• Published 27th Dec 2016
  • 15,290 Views, 376 Comments

Element Breakers - Iamsorry

After turning their backs on sunset she is left heart broken and alone. until 3 certain sirens come into the picture.

  • ...


“Guys! She's waking up!" a cheery voice said, stirring Sunset awake, her eyes opening slightly. Everything was blurry and…light blue? Her eyes quickly adjusted after a few blinks. She found herself sitting in the backseat of a very warm car, gazing at her 3 very blurry savors. After a few more moments of blinking and fading blurriness, the first thing she noticed when it cleared up was a smiling blue face practically trying to fuse itself with hers with how close it was. Everything was suddenly in a sharp focus when she recognized the face. She quickly looked around the car, each face making her heart skip a beat. She knew all 3 of them. After a few moments of tense silence, Sunset spoke.

"...You," she said weakly as she watched her captor, her adrenaline wanting to kick in, but was too tired to let it. The blue girls smile grew wider, rivaling that of Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah! So, what's up with you Sunny? Like why did you go for a swim? Did you jump? Why?” Her captor continued firing off question after question. Sunset felt her eyes get heavy as she leaned back, her eyes drooping.

"...Siren," Sunset said before her world faded away. The last thing she heard was 'Shit! Nice going Sonata!'


Sunset’s eyes slowly opened again. She found herself wrapped in a warm blanket. She tried to move but found it hard, as if her limbs were tied to lead weights. With a great amount of effort, she managed to sit up, feeling how damp her cloths where. The blankets and sofa she was on damp as well. She sat there in silence for a few moments, everything feeling like it was spinning slightly.

“We aren't seriously thinking that are we!?”

Sunset looked up wondering who that was.

“Well what else do you think she should do? Toss her back into the river?”

Sunset looked over to the lit doorway. With a little more effort, she stood on shaky legs. She continued to walk, every step feeling like her legs would give out at any second, a strange drumming ringing in her ears, making everything distorted except for the voices which only got clearer with each step.

“Come on! Why is it such a bad idea?”

On and on she went, the drumming getting louder and louder, but for some reason not drowning out the voices.

“Are you fucking serious!? You do remember who and what she did!”

Drums, the never-ending drums continuing their beat without stopping or changing.

“Yeah! But come on, she looked so sad!”

Sunset reached the door, the drumming coming to a halt as she stared into the kitchen. She realized then what the drums were.

Her heart beats.

It was impossible. It couldn't be real what she was seeing. She must have been hallucinating. She thought she defeated them, her greatest enemies before Anon-a-Miss.

“Are you insane!?” a purple skinned girl with pigtails yelled as she lunged at someone in front of her. She wore a purple PJ with a skull on it. The light blue skinned girl she was currently putting into a headlock struggled. She was wearing a blue PJ with a bear on it. The one who stood out of the 3 was the one in the middle, her normally outrageously poofy hair flat. The leader of the three still held an air of authority even in such a relaxed state. She radiated an aura that demanded respect.

Even when she wore a surprised look, staring right at sunset.

“Well well, look who's awake,” the golden skinned girl said looking surprised for a moment before the surprised turn into a slight grin. the other two quickly stopped fighting and let go of each other. the room filled with an uncomfortable silence as they stared at each other. the leader of the group never taking her eyes off sunset.

“The Dazzling’s,” Sunset said after a for moments of silence, the leader of the dazzling’s giggling as she placed her hands on the counter in front of her giving her a predatory grin. Slowly but surely, the names started to return to the front of sunsets memory. Aria Blaze, the self-proclaimed bitch of the group. She would be the leader if the spot wasn't already taken. Sonata Dusk, the airhead of the group. Sunset sometimes wondered how this girl could be evil. Then there was the leader. The alpha of the group. Cunning, ruthless, and pure Bitchiness. Adagio Dazzle. Sunset still shuddered to this day, wondering what would have happened if they would have met during her reign or if she had taken the Sirens’ offer.

“Oh, someone remembers us girls~,” Adagio said with a shark like grin. The other 2 had mixed reactions. Sonata looked on worried. Sunset didn't know if it was worry for her or the fact she was awake. Aria looked like she was sizing up an opponent for a fight. The room was silent, Sunset staring at the sirens, them staring at her. The only sound being heard was the sound of her own heart pounding away. Minutes passed before anyone dared move, Adagio stepped out from behind the counter she was standing behind.

“Girls. why is she still dressed?” she asked turning to her 2 sisters.

“...What?” Sunset asked confused, feeling a bit light headed. Adagio ignored her as she crossed her hands over her chest glaring at her sisters.

“I didn't want to fuck her,” Aria said with a shrug.

“I’m not doing that! it's like really embarrassing!” Sonata said, her face going red, making Adagio face palm.

“You idiots! She's still wet!” Adagio said pointing at the golden teen. Sunset only looked down at herself. Adagio was right. Her cloths may not have been dripping wet but the was very much still damp. The strange thing is she didn't feel a thing. Her whole body felt numb. She couldn’t feel the wetness of the clothes she wore, nor if the room was cold or warm. The more she stood there ignoring the three sirens argue, the worse it got. She looked at her hands, noticing how blurry they looked. When she looked around, she noticed that the whole world was blurry as well.

“Oh shit. You look awful sunshine,” Aria said, stopping her argument with Adagio, noticing the teen swaying slightly. Sunset looked at her taking a step forward. Before they knew it, Sunset fell face first onto the floor.

“Damn it! Aria get her another blanket! The one she used was probably soaked. Sonata, go get the water bags in the bathroom and fill them with hot water!” Adagio ordered as she kneeled next to Sunset. She put her fingers on Sunset’s neck.

“She's got a weak pulse. We need to work quick.” Adagio said as she picked up Sunset. She quickly noticed that the 2 sirens hadn't moved an inch.

“What are you waiting for!? Move!” Adagio said with authority. Sonata fidgeted for a moment before taking off running. Aria, however, stood her ground, glaring at Adagio.

“Adagio look---“

“We don't have time to argue Aria. Do as I say now!” Adagio shouted walking past her. Aria still stood her ground blocking Adagio.

“Adagio I—“

“I said we will talk about this later but right now just do as I say! Now!” Adagio yelled with such authority that even Aria flinched, making her back off.

“Fine! Geez, bite my head off why don't you?” Aria said as she ran over to the sofa and tossed the now damp blankets to the ground. Adagio cursed in Equestrian as she pulled sunset over and put her on the sofa. Sonata came running down the stairs holding a few dozen water bags in her arms.

“HA! And you said buying them in bulk was stupid!” Sonata said grinning.

“It is stupid!” Aria said glaring at sonata.

“Noooo look it's helping now---

“Will you two idiots stop bickering and help me!?” Adagio yelled, feeling her throat go sore. She started to literally rip off Sunsets outfit.

“Geez you really want to get at--

“Aria, I swear to the gods of Equestria and this world that if you finish that sentence I will make the rest of your existence nothing but misery and woe,” Adagio said as she tossed the ruined clothes to the side.

Ha! Jokes on you. My life already sucks!” Aria said grinning, the grin slowly fading the more she thought about what she just said. Adagio simply ignored her as she started to pile on bag after bag of hot water. Sunset gave a loud gasp followed by violent shaking. Adagio held her hand as she continued to stack the hot bags on her body.

“Sonata can you make some tea?” she asked, stacking the last of the water bags. The blue girl saluted before running into the kitchen. Adagio looked at Sunset, her eyes glazed over slightly.

“Sunset, just what in the name of Tartarus is going on?” Adagio asked in a surprisingly soothing voice. Sunset only stared at her, a small tear running down her cheek.

“...you should have let me drown,” Sunset said, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Adagio cursed under her breath as she put 2 fingers on the teens neck. She sighed feeling a pulse.

“Wow. Just, wow,” Aria said a little bit shocked. Adagio shook her head as she pet Sunset’s head in a caring manner.

“I wonder what happened to her. She looked so...dead,” Adagio said, tucking in Sunset into the covers making sure she was nice and warm.

“I have the tea!” Sonata said happily walking into the room. She stopped and saw sunset was sound asleep.

“Awww. I even made sure not to burn the water this time!” Sonata said pouting, the other two sirens sighed rubbing their heads.



That was the first thing Sunset expected to feel when she opened her eyes. She was surprised the other one opened. She felt a moment of panic shoot through her chest when she couldn't see out of it. She quickly reached up and pulled off a raw steak from it. She stared at it before tossing it to the side. She tried moving her body, expecting it to scream out in agony, but found that the pain wasn’t as bad as she thought it would have been. She then quickly realized how easy it was to breath. She looked down and saw some sort of damp herbs pressed between her chest. She felt her face get slightly warmer at the fact she was nude. The herbs felt cold to the touch but relaxing at the same time. She started to sit up and noticed a few changes. Her cuts and bruises were treated and even bandaged. More strange herbs were tied to certain parts of her body.

She laid back down again, feeling tired, closing her eyes and sighing as she tried to sleep. She quickly shot up again as she remembered where she was. Her body protested over the sudden movement. She hissed, feeling how sore her ribs were. She laid there waiting for the pain to fade. When it eventually did, she sat up a lot more carefully. She looked around. The first thing she noticed was the lights were all turned off. A quick glance at the clock showed it was past 5AM. She gave a slight groan as she swung her legs around and stood up. She quickly grabbed the couch to keep her up, cursing her weak legs. She tried to take a step, but a chill running throughout her body quickly made one thing very clear.

“Where the buck are my clothes!?” Sunset practically yelled. She covered her mouth quickly, waiting to be attacked. When nothing happened, she put her hands down and looked behind her hoping to see her clothes. When she didn't she grumbled, quickly grabbing the duvet and wrapping it around herself as best she could. Once she was sure the duvet would not fall, she took another quick scan of the room, revealing that she was alone.

“You cheated. There is no straw,” a voice said, seizing Sunset’s heart for a moment before hearing soft snoring. Sunset looked and saw someone sleeping on the nearby recliner. Taking a deep breath, she tiptoed over to the chair. She sighed in relief when she saw who was sitting in the chair.

“They put you on guard duty?” Sunset asked quietly as she stared at the blue haired girl. Sonata Dusk, easily the most harmless of the 3 sirens. Sunset watched her, taking a good look at her. Her pony tail was undone, making the hair go everywhere. Her mouth hung open, a bit of drool running down the side of her mouth. She was wearing a light blue PJ with a happy teddy on the front with matching pants. She even wore kitty slippers. Sunset watched the siren for a moment before sighing, rubbing her head slightly. She eyed her for a moment before giving the room another look around. She took in her settings, finding it filled with high end items.

“Not surprising,” Sunset said quietly as she let her eyes wonder. While it wasn't something she'd seen on TV, houses of the stupidly rich, it was still very much out of her realm of realistically renting something like this in her lifetime. A few paintings, a vase that probably cost more than an average person's rent. She turned to the window and touched the curtains, pulling them open slightly.

“Silk, Rarity would---...oh,” She said before feeling a sharp pain in her chest. She clutched the duvet tighter. a spark of anger rising. She looked up. She felt her breath get caught in her throat. She stared for a moment before angrily running her hands through her hair.

“Why...why do you hate me?” Sunset asked quietly grunting as she smacked her head against the cold window.

Snow. Snow as far as she could see blanketed the landscape in front of her. The trees bending and twisting violently with the wind. Flecks of snow violently throwing themselves at the window like a kamikaze pilot, splatting with the fury of winter.

“The straw is a lie!” Sonata said in a hushed whisper. though it was enough to nearly make Sunset jump out the window, her heart practically leaping out of her chest. She spun to glare at the siren who had shifted positions, the pillow now at her feet. Sunset glared as she marched up to the siren.

“Why?” she asked firmly, being as quiet as she could be with her rising anger.

“You get this?” she asked looking around the stunning home again. Things she could never have, and yet this monster had more and then some. She felt her anger rise more and more.

“I lose Everything. And you? You get a fancy house,” she said, eyeing the sirens clothing.

“High end clothes, high end furniture. High end fucking everything!” she hissed under her breath, pulling the covers tighter over herself.

“And what do I get? A stack of books I called my bed? Barely being able to feed myself day in and day out?” she said, feeling tears running down her face.

“The fucking clothes I have!? Rags at this point! I lost my only family….and you’re here living like a fucking queen while I have to scrap everything I have to just get by,” she said rubbing her eyes angrily, the siren still loudly snoring.

“Is this my reward? To scrape by the skin of my teeth? To be tossed away and forgotten?” Sunset asked as she continued to rub her eyes as she tried to stop herself from crying, failing miserably at it.

After a few seconds of struggling, she just allowed her tears to run freely, her frustration slowly turning to anger. She clutched her head as everything came flooding back. The stares, the whispering.

Go back to your farm, horsy.

“Shut up.”

Why don't you stick to eating hay, Pony Girl?

“Please shut up.”

Stupid she-demon.

“Don’t, don't call me that...please.”

Why bother coming back? Nobody wants you here!

“No…Don't say that.”

Ooh, what's the little horsy gonna do? Breathe fire at me?

“Please. I’m not that Sunset anymore.”

Why not just grow your wings again and take off?

“No... I’m not a monster.”

Go back to where you came from, horsy! You're not welcome here.

“No... I want to stay.”

Oh yes. You girls are so tight, and yet they didn't ask you to be in the band~.

Sunset’s eyes widened at that voice. That cruel voice, a voice she hadn’t heard again till today.

Probably afraid no one will want to see them play if she was in the group~.

The rage started to build, her jaw tightened. She could feel her teeth starting to hurt.

Too bad~ So sad~.

Sunset slowly turned to glare at the siren in the room. Sonata was still slumbering peacefully without a care in the world. She felt her head pulsating as she stared at the siren in front of her, the darkness of her situation getting at her thoughts. It had been awhile since she wanted to hurt someone, so, SO badly. Who would care? She was a siren. No one would miss her. Even her teammates seemed to hate her. She felt a small growl rise.

It was then that she noticed Sonata's pillow. She got a wicked idea. a dreadfully wicked idea. If anything, it would help her relieve some of the anger she had piled up at this very moment. Her hands trembled as they approached the pillow, hoping the siren's sleep was as heavy as it seemed. She felt her head pulse, getting hotter by the second, the world around her becoming a fog. She stared intently at her potential victim right in front of her. Her one chance of giving herself some well-needed power. She lifted the pillow above her head, a small grin spreading across her face as she gazed at the sleeping siren.

“I used too much orange for the punch!”

Sunset stopped, staring at the siren.

“Taco Tuesday! the happiest day of the week!”

She looked down at Sonata who was happily snoring, the memories beginning to flood her mind.

“Aria! Help! The zipper is stuck again!”

Sunset wondered how she had managed to get stuck to a locker via zipper. The more she stared at the siren, the more the anger started to fade away. Sunset stood there holding the pillow, poised and ready to end a life. Memory after memory continued to flood her mind of every interaction she had with this vicious sea witch. That was the problem. No matter how much she wanted to justify her own actions she could only feel the pillow get heavier and heavier. This Siren was a total ditz. No matter how hard she thought about it she couldn't find a single interaction that would paint her in a negative light.

In fact, the only times Sonata had ever truly been mean to her or in general... was when her sisters were involved. Otherwise she was just an adorable clutz, a Pinkie Doo package. She slowly found her anger turning onto herself for even thinking about murdering someone so... innocent. Sunset began to feel her eyes fill with tears, the pain and sadness of the last 2 weeks suddenly slamming into her chest. Her heart felt like it was about cave in. A new emotion filled her. Not self-loathing, that was very much present already. If she was honest it never really left after the fall formal.


Guilt for what she's done in the past and how it's come to bite her in the worst way possible. Guilt for sinking so low that she was willing to take a life. She hated herself for being so weak. She hated the Rainbooms for making her think she could be a happy person. She hated Anon-A-Miss, whoever it was. They won. They broke her. She was weak, helpless, scared, and nothing would change that.

‘I’ll Take that~’

Sunset felt like someone was stabbing her in the heart. She was wrong. this was not the first time she had tried to take a life.

“At last, more power than I could ever imagine!”

She closed her eyes trying to block the memory out. The pain she felt. the overwhelming emptiness. Her eyes widened as the memories flooded her mind. The fire, the chaos, the fact she nearly incinerated her best friends at the time.

After a few seconds of struggling, she just allowed her tears to run freely, her frustration slowly turning to anger. She literally felt her head pulsating as she stared at the Siren in front of her, the darkness of her situation getting at her thoughts once again.


Why did she feel this way?!

She hasn’t felt this raw hatred since Rainbow--

She dropped to her knees in sudden realization, her eyes wide. She looked up again and didn’t see the siren. She saw Rainbow Dash. She saw the loyal friend. She saw the friend that backstabbed her. She saw Her. At that moment, Sunset realized why she was so willing to end a life.She didn’t see Sonata the siren. She saw Rainbow Dash, the self-proclaimed element of harmony, Loyalty. She felt sick to her stomach. Her vision quickly blurred as she shook, her sobs escaping her lips despite trying her hardest to keep them in.

Sonata snorted awake at the sudden sound. She rubbed her eyes while stretching, making her back pop.

“Is it breakfast time?” she asked a bit groggily as she continued to rub her eyes. She stopped when she heard the quiet sobbing, like a child not wanting to be seen. She looked down and her eyes widened. She saw something kneeled in front of her. She reached down under her seat feeling the hard handle under there. She gripped it ready to attack the thing in front of her.

“…I’m sorry,” Sunset said as she held herself, crying softly. Sonata relaxed as she leaned forward.

“Sunset?” she gasped, worried as Sunset continued to weep. “Sunset, are you ok?” Sonata asked.

Sonata was taken aback by the crying girl in front of her. She stared at her for a moment as she sobbed. She quickly stood up and pulled the girl into a hug rocking back and forth.

“Hey. It’s ok, it’s ok, don’t cry,” Sonata began as Sunset started to sob harder into the sirens chest. “It’s ok. Let it all out. Let it all out,” she advised as she continued to stroke the girls head. A series of quick feet echoed through the house as Aria and Adagio ran in.

“I swear to god if this is another dream about that stupid cartoon deer I’m making Venison for the next week!” Aria promised angrily as she walked in with a spiked mace. They stopped in their tracks at the scene in front of them. Sunset burying her face into Sonata’s chest saying Sorry over and over as she sobbed loudly into the siren’s chest. Adagio was silent as she watched Sunset crying. Aria only frowned, leaning on the mace as she eyed the girl. Adagio gave her a subtle glare as she eyed Sunset a bit more before sighing and turning.

“Come along Aria,” Adagio began as she made her way to the living room.

“What why?” Aria demanded, she didn’t get a reply as Adagio simply grabbed her bottoms and pulled.

“I said come along. Or does Mommy have to get her belt out?” Adagio replied as she continued to pull the siren away. Aria grumbled as she turned and followed her sister. Adagio glanced over at sonata who was silently thanking her as she continued to console Sunset. Adagio turned her attention back to her destination, quickly setting up the tea ketal. She stood there ignoring Aria grumbling about bashing Sunset’s head in, wondering how many more...distractions would happen before she got the answers she was looking for. This was a mystery that kept getting more intriguing by the minute. She let a small smile spread across her lips as she poured her tea, humming a little tune.

Author's Note:

another chapter made possible by XIII Hearts