• Published 15th Feb 2017
  • 1,654 Views, 12 Comments

Open up your Heart - Haseo55

Bronze Wing is not your avarage guy. The most feared student at crystal prep and outcast but with a noble heart and a past that conects him to a certain girl.

  • ...

Unexpected encounters

Aura was always more collected than other children of her age. Yet the sight in front of her left her with an expression of weirdness and surprise.

“WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU!?” She screamed, in front of her was her brother who had just come to pick her up like all days, but unlike the rest, her brother sported a huge and very noticeable handprint on his face.

“It’s nothing” Bronze spoke in an unusually quiet manner which shocked his sister even more.

“What do you mean it’s nothing!” Before she could continue Bronze just lifted his hand.

“Aura let it go. If you stop asking I’ll buy you that ice cream you really like.”

Aura let out a gasp. “Are you bribing me?”

“I don’t know. Is it working?” he asked with a slick smile which his sister returned.

“Oh, you bet it does.” Aura said as her brother picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. Bronze walked unaware that the event with Sugarcoat earlier was just the beginning.

Aura was really happy. She was enjoying her treat as both she and her brother headed home. Sure, she still wondered what happened to him but got something out of it if she didn't ask more.

They both had to cut through an alley as the main route was blocked due to some road work. Aura was walking a little faster, creating some distance between her and Bronze.

“Aura be careful!” Bronze called out.

Then it happened, Aura didn’t look where she was going and tripped on a rock making her fall face first to the ground.

“AURA!” yelled Bronze as he quickly ran to the little girl’s side. He picked the girl up and started to brush off the dirt that got on her clothes.

Aura for her part started to cry. “There, there. Everything is going to be alright” Aura turned towards her fallen treat and was starting to tear up again until her brother gave her his own. “Here. You can have it” while calmer the girl still was with tears. But the moment she reached for the ice cream a loud yell caught them both off guard.


Both siblings turned to around and were greeted by three teens standing entrance of the alley.

The first one was a boy and had grey skin, black hair, and yellow eyes. He was wearing a black unzipped hoodie, black T-shirt with a Japanese character on the front in white. blackstrap boots. and dark green pants with a chain on the side.

The second was also a boy. He had sea green skin, dark blue hair and hazel eyes. His clothes were a dark blue t-shirt with ocean waves on the bottom and a small crescent moon near the left shoulder, blue jeans, and gray shoes.

The third one was a girl with light amber skin, her orange hair was tied into two pigtails and green eyes. She was wearing a black jacket, a dark red shirt that has a skull in the center, bright red skirt, black and white striped leggings and gray sneakers.

All three of them had a really angered look on their faces.

“Who do you think you are!” said the black haired one while pointing towards Bronze.

“¿Perdon?” Bronze asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, now you are playing ignorant!” He answered back.

“Seriously I don't know what you’re talking about,” Bronze told the group again.

“Really? You’re even worse than I thought. You are not only a bully but also a coward! You make that little girl cry and then when you are caught you fake ignorance. No wonder you students from Crystal Prep are not liked at CHS” This time the girl was the one who spoke.

“Oh. I think you misunderstand. What actually happened……” Bronze didn’t get to finish as the black dressed teen suddenly jumped him, lucky Bronze was able to dodge him.

“Shut up you coward!” said the teen as he charged Bronze again. The tall teen managed to grab his aggressor and pinned him to the ground without effort.

“If you listen what I have…..” Before Bronze got to finish again the pigtail girl managed to sneak on him and deliver a punch to Bronze face. This caused him to release the other teen as he fell on his back.

“You ok Zero?” Asked the other boy as he helped Zero getting back on his feet.

“Yeah. Thanks, Gaige.” Spoke Zero. Just then they saw Bronze getting up. “This guy is not just shown, he is really strong. He managed to pin me down with just one arm. I mean not even AJ or Bulk can do that!”

“No kidding, it felt as I punched a wall,” Gaige said as both readied for their opponent.

“Guys. Shouldn't we listen to what he has to say?” Asked the other boy.

“Tidal! This guy is a bully, just look at him. Are you saying he might be innocent?” Zero spoke. This made Tidal think again, sure he had a run in with various bullies in his life especially in his old school yet after his incident he tried to be calm and collected about these scenarios.

Bronze for his part finally got up, both noticed the mark Gaige’s fist left on his face as well as the broken shades.

Bronze removed the shades and stared at them before throwing them to the side. He then suddenly spat at the floor revealing blood, suddenly he turned to both teens with a less than amused expression.

“You know. I was willing to let all this slide, but there’s a point when I have to defend myself” As he cracked his knuckles.

Both Zero and Gaige approached him as fast as they could to deliver a double punch but Bronze managed to dodge them. In an unexpected move, he grabbed both of them by the waist and managed to throw them a good distance without effort.

While this was happening Tidal managed to walk next to the little girl who was seen the fight with a shocked expression

“Are you alright?” Tidal asked the little girl. “Did that boy actually did something to you?” Aura immediately shakes her head.

“No, he was helping me! He would never hurt me” This made Tidal’s eyes widen at the words. He quickly turned towards his two friends.

“Zero, Gaige. Stop it, it’s all a misunderstanding. Yet his word fell on deaf ears.

Bronze was able to hold his own against the two teens. While both had better skill than him at fighting they managed to land some blows and now he had some bruises not to mention his uniform was covered in dirt and small blood stains.

Zero sent another punch in his direction but Bronze managed to catch him and managed to get one hit that sends Zero rolling a couple of feet.

Gaige wasn’t faring any better. Bronze managed to take a lot of her punches and still he was standing. While he was defending himself against her assault yet he didn’t return a single punch but managed to pin her to the ground a couple of times.

The fight has been going on for a while and Zero was now laying tired on the floor. Gaige was growing reckless in her assault and the pressure of the situation was getting to her.

“Listen. This has gone enough. Just leave and I won’t do anything rash and we both forget this event. Bronze spoke losing up a little. “I don’t want to hit you”

"Oh, you are looking down on me you big baka giant without a brain! I bet your mother is so disappointed in you" Gaige spoke towards bronze.

Aura let out a gasp of horror as she looked at her brother of course what she knew about that subject was something that really hit Bronze hard.

"You think that’s funny chaparra!! " Bronze spoke furiously against Gaige. Of course, she was confused about the last word.

"Chaparra means short in Spanish" Said Zero besides her. This of course mad Gaige completely losing her cool. In one swift moment, she appeared in front of Bronze and gave him a huge punch in the gut that the teen was not expecting. This sends the already brushed Bronze crashing into a wall.

Gaige came closer and picked the barley conscious Bronze by the collar of his uniform. The fury in her eyes was clearly evident as she gazed upon him. She lifted her free hand ready to punch him more "No. One. Calls. Me. Short!" Gaige said, anger overtaking her.

Just before she could deliver a punch she felt something hit her on the side of her face. It wasn't something painful or hard. Looking at her side she spotted that the little girl at Tidal's side had thrown her ice cream at her.

"Let him go!" said the girl. Gaige didn't know what was happening but something told her to do it. She released Bronze who just fell to the ground. Aura the walked without rising her face and stood between Gaige and bronze. Turning her face finally up Gaige saw something she wouldn't expect from someone that age. A face full of anger directed at her. This made her take some steps back from the girl.

"How dare you hurt my brother!" Aura spoke in anger as tears starting to fall from her face.

"Brother!?" Yelled all three chs students as they were not expecting this revelation. Aura turned to the downed figure of her brother and started to try and make him come back to his senses.

“Bronze? Bronze please get up!” Aura spoke again with desperation. Remorse started to be made present on the three teens as they saw the scene develop in front of them.

Bronze for his part managed to get back on his feet but was still feeling the effects of his attacker. Aura let out a sigh of relief as she saw her brother get back on his feet.

“Hey Listen. We…..” Zero started to speak but was cut short as Aura sent a menacing glare at the group.

“SHUT UP!” She yelled at the group which caught them off guard.”It’s always the same with people like you! Why can’t you leave my brother alone?!” She looked back at Bronze and then spoke in a sad voice “He hasn’t done anything to you and yet you assaulted him”

“We thought he was bullying you. We were trying to help” Tidal was the one who spoke this time only for Aura to shoot a glare at him.

“No one asked you for help!” Turning back to her brother she gently took his hand and started to guide him out of the alley.

“Wait. Let us help you” Spoke Gaige as she and her friends move closer to the siblings. Aura for her part stopped. She didn’t look back yet spoke in a more somber tone that before.

“We don’t need your help” was all she said. Coming out of the alley she called for a taxi. Both siblings getting in and disappearing from view. This just left the three teens alone to ponder to what hey just did.

“I feel like shit.” Said Zero as he punched a wall in frustration.Tidal for his part just placed his hand on his friend shoulder

“We can’t do anything about it. What’s done is done” commented Gaige as she let out a sigh. All 3 started to walk away from the alley, a cloud of depression following them as they went.

“Thank you,” Said Aura as she paid the cab driver. When she managed to help her brother out of the alley she quickly called for a cab to bring them both home, not wanting to be near those three who injured the only family she had left.

Opening the door to her house she quickly stops as some barks caught her attention. Turning around she saw Ember happily coming their way to receive them as she did every day.

“Ember Stop” spoke Aura making the dog give her a confused look. “Bronze is hurt and I don’t think he is ok enough to receive your usual greeting.” Ember for her part just looked at the siblings as they passed by her side.

After that little exchange Aura helped her brother to sit on the couch. “I’m going to call MS.Cake and tell her you can’t go to work today.”

“Wait. There’s no need for that” Bronze spoke as he tried to get back up but failed as the pain he currently felt didn’t allow him to do so.
“See. You can’t even get up. Besides, MS.Cake will understand” She said as she left the living room.

Bronze for his part just sat there, not even moving a muscle. Suddenly a small weight on his leg made him look down.

Ember had placed her head on his leg and was giving him a sad gaze while letting out small whimpers. Bronze just let out a sigh as he laced his hand on Embers head and started to gently stroke it.

“I’m sorry for worrying you girl. But it’s so big deal” He spoke gently to Ember, while she just stood there on his leg. It was at this moment that Aura entered the living room.

“MS. Cake said is ok, and hopes you get better soon.” Was what Aura said. She then sat next to her brother while snuggling at his side.

“Why?” she spoke in a sad tone. This made Bronze turn his hurt face towards her.

“Why, what?” He asked in confusion as he didn’t know what she was talking. Aura the looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“Why does this always happens to you?, You are the nicest and most caring person I have ever meet and yet everywhere we go you are treated like a criminal. It’s not fair” Every single word Aura said became sadder than the last.

Bronze just saw her there, sadness overtaking her and yet he couldn't do anything to alleviate that sadness. He knew now what she was talking about. His rough physical appearance always gave a bad impression. Everyone in his age group feared him and the adult’s thought he was a delinquent.

With the exception of dean Cadence, Pinkie Pie, and the Cakes he didn’t have friends. Yet despite them knowing the good person he was Pinkie was a student at another school, a rival school so they didn’t interact much except at work or when he runs into her when he was not. The relationship with dean Cadence and the Cakes was more of working relationship.

“It’s going to be alright,” He said as he also stroke Aura in the head. Aura looked at him and saw he was smiling. “Even if this keeps happening I won’t let it bring me down.”

“But what if something happens to you? What I’m supposed to do if you are no longer here?” Bronze looked at his sister again and started to clean her tears with his fingers, still smiling at her.

“I’m not gonna let something like that happen. I’m going to stay here and take care of you as I have always done” Bronze spoke in a gentle tone making Aura calm down.

“Hey! I also take care of you” she said while making a pouting face. Bronze just let out a smirk as he patted her once again.

“I know. We take care of each other” It was a tender moment but it all came to a halt as the doorbell rang. It rang once, then twice. Suddenly it started ringing in a consecutive manner as the person was pressing it really fast. Aura’s face lit up and a smile soon came to her face.

“Uncle!” she yelled as she quickly got out of the couch and towards the door. Bronze heard the opening door and the unmistakable voice of their uncle.

“Well hello there. How is my little niece doing?” Said a cheerful voice.

“Ok” Was all Aura said the voice becoming sadden again.

“Is everything alright? Where is your brother?” Was all the man ask. Bronze didn’t hear a reply from his sister but then heard steps that came closer.

“Bronze what happened to you?!” Said the male voice. Bronze looked up and saw his uncle. Well, not really his uncle but a man who was a close friend of his father and he knew since he was little, because of that he always knew him as uncle despite not sharing blood. There’s also the fact that he had helped him since the whole event with his parents took place.

The man in front of him would definitely raise some eyebrows. He was wearing a set of mismatched colored clothes. He looked like a safe. Why? Because you couldn’t find the combination anywhere.

“Just an incident uncle Discord” Bronze spoke as he avoided the adult's gaze which was not easy as Discord didn’t move an inch. Disord let out a sigh as he looks back to Aura.

“Could you bring the first aid kit?” He asked her. Aura nodded leaving them alone.

Sugar cube corner was one of the most popular hang out in Canterlot city, most notably for students from CHS.

A large group of said students was currently enjoying themselves eating or talking.

“They are running late,” Said a black haired and grey-skinned boy as he kept an eye on the window of the local.

“Don’t worry babe. I bet they will be here any minute” spoke a white skinned and purple haired girl as she placed her hand on the teen's shoulder.

The bell from the shop suddenly sound and true enough the missing trio finally showed up. Zero, Tidal, and Gaige walked in with their heads hanging low and an aura of depression following them, more so on Zero and Gaige.

All 3 sat down without uttering a single word. This concerned the group who couldn’t stop looking at them.

“Did something happened?” Asked a girl with both red and yellow hair. Zero and Gaige looked at her direction while Tidal only let out a sigh.

“We messed up” spoked Zero and Gaige at the same time.

“Wait, wait wait. What did you do?” Asked a lightly tanned boy with spiky white hair.

“Exactly what they said, Soul.” Tidal was the one who spoke this time.

“I feel so bad” Gaige commented as she covered her face with her hands. “I let my anger overtake me” Suddenly Gaige felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around she saw a white-skinned boy with black spiky hair. “Treble?”

“Now calm yourself and tell us what happened?” Just before Gaige could respond Pinkie Pie entered the room in a hurry and getting everyone's attention.

“Sorry, everyone. I have been really busy, Mr and Ms cake had to go on errands and I have to take care of the store. Our delivery man got assaulted and couldn’t make it for his shift” Pinkie let out a sigh before looking at everyone else “So what did I miss?” this last word made Gaige and Zero feel even worse. Gaige dropping her head more.

“Tidal. Could you tell them what happened” Said Zero as he looked at his friend as did everyone else. Tidal let out a sigh.

“Well. When we left school after finishing our assignment. Since we were running late we took a shortcut, there we heard crying and then saw a little and in front of her was this student from crystal prep”

“So you went and helped the little girl who that crystal prep student was bullying” Spoke Clyde guessing what had happened.

“Way to go guys. That should teach that bully topic with someone his own size” Rainbow Dash Said with pride at her friends only for her and the rest to see that the mod with their three friends hadn’t changed.

“That is what happened. Right?” Sunset Shimmer asked as everyone had the same question on their minds. Tidal, on the other hand, shook his head.

“No. Zero and Gaige fought him and well he had the upper hand, he and Gaige exchanged insult and well Gaige got really mad and knocked him out, that’s when we found out it was a huge misunderstanding. The girl was actually his little sister and she was crying because she tripped and hurt herself” Everyone let out gasps of shock and looked back at the other two who just nodded.

“Ow!” Yelled Bronze as Discord was treating his wounds.

“Don’t be such a crybaby. Can’t believe Someone was able to do this to you” Discord spoke with actual surprise to the latter beat down.

“She was strong, not only that but had skill. Ow, watch it” Discord finished and put everything back into the kit.

“Still, this is serious.” Discord commented in an unusually serious manner.

“Uncle. Just let it go. It was a misunderstanding”

“Misunderstanding? They assaulted you and they almost let you unconscious!” Aura yelled having interrupted the conversation.

“Leave them be. I don’t need more problems”

“But Bronze” Aura tried to protest.

“Aura just stop.” Bronze put his hand on his forehead I’m gonna go to bed. Just promise me you won’t do anything rash” Discord and Aura just stare at him “Promise me”

“Ok we promise” Both said at the same time. Bronze left to his room but still feeling uneasy. Aura and Discord just saw him until they didn’t saw him.

“We are not gonna let this as it is, right? Aura asked Discord. For his part Discord was thinking.

“Well, we could do something as long we don’t break the promise to your brother” A sudden smile creeped unto Aura’s face and started to whisper at Discord ear who now was also sporting the smile as well. "Oh, you are evil"

Author's Note:

Sorry for the really late chapter. I was really busy the last year with work and well some time-consuming games.

Also for the thing Discord and Aura planned. Well it's just a conection to another story in the POME The Teilight to a New Dawn by fellow writer Zeroxdoom.

Comments ( 5 )

Oh, so he's the kind of guy who's always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In part. Also im using the theme of not judge a book by it's cover thus why i went with the design of Bronze.



That's legit, one of the best cover arts I've seen.

Also happy birthday.

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