• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 1,959 Views, 45 Comments

The Speed evolved - Night-from-another-world

I am a displaced and I am a mix of a game and a series so read .I will be living here on the planet Equis and have my adventures.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Fight my beast
POV Luna
“What is wrong, Love?” I asked as I was running to Zenitar that was on the ground holding his head.
“I can hear him, Lulu” he said as his body was glowing green.
“What can you hear?” I asked as I was trying to think of a spell that would help him.
“Lulu I need you to put me to sleep and put my body in the strongest cell there is” he said as he was fighting something in his head.
“Why? what is happening to thou?” I said looking at his pained face.
“Don’t have time, meet me in my dreams” he said looking at me with pure red eyes.
“Yes, we will meet you in your dreams” I said as a lowered my horn and put him to sleep.
His eyes closed and he started to snore, LOUDLY.
“Sister, take him to the dungeon as he wished” I said as I crossed my legs.
“And what are you going to do, sister?” Tia asked as she levitated Zenitar.
“Help him” I said as I closed my eyes and started to go to the dreamscape.

POV Love’s mind
After Luna put me to sleep I opened my eyes and saw something familiar, my old school.
I looked around and it looked just like the real deal.
To my left was the football field that I never entered because I never liked football. To my right was a long rectangular building I studied in.
But I did not care about the place but about the abomination in front of me.
I saw a green big beast that looked like a brawler. It was standing on all four like a diamond dog, claws black as ink but sharp as knifes, it’s body covered with only big round muscles and it had a mouth so big that you could put your head in it and he would eat it.
“So you exist too I see, Beast” I said looking at my body with crossed arms.
I had the same look as my new body. Sad, but oh well.
“ROOOAAARRR” it roared looking at me with his black eyes that were so dark you would think they were not there.
“Same intelligence as I hoped for The Beast, so now we fight to see who should be the one in the driver's seat?” I asked looking at my hand and trying to reform it into a claw.
“GRRRRRR” it growled taking a stand.
“Would you mind if we had some music while we fought?” I asked when my hand never changed.
“GRRRRR” it continued looking at me with pure anger.
“I guess you don’t mind, so Pinkie go for it” I said pointing at a pony Pinkie Pie with big speakers and her rapper clothes.
“You got it ,boss, here comes my demons” she said as she pressed a play button on the speakers.
As the music started I made lightning go around my body.
“So i have speed, good” I thought as the lyrics started.
This is a song and be ready to stop in the middle of the song becouse of a few talking parts.

~Mayday! Mayday! the ship is slowly sinking~
We started to slowly go and circle each other waiting for the first move.
~They think I’m crazy but they don’t know the feeling~
We looked into each others eyes in hope too see fear but no one found any.
~They’re all around me, Circling like vultures~
I could see Luna at a distance and I made a letter appear in the air in front of her.
“I hope she can make sure everything will go as planned?” I thought now giving all focus to my enemy.
~They wanna break me and wash away my colors~
I could feel the speed force go through me as I started to make my attack.
~Wash away my colors~
I ran and punched The Beast where I thought his elbow was.
~Take me high and I'll sing, Oh you make everything okay okay okay~
I started to run around and around The Beast and punched him here and there.
And behind me was an awesome green lightning blur.
~Okay okay okay~
But then all of a sudden he slammed me with a hammerfist and made me fly away, hard.
~We are one and the same, Oh you take all of the pain away away away~
“The irony” I thought before I saw The Beast jump and fly towards me with blades instead of claws.
~away away away~
I had only a moment before I managed to run to the side and avoid the blades.
~Save me if I become~
He looked to the left and then the right and saw Love move away and started to follow me.
~my demons~
I had a bad game of rat and mouse and I was the rat.
~I cannot stop this sickness taking over~
I started to run very far away to prepare a sonic punch.
~It takes control and drags me into nowhere~
I made a stop and started to run back to The Beast.
~I need your help, I can’t fight this forever~
When I saw The Beast he had something blue in his claws, Then I made myself go even faster and then I made my sonic punch in his head. This made me realise the blue thing was Luna.
“Now we need to change the plan” I thought to myself.
~I know you’re watching, I can feel you out there~
I took Luna's body and ran three miles away but I could still hear the music.
~I can feel you out there~
I paused the music to talk to Luna.
“How bad do you feel, Lulu?” I asked Luna letting her lay down on the ground.
“I am a little bruised but okay” Luna said with a smile.
“Good, can you still fight him?” I asked looking around to see if he was there.
“Yes but what is he, Love?” Luna asked sitting up.
“He is my shapeshifting powers. They want to be the one in control of the body” I said as I sat down next to Luna.
“Where are we?” Luna asked as her bruises healed at a fast rate.
“We are in my mind but you could also say we are in my home dimension” I said looking back at my past.
“How are we going to beat that beast?” Luna asked as her clothes started to change.
Her clothes turned into a dark blue armor that looked like a knight's armor but with a crescent moon on the chest piece and tightened around her stomach.
“Can you prepare some kind of super laser spell that can hurt him faster than he can regenerate?” I asked looking at my hand.
“Yes, but we need some time to generate the energy I require and he needs to stay still for it to work, but even then we would need to be two to hurt him that much” Luna said thinking about other spells that might work.
“I can make two of us so that is not a problem and I can keep him occupied during that time” I said with a smirk.
“How?” Luna said looking at me with her questioning eyes.
“Just something I can but I can’t explain now” I said as I prepared for the upcoming fight.
“We will need to talk about this after this but I trust you so let’s go” Luna said before I took a hold on her and ran.
I ran so fast that I could run past time just a second away. And then next to me was myself and Luna.I could hardly believe I used that trick from the series.
When we arrived both of us put down our Luna and said “Huzza! The Luna has been doubled”.
Then we started the music and then The Beast appeared in front of us.
~Take me high and I’ll sing. Oh you make everything okay okay okay~
Both of us started to punch The Beast and run all over the place making sure his focus would be on us.
~Okay okay okay~
~We are one and the same. Oh you take all of the pain away away away~
He tried to use whipfist but every time I managed to jump over or under the wip.
~away away away~
Then one of us ran away from the battle to prepare a sonic punch while the other me stayed to distract The Beast.
~Save me if I become~
Then one was running back to us during the sonic punch, but when he was supposed to hit The Beast's claw caught the fist and the other claw took the head of one me and ripped the head off the body.
~my demon~
When The Beast let go of the body it vaporized out of thin air and The Beast started to go to me.
~Take me over the walls below~
I tried to run but a tendril came out of his body and stabbed me in the leg.
~Fly forever. Don’t let me go~
I fell from the pain in my leg and I couldn't even crawl away because of the pain.
~I need a savior to heal my pain~
I started to give up and think of all the happy moments in my life.
~When I become my worst enemy~
I am sorry Mom and dad and big sister that I could not say goodbye for a final time.
The beast was standing over me ready to make the final blow. But then i heard two identical voices.
“You do not kill equestria's new god, monster” the voices said and then a dark blue beam shot at The Beast vaporizing it.
~The enemy~
I looked at where the beam came from and saw the two Lunas stand there with smoke coming from their horns.
I then could feel all the happiness inside of me when I looked at the two Lunas walking to me.
I started to stand up but I still could feel the pain in my leg so I fell instead.
When the two Lunas were next to me they took each an arm and helped me stand up.
“Are thou okay Love?” The Luna to my right said.
“I am okay Lulu’s, but I am going to need to rest when I wake up” I said with a small smile.
Then when the singer started again a spirit looking like The Beast was in front of us.
~Take me high and I’ll sing~
Then from the ground bars of white light came up and positioned them selves around the spirit Beast.
~You make everything okay~
Then a on top of the bars came a roof of white light.
~We are one and the same. You take all of the pain go away~
“He won't bother us again, Lulu’s” I said while looking into the now white eyes of The Beast.
~Take me high and I’ll sing. Oh you make everything okay okay okay~
~Okay okay okay~
Then I started to sing along with the song.
~We are one and the same. Oh you take all of the pain away away away~
Them one of the Lunas started to fade away but it didn't seem like either of us cared.
~away away away~
I could feel myself become stronger from this. Behind me came spirit images of my Mom, Dad and my big sister were standing looking proud of me while I hugged Luna with one arm.
~Save me if I become~
And then I did something I never thought I would do, I kissed Luna.
~my demons~
~Take me high and I’ll sing~
At first Luna looked surprised but then she started to kiss me back with closed eyes.
It felt like all of the world disappeared.
~Oh you make everything okay okay okay~
My mind became blank and all I could feel and think of is her.
~okay okay okay~
We just continued with the kiss like we would die if we stopped.
~We are one and the same. oh you take all of the pain away away away~
We did not think or do anything else. We just kissed.
~away away away~
~Save me if i become~
~my demons~

Author's Note:

Hello this is a new chapter and now it might take longer time to publish more but I am doing my best.
Tell me what you think about this chapter and ask away if there is something you don't understand.
Next is a crossover with somepony so keep watch for the next chapter.
May the speed force be with you.