• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 4,654 Views, 48 Comments

Long Live the Queen - Penalt

On the night before her sixteenth birthday, Flurry Heart is kidnapped by changelings.

  • ...

The only chapter

“Hi, Dad,” called out the young alicorn princess to her father, as they saw each other at the end of a hall in the Crystal Palace. It was late and most ponies were in their beds by this time.

“So, all ready for your birthday tomorrow, sweetie?” asked Shining Armor to his teenage daughter as he walked towards her.

“Kind of,” replied Flurry Heart, as they reached each other. “I mean, I know that the law says on my sixteenth birthday I have to formally become an Imperial Princess and all, but does it have to be in front of everypony?”

“Tomorrow is a very important day,” said the middle aged stallion to his filly, as the pair started walking down the hall together. “The whole Crystal Empire will be there to see you. As will your Aunt Twilight.”

“Daaaad,” said Flurry. “I love Auntie Twilie to bits, but sometimes she can be a little...” She trailed off not wanting to say anything bad about her father’s sister.

“She can be a little intense, I know,” assured Shining to his daughter. “But you know she loves you.”

“I know, it’s just...” Flurry trailed off. “Dad, I don’t feel like I deserve this. Any of this.”

“What do you mean?” asked Shining.

“I mean, Aunt Twilight and her friends have saved Equestria literally dozens of times,” said Flurry Heart, as she and her father headed toward her rooms. “You and Mom beat Sombra, beat Chrysalis, and reformed the changelings. All I’ve ever done is smile and wave.”

“Ah, Flurry of my Heart,” said Shining. “Up until now, your job has been to smile and wave. You’ve done a good job of it too. You’re ready for more responsibility, which is what tomorrow is all about.”

“But I don’t deserve it,” Flurry insisted. “All I’ve done, is be lucky enough to be the first natural born alicorn.”

“Then do your best to be worthy of the position,” said Shining as they reached his daughter’s rooms. “For better or worse, you are where, what, and who, you are.”

“But what if I mess up? What if I make things worse?” asked Flurry Heart. “What if I turn evil, with minions and a secret fortress and everything?”

“If that happens, dear, we will insist that you use your minions to keep your secret fortress clean and tidy,” said Shining Armor, teasing his filly as she made her way into her room.

“But Daaaad,” wailed Flurry Heart turning back to look at her father.

“No matter what, my Flurry,” said Shining. “No matter what happens in life, good or bad, your mother and I will always be here for you. Have a good sleep, sweetie. Tomorrow is a big day.”

Convinced by her father's logic, Flurry Heart climbed into her bed. It was late, and her father was right. Tomorrow was going to be a big day with an early start. Magically turning out her lights, she rolled under her blankets and closed her eyes to go to sleep. It seemed only moments later when a noise woke her up.

“Is somepony there?” she asked the darkness, beginning to raise her head.

“Quickly! Now!” hissed a voice very near her.

“Mmrrmph,” Flurry Heart tried to shout as a cloth was pressed tightly against her muzzle. As she inhaled, a sweet scent filled her nostrils. Her head swam as she tried and failed to summon her magic. The drug she was breathing in stole the strength from limbs. It even stole the strength from her eyelids. As her eyes closed and she faded into unconsciousness she heard one last thing.

“Get her in the bag. We have a long way to go to the hive.”


Some unknowable length of time later, Princess Flurry Heart woke up. She could feel the hood on her head that kept her from seeing, and the gag that held her mouth open. She tried to pull the gag and hood both off, but her hooves wouldn't move. It felt like she was sitting in a broad flat chair and her limbs were secured at the fetlocks to it. Something was also blocking her magic. She tried to flutter her wings as a last effort, but they seemed to be strapped to her sides. Her motions apparently attracted the attentions of her captors though.

“She’s awake,” said one voice. “What do we do?”

“I know,” came an answer. “We knock her out again.”

“No, you idiot,” said a third. “We need her to wake up.”

Flurry Heart recognized the tone and cadence of the voices she could hear. Changelings! Which meant she was a prisoner of Chrysalis. The shape shifting queen had tried several schemes of vengeance over the years since her great defeat. It seemed kidnapping Flurry was her latest. As she was pondering this the hood was pulled off, and Flurry looked into the face of a worried looking changeling.

“Oh, are you okay?” the changeling asked.

“Ohoay? Wak ar oo alking agou?” Flurry garbled out past her gag.

“Oh! Sorry,” said the changeling, as he reached behind Flurry’s head and began to unbuckle the gag. “We had to gag you during the trip here. The drug we used can cause vomiting and we had to make sure your mouth was kept open.” The gag came loose and the changeling pulled it free of Flurry’s mouth with a surprisingly gently touch.

“W...wat...water,” gasped Flurry Heart. Her mouth was as dry as the Saddle Arabian desert.

“Oh, sorry, sorry,” apologized the changeling again, hurriedly bringing up a glass with a straw. “We should have realized you would be dried out. It’s been two days, after all.” Flurry sucked at the offered straw and cool water flowed into her mouth. As she drank, she looked around. She was in a well lit cavern with what looked like at least two or three hundred changelings gathered around her. Resin covered the walls and floor, and Flurry could see she was indeed bound to a throne-like chair.

“What are you going to do with me?” Flurry asked her captors. She was rather proud that her voice was calm. She was the daughter of Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza. She would not show fear. Not matter what.

“You have to understand something,” said the changeling drone in front of her. “We are all runaways from Chrysalis’s hive. She beat us, yelled at us, made us do terrible things. Most of us haven’t had a decent meal in weeks.” Behind the drone Flurry could see that several of his companions had discoloured and damaged chitin. Many of them obviously needed to feed, and deeply.

“So, that’s it. You intend to eat me? Suck me dry?” demanded Flurry Heart. She began to buck and struggle against her bonds. “You won’t take me without a fight!” Flurry’s bonds held firm.

“No, no, please,” pleaded the changeling, placing a hoof on Flurry’s shoulder. “We don’t want to eat you, or drain you, or hurt you in any way.”

Flurry calmed herself down and asked, “What do you want then?”

“We want someone to feed us,” said the changeling with feeling. “We need someone to care for us, someone to command us, to rule us. We need a queen.” Flurry could scarcely believe her ears. Surely he didn’t mean?

With a flash of green energy, the changeling shattered Flurry’s bonds and knelt before her. “Princess Flurry Heart, we beg you. Be our Queen.”

Flurry Heart rose from her...throne. She could feel something in the air. A prickling of power and foreshadowing. Destiny. She looked down at the drone, on his knees before her, and at the multitude looking on expectantly. She smiled down at the drone, and placed a hoof on his shoulder. He looked at Flurry’s hoof, then up to her face and saw her nod at him. His smile was like the sun coming out from behind the clouds.

Seeing this, the drones all began to kneel in a great wave radiating out from the throne. From somewhere, a chant began. The chant rose, and began to echo within the cavern until it seemed ready to split the walls with its joyful power.



In the past week the Crystal Empire had gone from joyful celebration, to armed camp. Every inch of the kidnapped princess’s rooms had been gone over with a fine toothed comb. Every servant, guard and passerby on the night in question had been found, interrogated, and examined. The only clue that had been found was a vomit stained burlap sack. Magic had revealed that the vomit was Flurry’s.

Cadance and Shining had kept up a brave front for their ponies, but servants had reported the sounds of crying going long into the night, coming from the apartments of the Crystal Princess. Shining had spent long days with his sister following up every lead, and equally long nights holding his wife. The strain was beginning to tell.

“Sir!” reported a guard.

“Why are you bothering me?” snapped Shining Armor, examining some hairs that had been found on a window ledge. “This could be important.”

“Sir!” insisted the guard. “Lookouts report a force of changelings approaching from the west.”

“Changelings? Those mother-buckers!” shouted a suddenly energized Shining. “Call out the guard. To Arms!”

“Sir, wait!” interrupted the guard. “They’re flying truce flags.”

“Call out the guard anyway,” said Shining Armor. “If they try anything we’ll make them pay.”

The force of some five hundred changelings, led by a covered palanquin, approached the border of the Crystal Empire. A combined force of Imperial and Equestrian troops fully three times their number awaited them. The changelings showed no fear or concern that they were badly outnumbered, and came to a smooth stop just outside the edge of the Empire.

“State your intentions!” called out Shining Armor in a magically enhanced voice. He stood at the head of the combined force. Strong and powerful. Every inch the determined stallion, prepared for any threat or eventuality. Except for one.

The drapes of the palanquin moved aside and a white and pink figure jumped out. Shining’s heart seized up in his chest as his daughter walked up toward him. A green and gold crown upon her brow.

“I’m sorry it took me so long to get home, Dad,” said Queen Flurry Heart. “But they insisted on following me back. Can I keep them?”

Author's Note:

This was just a fun one shot that once again came out of the depths of Damaged's Discord chat.. I wanted to write a funny story without an sexiness. I likely failed. But at least I think it is a little funny.