• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 6,873 Views, 304 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S1 - Banshee531

Begins one week after The Element of Courage. Follows the first season with both canon and non-canon events

  • ...

Boast Busters

We open on the outskirts of town where Flash and Springer were taking a break from their patrol. They were in a rocky area near Ghastly Gorge by a river that they were drinking from. "Ahhhh...that's refreshing," he said once their canteens were empty.

"Yeah," Springer replied. To somepony else, that would have just sounded like the bark of a dog, but to Flash, it was as clear as Equestrian. Their aura connection had been growing with each day, all the way to where Flash could understand him directly.

"So, where do you think we should check now?" Flash asked, only to then hear a sudden high pitched scream. The sound bounced off the hills and filled their ears, causing them to look at each other with tired smiles. "Never mind bud, guess we have our work cut out for us." Flash chuckled as Springer hopped onto his back and they took to the sky.

Using Springer's aura sight, they found that the closest living thing was four hills over. Seeing this, they quickly flew over and found the cause of the scream. Three stallions were standing in a rocky area, surrounding a young unicorn mare. One stallion was a green unicorn with a brown mane, tail, beard and money bag cutie mark alongside a silver pegasus with a yellow mane, tail and wind-like cutie mark. The final stallion was a bulky gray earth pony with a black mane and a rock cutie mark. The three stallions wore giant nasty grins as they stared at the young unicorn mare, all looking like they were about to attack her. The mare had light blue fur and a lighter blue and white coloured mane. She was hooked to a small wooden wagon, which was currently shaking due to her fear-filled shivering body.

"Okay little filly," the unicorn said, licking his lips. "Just hand over the wagon and nopony gets hurt."

"Please don't." she replied, her voice trembling at the trio. "I don't have anything of value."

"We'll be the judge of that," he then turned to his companions, gesturing his head to the vehicle. "Take it."

The two stepped forward, ready to claim their new bounty, only for what looked like a sudden bolt in the sky to come crashing down in front of them. As a giant dust cloud formed from the landing, two figures quickly appeared within it. The dust cloud slowly faded as a voice spoke out, its owner showing itself as a pegasus colt with a blue coloured partner. "Now is that anyway to treat a lady?”

"Who's this guy?!" the earth pony barked in a gravelly voice, looking at his partners, only to get two 'I don't know' faces.

The unicorn then growled at the newcomers as he slammed his hoof into the ground. “Who do you think you are colt?!”

"Just your friendly neighbourhood defender of the peace." Flash said, cricking his head as he winked at his partner. Springer replied with a nod and began backing up, readying himself for battle. “Now either back off, or me and my pal here will make you.”

"Fat chance. Take him!" the unicorn yelled, signalling the earth pony to charge at the two. Flash quickly sidestepped the stallion, dodging the earth pony as he instantly crashed into a rock behind him.

"Ohhh, that's gotta hurt." Flash laughed. That is, till the earth pony spun back around completely unphased, "or not. That's not good." The stallion charged again, this time managing to tackle Flash, pinning him down to the ground, the stallion's face right in front of his. "Ugh...seriously?!" Flash groaned as the stallion let out a snarl. “If you wanted a breath mint...you just had to ask."

“Shut it.” The earth pony growled as he applied more pressure, only to be knocked back by an Aura Blast. Seeing the opportunity, Flash quickly got up, only to have the other pegasus charge at him as well. As the stallion was about to throw the first punch, Flash spun around, grabbing his hoof and throwing him into the earth pony, rendering them both unconscious.

"Thanks Springer." Flash said to the jakhowl, receiving a nod in return. Flash then stared at the unicorn with a cocky grin. “Now, you wanna do this the easy way or the hard way? Spoiler alert, you won't like the hard way.”

Narrowing his brows into an angry stare, the unicorn began levitating several rocks from the earlier smashed rock. With all his might, he threw the rocks at the young knight. Seeing every piece of granite heading his way, Flash remembered similar attacks from his knight training. The young knight instinctively dodged every rock, only to catch the last one with his tail. Quickly wrapping it up with said tail, he spun it around and decided for the good old 'return to sender' attack. The rock spun like a top, flying at the stallion as fear covered his face. "It's going, going, going," the rock ended it's trip with a strike to the head, knocking him out in one blow. "Home run."

With the danger gone, Flash signalled for Springer, who was finishing his usual aura check on the mare. As they started to approach her, Flash spoke up, "You okay?" he asked once he was close, but saw her flinch back. "It's okay, we're the good guys. The name's Flash Sentry, local defender of the peace around here." Springer yipped, causing Flash to point at his partner. "And this is Springer, my partner. Don't worry, we aren't here to hurt you or anything."

The mare continued to backpedal, still shivering in fear. As Flash continued to show him and the jakhowl meant no harm, she whispered. "Trixie. My name is...Trixie Lulamoon."

"Well Trixie, its nice to meet you." he said as he scratched Springer's ear. "Why don't we accompany you into town? Might make things a bit easier for ya, seeing you have the wagon and all."

"Okay," she nodded, "but what about them?" She pointed to the unconscious trio.

"Good question. Hmm..." Flash glanced at the mare with a cheeky grin, "You got any rope?" When she nodded, he got to work.

"Are you sure it's safe to just leave them tied up like that?" Trixie asked as they got closer to Ponyville.

"What else could I have done?" Flash replied with a shrug, "I couldn't exactly bring them back to Ponyville and keep them in the library closet.” He facehoofed at the thought. “I really need to get myself a jail cell."

"Anyways," Trixie looked down, sighing. "I really need to thank you for saving me back there. If you hadn't shown up, I..."

"Best not to think about it." Flash gave a big grin, trying to cheer her up. "And there's no need to thank me. This is what I do."

"So...you're this town's sheriff?"

"My official title is 'Defender of the Peace' but...in a way, I am the sheriff."

"Well, I'm glad you were there. Thank you."

"Like I said, its cool Trixie.” Flash then looked her over, glancing at her purple hat and cape. “So...what about you? I don't think I've seen you around here before."

"I'm a travelling entertainer." she explained as she tipped her hat with pride, "I travel from town to town to showing off my amazing tricks."

"Sounds like fun." he said with Springer giving a yip of agreement, "Maybe I can come see it."

"Well, you'll just have to come to my show." Trixie grinned, cocking her brows.

It was then that they reached the outskirts of town. As they passed by the first few building, Flash spoke up, "Is it okay if I leave you here? I need to contact some authorities to go collect those criminals."

"Of course," Trixie nodded, "I'll be in the town center if you still want to see my show. Thanks again!"

"No problem. I'll try to be there later!" he as took to the skies, his partner on his back. He began heading towards the library, hoping to find Spike there so he could send a letter to Celestia over the criminals. However, he instead found Spike walking with Twilight through town. As he drew near them, he picked up on what they were talking about. "Twenty-five Twilight," he heard Spike say, "Twenty-five different tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents?"

"True," the purple unicorn replied, "For ponies whose talents are cooking or singing or math, their magic will mainly help them with that. But if a unicorn's special talent is magic..."

"Like you Twilight," Spike pointed at her with a grin, "And you know a ton of magic."

Twilight blushed hearing this, "Oh Spike, stop. I'm sure there's lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me."

"Don't sell yourself short." Flash voiced, making the two look up. They were greeted with a wave and bark from Springer.

"Hey you," Twilight said, "Don't you usually patrol the western areas around this time?"

"Had a bit of a run in with some bandits," Flash explained as he landed and Springer jumped off.

"Nothing too dangerous, I hope?" Twilight asked, looking worried after hearing that.

"I'm fine," Flash then glanced at Spike, "but I do need to send Celestia a letter about them. I really need to get a jail cell or something."

"I'll get right on that," Spike pulled out a parchment and quill from nowhere and began writing. "Where did you leave them?"

"In the canyons near Ghastly Gorge."

"Okay." Spike finished his letter and sent it to Celestia in a puff of smoke.

"You don't usually see bandits that close to a town." Twilight remarked, surprised at the news.

"They were attacking a unicorn that was on her way to Ponyville,." Flash replied with a shake of ther head. "She wasn't hurt but I'd hate to think what might of happened if me and Springer weren't there to help."

"So, where is she now?"

"She said she would be in the town square. She's supposed to be a performer of some kind."

"Well, whatever she does, I bet it won't be as impressive as what Twilight can do." Spike bragged, glancing at Twilight.

"Spike!" Twilight scorned her dragon friend.

"Only one way to find out," Flash said, turning towards the town square. "Let's go."

The four headed towards the center of Ponyville and they weren't the only ones. Many different ponies were walking there, some talking about the show that was about to happen. They gathered around the cart Trixie had been pulling, before her voice sounded across the crowd.

"Come one, come all, and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!" The cart suddenly shot open and morphed into a full stage. A puff of smoke exploded and Trixie appeared, wearing her purple star patterned hat and cape. “Behold Trixie's amazing tricks to inspire everypony here!”

"That's the pony you saved?" Twilight asked, pointing at Trixie. “Are you sure?”

"Somethings not right here." Flash said as glanced at Springer, only to see his friend shake his head in confusion. “The pony I just met sure didn't act like that.”

"Watch in awe!" the blue unicorn exclaimed as she lifted her hooves into the air, "as the great and powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by ponies' eyes!" Seconds later, fireworks went off around her, bringing most of the crowd into amazement.

"My, my, my," Rarity said, causing the four to glance at her. "What boasting."

"Come on! No pony is as magical as Twi-" he would have continued, but he then realised which unicorn he was standing next to. “Uhhh...”

"There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?"

"Nothin at all," Applejack growled, causing them to now notice she was there too. "Except when somepony goes showing it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons."

"It's like you Twilight," Flash complemented the mare, "You're really talented with magic but you don't go showing it off. You use it to help ponies and Equestria."

"Exactly," Rarity nodded, "its one thing to use magic to entertain ponies, but she's just looking for attention."

Trixie heard this and glared at the audience. "Well, well, well, it seems we have some neigh-sayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie?! Do they not know that they are in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?!”

"Oh please," Rainbow Dash barked, flying out of the audience. "What makes you think you're so awesome anyways?"

Trixie huffed at this. "Only the Great and Powerful Trixie has the magic to vanquish the dreaded...Ursa Major!" In that second, fireworks went off and formed the form of a giant bear.

From the audience, two young school ponies named Snips and Snails were in awe. "No way," Snails gasped.

"When all hope was lost..." Trixie explained as she began swaying her hooves around, "and the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to. But the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic...she vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!”

Flash was listening, not sure what to make of it. It was here that Springer tapped his shoulder, making him look down at partner as he shuck his head. Flash had found out over the past few days that Springer knew when others were lying thanks to his aura sensing abilities. He had used this with another incident involving some lying trouble-making foals, but that was a story for another day. The young Jakhowl had tuned into Trixie's aura and found her to be lying, which he told Flash. Seeing this, Flash nodded and went up to the stage while Trixie was trying to wow the crowd some more. "Okay, show's over." he declared, getting her attention.

"Oh Flash," she waved happily at the stallion, "I've barely begun to get them to marvel at my amazing talents."

"No, this ends now. As much as we all enjoy a good story once in a while, this is beyond ridiculous."

"So you say you don't believe me when I say I defeated the Ursa Major?" Trixie gasped, mockingly putting her hoof on her chest.

"Considering you needed my help against a trio of crooks, I doubt you'd be able to beat an Ursa anything."

"Well, I assure you I did it!" Trixie yelled, her voice starting to rise in anger.

"Really?!" Flash said before sitting down and crossing his front hooves, "Then explain it to me. I want to hear every detail of the event. What spells you used, how you were able to overpower it, everything.”

Trixie didn't reply, instead opting to turn away and walk backstage. "I don't need to explain myself to you...show's over." With this, the crowd soon dispersed as Trixie's stage returned to its cart formation.

"Great work Flash!" Rainbow praised as she landed down by him. "Hopefully that show-off will head off to some other town to try her tricks in."

Flash just shook his head. "No...something's wrong. When I first met her, she seemed really nice. She wasn't anything like what you just saw."

"Well, whatever she's like on stage, I just hope she's done with all that nonsense about defeating an Ursa Major." Rarity said, “Can you imagine a pony doing that? Ridiculous!”

"But imagine if it's true," the young pony named Snips said.

"That would be awesome to see!" Snails agreed.

"Oh please," Spike remarked as he waved his claw. "Unless an Ursa Major comes waltzing up the street for Trixie to vanquish, I say it's a load of garbage and no one should believe her.”

At this, Snips gave a very interested look. "An Ursa walking up the street? Wow..."

"Don't even think about it," Flash told him as he walked up to the colt.

"Think about what?" Snips asked, trying to not look guilty.

"You know what," Flash said as leaned down to his level and glared, "just know that if any kind of Ursa happens to show up between now and when Trixie leaves and whether she's able to beat it or not, you two will be doing community service every day after school for a year. Understood?"

"Understood," Snips and Snails nodded at the warning before turning to leave.

"Kids today," Flash facehoofed, groaning as the kids ran off. “And I'm still young...”

"Its not like they'd actually be able to find an Ursa Major," Twilight said before noticing Flash looking at the direction Trixie had gone off to. "What's up?"

"I'm going to go talk to her," Flash said before gesturing to Twilight and Springer, "I know there's more to her than a show-off. Come on."

"Why do I have to go?"

"Another unicorn's perspective might help."

"Fine." Twilight grumbled, realising she didn't have a reason to refuse.

With that, the three of them headed off to meet Trixie. It wasn't long till they found her at the edge of town, setting up her wagon. When she noticed them walking up to them, she frowned and asked, "What do you want know? Come to try and humiliate me again."

"We came to talk to you," Flash said as he trotted up to her, "the real you. Not the show-off you pretended to be back in town."

"Why should I listen to you after what you did?!"

"Because I want us to be friends."

Trixie looked at them and sighed. “I hope I don't regret this.” she whispered as she began levitating a table out for them. "Fine."

Flash, Twilight and Springer sat around the table as Trixie brought out a tea set. Springer yipped cheerfully as he began drinking his tea.

"I'm Twilight by the way," Twilight finally said, "Twilight Sparkle. I'm a friend of Flash's."

Trixie looked the unicorn up and down quizzically, glancing at Flash after trying to study her. "So, what exactly are we supposed to talk about?"

"I was hoping to get to know you better," Flash replied while taking a sip of tea. "Why don't we start with where you were born."

"Manehatten," Trixie grumbled, anger obviously in her tone. "My father's a teacher at the Manehatten Institute for Magical Learning."

"That's a highly regarded school," Twilight explained to Flash before looking back at Trixie, "Your father must be a very powerful unicorn."

"He is. He often spoke about how our family line could be traced all the way back to Starswirl the Bearded himself."

"Your family line descended from the most powerful unicorn ever to walk Equestria?!" Twilight gasped in wonder. “Are you serious?!”

"I thought the hat and cape looked familiar." Flash remarked. He had heard plenty of stories about Starswirl thanks to Twilight's fangirling over his studies.

"Indeed." Trixie nodded, "My father's mastered many spells in his time. He's also taught many ponies, who then went on to do great things."

"And you?" Flash asked, "You must have gone to that school."

"I...attended for a short time, but my magical abilities were so advanced that they asked me to leave because there was nothing they could teach me." Trixie boasted, a giant grin on her face.

"That doesn't sound right," Twilight replied, shaking her head. "I heard that the Institute enlists the most powerful unicorns into study programs and research."

"Well, they didn't for me," Trixie barked defensively.

It was at that moment that everything clicked into place for Flash. He didn't even need to signal his partner, who was happily drinking his second cup of tea. Not only that, he realised why she did what she did. "I get it," he told her, "you dropped out and your father was disappointed. So you travel around, showing off to get the praise your father never gave you."

Trixie stiffened like a board after hearing this.

"I'm right, aren't I?"

Trixie remained silent as what Flash said sunk in.

"Your father never gave you the respect you wanted because you couldn't live up to his expectations," Twilight said, catching on, "Because no matter what your magic is, an average pony's magic wasn't enough for your father."

"That's-" she almost screamed, before going almost silent, "not true..."

Both Flash and Twilight went silent as they finally felt they knew who this pony really was. Flash wanted to try and comfort her, but Springer's ears flared up. He let out a loud bark, causing everypony to turn to him. "What's up with him?" Trixie asked.

"Trouble," Flash replied as Springer hopped onto his back. "You two stay here," he shot into the sky and followed Springer's directions. "This is where you felt the danger?" he asked the Jakhowl as the flew over the town square. Springer nodded in response, making Flash to question the situation. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Are you sure bud?"

Springer closed his eyes and began to scan the area, feeling all around. His aura flowed around, trying to feel what he felt before. As he tried to find the threat, his eyes shot open as he tried to bark a warning before-


Flash felt something slam into him at high speed, causing him to be sent to a rolling across the ground as Springer was sent flying off his back. "What the?!" he asked, getting up.

"That's payback," a voice replied, making him turn in the direction of whatever had hit him. It was the silver Pegasus he had beaten before.


"Not just me," he chuckled as he pointed behind Flash. Flash turned and saw the green unicorn from before along with the gray earth pony.

"You guys again," Flash groaned as he shook his head. "That's it. I'm so getting a jail cell after this."

"Last time, you caught us all off guard." the unicorn laughed as he pointed at Flash, "But not this time, this time we'll pound you into the pavement! Plus, you don't have your little friend to help you." they all turned to see that Springer had been knocked unconscious.

"You're gonna regret doing that." Flash said, cricking his neck as prepared to fight. "Almost as much as you'll regret not knocking me out when you had the chance."

"Oh please, I don't wanna win that easily." the unicorn barked back, "I want you to know who beat you into a pulp punk."

"Oh really? Speaking of which, I never did get a name did I?"

"Name's Big Score," the unicorn said before turning to the pegasus and then the earth pony, "And my associates are Rickashay and Boulder.”

"Flash Sentry," Flash replied as he assumed a fighting stance, "Give up now and I won't be forced to kick your flanks to Tartarus."

"Flash!" hearing the sudden voice, they looked around to see his friends standing not too far off. They stood neck over the members of the town, who all looked confused at what was happening.

"Everypony get out of here!" Flash ordered them, "It's not safe!" Knowing Flash was serious, the townponies beat a hasty retreat while his friends stayed where they were. "Go!"

"But we can help ya!" Applejack barked back.

"Help me by helping them," Flash pointed towards the scurrying ponies.

"Okay," Applejack nodded while gesturing to her friends, "Come on girls!" With that, they rushed off, leaving Flash with the three criminals. Fluttershy quickly grabbed the unconscious Springer while the three began to circle around Flash.

"How noble." Big Score mocked, showing a cheeky grin. "Looking out for others when you should be worried about yourself."

"I'm just a nice guy that way," Flash replied, "Plus, I saved you the embarrassment of getting your flanks handed to you in front of a whole crowd."

"Thoughtful, but against the three of us, you don't stand a chance punk."

"We'll see," Flash said, flexing out his wings.

"Rickashay, show him we mean business." Score ordered as the pegasus took flight before shooting towards Flash at blinding speed, forcing him to barely dodge.

"Wow! He's fast! Almost as fast as Rainbow..." Rickashay slowed and turned before shooting towards Flash again. Flash managed to dodge once more before coming to a near stop again. "He's fast, but not agile." he realised, "He must not be able to turn at high speed. I can use that to my advantage." He tensed his body, ready for what was about to happen, "Hey prickashay!" he teased, "Bet you can't catch me."

"I'll take that bet!" the pegasus barked as began Flash flying off. He quickly gave chase and the two flew through town, weaving around the buildings. Though Rickashay was faster, Flash forced him through multiple curves, before coming to a straight away. As Rickashay was about to catch up, he kept focusing all his attention on the orange pegasus. "I got you know," he said, inches from Flash. But in that second, the apprentice knight suddenly shot straight up. With Flash out of his line of sight, Rickashay finally saw what he was flying towards. A solid brick wall. "Oh" he said flatly, before he slammed head first, instant knocking him out.

"One down," Flash chuckled as he landed to make sure. He didn't get much time to celebrate, as he was suddenly body-slammed by the gray earth pony. The young knight went flying into a water tank, causing it to burst and drenched him in a flood of H2O. "Anypony get the number of that rhino?" he joked, still on his back.

"I don't see any rhino," Boulder replied, actually looking around after the comment.

"He means you, you moron!" Big Score barked. "He's trying to be funny, though I see you as more of a tank."

“Oh.” Boulder commented, a slight bit of drool coming out of his mouth. He then turned to Flash and charged, hoping to smash him at high speed. Flash however, had other ideas and placed all of his strength in his front legs and kicked the tanker. Thanks to the water everywhere and his drenched body, Flash slid along the ground, sliding between the earth pony's legs. Now Boulder's new target was the tanker, which he rammed into.

"The thing about tanks," Flash remarked, "they don't corner well. Plus, they're ugly." He looked at the wet ground around him to where Boulder was and an idea appeared in his head. He flapped his wings and began flying in a very small circle, lasting several seconds and confusing both crooks until they noticed electricity forming around the tornado. Boulder started trying to get up, his hooves scrambling from the previous blow. Unfortunately for him, Flash came to a stop and with a flap of his wings, sent a stream of static electricity surging towards the water. The lightning sparked and hit Boulder, bathing him in electricity and causing him to scream in pain. Once the lightning faded, Boulder went limp and fell face first into the ground.

"Impressive," Big Score began slow-clapping, "flying at high speed in a confined way to create enough static electricity to form a mini-lightning bolt."

"A little trick I learned off a friend of mine," Flash commented. "You might know him, he's a Wonderbolt."

"I don't really follow sports," Score shrugged before cricking his neck, "I prefer to spend my time on less...brutal activates."

"Killjoy," Flash replied before flying towards the unicorn, who then fired a magic blast for Flash to dodge.

"I wouldn't bother if I were you, you can't defeat me."

"Did you forget I just beat your two not so little friends?" Flash chuckled as he flew a step backwards.

"I forget nothing punk, including every little trick you pulled against them. Now you're facing an opponent who can predict your every move."

"Like I'd believe that."

"A true master strategist, uses their weaker pieces to wear out the opponent and find a weakness. A weakness they can use the stronger pieces to exploit."

"So the other two were the fall guys?" Flash asked while glancing at the unconscious Boulder.

"Exactly," Score nodded, "and thanks to them, I'll be taking you down."

"Hate to break it to ya pal, but it takes more than fancy words and big talk to beat me."

"Then why don't I save the talk until after I destroy you!" Score yelled as his horn glowed and shot out a magic chain. It flew towards Flash and struck him in the chest, connecting the two ponies.

"Hey! What the-" he called out, flapping his wings and taking to the skies. However, he didn't get far as the chain kept Score anchored to Flash. "Grrrr...Get off!"

"Make me."

"You know, I think I had this exact conversation with Twilight over a swing set when we were kids," Flash said before shooting toward the opposite direction, trying to pull Score off balance.

"Nice try." he said before using his magic, quickly pulling Flash down and slammed him into the ground. Score began laughing as Flash's body fell into the dirt, his whole body aching.

As the fight continued, Trixie and Twilight had been watching the battle from a distance. Trixie kept looking back at her trailer, thinking she should leave before the crooks found out she was here.

"We have to do something," Twilight suddenly said, having had enough of seeing her best friend beaten to a pulp.

"What can we do?" Trixie replied, "They're too dangerous. They'll kill us."

Twilight turned to Trixie and glared at her. "You call yourself the Great and Powerful, right? Then prove it. Help me stop them."

"I...I can't," Trixie cried.

"Yes you can," Twilight put her hoof on Trixie's, "So what if you can't preform super powerful magic. You just need to use what you do know."

"But all I really know is firework and misdirection magic. I...I can't do anything else." Trixie's head drooped down as tears began to form under her eyes. “Didn't you hear my story? I'm...I'm worthless.”

Twilight let out a huff before slapping Trixie. "You're not worthless! You have that horn and your magic, don't you?!" Twilight then pointed at Flash. "Any magic can be powerful if used right. And you're gonna use your magic to help me help Flash!"

Meanwhile, Flash felt himself be slammed into a nearby wall for the eighth time. "Let that be a lesson to the three of you-ow!" he said, slightly disorientated.

"Looks like that big talk was nothing but fluff, huh?" Score laughed as his horn shined again. “Goodbye kid. I won't remember ya.”

"Hey!" they both looked around and saw Twilight running down the street.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" Score grinned as Twilight stopped in front of him. “Your marefriend? She's cute.”

"Twilight!" Flash called out. “Get out of here!”

"Let him go you thug," Twilight ordered, her horn shining.

"Stay out of this," Score said as he released Flash and began firing at Twilight. Before his bolts of magic could reach her, she disappeared in a flash of light. "Teleportation magic huh?" he commented before seeing another flash of light as Twilight appeared next to Flash.

"You okay?" she asked him, only for another blast to almost hit her.

"Keep your focus girl," Score told her as he shot another spell. “I like moving targets.”

"Fine," she growled before firing her own spell at him. He quickly shot back, causing the two spells to clash. Score could tell she was stronger then him, but he knew magic combat better. Stopping his spell and jumping back just in time, he made Twilight's magic strike hit the ground and kicked up a dust storm. As the cloud spread around Twilight, she was forced to cover her eyes. She then felt a certain tug on her chest.

"Not so easy fighting when you can't see, huh?" Score yelled before Twilight felt herself be magically grabbed and slammed into a wall. A yelp of pain followed as she fell to the ground.

"Twilight!" Flash screamed, trying to get up.

"Too late," Score laughed as he threw Twilight at him, forcing the young knight to stay still and catch her. As the mare slammed into him, both went flying into another wall. Pain surged through Flash's body as he tried to recover from the blow. He opened his wincing eyes, only to see an unconscious Twilight on him, who he was to tired to even lift off of his beaten body.

"Looks like the end for you." Score chuckled with an evil smile on his face. “Its been fun kid.”

"HEY!" everypony stopped and turned to see Trixie standing not too far off, shaking but with a determined look on her face.

"Well well well," Score laughed at the sight. "What do we have here?"

"I'm warning you," Trixie growled, her eyes twitching in anger.

“Seriously? You're joking right? You think I'm gonna be scared of you?”

Trixie shook even harder, fear almost immobilising her. It was then that what Twilight had said rang through her mind. She gritted her teeth and glared at the bandit. "You should be."

Score levitated some debris and threw them at her. As the shards flew at her at high speed, she threw something on the ground, causing a large smokescreen to appear. A few seconds later, the smoke cleared and Trixie was gone. Surprised at her sudden disappearance, Score began looking around before hearing something coming at him. Turning to the noise, he was suddenly bombarded by loud noise and bright colours, which both confused and distracted him. "WHAT THE HECK!?" he screamed, trying to blink away the light. As the fireworks blasted in front of him, Trixie appeared before Flash who was still trying to lift Twilight off of him.

"Need a hoof?" Trixie whispered to him, before extending her hoof as she helped the pegasus up.

"Thanks," Flash replied as he got and turned back to Score.

"You are both dead," Score said as steam blew out of his nostrils. His eyes now bloodshot red, he began charging at them with a roar.

"Flash." Trixie mummered as the stallion started to get closer.


"Close your eyes."

Flash did so as Trixie put all her effort into her horn and released a massive burst of bright light. From the boarders of town where the towns' ponies had gathered for safety, everypony was suddenly surprised by the sight of a massive burst of light shined into the sky. The rest of the Mane Seven shared a look, thinking this was a sign to head back and check on Flash.

Soon, the light died down as Trixie fell to the ground, her body exhausted from using all of her magic. "MY EYES!" Score screamed as Flash opened his eyes, seeing the once mighty Score now holding his face in pain. Taking this opportunity, Flash used all his strength and body slammed Big Score, causing the criminal to go skidding down the street, instantly losing consciousness.

After making sure he was truly out, Flash moved over to Trixie and helped her up. "Did we win?" she asked in a groggy tone.

"Are you kidding? Of course we won, and its all thanks to you."

"I really didn't do anything," she replied, though a small blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Wrong," they turned to see Twilight had awoken, "I've never seen anything like that before."

"It wasn't that special."

"It was," Twilight told her as she got up, "I think you just unlocked your true magical potential."


Twilight nodded, making Trixie smile at the compliment. And with that, the crisis was over. Big Score and his two cronies were out for the count and Trixie was soon greeted by the other ponies of Ponyville. After a little while, Flash and Twilight were able to convince the others to befriend Trixie as well. By the next day, Princess Celestia and a brigade of soldiers arrived to collect the three criminals, who they learned had quite a wrap sheet under them.

"We'll be sure to these ruffian get the proper equestrian crime punishment," Celestia told Mayor Mare and the Mane Seven.

"Thank you your majesty," the mayor replied with a bow.

"I'll also have some construction ponies bring in some materials to rebuild the damage they caused in the attack," Celestia continued before turning to Flash, "along with a new town jail."

"Thank you!" Flash almost yelled happily.

"It's as much as you deserve after bringing these criminals to justice," Celestia told him with her usual smile.

"As much as I'd like to take all the credit," Flash said before pointing to Trixie, "I couldn't have done it without Trixie. She saved all our hides." Celestia turned to the blue unicorn, who was currently shying away from the princess.

"Is that so?" Celestia asked before walking over to the mare, "Then you have my thanks as well."

"You're...you're w-w-welcome, Your Majesty." Trixie gulped, shaking in her hooves as she bowed.

"The next time you're in Canterlot, come to the castle. I'm sure my sister and I would enjoy your magic act."

"Of course," Trixie grinned happily.

Celestia nodded and after getting Twilight's latest friendship report, left for Canterlot. A little while later, the Mane Seven, Spike and Springer were on the outskirts of town to see Trixie off.

"I got to admit," Rainbow complimented with a cheeky grin, "despite your first introduction you turned out to be a pretty cool pony. Not as cool as me of course, but not bad."

"Thanks," Trixie said with a blush.

"So what now?" Applejack asked as she tipped her hat back.

"Off to another town I suppose," Trixie replied, "More ponies to entertain you know."

"At least now you'll have something really heroic to show off," Flash said as Springer let out a happy bark.

"Thanks," she tipped her hat as she tried to hide her increasing blush, "but I think the showing off is over for me. From now on, it's all about putting on a good show."

"Sounds great!" Pinkie screamed. “And then you come back and I can give you a big party!”

"Come back and show us when you master it, darling." Rarity said as she flipped her mane. “I can even help you with your outfit if you need a new one.”

"I will," Trixie nodded before turning to leave. "Twilight."


"Thanks," Trixie glanced back at her, "for helping me realise I can do more than just show off."

"You're welcome," Twilight nodded, "but you proved that yourself. Your father would be proud."

Flash noticed Trixie smile grow larger as she turned back to the open road. "See you ponies around," and with that, she was off. They watched her until she was nothing but a dot in the distance. As she began to disappear, Fluttershy spoke up.

"I wonder if we'll ever see her again."

"I'm sure we will," Flash replied as he rubbed Springer's noggin, "I get the feeling Trixie will show up again when we need her."

Author's Note:

Admit it, you didn't see that coming.

Hope you enjoyed the backstory I wrote for Trixie