• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 24,164 Views, 551 Comments

Affection Therapy - Blazewing

Affection therapy: a new and innovative practice in Equestria, involving displays of platonic affection, such as ear scratches, nose boops, and belly rubs.

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A week has passed since you helped lift Derpy’s spirits. Things have been pretty quiet in your corner of Ponyville. Well, unless you counted Pinkie Pie marching through the streets, playing a one-pony band ensemble. Again. This month. When she came by for another lap, you’d leaned out your window to ask her what the occasion was, but her only reply was ‘No occasion in particular! Sometimes, you just get that ‘one-pony band’ itch, ya know?’

No, you didn’t know, but you would rather not question it, especially as it came from Pinkie Pie.

Otherwise, you’ve had one or two ponies coming by to seek affection therapy, partly out of curiosity after hearing Derpy talk about it. One was Golden Harvest, a yellow Earth pony with a curly orange mane who runs a carrot stall in the market. She’d had a rough day, and per her friend Derpy’s suggestion, came to see you. She’d proven quite fond of having her mane petted, and had sat against you in pure contentment as you gently stroked those orange curls. As thanks, she gifted you a free bundle of her finest carrots, which you appreciated.

Another was Berry Punch, a purple Earth pony who worked as a juice-maker and brewer. She’d been having trouble with a sour stomachache, and when she’d heard that belly rubs were part of your practice, she came to you for a possible solution. You were more than happy to oblige, and so you let her stretch out across your lap, rubbing and massaging her plump little beer belly. Or was it ‘wine belly’? Either way, she belched a couple times throughout, but it looked like that was doing the trick, as the pain wiped itself away from her face, leaving a very relaxed smile as you continued. By the time you were done at last (not that you were complaining about time), she was so grateful that she gifted you a bottle of her freshest grape juice.

It did your heart good to know that word of your practice was spreading at last. You weren’t expecting a huge tidal wave of clients, but the knowledge that more ponies knew, at least, was a comfort to know. The ponies you’d helped so far would tell their friends about it, and they’d know they had a place to go if they were feeling down or bluesy. Who knows? Word might spread even beyond Ponyville, perhaps to Canterlot or Manehattan. The prospect both excited and intimidated you slightly. However, you were confident Twilight would be able to help you if things got too complicated.


Today, around early afternoon, there comes a knock at the door. You look up eagerly from the book you'd been reading. Could it be Rose again? She usually came by around this time, when she dropped by for a visit. Or maybe it was a new patient. Either possibility was very welcome.

“Come in!” you call.

The door opens. Instead of Rose, it’s Daisy. She's a pink Earth pony with a curly light-green mane and tail, dark-green eyes, and two daisies for a cutie mark. As mentioned before, you’re not quite as close with her and Lily as you are with Rose, but you’re still on very good terms with them.

“Oh! Hello, Daisy,” you say.

“Hi,” says Daisy.

Her tone is kindly enough, but there's also a hint of worry on her face that concerns you.

“Is something wrong?” you ask.

“Erm, well, yes,” says Daisy, fidgeting with her forehoof. “Rose actually sent me over to tell you that she won’t be able to see you today.”

“Oh? Did something happen?”


Daisy squeezes her eyes shut, her teeth clenched, as though what she's trying to say is too painful to articulate. Apprehension settles over you. What could have happened? You jump up from your seat, hurry over, and grip Daisy by the shoulders.

“What?” you ask, urgently. “Rose’s what? What's wrong with her, Daisy?! Tell me!”

Daisy’s cheeks bulge briefly, and then, she screams out,

She's got the flu!

And before you can stop her, she swoons, collapsing into your arms.

“Oh, it's awful! The horror! The horror!”

You simply stare, bemused and exasperated. The flu? That was all? It wasn't pleasant, sure, but Daisy made it sound like Rose was on her deathbed. Honestly…

“There, there, Daisy,” you say, patting her mane. “There's no need to fall to pieces.”

It takes some time to restore Daisy to her senses. She keeps wailing on about how much pain and suffering Rose is under right now. Even though you feel very sorry for Rose, you still think Daisy's being ridiculous. Everyone got sick sometimes, and the weather was getting cooler. It was bound to happen. At last, however, Daisy recovers enough to get back on her hooves.

“Sorry,” she says.

“Don’t worry about it,” you say. “Knowing her, she probably doesn’t want me to come over and risk getting sick either.”

“No,” says Daisy, shaking her head. “She was emphatic about that, the poor sweetheart. Nurse Redheart and the rest of the hospital staff are already busy with other flu victims.”

“Still, if there’s anything she needs, I’d love to help her out,” you say. “Anything, no matter how small.”

Daisy looks thoughtful for a moment, then her face lights up, as though an idea’s struck her.

“There might be something you can do for her,” she says. “Rose ordered a dress from Rarity some time ago, and it’s supposed to be ready for pickup today. Of course, in her condition, that’s impossible, and both Lily and I are too busy with taking care of her and the flower stall to spare much time. If you’re not too busy, I’m sure it would mean the world to Rose if you picked it up for her.”

Picking up a dress for Rose? That wouldn’t be too difficult, and it would definitely cheer her up. Besides, it’s been a while since you last saw Rarity. When you’d first arrived in Ponyville, she very kindly offered you fresh sets of new clothing at a very reasonable discount, despite barely even knowing you. You’d been touched by her generosity, but had not yet found a way to properly repay her.

“Of course!” you say, eagerly. “I’d be more than happy to!”

“Oh, wonderful!” says Daisy, beaming. “No rush about it, either. Just make sure you pick it up by the end of the day.”

“You’ve got it, Daisy,” you say.

“Great! Now, I’ve really got to get back home. It’s almost time for Rose’s next medicine dose. I’ll let her know her dress is in good hooves. Er, hands,” she appends, glancing at yours briefly.

“All right,” you say. “Send her my wishes for a speedy recovery.”

“I will,” says Daisy, and she takes her leave, giving you one last smile before closing the door behind her.


Carousel Boutique is one of the most eye-catching establishments in Ponyville, literally designed like a mix between a fairground carousel and a castle tower. As you open the door, a bell charmingly tinkles above you. You take one step inside, then come to an abrupt halt as a voice calls out,

“Good afternoon! I’ll be with you in just a moment!”

The melodious voice, flavored with a cosmopolitan, ‘Canterlot-ian’ accent, would have been enough of a giveaway, but the mare herself is standing right before you.

She’s a pure-white unicorn with an immaculately curled purple mane and tail, very pretty sapphire-blue eyes, and a cutie mark of three four-sided blue diamonds on her flank. She has an attractive, curvaceous figure that tends to draw stallions’ eyes, along with her pretty face, and while you know she can be a bit uptight and fussy, you also know she’s a very kind-hearted and charitable mare, as evidenced when she helped you with your clothing situation. She also has a love for gemstones, and impeccable, outstanding fashion-design prowess.

At the moment, she’s in the middle of assisting none other than Starlight Glimmer, standing on the big platform in the middle of the boutique, surrounded by three large mirrors. Both unicorns are facing away from you, as Rarity, a pair of red-framed spectacles perched on her nose, telekinetically tape measures Starlight around the middle.

“Honestly, dear, you worry too much,” says Rarity. “You haven’t gotten that much bigger, not enough to cause concern, anyway. You’re perhaps just a little rounder in the tummy, but your dress will still fit just fine.”

“You think so?” asks Starlight, sounding relieved. “I was afraid I’d be giving you extra work by having to make a whole new-sized dress, Rarity.”

“Oh, pish-posh, Starlight,” says Rarity, patting Starlight’s cheek in a maternal way. “I appreciate the concern, but you’re not the first to come to me with weight worries, nor will you be the last. The dress should be ready in another week.”

“Oh, good. Thanks, Rarity.”

Starlight steps down, and only now do both mares notice you.

“Oh!” says Starlight, looking surprised and delighted. “Hi!”

“Hi, Starlight,” you say, smiling. “Hello, Rarity.”

“Oh, hello, darling!” says Rarity, beaming. “How are you? I haven’t seen you in ages!”

“I've been pretty well. Sorry if I interrupted anything.”

“Not at all, not at all,” says Rarity, waving an airy hoof. “Starlight was just checking in on a dress she commissioned from me. Was there anything else you wanted to ask, dear?” she asks, turning to Starlight.

“No, I don't think so,” says Starlight. “I should be off, anyway. Twilight’s hinted we'd be studying a new spell today, and I don't want to miss out. Thanks again, Rarity. See you,” she adds, turning to you and smiling warmly.

You nod, smiling back, and Starlight trots out, shutting the door behind her.

“So!” says Rarity, briskly. “What brings you by, darling?”

“I’m actually here on Rose’s behalf,” you say. “She’s got the flu, so I thought I could help her out by picking up her new dress for her.”

“Ohh, the poor girl,” says Rarity, sympathetically. “Well, I hope it’ll make her feel better to see how her dress has turned out. She’ll look stunning in it at the next social gathering she attends. But tell me, how has your new venture been going?”

“Venture?” you ask, puzzled, before you add, in realization, “Ohh, right! Affection therapy. Well, I haven’t had many clients so far, but those I have had definitely appreciated it.”

“Splendid,” says Rarity. “Twilight told me about it just the other day, but I’m afraid I’m still a little puzzled about it. How does it work, exactly?”

“Oh, there’s nothing too complicated about it,” you say. “All I do is help ponies relax and be happy through gestures of platonic affection, especially if they’ve had a bad day. Here.”

You take out your occupational contract and hold it out for her to read. She takes it in her magic and draws it closer, her pretty eyes roving from line to line. You can see her silently mouthing some of the words to herself. She finally looks up at you, something twinkling in her eye.

“So, does a pony necessarily have to have had a bad day in order to enjoy a little affection therapy?” Rarity asks, a definite hopeful tone in her voice.

“Oh, no,” you say. “If they just want to relax or unwind, that’s perfectly fine as well. Are you interested?”

A little smirk crosses Rarity’s muzzle.

“I am rather intrigued,” she says. “And I have been feeling a tad overtaxed lately. Have you any idea how enormous my workload can get? Three dresses for three separate cuteceneras, a ballgown for a garden party in Canterlot, and two sets of wedding ensembles for both the bridesmaids and the groom-stallions!”

She raises a foreleg to her forehead in dramatic fashion, letting off a dainty but weary sigh.

“A fashionista’s work is never done,” she says.

“I don’t know how you get through it all,” you say, sympathetically.

“Some days, I wonder how I manage it myself,” says Rarity. “But these ponies count on me, and it wouldn’t do to disappoint them. It does take its toll, however. Just look at these bags under my eyes!”

She leans in close, putting one hoof to her cheek to show you. Perhaps it’s just you, but you can’t see any bags there. You think you see a wrinkle or two, but you don’t mention it.

“And some of these dresses require more precise hoof-stitching,” she goes on, showing you both hooves. “It gets taxing and tiring for them as well.”

Again, you don’t really see anything wrong, but you don’t question it. Besides, if she really is feeling exhausted and overworked, this was a perfect opportunity.

“Well, if you’re willing,” you say, “I’d be more than happy to give you a therapy session, free of charge.”

“Free?” Rarity repeats, surprised. “Oh, darling, I couldn’t possibly-”

“I insist,” you say, firmly. “Think of this as my way of thanking you for the generous discount you gave me when I got those new clothes from you.”

Rarity stares at you for a moment or two, then her face melts into a warm smile.

“Thank you,” she says. “I graciously accept. Should we have it done here, or at your home?”

“It doesn’t matter to me,” you say, honestly. “Whatever makes the client comfortable, that’s what’s important.”

“I see,” says Rarity. “Perhaps it’d be best if I dropped by your home, after I’m finished for the day. Say, 6 o’clock?”

“That sounds perfect,” you say.

“Wonderful,” says Rarity. “I’ll see you then.”

She’s about to walk off when she suddenly stops.

“Oh! Goodness me! I nearly forgot what you’d come here for! Rose’s dress, right? Here it is.”

She levitates a clothing box sitting nearby and floats it over to you. She opens the lid to give you a brief look inside. The dress itself is leaf-green and silky-looking, with a crimson-stoned brooch shaped like a rosebud sitting at the neck. You’re not that big an expert on fashion, but even you have to admit it looks nice.

“Wow,” you say. “Rose’ll love it.”

“Thank you,” says Rarity, kindly. “Send her my regards and wishes for a speedy recovery.”

“I certainly will,” you say. “I’ll see you later, then.”

“Ta-ta, darling.”

And with that, you take your leave, the bell over the door tinkling behind you.


You duly delivered Rose’s dress over to her house. This time, Lily met you at the door, and gratefully accepted it, along with your message from Rarity. She too was confident that seeing her newly-completed outfit would lift Rose’s spirits in her time of ill health, and promised that she and Daisy would keep you posted on her recovery. Thanking her, you headed off for home. You had to make sure the place was presentable for when Rarity arrived for her therapy session. You even prepared tea and homemade cookies, hoping they would suit her tastes.

That evening, at 6 o’clock, very nearly on the dot, you hear a soft tap at the door. You get up and open it, and there stands Rarity, looking a bit tired, but smiling all the same.

“Good evening, Rarity,” you say, bowing. “Please, do come in.”

“Why, thank you,” says Rarity, stepping inside. “My, what a charming home you have,” she adds, looking around. “A bit small, but I daresay it suits your comforts just fine.”

“I don’t need all that much,” you say, humbly, closing the door. “So, are you ready to get started?”

“Oh, yes,” says Rarity, eagerly. “It's been another busy day, and I've been looking forward to this.”

“That's good,” you say, smiling.

“Oh!” she adds, sounding mildly surprised and noticing the tea tray sitting on the table. “Refreshments as well? Oh, you are an absolute darling!”

“It was nothing, really,” you say, modestly. “I just like being a good host to my clients and friends.”

You sit yourself down on the couch, and expect Rarity to follow suit, but she hesitates.

“Is something wrong?” you ask.

“Well, I was only wondering,” says Rarity, looking and sounding slightly embarrassed. “Would it be all right if I...if I lay across your lap? I mean, is that allowed?” she adds, blushing.

“Of course,” you say, brightly. “As long as the client’s comfortable, that’s all that matters.”

Smiling and looking grateful, Rarity hops up onto the couch. Then, she allows herself to fall across your legs on her stomach, in a very cat-like way. She sighs happily, gazing up at you and batting her long eyelashes.

“Comfy?” you ask, smiling down at her.

“Very,” she replies.

“Good. Is there any method you’d like me to start with, or are you not very particular?”

“Oh, start however you like, darling. I don’t mind. Only,” she adds, somewhat hesitantly, “please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’d rather not have my mane or tail touched.”

“That’s all right,” you say. “Every client’s got a different preference. No mane or tail touching. Got it.”

You reach down and begin scratching behind her ear. As with everypony you’ve observed receiving the sensation for the first time, her eyes widen at your touch, and then her eyelids start to droop, a smile appearing on her pretty face.

“Ooh...Oh my...Ohh, that feels heavenly...Now I see what Opal enjoys about it…”


“My cat. She’s usually very grumpy, prefers being left alone, but on those rare days I can get near enough to her, a good scritch behind the ears makes her absolutely melt. Just like I am now, in fact.”

Her speech is a bit slurred as she says this, owing no doubt to the relaxed feeling she’s undergoing. You start with one ear, then the next, then start gently stroking her under her chin. She gives off a low ‘Mmmmm’ as she tilts her head back, and from her chin, you work your way to her cheeks. She now rests her head against your torso, utterly absorbed in her comfort as you delicately pet her.

Her fur is exquisitely soft and warm to the touch, more so than anypony else you’ve ever encountered. She must use some kind of beauty product to make it feel so nice. Plus, her cheeks, like with so many other ponies, have a bit of squishiness to them. That, coupled with her white fur, makes you very briefly joke in your mind that she must be made of marshmallow. You keep that to yourself, however; you don’t think Rarity would appreciate it, however light the jest might be.

“How do you feel so far?” you ask.

“Wonderful,” she murmurs. “I’m really beginning to see the benefits of this kind of therapy. A belly rub would really feel good right about now, though.”

She turns herself over so that she’s on her back, forehooves curled atop her chest. You can’t help chuckling.

“Wish granted.”

You lay your hand on Rarity’s slim and smooth belly and begin gently rubbing back and forth. Her eyes close completely, her smile widening ever so slightly. Every so often, she utters a little sigh, or a light giggle. It’s quite amusing. You’d always considered Rarity as a prim, proper, dignified sort of pony, graceful and simply overflowing with etiquette. You’d had no idea anyone like that could be so- there was no other word for it- adorable.

You give a start as you feel her belly rumble beneath your hand. Her eyes snap open, her cheeks flushing.

“Oh! Oh, dear. How embarrassing,” she says. “I usually have dinner around this time.”

“It’s all right,” you say. “Would you care for a cookie?”

Rarity’s eyes light up keenly.

“I’d love one,” she says, licking her lips. “Though, perhaps, maybe not just one.”

You chuckle, reach over, and pull the plate of cookies closer. You pick one up and offer it to her, expecting her to simply accept it in her magic. Instead, with a rather cheeky smile, she takes a bite out of it while it’s still in your hand. Once she swallows it, she takes another nibble, and now you begin to see the game she intends to play, and you can’t help grinning at it.

“Are you doing that on purpose?” you ask, wryly.

“Maybe,” Rarity answers, coyly.

She snaps up the remainder of the cookie in your hand, swallowing it and licking the crumbs from her muzzle.

“Care for another?” you ask.

“Well, don’t mind if I do.”

You pick up another cookie and hold it out for her. This time, she nibbles daintily at it, and you swear you can even hear her going ‘nom nom’ as she chews. You only need one hand for this. You keep rubbing her belly with the other, as the pile of cookies slowly begins to diminish. Between cookies, she invariably asks for a sip of tea, which you very carefully give her. Thankfully, it’s cooled enough to the point where there’s no danger of scalding her delicate mouth. You have the very distinct impression that she feels pampered by all this, and is enjoying every second of it. Well, if it makes her happy, that’s all that matters.

At last, she seems to have eaten her fill, as when you offer her another cookie, she considers it, then shakes her head.

“No thank you, dear, I think I’ve eaten enough,” she says, and you put it back. “They were very delicious, however.”

“Thanks. Pinkie Pie gave me the recipe for them. I had no idea chocolate chip cookies could be made even more delicious than they already are, but she found a way.”

“She always finds a way to achieve the impossible,” says Rarity, with a playful eye-roll. “I’d expect nothing less from Pinkie Pie.”

“So, was there anything else you wanted done?” you ask, politely.

Rarity muses for a moment, then smiles again.

“Just one more thing,” she says. “Some days, when the stress of work weighs me down, I feel like I could just use a nice big hug.”

You smile back, comprehending perfectly.

“That can be easily arranged,” you say.

Gently, you help Rarity ease up into a sitting posture on your lap. She's considerably lighter than Derpy was, meaning no offense to the pegasus. She swivels around on her rump to face you, still smiling that lovely smile, then puts her forelegs about you, nestling her cheek against your chest. Careful not to touch her mane, you reciprocate, clasping her warmly, softly stroking her back at the same time.

She sighs deeply and happily, almost as if she might just fall asleep in this attitude. As for you, you continue to simultaneously hold her and stroke her back. You even feel her giving you a soft nuzzle under your chin. You can practically sense the last vestiges of her tiredness and stress leaving her, like poison being drawn from a wound. Her whole self just seems to radiate a feeling of relaxation and contentment.

At last, she raises herself again to look you in the eye. A smile of utter warmth and gratitude is on her lovely face.

“Feel better?” you ask.

“Much,” says Rarity, something like a tear sparkling in her eye. “Thank you so much, darling. I really needed that.”

“You’re very welcome, my lady,” you say, putting a hand to your heart and giving a half-bow.

Rarity smiles more warmly still.

“You really are a sweetheart, you know,” she says. “Taking time to ensure ponies are happy and relaxed, and in the most heartwarming way I've ever experienced. And besides that,” she adds, now looking thoughtful, “your techniques really do wonders for one’s stress levels, almost like a trip to the spa. You might find a more profitable use for your talents if you put them to practice there.”

The spa? Were your techniques really as good as a spa treatment? You’d never really thought about that before, but now that she brought it up, the idea had some merit.

“You think so?” you ask, slightly intrigued.

“I know so,” says Rarity. “Just think: a pony comes in, weary and aching from the toils of their day-to-day life, and they come to treat themselves to a hot steam, a massage, a dip in the hot tub, or a little affection therapy courtesy of you. It’d bring in a lot more revenue than sporadic appointments, for one, though money’s probably just an afterthought for you.”

“It kinda is,” you say, a little sheepishly. “I mean, I know it’s technically my job now, but my first and foremost thought’s always been my clients’ comfort.”

“Well, that’s very kind of you, dear,” says Rarity, patting your hand with her hoof. “But a pony has to get by, you know. I’m not saying it’s something you need to do. It’s merely something to consider.”

You nod.

“I will. Thanks, Rarity.”

“Of course, darling. And, again, thank you.”

She leans in and gives you a kiss on the cheek. Your face, especially that spot, grows fairly warm. First Starlight, then Derpy, and now Rarity. Their gratitude for being given affection therapy really must be greater than you imagined, if they insisted on rewarding you with a peck on the cheek. No doubt it was merely a platonic display of gratitude, if they were just little kisses, but they still made you bashful all the same.

You walk Rarity to the door and see her on her way. She turns to give you one last smile before trotting away. You close the door behind her, glad you could help out another pony in need, and pondering over what she had said. You wondered if maybe you ought to put your therapy to work at the town spa, if Rarity considered it just as good as a massage or the like. Next time you saw Twilight, you'd have to put the question to her. For now, though, you could really use some dinner.

“For somepony so lady-like,” you say, looking at the greatly diminished pile of cookies sitting on the coffee table, “she can really put sweets away. And who's to say that's a bad thing, really?”