• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 2,670 Views, 22 Comments

Talking About the Future - Silver Topaz

After being stuck all day inside. Spike decides to talk to Starlight about their future together.

  • ...

The only chapter

Spike laid down on Starlight's bed, looking bored as ever. The day already left, giving way for the night to take over. But it didn't help that it had been raining all day non-stop. With it raining all day Spike didn't really have much to do.

He turned on his back on the bed. Looking at Starlight who was working on a friendship report, for Twilight. He groaned letting her know that he was bored. Spike now knew how Twilight felt that day.

"You know if you're so bored, you can always go and help Twilight."

The voice of his marefriend snapped Spike out of his thoughts. He looked at her with a slight annoying look.

"Things with Twilight are weird."

"How so?" Asked Starlight her curiosity taking her away from her report.

"I don't know, I can tell something is bothering her. But no matter how many times I try, she refuses to tell me what's wrong." Spike stretched his wings after finishing that sentence.

Starlight started thinking. Trying to figure out what to say. "Well maybe it's personal. Or maybe it's just not that important."

"Maybe." Spike looked at the ceiling, he wasn't convinced. Twilight would always tell him everything. There were no secrets between them. He turned on the bed again, this way his belly was now on the bed. He looked at Starlight smiling. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Starlight looked at Spike. "I'm actually done." She said. Starlight charged her magic and the scroll she was writing on turned into smoke, and left the room.

Spike and Starlight watched it leave. "You know your getting good at that." Spike said, still looking in the direction the scroll left.

Starlight walked towards the bed. And hopped on, "thank you Spike."

Starlight nuzzled Spike's side. Something which he liked a lot. He loved the feeling, even more than he should. He returned it and after a bit of nuzzling he stopped. Something clear on his mind.

He turned to look at Starlight. "You know it's weird us here together."

Starlight gained a look of confusion. She didn't know what Spike meant by that. "I don't think I follow Spike."

"Oh it's just." Spike scratched the back of his head. He thought about what he was going to say. He didn't want to say the wrong thing. "Well I guess, I've been in love with Rarity all this time, that just thinking about us being a couple it's weird to me."

"But you are happy right?" Starlight was worried and you could tell just by her voice. All of this romance stuff was new to her. So she didn't know if she was doing it right.

"Of course I am. I guess what I'm saying is that, I always expected Rarity to be my marefriend. But you know I'm happy with what happened. After all it was just a crush." Spike put one of his wings over Starlight. He pulled her close, "are you happy Starlight?"

"I couldn't be happier Spike. I'm here with you." The couple looked at each other. Enjoying each others company, it was great.

Spike and Starlight kissed. Spike always loved the feeling of kissing her. It felt like the first time, every time they did it. The kiss lasted a bit, but it was eventually broken. They then stayed quite, just happy being together. Until Starlight broke the silence.

"Spike what do you expect for our relationship in the future?"

The question caught Spike off guard. "I don't really know what you mean by that."

Starlight decided to just get straight to the point. "Spike do you see us, still together next year and the year after that? Do you see us getting married?"

The last part of the question again took Spike by surprise. He hadn't even thought about that stuff. Him and Starlight have been dating for a while, but he never gave it that much thought. But after all the things that have happened, he could only think of one answer.

"Yes. Yes to all of your questions. I don't know when but yes." Starlight started blushing. She didn't expect the answer to be yes. They have been dating for a bit, but it was still to early to be asking that type of question.

Starlight kissed Spike's cheek. "I love you Spike."

"I love you too Starlight Glimmer."

Another moment of silence took over the room. This time it was interrupted by Spike.

"Hey Starlight."

"Yeah Spike." Starlight let out a yawn and closed her eyes. It was already late and she was getting tired.

"Do you think we'll have kids?"

Starlight's eyes immediately shot opened. She looked at Spike not even answering the question. She didn't even knew if she had an answer to his question.

"You know, I ask since if we do, you'll be the one that's going to give birth."

Starlight had the biggest look of shock in her face. It's not that she hadn't thought about having kids, it's just she didn't think she would make a good mother. After what happened with Sunburst and the village, and especially after what she did to Twilight and the world. She just didn't think she should even try being a mother.

Starlight gained a look of sadness. Spike thinking he stepped over some line, was now feeling kinda bad. "Starlight can you have kids?"

Another question that took Starlight by surprise. "No Spike it's not that." Starlight looked away for a second and the looked at Spike again. Staring directly at his emerald green eyes. "Spike I ...... After what I did to Twilight and the village" Starlight let out a sigh "I just don't think I'll be a good mother." Starlight looked away.

Spike placed a claw on Starlight's hoof. He put his other claw on the side of her face. And turned her so she was now looking at him again. "Starlight you will make a great mother."

Starlight looked at Spike. "Do you really think so?"

"Of course I do. You'll make a great mother. You can teach our foal magic and teach it what's right and wrong. Teach it that friendship is great." Starlight smiled, she felt happy hearing those words from the one she loved.

She leaned in closer giving Spike another kiss. One which he gladly returned. Spike gained an evil grin on his face. "You know what else you can teach our foal."

"What? Spike."

"You can teach it, not to start a cult if her friend leaves her."

Spike started laughing. While Starlight only glare at him. "Well you know what you can teach her." Spike stopped laughing only to hear what Starlight had to say. "You can teach her not to be greedy on her birthday. So that she doesn't grow into a giant and destroy half a town."

It was now Spike's turn to glare at Starlight. Starlight happily returned the look. It stayed like this for a while, until they both started laughing. Once they finished laughing, Spike turned to Starlight.

"You know that was a low blow."

"Look who's talking."

Again both started laughing. They were glad they could do stuff like this, without any of them getting angry. There was a line and as long as they didn't cross it everything would be fine. They could take shots at each other and laugh about it afterwards.

"We would make great parents someday." Spike said.

There was something that was bugging Starlight however. "Spike. Can a dragon and a pony have a baby?"

Spike didn't know the answer to that question. Luckily a third voice made itself known.

"Yes. You need a male dragon to impregnate a mare for them to be able to make a foal."

Spike and Starlight turned their heads towards the door, to see none other than Twilight. Starlight looked at the princess, with only one question in her mind.

"Twilight how long have you been there?"

Twilight looked around for a moment then answered the question. "I just arrived, I was coming to tell you that I got your report."

"Great. Tell me how I did when you're done looking over it okay." Twilight nodded and with that left the room. "Well that was interesting." Starlight said looking at Spike.

"Yes it was. I'll be back I have to talk to Twilight." Spike got up and made his way to the door.

"Ok. Just don't take to long okay."

"Okay." With that Spike left.

Spike caught up to Twilight yelling her name and getting her to stop. He asked her the same thing he'd been doing for the past few weeks. And Twilight gave him the same answer she had before.

After trying some more Spike gave up. Just thinking that it wasn't to important or urgent for him to know. Maybe it was something personal, or maybe it wasn't. But Spike knew Twilight wasn't going to tell him.

Spike sighed. "Good night Twilight."

"Good night Spike."

With that Spike made it back to Starlight's room. She was already asleep and the rain finally stopped. Letting Spike know that he had been a while.

Spike got on the bed, and he brought Starlight close to him. He thought about today, he still didn't know what was bothering Twilight. But he did get to talk to Starlight so, he still considered it a good day.

Spike looked at the sleeping Starlight next to him. "Good night Starlight. I love you." Spike gave Starlight a kiss on the muzzle. He closed his eyes and just let sleep carry him away.

Twilight made it to her room. She looked at her desk were a letter could be found. She looked at it.

The letter was from Cadance. The letter said that Twilight should let Spike know how she felt. The truth was that she was going to do it tonight. The letter was three weeks old now.

She tried. She tried so hard to tell him. She knew things were going to get awkward between them. She knew he was with Starlight, and that he was happy. But she just wanted to get it off her chest.

"I love you Spike." Twilight said to herself. "I've always loved you. Even before we moved to Ponyville." Twilight climbed on the bed. She looked in the direction of the desk. Were the letter was.

"I.. I.... I " Twilight tried to get the words out. But she couldn't. She instead let out an angry scream, and sent a magic beam towards the desk, which shattered when the beam made contact.

Twilight buried her face on the pillow. Tears falling from her face, as she repeated one word over and over. "It's not fair."

She repeated that word over and over. Until the combination of her tears and exhaustion made her fall asleep. With one last word spoken before she completely fell asleep.

"I love you Spike."

Author's Note:

This is a one shot to help advance the story of Spike and Starlight. Only for a little bit. Like I said there will be more Starlight and Spike stories.

This story isn't edited. So if there are any mistakes please tell me so I can fix them. I read through the story, so the mistakes should be at a minimum.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this story and thanks for reading it. Bye

One last question. Do you guys think Spike and Starlight would make good parents?

Comments ( 22 )

Wow I can't wait to see whats in store for the other stories

I was so shocked when finding out how twilight felt didn't see that coming

7808453 Someone is excited. But I'm excited to.

very good can had sinking suspicion twililight had feelings for spike don't know how just did lol
:twilightsheepish: :heart:


I really like Twilight's conflict in your story. It really adds to the story.

Spike and Starlight would make great parents. From the way Spike is written in your story, he is very mature and Starlight is also well rounded in some areas. That would most likely improve as they get older, thus perfect parents.

I can't wait for more of your Sparlight fics. :twilightsmile:

7813301 As always I'm glad you enjoyed it. And don't worry there are more stories on the way. But I won't spoil them. As Rarity said "no spoilers."

7813311 Awww, no spoilers!? :pinkiesad2:

I can't wait to see what happens next, but I shall wait. :pinkiesmile:

7814042 You are a person of patience, you can do this. And also the wait won't be to long. Anyway until next time.


Please tell there is more to come.

7939491 There is more to come.

It doesn't have to be so bad, Twilight. Maybe your next lesson for Glim-Glam could be about the importance of—sharing.

wow, that was really enjoyable. this whole series like thing has been super good and cute. look forward to more

Wow it's been a while since anyone has left a comment on one of my stories. I'm really happy that you liked it, and who knows maybe when i finally start writing again, I could make another one.

Sounds awesome, thank you

Let's see if I can make some time this week. If I can I'll see what i can come up with. I just need to talk to my editor, or get a new one.

I don’t think two different species can have kids, but great story.

here I leave a random comment to keep waiting: v

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