• Published 28th Dec 2016
  • 1,242 Views, 12 Comments

The Freshest Snow - Shimmer Shy

With Pinkie staying over on the night before Christmas, Sunset has no idea how the night's going to go. Apparently, Pinkie has plans of playing outside...at midnight.

  • ...

A Little Bit of Winter Fun

Snowflakes fell in small, white clusters from the clouds above, sticking to the grass and trees in their path and creating the perfect scene for the upcoming holidays. A chilly breeze that drifted through the streets tugged at the hair and scarves of pedestrians walking home to their families, tinting the tips of noses and cheeks pink. Today was Christmas Eve, as was clearly shown by the wreaths, lights, and overall cheer spread throughout the city of Canterlot. It was impossible not to be swept up in the late-evening joy.

Sunset Shimmer watched the day come to a close through a tall, frosted living room window, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Pinks, purples, and oranges illuminated the sky as the sun slowly disappeared from view, making room for the stars to twinkle into their place in the night sky. It seemed almost magical, the way all of nature's elements worked together to create such a beautiful environment. Sunset knew, of course, that this was not the case, no matter how much she wished it was, and no matter how much she missed Equestria. Was it was snowing back home, just as it was here?

"Hey, friend!" Pinkie's voice squealed from somewhere beside Sunset. The bubblegum-skinned girl's arms wrapped around Sunset in a warm embrace, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Pinkie?" she breathed. "How did you get in here?"

"Hmm...I honestly have no idea," Pinkie said, releasing her hold on Sunset to tap her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe it has something to do with squirrels. Anywho, whatcha up to?"

Sunset stared at her friend for a moment before shaking her head and saying, "Nothing, really. I was just about to get ready for bed..." Her eyes traveled to the snowless frizz on the top of Pinkie's head, which didn't seem to make sense when literal boatloads of snow were being dumped from the sky.

"Cool! Hey, can I stay here for the night, Sunny? Maud and Boulder are sleeping in my bed again."


"Thanks!" Pinkie rifled through her hair, pulling out a rolled up sleeping bag, a packet of marshmallows, and many other things that would only made sense to the hyperactive girl, Sunset watching her in confusion all the while. In the time span of about two minutes, Pinkie had already made herself at home and sat cuddled in her polka-dotted sleeping bag. "So! Are you ready for the epicest sleepover in the history of ever?"

Sunset refrained from mentioning that 'epicest' was not a word. She glanced for a moment at the window, hoping that the snowfall had died down a bit so she could send Pinkie Pie home without feeling too culpable afterwards. Her sleepovers did always put a smile on her face, but Sunset didn't feel up to it at the slightest tonight, thanks to the lack of sleep she'd gotten the past few nights.

To her dismay, the weather only seemed to be getting worse. Trees and bushes shook violently in the high-speed winds, barely perceptible due to the snow blowing all around them. It didn't seem like something you'd want to walk home in; you'd get buried alive if you hadn't already frozen to death.

Sunset let out a sigh as she turned back to Pinkie, who was flickering a flashlight pointed directly into her eyes on and off. "Alright, Pinkie," she said, "you can stay. Just don't keep me up too late. Please."

Pinkie was suddenly right in front of her, holding a finger to Sunset's mouth. "Shhh. Pinkie's got it all under control."

Sunset, one eyebrow raised, took her friend's wrist and lowered it from her face slowly. She could already tell that Pinkie had plans of keeping her up well past late.

"Sunset, can you pass me the sugar?" Pinkie Pie called across the room as she stirred away furiously at the liquids in her mixing bowl. Sunset, now in her pajamas, grabbed the box of sugar from the counter and passed it to Pinkie, who then poured the whole lot of it into the bowl. Sunset glanced at it inquisitively.

"Um...you sure it's supposed to look like that?"

The question was returned with a scoff. "Of course it is! Are you questioning my authority?"

"N-no! It's just that-"

"That's what I thought! Now get bakin', sistah!" And with that, she shoved the bowl and the wooden spoon into Sunset's arms. A glob of the greenish contents spilled onto her shirt, causing her to gag in disgust.

"Ew! Pinkie, what are you even making?!"

"You have to be more careful with it!" She tried to pull the mixture away, but Sunset pulled it right back. "Stop!"

"You're making a mess!"

"But it's not ready yet!" The two of them struggled with the bowl until it flew out of their hands and hit the floor with a bang, sending translucent, green goop into the air and onto every surface. They blinked as it dripped to the ground, eyes wide with surprise, until Sunset started to laugh, Pinkie joining in.

"What..what was that?" the former asked through her tears.

"Now look who's made the mess!" the latter pointed out.

"You were the one who started it," Sunset rebutted, wiping at her eyes and trying to regain her composure. Eventually, they had both calmed down enough to start cleaning up the kitchen. Sunset took a wet washcloth, handed Pinkie a sponge, and groaned as she began to scrub at the counter.

By the time the kitchen was cleaned from top to bottom, the clock had struck eleven twenty, which made Sunset frown. It had taken a lot longer than she had hoped and her exhaustion was already getting the best of her.

She grabbed a sleeping bag of her own and shook it out onto the floor right next to Pinkie's. Where had she run off to, anyway? Growing both curious and worried, she called, "Pinkie?" No reply. Then, with a bit more urgency, "Pinkie, where are you?"

She quickly ran up the stairs, checking every room she could think of, but couldn't find the cupcake-loving girl anywhere. Something was wrong; she couldn't have just disappeared, could she?

Finally, Sunset flung open the curtains to see Pinkie standing in the front yard with her arms outstretched at her sides and her head facing straight to the sky. Tiny snowflakes drifted into her hair and her open mouth, but all she wore was her pajamas. Sunset sighed in exasperation, slipping on her leather jacket and a pair of slippers. What is wrong with that girl? she thought to herself as she opened the heavy wooden door.

Pinkie turned her head to the sound. "Finally!" she exclaimed. "I thought you'd never get out here!"

"What are you doing? It's freezing!" Sunset rubbed her arms to stop them from shivering, but it was no use. "Come inside! I told you I wanted to get to bed early."

Pinkie, obviously disappointed, hung her head sadly and followed her commands, walking up the porch steps. Sunset went to open the door again, but Pinkie grabbed her hand and pulled her down the driveway. Surprised and stumbling behind, Sunset shouted, "Let me go!" Unfortunately, Pinkie had no intention of doing so. Instead, she plopped onto the ground and crossed her legs, pulling Sunset down with her.

Sunset's teeth chattered rapidly, contorting her words as she said, "H-how are you not c-c-cold?" Pinkie simply shrugged.

"Why are you so resistant to having some fun?"

"It's the middle of the night, Pinkie! And it's snowing! Everyone else in this neighborhood is warm in their beds, just as we should be!"

Pinkie was smirking. "That's how." Sunset stared at her blankly, so she explained, "You can't be cold if you aren't thinking about being cold. Just like how you forget you're tired when you're too busy shouting at your friend."

Sunset blushed. "Sorry."

"It's alright. But you are going to have to do something to make it up to me." She dug into the snow on the ground and packed it into a ball, then threw it into Sunset's face.


"It's a snowball fight. What did you expect?"

Sunset smiled evilly. "Oh, it is ON!" She mimicked Pinkie's movements and created a snowball of her own, tossing it before Pinkie could get away. Before they knew it, they were chasing each other up and down the driveway tossing snowballs, laughing all the while. Neither of them even acknowledged that the temperature was well below freezing, or that the time was quickly passing.

It continued like this until Pinkie Pie fell to the ground giggling and exhausted. Sunset threw a last snowball to the back of her head before also sitting back down to catch her breath. "So...what'd I...tell you?" Pinkie asked between breaths.

"What did you tell me?"

"Never drink chocolate milk before brushing your teeth! Duh!"

Sunset's eyes widened. "How'd you know what I had for breakfast this morning?"

"Some questions are better left unanswered..." And she disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.


"Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!" Sunset snapped her head to look at the sky just in time to watch a sleigh pass overhead. Someone inside waved down at her. "I trust you've been a good girl this year, Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset was too dumbfounded to speak before the sleigh was erased from her view. "Um, excuse me, miss?" Quite annoyed now, she turned around again only to be met with a face full of snow before blacking out.

Sunset woke with a gasp. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest as she clutched the sheets at her sides, but she soon calmed herself when she realized it had been just a dream. A breath of relief escaped her mouth and she slipped out of bed.

Her attention caught on a tiny slip of paper resting on her desk, though. Curiously, she opened it and read:

Nice sleepover. We should do that again sometime!

~Pinkie Pie

P.S. Seriously, don't drink chocolate milk before brushing your teeth.

Author's Note:

"That's what I thought! Now get bakin', sistah!"


Randomness! YAY!!! :pinkiecrazy:

I'm no good at comedy...

Merry late Christmas! :pinkiehappy:

Constructive Criticism is appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 10 )

Oh, Pinkie. So unexplainable, yet still so wonderful. :pinkiesmile:
This was a cute little random fic! I liked it. In a few places, the sentences could've been smoother, and there were some spots where a more fitting word could've been substituted, but overall, I liked it. Nice work, my friend!

7824391 Thanks! And yeah, I could tell reading through it that there were some rocky parts, I just couldn't seem to find a way to fix them. I hope to improve in my future stories, though. :scootangel:

7824452 Thanks so much!!! :pinkiehappy::heart:

Do you have any friends also in the fandom? If so, I find having them proofread for you is really helpful. This is another person on the sevenbubbles1000 account by the way. Its a shared account. We both proofread each other's stuff and I have found it very helpful.

7825254 Yeah, actually. Thanks for the advice! It'll definitely come in handy for next time! :twilightsmile:

7828597 Thanks so much! :scootangel:

All just a dream...or was it?

Cute little story.

That was some silly snowy fun

Sunset let out a sigh as she turned back to Pinkie, who was flickering a flashlight pointed directly into her eyes on and off. "Alright, Pinkie," she said, "you can stay. Just don't keep me up too late. Please. "

Wow, I can't believe that sunset is allowing pinkie pie to stay over on Christmas Eve and not even ask her why she doesn't want to spend Christmas with her family. :pinkiegasp:

Finally, Sunset flung open the curtains to see Pinkie standing in the front yard with her arms outstretched at her sides and her head facing straight to the sky. Tiny snowflakes drifted into her hair and her open mouth, but all she wore was her pajamas. Sunset sighed in exasperation, slipping on her leather jacket and a pair of slippers. What is wrong with that girl? she thought to herself as she opened the heavy wooden door.

Really pinkie, aren't you freezing!!! 😐P

Pinkie was smirking. " That's how." Sunset stared at her blankly, so she explained, "You can't be cold if you aren't thinking about being cold. Just like how you forget you're tired when you're too busy shouting at your friend."

That doesn't make sense. :ajbemused:

"Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!" Sunset snapped her head to look at the sky just in time to watch a sleigh pass overhead. Someone inside waved down at her. "I trust you've been a good girl this year, Sunset Shimmer?"

Wasn't expecting to see Mr. C make a appearance. :applejackunsure:

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