• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 3,366 Views, 120 Comments

Sunset's Possible Returns, by Princess Celestia - Marwile

Luna reads more "Sunset returns"-scenarios.

  • ...

Hair, Breasts and a Party

Scenario PF-MN5:

Sunset slowly walked through the mirror. She held her head high and had a smug grin on her face. In her turquoise magic she was holding a small rectangular device. Celestia decided to silently observe for the moment.

“Princess Celestia,” Sunset announced. “The time has finally come. With the Metaverse-Nav on my phone and the abilities of a Phantom Thief I will enter the palace made out of your dark desires, steal your ‘heart’ and make you realize your mistakes and change your life. Finally I will make you see how you mistreated me. Now I just need to say the right words to activate the Nav… Princess Celestia. Canterlot Castle. Prison.”

No candidates found came a voice from the device.

“Ehhm… That didn’t go as planned…” Sunset was obviously surprised. “Probably just not the right distortion. Let’s try… Celestia. Canterlot Castle. And… army drill camp.”

No candidates found

“Ehehe…” Sunset now looked desperate. “How about...Celestia. Canterlot Castle. And… research facility.”

No candidates found

“Celestia. Canterlot Castle. Cloning facility.”

No candidates found


No candidates found

“... Maybe just school?”

No candidates found

Sunset’s head fell in shame. “I give up. Obviously you are as perfect as everyone thinks you are.”

Celestia finally stepped up to Sunset. “I think I’ve seen enough. How about you let me try it? Ahem… Sunset Shimmer. Canterlot Castle. And… Empire.”

Result found. Beginning navigation. the device surprisingly announced.

Celestia clenched her eyes for a moment when she suddenly felt a strong headache. It disappeared as quickly as it came and when Celestia opened her eyes again the world around her had changed. It still looked like Canterlot Castle, but all the colors had been changed to various tones of red, orange and yellow. Important were also the massive banners and statues of Sunset as an alicorn-princess everywhere. Even the stained-glass windows that were usually showing heroic feats of the past were now depicting ‘heroic’ acts Sunset certainly never actually did (like beating Celestia in a magic duel). The two walked over to a normal window to look outside and, to nopony’s surprise, saw even more statues and banners as well as several citizens dressing up like Sunset.

Sunset failed at a laugh. “That doesn’t really paint me in good light, huh?”

Celestia’s only reply was an angry look.

“Alright, alright, I’ll get the others and take care of this… Dang, and I owe him money now. Yeah, I should maybe really start to become a better person…”

“Somepony seems to really have some issues…” Luna observed.

Scenario RR-JY4:

When the mirror portal suddenly reactivated one day, Celestia felt great hope and optimism that her student, Sunset Shimmer, would return to her. But she knew that there was a huge difference between optimism and recklessness, and she certainly hasn’t been princess of Equestria due to the latter. Because of that several members of the Royal Guard were waiting alongside her for something to come through.

When the portal started to show signs of activity everypony’s nerves were on edge. They got into combat-ready stances waiting for something to emerge from the mirror. Finally something came through the mirror and, despite the longer hair and the strange yellow gauntlets on her forehooves, Celestia recognized the yellow unicorn, Sunset Shimmer, right away.

“Guards! Lower your weapons! She’s not a threat!” Celestia immediately ordered.

But for one young blue-maned guard this warning came too late and he threw his spear right at Sunset. Luckily she easily avoided the spear by ducking under it.

“Oops… Sorry,” the guard tried to avoid the angry glances of his fellow soldiers.

Sunset didn’t seem to mind it, though. “Don’t worry. Much worse happened to me in the world of Rem…” Time seemed to slow down to a crawl for Sunset as her attention suddenly focused on only one thing: a single hair from her long mane falling down to the floor right before her eyes.

Suddenly a golden burning aura erupted out of Sunset. Her shining mane stood nearly upright and moved like flame in the wind. Her glowing rage-filled eyes shifted their focus to the one soldier that was responsible for this sin.

The poor guardspony gulped.

Ten minutes later Celestia was finally able to subdue the raging Sunset. All of the Royal Guard had to be sent to the infirmary heavily beaten up, and the castle maids would later report hearing explosions from the throne room. The throne room needed a renovation, anyway.

"Somepony seems to be a bit too focused on her mane."

Scenario HD-RC36:

Sunset Shimmer appeared through the mirror and walked right up to Princess Celestia.

“Celestia, I want to apologize for my actions. I now know that I wasn’t ready for what I wanted,” Sunset said.

Celestia was slightly surprised, but kept her composure and smiled at her former student. “That’s good to hear and I’m really glad for you. But if I’m allowed to ask, what happened to make you change that much?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it, anyways. I learned many new things, made some interesting friends and had some unique experiences,” at that black demonic wings came out of her sides. She heard Celestia gasp. “As I said, I had some unique experiences. But don’t worry, I’m not evil or something like that.” Though she couldn’t suppress a grin.

Then they heard something else coming through the portal. They turned around to see a red stallion with a brown mane, who was looking around the throne room.

“So that’s where the president grew up?” he said.

“Issei, didn’t I tell you to wait while I reconcile with my old teacher?”

“I know, but I just couldn’t resist my curiosity and it actually looks pretty ni-” his eyes fell on Sunset, then they fell deeper between her forelegs. “W-W-What h-happened to y-you? Y-Y-You’re a p-p-pony!”

“Ehh… Yes, I am. I'm sure I already told you.”

“B-But I thought some k-kind of h-hot a-anthro-thing…” he broke down on the floor. “...b-b-breasts… g-gone… p-power… fa...ding...”

The remaining two ponies spent a few more moments watching him before Sunset picked him up in her magic and started carrying him towards the portal.

“He’s actually a pretty nice guy when you get to know him, but I’ll better bring him back before enters some kind of pervert hibernation. Maybe you can come over the next time.” She gave a last smile and walked back through the portal.

“Why are the creatures of other worlds always so focused on breasts?”

Scenario RH-ET68:

Sunset ran out of the portal and accidentally bumped into Celestia. “Oh, Celestia! I learned from my mistakes and I’m really sorry and ready to become your student again,” Sunset said hastily.

Celestia was a bit overwhelmed. “Umm… Sure, that’s good to hear. But is something wrong? You seem to be in a hurry.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Hehe,” Sunset said nervously. “I’ll go back to my old room right away, and start learning. And if some weird uniformed ponies show up and talk about something weird, like… I dunno… spitting down from Eiffel Tower, I’ve got nothing to do with it.” She then ran deeper into the castle, while Celestia looked after her, confused.

“It can be hard to resist sometimes,” Luna looked away, slightly embarrassed.

Scenario MB-BP8:

Sunset came through the mirror. But she wasn’t the only one. After Sunset came another pony. And another. And another. And it turned into a seemingly endless stream of ponies.

“Here!” “This way!” “Just go forward!” “That’s perfectly normal!” Sunset said to random ponies.

Celestia walked up beside her. “What’s going on? And what does it have to do with all these ponies?”

“Oh, we’re just celebrating a big party here.” Sunset casually replied.

“You’re doing what?” Now Celestia noticed that most ponies were carrying either food, drinks or other party supplies. Before she could say anything more a white-coated unicorn with an electric-blue mane and magenta shades turned on the music and everypony started dancing. Even Sunset.

Celestia looked around the dancing ponies in her throne room. She then shrugged with her shoulders and started dancing as well.

“Apparently nopony can resist the power of spontaneous dance parties.”

Author's Note:

Yay! Birthday chapter. And what's not to love about a date like 8.8.

Also, before anyone asks, Sunset and Rias share their german VA. That's why. (I'm also disappointed in the fact no one made a fanfic about it, yet)

Comments ( 23 )

So Persona 5, RWBY, High School DxD, and two generic if not highly amusing scenerios. Finally a chapter I actually understand the references to :twilightsmile:

I'm glad for you:raritywink:

Would it be wrong of me to expect a kind of spanish inqusition, or is your chief weapon not surprise?

Well, this is an entertaining collection. I look forward to further hypothetical silliness.

Celestia, how often did you come up with these? Seriously.

“Guards! Lower your weapons! She’s not a threat!” Celestia immediately ordered.

Lower your weapons! She’s not a threat!

not a threat

Sunset: "If you say it this way it sounds kind of insulting...

in the world of Rem…


“Why are the creatures of other worlds always so focused on breasts.”

Why not? (Also small typo: Forgotten question mark.)

“Apparently nopony can resist the power of spontaneous dance parties.”

:pinkiehappy:: "This statement is Pinkie Pie Approved!"

Yay! Birthday chapter.

Your birthday? Congratulations!




(Also small typo: Forgotten question mark.)

Fixed. Thanks.

Your birthday? Congratulations!

A bit late, but thanks!:pinkiehappy:

world of Rem what is this refferning to and why does usnet care about here mane so much

Weiss, Remnant (she didn't finish the sentence) and the thing with her mane are references to RWBY. Akari comes from Yuru Yuri.

1.- Sunset, next time say Bureau.
2.- Never mess with the hair!
3.- That was... interesting.
5.- Because party!

Hmmm, possibilities:
1. Sunset has a wave change like Megaman Starforce
2. Sunset has Bankai(Bleach) and dates Ichigo
3. Digimon partners
4. Sunset has kids with her
5. Sailor Moon powers

ive seen the show now sense that post


I don't think there's anything particularly nsfw about it, but 'kay.

Today was the day the portal opened again. Celestia had spend the whole morning staying close by, just incase Sunset would return. Daring to take a short food break, she left the room to prepare a slice of cake. But just as she was about to take to first bit, she felt the signature of the portal!

She ran as fast as she could, her heart soaring at the prospect to see her dear Sunset again...!

However. Greeting her was a bright orange unicorn filly with a similar fiery manedo. So close and yet so far off.

Putting on her best smile, mostly to hide her dissapointment, she greeted the little filly, who was busy looking around the whole room. "Hello there, little one. Who might you be?"

The filly jumped and turned to face her. Her eyes grew in size before she ran up and embraced the stunned princess.

"Grandmommy!" The filly exclaimed.

:rainbowlaugh:Why haven‘t I thought of this?

You can have it if you want. No need for credit.
It was just a silly thing I though up.

I got another one.

Celestia is guarding the portal when suddenly 7+ colts and fillies emerge, all of which jump on her for a horsie ride.
Then a very tired Sunset enter and reveal they're all hers. All of them are named after weather and times of the day (except the last one where she ran out of imagination and named them something completely unrelated. Like Junior or something)
And then Sunset runs back into the portal shouting "Thank you for babysitting! I'll be back in a few hours! Or maybe days...!"

Comment posted by Illi deleted Dec 3rd, 2019
Comment posted by Illi deleted Dec 3rd, 2019
Comment posted by Illi deleted Dec 3rd, 2019

Is this story finished?

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