• Published 18th Jan 2017
  • 1,844 Views, 81 Comments

Junker's Paradise - GamerDroid23

Junkrat and Roadhog break into Winston's lab at Watchpoint: Gibraltar to steal some technology. Instead of winding up with loot, they wind up in Equestria.

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Ch. 4 Backstory of Two Crazy Hooligans...Every Detail

Australian Outback: 2081. POV: Jamison "Junkrat" Fawkes, One year prior to Junker's Paradise

It was a beautiful day in the Outback. Sun shone bright, not a cloud in the sky. I was the leader of the homeowner's association at the time, happily married with a kid on the way. I had went out to get the mail from the mailbox, saying hi to Mako Rutledge, our relatively new neighbor, as I usually did. But today was different. As I did, a black Chevrolet Suburban hover car stopped in front of me. The occupant got out the vehicle, and I realized who it was. It was David Candwerm , the neighborhood's political news reporter, and he stopped in front of me, uttering these words: "Homeowners Meeting, now."

I had soon gathered everyone in the neighborhood, and held the resulting meeting in the garage of my home, with a plethora of folding chairs set out, with everyone there in them, staring at me. Then I delivered the news to the neighbors. "Okay, as I'm sure you already know, The Omnic Crisis has just ended, but the reason I bring this up is because I have just recently learned from David that the Government has decided to kick us out of our homes and give them to the Omnic's as a sort of peace offering." I said, as I paused for dramatic effect before to continuing on. "Let me repeat that. The Government has decided that in order to avoid pissing off the Omnic's any further, they will kick us out of our homes that we payed for and LIVE in, and turn right back around give them to the Omnic's, free of charge while we get thrown to the streets." I reiterated as everyone began to murmur and chatter among themselves about the issue. Seeing this, I continued. "Now, I know this is a big concern for most of you. It is for me too, but let me just say upfront, that I will not stand for this fucking bullshit. I've got a kid on the on the way, and I don't plan on raising him or her on the streets. I will not stand for this injustice, and I sure as hell won't allow them to get what they want without a fight." I stated in a bold and boisterous voice. Everyone in the garage had agreed with me on that, and soon after, we had begun sabotaging anything that had to do with the Omnics, ranging from resource transportations to destroying their building sites. By two weeks time, our efforts reached their peak as me and small group broke into the Omnium core and sabotaged it, causing it to explode and irradiate the landscape. With the loud boom, our objective had been complete, but it didn't come without sacrifice. Not only did that explosion change everyone's life, but it changed mine for the worse. My pregnant wife died from the explosion as it went off. Torn apart by my loss, I turned to explosives as a way to forget my grief and pain, a little bit more of my former self being forgotten with each tick, tick, boom. What remained of my neighborhood was a ragtag group of misfits called "Junkers", scavenging the remains of the Omnium core for anything useful. One fateful day, I was digging through the wreckage, when I stumbled upon a brown briefcase containing an Omnic blackbox memory core. I plugged it into an Omnic data decryption device, and I was astonished with what I saw. Looking at it, I realized that I held the secret of the Omnic's. I knew that others would kill me if they found out, so I went to look for someone who would protect me as a bodyguard. I soon found Mako Rutledge and told him of my predicament.

After listening to me, he looked at me. "What's in it for me?" he asked.
I had figured he would ask that, and thus prepared for this. "You can have 25% of the profits." I stated.

"75% of the profits" he replied

"50%, take it or leave it" I retaliated.

"Deal." he replied, easily convinced, and soon we had begun our little trek around the globe.

For a few weeks, everything was going fine, until we went to a local bank to withdraw some money. We had went in, waited in line for what seemed like an eternity, and when it was finally our turn, the guy looked straight at the two of us and shook his head, scowling. "Oh no, get out of here, Adam and Steve. We don't allow your kind here." he said to the two of us.
"Come again?", I asked obviously confused by what we had just said to the two of us.

"You heard me, fruity. We don't allow your kind in here." he said in an extremely hateful tone.

"Look pal, all we want to do is withdraw our money. That's all we came here to do." I replied, trying to keep calm and defuse the argument.

"I don't give a fuck what you came here to do, I'm not listening to queer's like you or Fatty McGee over there. So get the fuck out" he replied, to which Mako pushed me out of the way to get in the man's face.

"Say gay again! Say gay again! I dare you. I double dare you, motherfucker. Say gay one more goddamn time." Mako barked through his makeshift gas mask.

Of course, the guy had to push his luck, which resulted in him getting a black eye, amongst other things, and us running away with Mako carrying a few cash bags in his arms. Soon after that incident, things had blown out of proportion to the point where we were considered a global threat. Soon we realised that if was how the world would perceive us, then we wouldn't disappoint, and decided to keep up the charade. We scavenged a nearby junk yard, and adorned ourselves in scrap metal and car parts, ready for our big audition.

"...And that's pretty much the major recollection of what happened to us up until we met you." followed up Junkrat as he finished his story.

Twilight and her frtiends looked at both Junkrat and Roadhog, unsure of what to do or say in this situation. They gathered close together and discussed what they should do.

Author's Note:

After a lot time of being in production, road blocks and all, the second to last chapter. Thank you everyone for your support. I apologize for the delays, but life had to throw me couple of curveballs. I don't mean to offend anyone by this, but I've had friends who were treated like shit for being gay, and it somehow gave me some motivation, for some reason. Seriously though, words can't even begin to describe how much all of you guys care. So what better a way to show you my gratitude than to allow you guys to decide how this story shall end. Thank you.

Ps. Yes, I intentionally made a few Pulp Fiction references. Here is a link to what the Omnic secret is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E--xFjR1dM

Comments ( 17 )

This story is good so far.

Wow, that's a cool backstory.

..........Yeah, they are totally NOT a couple of sick criminals!!!! They look friendly, so lets just let these two roam free in our magic land :D

Dang it, and I almost got away with it.

ha i got the refrence

I was not aware that I made reference, but hey, thank you for noticing.

how are you not aware you made a pulp fiction refrence oh wait i get it

That's how I roll. Although, to be fair the "Omnic Secret" should have been a link to YTP: The NONcredibles, more specifically the part where Emplemon edited in the, "SAY WHAT AGAIN!" with Frozone

you are very clever sir almost to clever almost

It's a curse, but a curse that I have to bear.

may fortune favor you

You almost got away with it. If it wasn't for these meddling kids and their talking dog!

Hope that you are out of your hiatus, and update this good Overwatch story.

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