gladio argues. “We just switched back there.”

“And, it’s my turn Noct,” Prompto adds.

“No, it is his turn,” Ignis corrects, pointing to Noctis. They go a good five minutes without any chatter.

“Ugh, my hands are killing me,” Prompto complained. Gladio was having enough of the whining.

“You rather I kill you with mine?” Gladio threatened.

“Easy there, tough guy.”

“Any luck?” Noctis asks Ignis, who was holding a phone.

“Not even a busy signal,” Ignis sighed.

“Hold the phone,” Prompto says. “Is it just me, or was it supposed to be closer?”

“I can assure you, the map is correct,” Ignis offered.

“The map said Hammerhead was right there,” Noctis chimed in.

“Literally right next door,” Prompto agreed.

“Everything looks that way…” Ignis started.

“On a map of the world,” Gladio finished.

“The world is a big place,” Noctis says.

“Tell that to my legs,” Prompto complained again.

“Are you guys even pushing?!” Gladio yells from the back of the car.

“Hard as I can,” Prompo answers.

“With everything I’ve got,” Noctis remarked.

Author's Note:

Alright! Hope you all like this chapter! Anyway I hope you all have a great day! Matrix7o6 out!