• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 890 Views, 1 Comments

I'll Get It This Time, I Swear - Madame Hellspawn

Scootaloo and Rumble like each other a lot. Still. It's been that way for a while, but neither had the courage to admit their feelings to each other. However, things are about to change.

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I'll Get It This Time, I Swear

The snow came down gently in the dim Ponyville streets lit only by a full moon as Rumble hovered above the knee-high mounds of fluffy white. One of the perks of being a pegasus meant that he wouldn’t have to suffer through the hot cold of frostbite attacking his hooves. The breeze left a little bit to be desired, but for her, he was willing to suffer through it. Besides, a pony should be willing to do almost anything for someone they loved, right?

As his wings fluttered and blew particles of snow into the air he was met with a grim realization. She can’t fly.

Would Scootaloo be mad if she saw him flying over the snow while she would have to trudge through it on the ground? Rumble’s wings curled to his sides and he fell, sending plumes of white powder into his already damp coat and mane, his snow gear doing little to protect him from the elements. He wanted to make a good impression on Scootaloo in any way he could after all.

As Rumble trudged through the snow, he went through all the things Thunderlane had told him just minutes ago. Try to be natural. No use in trying to force yourself to be someone you’re not. Better than the last time Rumble asked for advice. The young buck's brain reeled, feeding him a plethora of scripted lines. Things that may get her attention. Things that might send hints. Pinkie Pie, despite her typically rambunctious and boisterous personality, gave Rumble a pretty decent tip. Some fillies don't really favor the direct route. Try for a little subtlety.

Then hit them with the surprise.

Nice night, huh? Sorry about the late gift! It would be...pretty cool if we could catch a movie together or something.

Would that work? Rumble kept mulling over the thoughts. Maybe they could go out to eat someplace? Maybe not, Rumble didn’t want others to see Scootaloo possibly reject him.

Scootaloo’s house was in sight. Rumble’s heart pounded in his ears. He checked his bags, making sure the two gifts he had brought with him. A part of him hoped he had left at least one of them, forgetting it in his room back home just to be an excuse to go back home and delay once again.

No! Rumbled slapped himself. She was right there!In the house just before him! But it was pretty late. Maybe too late. One of the lights was still on, so maybe it wasn’t. Sure enough, he saw a figure move towards the window. Did it just point towards him? Rumble shook off his fears as the blinds came tumbling down. Come on Rumble, you can get it this time. No one is gonna be watching this time. It’s just you and her. Just give her the stuff and ask...something.

Rumble bounced in the snow, taking a few deep breaths before flying his way over to the house of who he was (not-so) sure would be his special someone by the end of the night.

Scootaloo stared as Rainbow Dash paced back and forth. She herself had been sitting in a small swivel chair, leaning back against the wall. When Rainbow promised that the two could hang out for a bit, this wasn’t what she had in mind.

Originally, Scootaloo wanted to spend time with the best damn pegasus in all of Equestria; talk about stuff and do...pegasus things, though Scootaloo didn’t quite know what that implied when she had brought it up. To her surprise, Rainbow had accepted.

However, not even thirty minutes into their short get-together and the mere mention of a crush and Rainbow Dash was all over it.

“So you, reeeaaally like this guy?” Rainbow started to hover mere inches above the ground.

Scootaloo nodded. She had to admit, Rainbow was the last pony she would have asked about relationship advice or anything else of the sort, but after trying to talk to Fluttershy—who may as well have told her to not go and try to find that special someone—Scootaloo, to say the least, was desperate for any tips.

Scootaloo had tried to ask Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, but they had answered with nothing more than a few teases. Well, a lot, but Scootaloo’s embarrassment had taken over and she hadn’t heard all of it. Embarrassment was also the reason she had shied away from Rarity or Applejack, although a part of her knew better than to believe they would do the same thing their sisters had. Scootaloo would have tried Twilight for advice, but somehow she highly doubted she would do anything besides give her a book on old Equestrian courtship customs. Not exactly her cup of tea.

Pinkie Pie though….Well, Scootaloo knew her. Pinkie doesn’t do subtle. The moment she said Rumble’s name, Pinkie would probably tell everyone in Ponyville. Scootaloo didn't want that kind of attention.

“Have you just tried telling him?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “I mean, Rumble isn’t exactly dense. I’m sure he’d get it.”

“Well—” Scootaloo got up from the chair. “I mean…I did! Try, I mean. I tried.”


“It didn’t really go as planned.” Scootaloo’s face flushed at the memory. The awkward conversation before she sped away on her scooter. She wanted to dig a hole and pull the dirt over her.

Her face burned hotter, noticing the smirk spread on Rainbow’s face. Oh horseapples, what’s she thinking?

Scootaloo turned towards the window, heart stopping and ears flopping. Was that...Was that Rumble? He stood, eyeballing the house. Or so Scootaloo thought. It was hard to tell from her distance.

“Is that?” Rainbow edged closer to the window. She rose a hoof at him and Scootaloo let out a little yelp. “Is that him?”

Scootaloo jumped up and pulled the blind string. She shot a glare at Rainbow as the blinds fell and struck her on the head. Rainbow just raised an eyebrow and shrugged as she fluttered away from the window. Of all the things Scootaloo didn’t like about Rainbow, it was when she tried to pretend like she hadn’t done anything wrong.

“I don’t see what the problem is,” The rainbow maned pegasus said nonchalantly. Scootaloo still maintained her annoyed frown. “I mean, you like him so—”

A knock came on the door. Oh Celestia, that has to be him!

Rainbow took note of the panic that had now spread on Scootaloo’s face. If that wasn’t any indication, then the way her body tensed and her small wings outstretched may have given it away. Scootaloo couldn’t help but to shake her head at the sneering pegasus before her. The moment Scootaloo had made a rush for the bedroom door, Rainbow bolted and in seconds the front door was opened.

“Umm, Scoots?” Rainbow’s voice called out, feigning ignorance. “Rumble’s out here. Want me to let him off easy?”

The apricot filly jumped up and galloped down the hall. “N-no! I’m coming!”

Seeing Rainbow’s smug grin, Scootaloo gave another scowl of disapproval. She was trying to screw things up wasn’t she? She kept her gaze on Rainbow as the mare walked away from the door, allowing the two privacy. Scootaloo turned towards Rumble and felt herself become weightless. She sighed and the colt recoiled. Scootaloo hardly noticed.

“H-hey,” He managed. He smiled weakly as Scootaloo looked around, taking note of the silence. How late was it? Nobody was in the streets and surprisingly no one had even begun to clear a path through the snow.

“Hey!” She greeted happily. A delayed greeting at that. I should hug him! She brought up her legs, but immediately forced herself down on all fours, shuffling clumsily. Would that be weird? That’s probably weird.

The two stood in silence. Rumble nervously looked back at his saddle packs occasionally, unsure of how to present the gifts he had spent his hard earned bits on. He decided it was now or never. He opened the packs on his left with his wing and bit down on the wrapped box.

She’s probably gonna hate it, Rumble began doubting himself. It was just a plush toy. Cloudchaser said fillies liked that kind of stuff, so Rumble took a gamble, despite knowing that she could have been making that up. He tightened up as he transferred the wrapped package from his mouth to his hoof and offered it to Scootaloo. The exchange wasn’t as awkward as Rumble thought it would have been, feeling himself shake as the filly gave a friendly grin bouncing the wrapped box in her hoof.

“W-what’s this?” Scoots asked, noticing a glint of worry in Rumble’s eyes. Think of something cool to say. What’s a cool way of saying thank you?

Rumble chewed on his lip. “It’s, uh...Well, I figured that...I-I always say…”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. The young buck’s face flushed. “I got you a gift for the holidays. But it’s past the holidays. So it’s a late holiday gift...sorry.”

“T-thanks.” Scootaloo looked at the present wrapped sloppily in her hoof. A for effort...right?

Rumble had tried hard after all. Him standing before her was proof of that. Scootaloo felt pretty bad that he was shivering in the cold. even with his winter gear. The lower portion of his hooves were all wet, as was the lower part of his torso.

“You know,” She said, Gesturing with her head. “You could have flown above the snow, right?”

“Y-yeah!” Rumble stammered. “I-I was just tired. Wanted to save the flying for when I had to head home.”

Right. Scootaloo just smiled. Were it not so cold, sweat might have been beading on both of the young ponies’ foreheads.

“M-mind if I come in?” Rumbled asked with a snide grin.

Scootaloo opened her mouth and let out a wickedly low roar that echoed through the town and made Rumble’s ears ring. He looked up at his crush worriedly. She returned the same fearful and questioning look. The townsfolk rapidly poked their heads out of windows, looking all over trying to find the source of the sound. Rumble felt his ears drop down as he started to back away slowly. Scootaloo shouldn’t have been able to do that, right?

Realizing what he was doing, Scootaloo’s hoof reached out towards Rumble. “No wait! I-I-I didn’t do that!”

“Ursa Major!” Somebody screamed in the distance, followed by several other ponies screaming and shutting their doors and windows. Rumble felt himself tighten up. Oh Celestia, that’s not good!

The roar came again. Rainbow Dash came from behind Scootaloo and disappeared into the air. Rumble felt his mane itch. What could she possibly hope to achieve against such a beast?

“Twilight!” She yelled, speeding off. Rumble rolled his eyes. Of course she’d get the local princess to deal with it. Not that he was complaining. After all, she did need to spend some time outside of her castle….treehouse...thing.

Rumble’s own wings stretched out. Another perk of being a pegasus; a home in the clouds. Away from Ponyville’s destructive habits. He took off. Or tried to.

“Wait!” Scootaloo clung to the colt’s leg, bringing them down and into the snow. Almost immediately, the two got up and shook the snow off their coats and wings. The two locked eyes, ignoring the rumbling in the ground and warnings of Rainbow Dash and The Princess for everyone to stay inside. Was Rainbow shouting at them? It didn't matter.

"W-w-we could..." Scootaloo stammered. Rumble was apprehensive, ready to take off again. She feared he would dart into the sky before she could get the words out. "Stay...in my house! After all, w-wouldn't want you getting swatted out of the air by some bear...god....bear."

The pegasi both chewed on their lips. Rumble bounced nervously.

"D-don't worry!" She tried to reassure. "A lot of stuff goes down in town, but the houses are usually safe! Trust me! Plus, I got games! Y-you won't even notice there's anything going on out here! Hehe..."

How? Rumble looked up towards the clouds. Ponyville was a crazy town. He honestly preferred Cloudsdale, or any place in the sky for that matter. Nothing bad ever happened there. But Scootaloo wouldn't be able to follow. Rumble looked at his crush, her eyes pleading and full of worry.

"O-okay," He managed. Scootaloo's face lit up. Rumble couldn't help but to do the same. She had almost turned around completely before Rumble let out a weak "Wait!"

"What is it?"

"I..." Rumble took a deep breath and looked the little filly in the eyes. He loved those eyes. His words caught in his throat. Another roar echoed from the distance, causing the colt to jump and force the words from him, coming out in a nervous breakneck speed. "IlikeyouandIreallyhopeyoulikemetoo!"

The two stood, silently, faces flushed. Immediately, Rumble felt himself ready to take off again.

"Me too." Scootaloo answered. Rumble stopped himself and stared at her with disbelief. His heart couldn't decide how to truly register the response. It pounded against his chest nervously, but also fluttered around. Scootaloo's did the same. She had to remind herself to breath. "I've been meaning to tell you for a while."

"Yeah," was all Rumble could muster. D-does this mean...?

"H-how about we head inside?" Scootaloo suggested, nodding her head towards the open door. Rumble hesitated, hearing the muffled shouts and shrieks from the ponies in town. He hadn't exactly intended on staying with Scootaloo tonight. Perhaps ask for a date or something and leave, regardless of her answer. Maybe this was better? Being able to spend time with the one pegasus he had a major crush on? Totally worth it.

Eagerly, yet gingerly, Scootaloo trotted into her house, tiny wings flapping rapidly and talking about....something as Rumble followed close behind, closing the door behind him, trying not to focus on the screams of terror coming from down the road. Splinters of wood and chunks of hay struck the door the moment it clicked closed.

Author's Note:

>finally makes a sequel to a story
>that story was made about two years ago