• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 6,410 Views, 93 Comments

Mother of the Night - Night--Mist

Luna is a kind, yet powerful mare, and that breaths true when she takes a bat pony named Night Mist under her motherly wing.

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A Comforting Night for Mother and Son

As Luna's chariot made it to the castle grounds, she carefully laid Night Mist on her back so he could nap a little longer. Before she could turn in for the approaching morning however, she had to make a couple stops, for Night Mist's sake. Her first stop was the medical wing of the castle. When she arrived, Nurse Gentle Heart was there to greet her. "Hello Princess Luna, how may I help you to- oh!" She said alarmed as she saw the little foal riding on Luna's back asleep.

"Nurse Gentle Heart. This little foal is in need of your healing spell. He was cornered by some bullying unicorn teenagers just near the outskirts of the city. Had I not shown up, much more damage would have been done," Luna stated as she gently levitated Night Mist onto a soft bed for Nurse Gentle Heart to work her magic for him.

"I hate those kinds of noble younglings. They think they're better then everypony else, because they call themselves purebloods. This little Bat Pony isn't even 3 years old yet. To treat him so poorly at such a young age, I can hardly imagine what he was going through," Gentle Heart said with concern as she began to heal the young foal very carefully to not wake him.

"Little Night Mist is a young orphan. Those unicorns must have grabbed him when the caretakers bringing him to the orphanage weren't looking. But I have made sure that they won't be hurting anypony else soon," Luna assured Gentle Heart.

"That's good to know. What shall become of this young little one your highness?" Gentle Heart asked as she finished mending Night Mist's wounds.

"Well, I know this will sound sudden, but, I have decided to take him in as my own. He just so adorable, and his cute little personality just stole my heart, I couldn't just turn him away," Luna admitted.

Gentle Heart was shocked to hear this, but she was also touched and asked, "Are you sure your majesty?"

"I am. I know motherhood will be a challenge, but I am sure," Luna said.

"Well, there are some things I must state. Based on his age, he will be able to talk. Bat Ponies are known for developing speech and are very intelligent very early on. However, his motor skills will be a bit on the slow side, so don't be surprised to find him crawling instead of walking. His digestive system is also slower then most pony types, even his pegasus cousins, so, now this may sound a little uncomfortable, but he will be having to nurse for a while. Bat Ponies usually aren't weaned from their mothers til their about 4 or 5 years of age, and potty training will also be a bit slow. Again Bat Ponies aren't usually out of stable training til about 4 years at the least, and he is only 2 years old. I know this after I cast an age scanning spell while I was healing him. His situation is sort of a sacrifice body development for intelligence kind of scenario your highness," Nurse Gentle Heart informed the Princess of the Night.

"I understand. I am 100% certain I can cope with nursing my little Night Mist til he's old enough for the more grown up food. And thankfully, I had more than a few lessons in changing my niece's diapers, so that won't be a challenge. I think the only thing I have to worry about is the nobles that will no doubt be in an uproar at what I have done. Though, it will be rather amusing to watch the argument unfold and see my sister give them what for if I don't get the chance to do it myself," Luna giggle softly, careful not to wake little Night Mist.

"Hmhmhm. Oh, I can only imagine the look on Prince Blueblood's face when he hears about this. And it will even be more amusing to hear how his own aunt or aunts humiliate him your grace," Gentle Heart added.

"Well, I best get him to the Lunar Chambers so that he can rest on a nice comfortable bed. Til I can acquire a smaller bed for him in the Lunar Chambers of course," Luna said, as she gently levitated Night Mist back onto her back and back into a bundle of blankets.

"Oh, before you go, I have one more thing for you your highness," Gentle Heart said, before she pulled out a vial of some sort of potion and gave it to the Princess.

"What is this for Gentle Heart?" Luna inquired.

"It's so you can feed him mother's milk. I know you are aware of a spell that can temporarily allow you to produce milk, but Bat Ponies are also known for a high metabolism. This is to allow you a more permanent way to have milk available for little Night Mist, and alleviate the use of your magical energy, so it won't be so used up on providing him milk. Once he's weaned himself, the effects will wear off, just like normal, unless of course you drink this type of potion again afterwards, then they take about 3 weeks to wear off if he's weaned already," Gentle Heart informed her.

"I see. Thank you very much Gentle Heart," Luna gestured.

Soon Luna took her leave, and drank the vial while in transit to her chambers. She felt that, should her new little charge awake and need a snack to get him back to sleep, may as well be prepared. The effects took hold, and by the time she made her way into her chambers, she could already tell she'd be able to feed young Night Mist. As she laid down onto her bed, which was big enough to hold her and 15 charges that were size of her little Night Mist, Night Mist stirred awake as he was levitated down next to her. At the same time, she had magially removed her regalia to be able to have a more comfortable rest. She soon focused her attention on the little bat pony and said, "Hello there Night Mist, did I wake you."

Night Mist yawned, "No. Bad Unicowns chase mes again."

Luna nuzzled him close, "It's okay sweetie. How about you have some of mommy's milk. It will help you feel better."

She lifted her left rear leg to reveal her teats. Night Mist looked at Luna's face in uncertainty. All he had known for nourishment was mother's milk, but he had never drank it from another mare other than his birth mother. He thought he would get in trouble if he did. "It's okay honey. I'm not gonna be mad. You need mommy's milk go on," Luna urged him.

Night Mist was a bit hesitant, but slowly and gently, he latched on and began to nurse. "There we go dear, drink as much as you need," Luna said, as she covered him with her wing to give him some privacy.

She heard Night Mist's little whimmpers as he nursed and relaxed. She was happy that she had helped this little foal be saved from a treatment he did not deserve. And she hoped other mares out there would follow her example and not judge based on a ponies race. She could tell Night Mist had passed out while feeding as his suckling became softer, and she soon levitated him to her shoulder and he let out a cute little burp as she patted his back. Soon she laid him between her forlegs and wrapped them around him, before pulling the covers over both of them for a good mornings rest. Midday was going to be interesting to say the least. But she fell asleep with a smile on her face as she cast a spell to allow her and her little Night Mist to have happy dreams til they needed waking.

Author's Note:

So end of chapter 2. I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable for some of you, but you know how I am. I am trying to get back in the game, but you have no idea what the climate of Bahrain can do to a person that isn't acclimated for that kind of environment. I swear, I had to wash my clothes two times in one day, every day. And I thought once every three days was enough.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.