• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 738 Views, 0 Comments

The Mistletoe Between Us - Alemandom04

The Fall Formal is coming up in 1 week. But Grovewells, doesn't have anyone to go with.

  • ...

Come on boy's, get your Tuxedo's on.

Grovewells shut his locker, with a small clank in return. Never in all of his 3 years at CHS, had he seen so many people roaming the hall. It was most likely because it was the last "official" day of school before the break. The majority of his school has done something good this year, or just something to remember.

Seriously, one kid stopped a chemical reaction from blowing up the school. Another stopped a school shooting. That's just the beginning, but Grovewells had done nothing the entire year. Even if he did do something now, nobody would care more about his accomplishments, then their own.

The bell rang in 5 minutes, and he was standing there. When he put his hand in his Jean pocket, the space that his pencil, usually took up, was empty. He opened his locker to look for it, but it wasn't there. He dropped low to search the floor. When was the last time they cleaned this floor? He thought, disgusted at the sad, but true fact, he had to walk on these floors.

He got up, only to find himself face, to face. With the prettiest girl in school. He tried to move, but was stuck in place. Her eyes were so enchanting, he could stare for hours, but he didn't want to be creepy. He was blushing furiously, and he was pretty sure his heart won the 24 Hour Le Mans 1 Million times. She had an awkward look that said: What're you doing?

He slowly looked down, to see in her adorable soft looking hands, was his led pen. He realized why she was here. To return his pencil. He also found out everyone was staring, and he heard a few, whistles. She raised an eyebrow, losing her usual, smile. She was being patient, but could hold on any longer.

He slowly reached out and grabbed the pencil at the same pace, just so he could feel her warm, adorable, tiny hands. Man was he a creep. She cleared her throat, and spoke. "You left it in class yesterday. I tried to get your attention, but you didn't answer."

His thoughts were still tangled, and he needed some time. He could remember how afraid he was to turn around yesterday, to his high school crush. Now everyone was getting into the whistling, and even started whispering. The bell rang and everyone went to their classes. Before he knew it, she was gone.

"She's the most beautiful, girl I've ever seen." Grovewells said. His sister, Rainbow Dash, was busy in the middle of a Call of Duty game. She didn't listen to most things he said while she was in her game.

"Uh yeah, you keep thinking that." She called back, unbeknownst to the conversation. Grovewells didn't care though. He kept going on about how great she was, but never thought about maybe, making a move. Even if the idea slipped into his head, or he had the opportunity to ask her out, he wouldn't. He knew.

The television read, "Round Ending Kill" A kid on the game was screaming loudly, and sounded like his puberty went backwards. "Shit! He stole my fucking kill!" Yelled Rainbow Dash angrily, as she threw the controller down. Grovewells stopped his drooling, and turned to her to say.

"I can't do it. I can't ask her out..." His head dropped low and his breathing slowed, as he let out a big sigh. Her expression immediately, turned into a worried look. She set down the controller, and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry little bro. There are plenty of other fish in the sea." Said Rainbow Dash. She found that quote online, and used it for her lack of knowledge on what to say. That made him, feel even worse.

"Yeah... Plenty of other fish who won't take the bait." He got a little angry. "No one wants me. It's like I'm not good enough for them! What qualities do I need? Do I just need to be self absorbent, and wait for the others to ask me out?" He threw himself onto the couch. "That's what it seems other guys are doing."

Rainbow Dash sighed, and sat down on the floor next to him. "Just listen. If this girl is so special to you. Why don't you go ask her out? What are you so afraid of?" She, got into serious mode. She rarely had to get like this. But this time, she knew she had to listen.

"She's just..." He paused. "She's so, popular. About every kid in the school knows about her, and gets info about her small drama life, and any other things she does a certain day." Rainbow Dash had a disgusted look on her face. "I know, that's pretty creepy right?"

"Well, for starters, try not to be a creep. Just be cool, like me." She held her brothers hand. "Trust me, just go talk to her. Find out more about her, and don't forget to talk only 10% about you." She was now looking at him with determination. "The rest... Just ask about her." She smiled, and he smiled back.

When Grovewells finished locking his bike on the rack, he looked up and saw her walking by. His heart skipped a beat as he stared. He realized he being a creep again, and immediately looked away. He remembered what his sister had said. When she was gone, he walked into the front door.

Everyone in the hall oohed when they caught sight of him. He ignored them all and went to his locker. He opened his locker to find a note taped to the inside. He unfolded it. As he read, his heart sank lower. How could he do this?

Hey Grovewells,

I noticed yesterday in the hall you had a moment with that girl. So I did you a favor. I gave her your number. No need to thank me. I also told her to call you at 8:00 tonight. So be expecting a call okay. Act cool, and keep away from too personal questions.

Your friend,

Iron Hooves

He froze in place, he couldn't take the trauma. He hoped the bell rang so everyone could go to their classes, and he could as well. The bell wasn't due to ring until one minute. He slowly put the note back in his locker, and grabbed his stuff. The bell finally rang.

Everyone rushed into the classrooms, and he slithered into the wave of students. When he walked into Math class, the teacher handed him a flyer, and he noticed the seating arrangement was different. He looked around and saw a poster labeled: "New Seating Arrangement" Below it were some boxes, representing the desks. He scrolled down to find his name, he kept looking until he reached the bottom. There was his name. Who was my table mate? He thought. His stomach felt empty, and his heart seemed to stop for 2 seconds.

Was he dreaming? Was he dead? Is this an alternate Dimension (Highly unlikely)? No. He was in reality. Oh god, this was it. He was gonna die of embarrassment. His desk partner was, Flutter Bliss. He backed away slowly to the two empty seats in the back that said, "Welcome to your New Hell".

He sat down, and grabbed his stuff for math. The door creaked open, and Flutter Bliss walked in. He hid behind his math book. Thankfully, nobody whistled. The teacher told her that there was a new seating arrangement, so she had to see where she sat.

She walked to the back of the class, and sat down. "So, you're my table partner?" He slowly lowered his journal, and nodded. "You're very shy, aren't you? I think were gonna be good friends." She held out her hand. He reached his hand out slowly, and shook it.

Today was a free day, and everyone was allowed to talk. Grovewells got used to hanging around her. He became less afraid, and less creepy. He remembered to talk about himself, only when she asked. During their conversation, she asked, "Did you hear about the dance? It's gonna be so much fun." She smiled, and pulled out the flyer. "See, the dance is tomorrow." She pointed to the attendance date, which was December 24th, at 7:00 PM.

"Did anyone ask you?" She asked. Grovewells knew this was his moment. He had to ask her to the dance. There was no other perfect moment than this one, that had been given to him.

"No, but will you g-g-g-g..." He stopped. "Will you excuse me? I have to use the bathroom." He got up, in relief. Nice save. He thought. He grabbed a pass from the front desk, and walked out the door. When he got to the bathroom, he locked himself in the stall, and sat on the toilet seat.

"What do I do? What do I do?" He said frantically. He rocked back and forth, thinking to himself. "I have to do it." He said confidently. "I'm gonna ask her to the dance." He got off of the toilet seat, and walked out of the bathroom, feeling so confident like the badass he felt he was. He walked into class. And sat back down. He took in a deep breath.

When he got home, he had a frown on his face, feeling displeased with himself. He didn't do it. He had wimped out. He felt less like a badass now, and more like a wimpy teenager. He threw his backpack down, and threw himself onto the couch.

He sighed, and heard Rainbow Dash screaming downstairs. He shook his head, and looked at his watch. It was 7:55, and he thought nothing about it. He grabbed a pillow, and put an arm over it as it lay on his chest.

He reached into his pocket to grab the flyer. He unfolded the crumpled, and lint covered flyer. He looked at it, reading it top to bottom. He sighed in disappointment, and lay his head down. The flyer read: The snow falls slowly and winter is here! To celebrate this, we hold the annual, Festive Winter Formal. Everyone is welcome to come with no admission. There, we will serve drinks and provide food. So come join us, as we dance on Christmas Eve, December, 24 Grovewells crumpled up the flyer and threw it in the trash. He had no one to go with. This was it. Then the phone rang. His heart sank.

He got up nervously, "What should I say?" He asked himself. He grabbed his phone off of the coffee table. He pressed the answer button. He gulped, and wiped his sweat off of his brow.

"Hello, is this Grovewells?" She asked. He didn't say anything for a couple seconds.

"Um, yes. This is." He said, gulping nervously.

"Did you need anything, or are you gonna just let this pass as a test?" She asked.

"Well, Flutter Bliss. I was just wondering. If maybe you'd want to... Um..." He froze, not being able to move. "If you'd like to go to the Festive Winter Formal with me?" He started hyperventilating, waiting for an answer.

"The dance? Um, sure! I'd love to." Grovewells sighed in relief. "When should I come over to get ready?"

He thought about a good time. "Come over about 6:30 tomorrow night." He was happy for this moment, he was ready for tomorrow.

That morning, he got ready, he took a shower, and was in a hurry to go shopping for his suit. He was so excited, he couldn't wait for that night. He ran upstairs to his sisters room, and knocked. "Are you ready to go out?" He knocked some more. She fell off the bed, and got up.

"Just, give me a minute okay?" She said tiredly.

She opened the door, and walked him outside to the car. They took off, on their way, to the clothing store. This would be an interesting shopping session.

"Nah. Too flashy." Grovewells walked back in the changing area. He had gathered so many outfits to try and find the perfect one.

"How about this one?" He opened the curtain. "Eh? Eehh?" He pulled a stuffed bunny from the hat. She shook her head.

"Too magical." He walked back in to try another outfit.

"Well, y'know. It looks good. But I don't think it's good for a dance." He walked back in.

30 Minutes later...

He walked out. "You're getting there. Just, try not to pick a costume for a formal. Get the keyword, formal." He walked back in, once again.

"Okay, I think I'm ready." He finished buttoning up his panther black tux, and fastened his tie. He fixed his collar, and tied his shoes. He pushed the curtain out of the way, and walked out. He leaned against the wall, with his left leg crossing over his right.

Rainbow Dash started clapping. "Well done little bro, well done. You've found an outfit to impress your lady, and your sister." Grovewells blushed slightly, while gathering up the rest of the outfits he tried. They put the dozens of outfits in a bin that said, "To be Re-folded and Hung". A worker approached the bin, and sighed.

"Thanks sis'. I really do appreciate what you've done for me." He hugged her tightly, and it felt nice to spend time with his sister. While in his embrace, she noticed he had gotten taller since she last got a good look at him. Which made the moment, even more savoring then it already was.

"You ready for tonight?" She asked. Grovewells nodded, with slight doubt in himself. "You took a shower?" He nodded. "Brushed your teeth?" He nodded once more. "Combed your hair?" Okay, I think you all get the point. "Did you, be an annoyance to your friends today?" He nodded, but stopped mid nod. He turned to her and playfully punched her in the arm.

"Ow, stop that." She said, hitting him back. With a response of, you guessed it. A hit. "I said cut it out." She hit him a little harder. He did the same. She gave in, "Alright, you win." Grovewells smiled.

"Alright, we need to prepare. She could be here any-" The doorbell rang, and cut him off. "Minute..." He said.

"I'll get it!" She ran as fast as she could to the stairs, until Grovewells knocked her down on the ground. He rushed down the stairs, but cleverly enough so he wouldn't ruin his attire. When he got to the bottom, Rainbow Dash came behind him and pushed him into the couch, giving him a soft landing. She ran to the door, and looked through the peephole, and sure enough, a redhead with green highlights was standing at the door. She opened the door, to let her come in.

"Is Grovewells ready?" She asked, looking around. Grovewells went to the bathroom before the door opened. "Is he in the bathroom?" She tried to stand on her tippy's to see, but Rainbow Dash towered her by about 1' ft. "May I, come in?" She asked. Rainbow nodded. She stepped to the side to let her in.

"You can sit down. Would you like a beverage?" Flutter nodded, and she followed Rainbow to the kitchen for some tea.

Meanwhile, Grovewells was in the bathroom, nervous. Almost sweating, thanks to the tux. He leaned over the sink, to wash his face off. He heard his sister talking to his date.

"So what's your name? Flutter Bliss is it, right?" She nodded. "Okay, Flutter Bliss. So, are you like my little bro's girlfriend or what?" She asked. Grovewells immediately freaked out when he heard this.

"What!" He yelled standing up suddenly, bumping his head on the mirror cabinet. "Ow!" He yelled in pain falling on his back. He held in his pain the third hit.

"What's going on back there!" Yelled Rainbow Dash. She got up out of her chair, and rushed to the bathroom. "What's going... Um, are you okay?" He got up, twisting his spine, with the result of his spine cracking. "Ew, that's nasty. Why do you crack your back anyways?"

"Well because it feels so-" He cracked his neck. He let out a big sigh. "Good." Flutter Bliss ran past the door, up the stairs.

"I'm going to change into my dress. Be right back." She reached the top landing, and closed a door shut. Grovewells looked up, and noticed his bedroom door was closed. His mouth was agape and he had the deer in the headlight look on his face. She was in his room, and he hadn't cleaned up.

"Alright, bro. I want you to treat her well okay? Treat her like she's the last woman on earth, you got that?" Grovewells nodded, losing the headlight look in a snap. She went over the simple rules to dancing with a girl. Everything he needed to know, was just told to him.

When the upstairs door opened, Grovewells looked up, gasping at the sight of beauty. 1' 1/2 feet of beautiful, silky red hair with cute green highlights. Her dress was breath taking, and her curves filled it in perfectly, make a nice vase like shape. Her face, was beautiful as well. The couple freckles on her face, made her even cuter. The world was in slow-motion. She arrived down the stairs looking more stunning up close.

"You're looking quite handsome this evening." She said, putting her hand over her mouth. Grovewells slightly blushed.

"Well, you're looking quite beautiful tonight." He said. She blushed, looking down at her dress. Rainbow Dash grabbed the both of them, and dragged them to the front door.

"Enough talking. It's picture time." She locked their elbows together. They straightened themselves out to get more comfortable. Before she took the photo, Flutter Bliss laid her head on Grovewells shoulder. "Say, cheese!" They didn't speak, but smiled. The flash of the camera made Grovewells close his eyes, but not enough to notice. They unlocked their elbows. Rainbow Dash handed him the keys to her car.

"Treat her good, okay?" Grovewells nodded.

"I will, and I'll even give her a car wash too." He said.

"What? I was talking about Flutter Bliss." She said. Grovewells blushed.

"Well, I'll still treat her well." He said, as he walked through the open door. He turned around and waved goodbye.

"Bye Grovewells. See you soon." She wiped a tear, that had rolled down her cheek. "They grow up so-" Her phone vibrated. "xXGamerPro102Xx has challenged you to a PvP." She rushed back inside.

When he arrived, the sound of the engine, caught everyone's attention. He put the car in park, and took out the key. He got out, and went around to open the door for Flutter. She already beat him to it though. "You ready to go in?" They held hand, as they walked into the gymnasium entrance. Everyone was raving, and dancing to the songs being played by Vinyl Scratch.

Flutter Bliss went missing from his side, and he found her dancing out there. "Come on." She held her hand out. He reached out for it and grabbed it. Almost immediately after he grabbed her hand, she pulled him in. They danced, like there was no tomorrow.

"Alright everybody, were going to calm it down now. Grab your partners, and get ready for a slow dance." Everybody partnered up with their dates, and started dancing. Flutter Bliss, held her hand out, and asked, "Would you like to dance?" Grovewells grabbed her hand, and they started dancing. Soon, after awhile they became the center of attention.

They danced for minutes. Their dance moves were almost perfect, and everyone clapped and cheered as they danced. They were about to finish their move, when a senior, split them up.

"Hey, what're you doing with a loser like this?" He pointed at Grovewells. "Why don't you dance with a real man." Grovewells, started tearing up. He ran out the gymnasium door into the hall.

"Are you kidding me?" She slapped his hand away. "No! Screw you!" She walked out of the gymnasium to find Grovewells. She searched around for him, but couldn't find him. She searched the halls, and the Cafe', but he wasn't there. She gave up and walked outside, into the cold, snowy breeze. She looked to her right, and there was Grovewells, sitting on the stairs. She took a seat on the other side.

"Hey, I'm sorry." She put her hand on his shoulder. "That guy was a jerk. He's gone now. We can talk."

"What's it to you?" He asked. "You seem to want to dance with a real man."

"No, that's not it at all." She said. "Grovewells. I love you." His head lifted up. When their gazes met, she looked up at the ceiling, to see a mistletoe, hanging right between the two of them. She looked back at him. She grabbed his tux, and pulled him close, hesitating, but then kissing him. In Grovewells mind, his whole world exploded. Her lips were amazing. She was amazing. It was like someone put a spell on him, she did. She kept kissing him hard, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed harder. They, fell on the steps and rolled down, still holding each other. They fell off the steps, onto the grass. They gasped for air, huffed and puffed.

They looked at each other, smiling at what just happened. "So," Said Grovewells. "When can we do this again?"

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