• Published 28th Dec 2016
  • 1,292 Views, 22 Comments

Motherly Bonds - EldinKaiser

Who is who. After having their worlds completely tossed around. They struggle to come to terms with what they learn about their family line.

  • ...

Cutie Mark Crusaders Unite!

As they all sat there in the dusty remains of their old club house, Scootaloo was the first to sit down in her old seat. "It seems like forever since we've been in here, doesn't it?" She asked, breaking the silence as the both of them nodded.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to stay up for this long." Sweetie Belle said to automatically get a snicker from Scootaloo. "OH GROW UP!" Sweetie yelled out.

Apple Bloom walked to the front and smiled softly. "Well it was built by dad for us, so I don't really expect her to go down any time soon." Apple Bloom said, Scootaloo busting out laughing directly after. "Can you take your mind out of the gutter for one second?" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo shook her head. "Can't help it. You two are sitting me up with the jokes, I just take the chance to pounce on it." She said with a cocky grin.

Apple Bloom returned the grin, walking around the clubhouse. "So you see the chance to pounce on something and automatically take it? That explains your long line of ex's." Apple Bloom teased, getting a deep blush out of Scootaloo.

"Oh yeah, what number are we on again?" Sweetie Belle chimed in, causing Scootaloo's face to turn even more red. "I think your on number twelve for stallions and number twenty for mares." She teased.

"Ok! Ok! I'll stop." Scootaloo said, blushing deeply. The other two smiled before letting out a giggle.between the both of them. "Besides, Apple Bloom, ain't you on your tenth coltfriend?" Scootaloo said, trying to retaliate with something.

Apple Bloom nodded and smiled. "Yeah, but me and Pip have been together for a couple of years now. How long have you and Rumble been together?" She said, grinning deviously.

Scootaloo scratched her chin and smiled. "We've been together for about six months now. Which this has been my longest relationship so far. Which think about something, all my relationships have ended with me being cheated on. So, what do you have to say about that!" Scootaloo said, crossing her arms.

Apple Bloom paused and then looked at Sweetie Belle, who was roaming around the room. "Don't look at me. I don't keep count anymore." She said, going back to roaming the clubhouse.

Apple Bloom nodded softly and then looked around. "It's going to suck that this won't get anymore use." She said, guilt starting to weigh in on her heart.

"Well, it doesn't have to end with us. Besides, when we have foals, they're going to need a place to hang out at. Why not here?" Scootaloo said with a hearty smile.

The other two looked at Scootaloo and then smiled from ear to ear. "That sounds like an amazing idea!" Apple Bloom said. "Though it might be a couple of more years that we'll even have foals."

Sweetie Belle blushed slightly. "A-Actually." She objected.

The two others locked eyes with Sweetie before an outburst of giddy cheers filled the area. "Wait, you're pregnant?!" Apple Bloom asked, on the edge of jumping out of her seat.

Sweetie Belle nodded softly. "But don't tell anypony yet. I want this to be a surprise to Button. Mom and Spike knows, but they're the only two that knows other than you two." She said, rubbing her belly.

"Well, when are you going to tell Button?" Scootaloo asked, rocking back and forth in her seat.

Sweetie Belle shrugged. "He's on his last semester at the Canterlot game designing academy, so I was going to wait to tell him after he graduates in a couple of months." She said, looking up at the two.

Scootaloo chuckled to herself. "Remember when you two first started dating and he challenged you to a milkshake race?" Scootaloo said before busting out laughing.

Apple Bloom couldn't help but to let out a chuckle as well. "He got such horrible brain freeze afterwords. All to just trying to impress you." She said before looking at Sweetie with a gentle smile. "Was that when you found out he was the one?" She teased before busting out in a hysterical laughter. Scootaloo following shortly after.

"Oh, haha. He was trying to act manly for me." She stated in a sarcastic tone. "What about Scootaloo's first date with Dinky?" Sweetie Belle said, grinning deviously.

"Oh yeah, it scared you to see somepony with crossed eyes. You almost jumped outta your skin when you saw her." Apple Bloom said, causing Scootaloo blush deeply.

"W-Wait, I didn't scare me, I just wasn't expecting it." She said, getting more and more quiet with each word, shying away from the other two. "B-Besides, what about Apple Bloom's first time trying ana-"

"ACK! SHUT IT! That happened a looong time ago. That's in the past. We're never gonna bring that up again." Apple Bloom said, her face a deep, deep shade of red.

"That's gonna be a story to tell one day when we're as old as granny." Sweetie Belle said with a chuckle.

"If either of you two speak a word of that horrid accident, I will turn you to glue myself!" Apple Bloom snapped at her two friends.

"Aaaand that's where the Big Macintosh side comes in." Scootaloo stated, a sly smirk on her face.

"Calm and mild mannered, but can flip the switch and be mean as hell." Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo smiled softly and then looked down at the ground. "Can I be honest with you two about something?" She asked.

They both looked at her and tilted their heads. "Yeah, what's wrong?" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo gave a heavy sigh. "I feel bad because I was secretly hoping that Rainbow Dash was my mom. Or I'd always be up, hoping that Dash would come along and adopt me to get me out of that foster home. Though when I finally grew up and moved out of that house, I still wondered who my parents were and was still secretly wishing it was Dash, but it didn't bother me that much anymore." She said, looking down at the ground, her hands tightly grasping each other.

"Ok, then? Why should you feel bad about that?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Because, when Fluttershy told me that she was my mom, she was the one pony who I didn't want as my mother and to find out that she is. I went off on her and dad. Then for some reason, this wave of betrayal hit me like a ton of bricks, like I felt betrayed that she was waiting until now to tell me this. It would have been nice to know, I dunno, about 15 years ago?" She said, a rogue tear coming from her eye.

The other two sat there in silence for a moment before Sweetie Belle broke the silence. "Well, what did she say in regards to waiting so long?" Sweetie asked.

"She said that she wasn't ready to become a mother and that when she gave me up for adoption, that if I found out about her being my mom before I got old enough, that they'd take me away from her and made sure that she wouldn't be able to see me." She said, feeling more and more guilt by the second.

"Well, then there really ain't a reason to get mad at her. She couldn't support you and done what she thought was best. She was still in your life, wasn't she? She at least tried to be a parent from a distance." Apple Bloom said.

"But you don't understa-"

"No, you don't understand. I understand that you're mad, but she tried her best to be there for you. Just like how mom and Rarity took care of me and Sweetie Belle while trying to keep all this under wraps." Apple Bloom stated in a stern tone

Scootaloo glared at Apple Bloom. "That wasn't what I was going to say. I was going to say that I feel bad now because of the way I snapped at her. I looked at them and said, "Are you joking?" Scootaloo said, feeling the weight of the guilt laying on her back.

"Ok, that was kind of mean." Sweetie Belle said, looking at Scootaloo.

"But knowing Shy, she would quickly forgive you. Especially since you are her daughter." Apple Bloom said.

The other two nodded before silence filled the room. "So, we're really all sisters?" Scootaloo asked with the other two nodding. "And Big Mac is actually our dad?" She said to get the same response. "And me and Apple Bloom are going to be aunts." She said with a laugh.

"It's strange, ain't it?" Apple Bloom said with the other two looking up at her in confusion. "It's strange that we grew up with each other, best friends at that, living with different family's, all to just find out that we're all kin." She stated with the other two nodding in agreement.

Scootaloo looked around, scratching her chin. "It is kind of odd that we never questioned it." Scootaloo said.

"What do ya mean?"

"Well, the three of us do look somewhat alike. Not a lot, but there is a few things that we share." Scootaloo stated.

Sweetie Belle sat up, tilting her head in confusion. "I don't see it at all." She said, looking between the other two.

Scootaloo sat there and smirked. "Well, to name one thing. We do have the same smile. We do have the same attitudes. And the more that I think about it, we do have the same build with some minor differences." She said with a smile.

The other two mares looked at each other, finally starting to piece it together. "Well, darn. I guess she's right." Apple Bloom said, examining her two newly found sisters.

Sweetie Belle looked at the two and shrugged softly. "Personally, I think I have mom's attitude. Though when I was younger, I did act more like dad." She stated, stretching out in her chair.

"Stubborn and clumsy, but graceful and beautiful." Apple Bloom joked, teasing the pregnant mare.

"Seems that you missed out on the two things from Rarity." Scootaloo chimed in.

"OH SHUT IT!" Sweetie Belle whined.

Apple Bloom reached out, placing her hand on Sweetie's shoulder. "Oh, c'mon. You know we're just picking at ya." She said with a gentle smile. "Besides, you must have used that beauty to trap someone like Button."

Sweetie's face lit up a bit as she nodded. "At least someone see's things from my point of view. Mom doesn't really agree with Button's career choice, but I trust that he's doing the right thing and it's something that makes him happy doing. I have my career in singing and it's something that I love doing. He should have a career that he loves doing." She said with a gentle smile.

They both looked at her, big smiles lay upon their faces. "You really love him, don't you?" Asked Scootaloo to see Sweetie gently nod.

"Well, that settles it then! We're having the wedding at the farm!" Apple Bloom stated, snapping Sweetie Belle out of her thoughts.

"Wait, what?" She asked, looking up at Apple Bloom.

"You heard her. The wedding is at her place." Scootaloo chimed in.

Sweetie's face turned into a deep shade of red. "I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS!" She called out.

Apple Bloom looked at her with a devious grin. "Yes you did. When you become my sister." She stated, walking out the door of the club house with the other two following. "The same goes for you too Scootaloo."

Scootaloo halted in place and looked back at Apple Bloom, raising a brow. "Wait, I already got my idea for what I want at my wedding."

"Yup, I've done planned them!"

"Like Hell!"

Sweetie Belle looked at the two and groaned slightly. "Dammit you two..." She said to herself before catching up to them.

Author's Note:

By the way, this is before the events of Shattered Hearts. Though not to far apart.

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