• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 1,871 Views, 39 Comments

Equestrix Club - Skaltrox Defiance Knight

Twilight and her friends discover magical jewels buried in a small chest in the park, what they don't know is that they have awoken magic inside them they thought was a mere "fairy" tale.

  • ...

Fluttershy fights back

"So what do we do if something like that burglary happens again Twilight?" Rainbow asked Twilight as she read over the book for any other details that may become useful to them.

The girls were sitting out in the park, like they did when this all began, except they were just hanging to discuss their magical change.

Twilight looked up from the book and gave a response "We try to do whatever we can to stop it, while we never agreed to do this...we frankly don't have a choice now. With these powers we can help a lot of people, but in the wrong hands it would only destroy" Twilight replied.

"Well, I never thought we would be wrapped up into such a predicament, but I can't deny that this is pretty amazing" Applejack spoke up.

"I must agree with Applejack, this is something simply remarkable to happen and to us, now that's even better. I also adore those sparkly outfits and the functional wings too." Rarity said as she focused on filing her nails.

Twilight laughed quietly at Rarity's last comment, the fashionista was bound to say something about the outfits they done. It was a matter of waiting for it to happen. After finishing her giggle session, Twilight noticed something odd over where Pinkie was, Fluttershy was sitting behind the party girl reading. Now that wasn't the odd thing, what was odd was that she looked upset; almost on the verge of bursting into tears. 'What was wrong with her?' Twilight thought. Twilight decided to succumb to her curiosity and go over and ask her shy friend what was making her blue.

"Hey Fluttershy, what's the matter. You seem like you're going to cry?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy seemed startled by Twilight's words, she instantly responded trying her best not to look away from the book she was reading. "I...um...ah...it's nothing Twilight...just this...book... yes this book. It's a sad one so that's why I look like that"

Twilight looked at the book with a puzzled look then smiled as she turned to face the timid girl once more. "Fluttershy, I know books better than any of you and that book" Twilight gestured by pointing at the tome "Is a comedy, I should know I've read it a dozen times. You are trying to feel better by reading it, so don't lie to me saying that the book is what's making you sad, just please Fluttershy tell me what's up" Twilight was near to begging.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight, sighed and closed the book. "I feel...useless" Fluttershy responded weakly.

Twilight gasped "Fluttershy, you are not useless, you are actually incredibly helpful. What makes you think you are useless?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy turned to face Twilight now "During the fight with the burglars...I didn't...do anything, all I did was watch in fear as you five fought and claimed victory over the thieves. I just couldn't do it, I felt like nothing more than a mascot." Fluttershy replied close to crying this time.

Twilight used her next words carefully "I was aware that you didn't participate, but of all the girls I expected to not fight the thieves, was you. The reason why is because you've never been in a fight and you aren't aware of the dangers. Technically only Rainbow and Aj have been in fights before but we couldn't let them do everything, so we sucked up the fear and went in head first. As for you, well yo have a little more fear than the rest of us so that pretty much speaks for itself."

Twilight looked straight into Fluttershy's eyes "Next time we do something like this, you might be ready to help. Don't take it so hard Fluttershy, it was your first time" Twilight stated.

Fluttershy smiled for the first time during the talk "Ok, thank you Twi" she said.

As the two hugged Rainbow ran over shouting for them "Guys, we have serious trouble!" she shouted.

Twilight turned to Fluttershy "Well look at that, time to change things around" she said.


Twilight with Fluttershy in tow, ran over to were the rest of the group had huddled. "Guys what's going on?!" Twilight shouted trying to get a decent answer.

"Well you know just a little earlier when you said that we need to use these powers to help people?" Applejack answered.

Twilight nodded "Yeah?"

"Well I think we need to use them now. Because two big ogre or troll things are attacking the town." Rainbow stated.

Twilight blinked in confusion "You can't be serious, right?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow rolled her eyes "Twilight, we have magical powers now and fly, do you really think something like an ogre is a stretch?" she questioned.

"Oh yeah...well let's go and help then!" Twilight shouted, the group ran off in the direction of the action hoping to stop the threat before it got to out of control. Fluttershy still felt nervous, thugs were one thing but giant monsters were in a completely different court, still she couldn't stay behind so wrestling as much of her fear down and courage up she followed the rest of the group.


The girls halted their sprint as they found the problem. A large yellow ogre wearing brown overalls grabbed random citizens and shouted at them, while a large blue troll with long black hair and wearing only a belt or harness around his legs, smashed apart buildings and cars with his mighty club. Rarity cringed at their attire "My lord, they may be monsters but that doesn't mean they have to wear such terrible clothes...well what clothes they do wear" Rarity grinned while pointing to the troll.

The ogre wasn't just shouting at people, it was speaking, Twilight moved closer making sure she was hidden) so she could hear what it was saying "Were are they! Tell me little human were are those flying girls at!" the ogre boomed.

The man held in his grasp spluttered a response "I-I-I d-don't k-know what y-your talking a-about" the man said in a frightened state. The ogre growled at him before tossing him on the pavement like a bundle of clothes.

"Where are you fairies!" he shouted.

Twilight gasped 'He's looking for us. We could run away but that would mean they won't stop wrecking the town. *Sigh" It looks like we are gonna have to act' Twilight thought. She rose from her hiding spot and yelled at the ogre "Hey, you looking for us!"

The ogre turned towards the voice "You!" he shouted. "You are coming with us"

Rainbow stood in front of Twilight and the rest circled around her "We aren't going anyway!" she shouted to the ogre.

The ogre smirked "Well see about that. Hunting Troll grab them!" he replied.

The Troll in question turned around and charged towards the six girls. "Uhh how do we transform?" Applejack asked a very good (and important) question.

Twilight remembered something from the book "We shout 'Magic winx' and it will happen." Twilight responded.

"Really?" Rainbow said with a sigh.

"We don't have time to question it so let's go!" Applejack stated.

The girls stood together and shouted "Magic Winx!"

The surging white light returned and the girls were enveloped by it. They could feel changes happen suddenly and as soon as it started, it finished, and they were standing back in the street...with the Troll running towards them. They jumped out of the way of the troll and began to fly, it was time to fight.


The Troll swung it's club at the girls, Fluttershy still seemed nervous, she tried to keep as far away as she could from the monster while the others did what they could. "Blistering star!" Twilight shouted as she blasted the Troll's back.

"I've got this, shocking lightning!" Rainbow yelled as she shot out sparks of from her hands at the Troll, the beast seemed barely phased by the attack. "What!" Rainbow shouted looking puzzled.

It's probably used to magic Rainbow, we need to hit were it's weak!" Applejack shouted to her sporty friend. "If I can immobilize it, you guys can take some hits were it could hurt!"

"Good thinking Aj, alright girls, let's distract the Troll until Applejack is in position!" Twilight stated. The others nodded and they began to distract the monster.

Over here you big Blueberry!" Pinkie taunted as she dodge the Troll's attacks, she seemed untouchable until one wrong move lead to her crashing into a wall and plummeting to the ground. The Troll took the advantage to pound the pink haired girl, Rarity noticed and rushed to help.

"Pinkie watch out, Diamond shards!" Rarity yelled shooting forth a barrage of diamonds at the Troll sending it off balance. Applejack was in position and she took her chance.

"Constricting vines!" she shouted, vines erupted from the pavement and from buildings wrapping around the Troll's arms and Legs. "I've got it's limbs immobilized, but not for long. Take your shot's!"

The others didn't need to be asked twice. "I've got it's face, you guys go and fire at any place that looks like it could hurt!" Rainbow said. Rarity went for one of it's shoulders, Pinkie targeted the chest and Twilight went for one of it's arm's.

They all fired at once. "Thunder clap!" Rainbow shouted.
"Nova nebula!" Twilight shouted.
"Crystal clear blast!" Rarity shouted.
"Party crasher" Pinkie giggled.

Their attacks connected and as Applejack let go of the vines, the Troll was sent flying backwards, the Club blowing up into splinters."Yeah nice one guys!" Rainbow cheered.

"Hey were is Applejack?" Rarity asked. The others looked around and they noticed that the farm girl was indeed gone.

The others hovered down to were she was standing last "She can't of gone far" Twilight stated. Still gazing around the heard Fluttershy yell...as much as she could at least.

"Guys watch out!" She said. The ogre appeared from behind them, with their guard down the ogre was able to take them out one by one. The girls landed with a thud, Twilight lifted her head and she could make out Applejack in the corner of her eye laying on her back.

"Now 5 down one to go" the ogre smirked as he looked at the timid girl flying above.

"Oh my, what do I do?" Fluttershy said to herself.

"You can do it Fluttershy!" Twilight shouted from below. "We believe in you!"

Fluttershy widened her eyes at those words, she looked at her hands briefly, before clenching them and looking back up at the the ogre with an angry look on her face.

"Alright mister, you cannot hurt my friends without crossing me!" she shouted. The ogre laughed at her words, this only made Fluttershy angrier.

'What are you going to do? From what I remember you didn't do a thing against those burglars yesterday. What can you possibly do to stop me!" he growled out.

Fluttershy responded while coming down to the ground "This, Bear claw!" Fluttershy yelled blasting a large magical bear paw at the ogre punching him in the face, she did it a second time but with the other fist. The ogre stumbled backwards.

"That strength, but how?" he shouted in confusion.

Fluttershy replied "It doesn't matter how, just believe it! Lion heart!" a bright burst of energy shot forwards, hurtling the ogre over to where the Troll landed.

"Now leave, or do you want some more punishment!" Fluttershy asked.

The ogre stumbled to his feet "Grrr, I'll be getting punishment from my master's because of you!" he responded, clapping his hands together, the ogre and the troll disappeared without a trace.

Fluttershy flew over to her friends "Are you guys okay?" You aren't hurt?" she asked.

"Nah were alright" Rainbow replied getting back up "But you just, wow Fluttershy, I didn't think you had it in you"

"Yes I must agree with Rainbow, darling, you were just spectacular!" Rarity spoke up.

Twilight patted Fluttershy on the back "I knew you could do it Fluttershy" Twilight smiled

Fluttershy smiled back "All thanks to you" she replied.