• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 4,057 Views, 317 Comments

Our Year - AJtheRaven

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are deeply in love - and deeply clueless. Follow them on their final year at Canterlot High as they try to admit their feelings - a year full of tears and laughter, fun and friendship, and eventually something more: love.

  • ...

Chapter Eight

Five weeks later:

The Halloween Dance was tonight.

Applejack had neither found an appropriate costume nor plucked up the courage to ask Rainbow to accompany her to the dance.

Yep, things were going great.

With a heavy sigh, the cowgirl tugged off her leather gloves and set them on the coffee table, having just come in from some after-school chores. Almost as soon as she did so, Granny Smith, who was dozing in a chair by the crackling fireplace, called with her eyes closed, “Gloves off th’ table, Jackie. They ain't clean.”

“Yes ma’am.” She scooped them up again and took them into the garage, laying them down on the rough-hewn table, littered with boxes of tools, that served as her and Mac’s shared workshop. Then, dusting her hands off and flexing her fingers to relieve the stiffness, Applejack trooped back inside the house and into the kitchen. She snagged a warm apple fritter from a plate on the counter and returned to the living room, munching it broodingly.

“When’s th’ dance?” Granny Smith asked her. Her eyes were still closed.

“Starts at 7:45. Ah gotta leave at 7:30,” AJ answered, her words muffled by thick fritter crust and gooey, cinnamon-y apples. “‘Bloom is goin’ with Rarity an’ Sweetie Belle, so it's jus’ me.” An’ Rainbow, if'n Ah can get mah act t’gether an’ call her.

“Mmmm.” The old lady finally opened one piercing amber eye and scanned Applejack up and down. “Where's yer costume, child?”

“Don’ have one,” she grunted, finishing the fritter in a single enormous bite. Apples were known for their prodigious eating skills. “Jus’ gonna have t’ go as mahself.”

“Best costume there is, an’ don' ya ferget it.”

Applejack had to smile. “Thanks, Granny.” She stooped down to give her a gentle hug. “Ah’m gonna go outside. Ah’ll be right back.” She went into the kitchen and exited through the back door. Winona, who had been curled up in a lazy ball on the back porch, shot to her feet and bounded over to her owner, barking happily. “Whoa!” Laughing, Applejack wrestled her to the ground and sat down next to her, running her hand through her silky brown and white fur. “That's mah girl. Stay calm now, ya hear?” At the low, soothing tones of AJ’s voice, Winona quieted down and rested her head in her lap, staring up at her adoringly. Applejack fondled her ears and gazed out at the rolling farmland that comprised the backyard. The apple trees were bare; the Apple family had spent the entire month of October picking them in order to prepare for cider season. Today was a Thursday, the day before Halloween; two days later, on November 1st, cider season would officially begin, as it did on that day every year. The official cider season announcement would be given by Applejack herself, as per usual, and then the family would set to work, led by Applejack, also as per usual (it was tradition for the eldest daughter to lead the proceedings). The next two to four weeks would be a frenzy of activity, even more so than usual, as the Apples worked overtime in order to ensure that they didn't neglect their other farm crops while trying to produce as much quality cider as was physically possible. Big Mac could even be seen strolling leisurely through the orchards right now, checking to make sure that they hadn't somehow left any apples behind on the trees. Unlikely, but certainly possible.

Applejack blinked and rubbed her tired eyes, and the apple orchards suddenly stopped looking slightly fuzzy. All of this farm work was wearing her down, but she loved it with every fiber of her being, so she would never complain. She glanced down at Winona, who had miraculously managed to fall asleep within the past few seconds. “Musta learned it from Rainbow,” Applejack smirked. “Ya dozy dog. Oh, well. Guess Ah better do what Ah came out here for.” She fished her phone out of the pocket of her baggy overalls, pausing to deftly retie her loose blonde ponytail, and swiped to the home screen. Rainbow’s phone number, under the contact title ‘Rainbow Flash’, was still number one in Applejack’s speed dial.

She gulped, her callused fingers wavering over the call button. “Well, here goes nothin’.” She pressed call and cradled the phone between her ear and her shoulder, idly rolling her checkered shirt sleeves past her biceps and crossing one booted leg over the other while she waited for Rainbow to pick up.

“Hey, Shorty,” a raspy voice suddenly greeted her into her ear. “‘Sup?”

Applejack felt some of her exhaustion melting away - that familiar scratchy voice always energized her and made her heart soar. She even managed to ignore the annoying nickname. “Hey. Nothin’ much, what about yoreself?”

“Meh. You know, just chilling. Doing anything but getting my homework done.” Applejack chuckled. Typical Rainbow. “So. What's going on? You're going to the dance tonight, right? Please tell me you are. I don't wanna be the only weirdo without a costume.”

“Well, thanks.” AJ rolled her eyes. “Actually, that's what Ah was callin t’ talk t’ y’all about.”

“Oh?” Applejack heard a thudding sound and a hissed whisper of ‘Crap’ as Rainbow dropped her phone. “‘Kay, sorry. I'm back now.”

“Real smooth,” Applejack snorted. “Anyway, Ah was jus’ wondering if y’all wanted t’… um… y’know… do ya want me t’ drive ya t’ th’ dance t’night?”

Silence. Then, in a sly tone of voice: “If you want to ask me out, you should just ask.”

Now it was Applejack’s turn to drop the phone. Still recovering from the shock, she picked it up again and held it to her ear, feeling her face turning beet red. “Ah - no! Ah was jus’ tryin t’ be a good friend an’ save ya th’ trouble of drivin’ yoreself!” A smidgen of guilt squirmed within her. It wasn't quite a lie - she hadn't intended on asking her out at all - but she did want to.

AJ could practically hear Rainbow roll her eyes over the phone as she made a clicking sound with her tongue. “Geez, lighten up, man. I was kidding. What am I gonna do with you?” When no response was forthcoming, Rainbow sighed and softened her tone. “I’d love a ride, AJ. Thanks for the offer. Be here at 7:45, okay?”

No,” the farmgirl snapped, “th’ dance starts at 7:45. Bein’ fashionably late may work fer you, but it sure as heck don’ fer me, an’ Ah’m drivin’ so Ah get t’ call th’ shots.”

Dash gave an easy chuckle. “Guess I can't argue with that. Fine, I'll be ready at 7:30. Happy?”

“Sure.” Applejack flicked her emerald gaze upwards to scan the sky. The sun was dropping slowly but surely, and Applejack was suddenly reminded of all the homework she had to finish before the dance. “Well, Ah better git goin’. See ya at 7:30, Flash. Don’ be late.”

“I'll be on time if you are,” she fired back without missing a beat. “See ya later, Crapplejack.” Intentionally not allowing AJ any time to think of a clever retort, the rainbow-haired girl hung up with a click.

Applejack shook her head fondly and slipped the phone back into her pocket. Winona stirred at the motion and cracked one eye open, then the other, coming awake with a joyful bark. She bounded up to lick Applejack’s face and then trotted away into the apple orchard, her tail wagging frantically. Applejack wiped the drool off with her already-dirty shirt sleeve and then stood up to go back inside.

“Howdy.” Big Mac came up behind her and tousled her hair, his tall shadow falling over and enveloping her smaller one. Apparently, he'd finished his own chores and was now heading in as well.

Applejack grinned up at her big brother, shading her eyes from the sun with a freckled hand. “Hey, Mac.” His eyes shot a question at her, which she understood easily - Applejack was one of the few people who could accurately read his silences. “Jus’ talkin’ t’ Rainbow. Ah offered t’ drive her t’ th’ dance.” The guilt returned as she remembered her actual, and completely selfish, motive for being so charitable.

Mac gave a simple nod, his ginger hair flickering in the sunlight like tongues of flame. “Got a costume?”

The freckles twisted on her cheeks as her lips formed a pout. “Nope.”

Big Mac thought for a while. Finally, the corners of his eyes crinkled with a smile. “Ah may have jus’ th’ thing.”


It was 7:25. The sky was dark, save for the gentle neon glow of the polished street lamps that lined the nice, quiet, suburban neighborhood road.

Rainbow Dash hated it.

This neighborhood was where she had spent sixteen miserable years of her life, until her aunt and uncle had finally deemed her old enough to live on her own and had kicked her out. In fact, Rainbow was standing right in front of their house, a simple two-story affair, praying that they wouldn't look out the window and see her. She was now cursing herself for accepting Applejack’s offer of a ride, charming as it may have been. She would have been very happy to never see this house again, but she'd realized that Applejack didn't know where she really lived and still thought she lived with her aunt and uncle, and so she'd had to walk all the way over here to be picked up.

But, of course, walking a few miles hadn't been a problem at all. Rainbow could totally handle it. It was the boredom that was driving her nuts - she'd already been waiting for an entire minute, which was longer than she was used to waiting for anything because she always showed up late.

Huffing an impatient sigh, Dash made as if to shove her hands in her pockets, realized that she had no pockets, and flung them irritably by her sides instead. She cast an anxious glance at the lit windows of the house behind her and then reprimanded herself for being so twitchy. She forced her eyes to rove over the night sky instead, taking in the faint spattering of stars hidden behind low-hanging clouds of pollution, and listening to the sound of silence…

… which was suddenly shattered by the wheezing chug-chug-cough of Applejack’s pickup truck rolling bumpily down the street, accompanied by the flickering glare of headlights yellowed with age. That truck was so damn loud. But right now, it was the happiest sound Rainbow had heard. It meant she could get away from his stupid house and go spend a fun-filled evening with her friends. And, of course, it meant that Applejack was coming. That sound meant blonde hair and soft green eyes and a lilting accent that made Rainbow’s breath seize in her throat with its beauty.

Rainbow Dash heard a loud blast as Applejack mischievously honked her car horn, waving to Rainbow from the window. There was something different about her face, but Rainbow didn't have time to notice; she was too busy sighing with relief as she cast one final stare back at the house she hated and stepped onto the road.

Applejack leaned over to open the passenger car door and then hollered to Rainbow. “Well, whatcha waitin’ for? Git on in!” Without warning, she gunned the engine and sped down the road at a speed that belied the pickup’s age, whooping with glee as wind streamed in through the open window and ruffled her hair.

Rainbow grinned; this was an old (and slightly dangerous) game of theirs. Applejack would drive away with the door open and Rainbow had to chase after her and hop into the car without using her hands to touch any part of the vehicle. Not wasting a single second, the athlete cracked her knuckles and then took off after the car, no more than a fuzzy, multicolored blur in the curtain of night. Her feet barely touched the ground as she easily caught up to the car and jumped neatly into the passenger seat. Her finger just barely nicked the doorframe. “Aw, dangit! I lost. I touched the car.”

“Naw, that was pretty good. Let's call it a win,” Applejack said in her warm voice. “That was a nice jump there.”

Not out of breath in the slightest, Dash closed the door and turned her head to thank Applejack for the compliment. Her jaw dropped. “Oh. My. God.”

She looked different. Very different. Good different, but weird different.

Applejack was wearing a white blazer above a grey and crimson plaid skirt that was slightly too tight and showed off way more leg than she was usually comfortable showing. She'd traded out her thick, knee-length boots for black ankle-length ones, but she had tall white socks pulled up to her knees. A grey and crimson tie that matched the skirt was tied carelessly around her neck, her blonde hair was braided loosely over her shoulder, and a pair of Potter-esque round glasses without lenses was perched above the faint constellation of freckles that crossed her nose - that explained why her face had looked different.

Damn. She looked fine.

Rainbow Dash finally managed to rearrange her hanging jaw into a semblance of normality, but she still couldn't take her eyes off her best friend. She'd never seen her like this before. It was very different from her usual look, and Dash missed the country charm made apparent by her Stetson, boots, and bandanas, but this was still a pleasant surprise. “What…” she croaked, clearing her throat and trying again. “What are you wearing?”

Applejack mistook her pleased awe for shock, and a faint blush rose to her starry cheeks. Now distinctly uncomfortable, she turned her head and mumbled, “Ah know Ah said Ah didn't have a costume, but then Big Mac dared me t’ dress like a nerd fer Halloween. Said he’d clean th’ horse stalls fer a month if Ah did. So Ah borrowed the boots, skirt, an’ tie from Apple Bloom, who got ‘em from Sweetie Belle.” So that was why the skirt was a bit too tight… not that Rainbow was complaining. “Blazer’s mine. Ah wear it t’ farmin’ conf’rences an’ stuff. An’ th’ glasses are a spare pair o’ Granny’s that got their lenses knocked out.” The blush deepened. “But it's still mighty embarassin’, so please don’ laugh or nothin’. Ah think Ah might die.”

“Laugh?” Of course, the moment Applejack suggested it, Rainbow felt an overwhelming urge to do so, and had to force her giggle back down. “It's actually not a bad costume.” Who am I kidding? She looks amazing. Who knew she'd make such a cute nerd? Holy hell, I gotta get a picture of her somehow before the night’s over. “No, it's actually pretty good. A nerd, huh? Man, Twilight’s gonna have a field day with this one. You know, ‘that's so offensively stereotypical!’ She made air quotes as she spoke the last three words, raising her raspy voice to a higher-pitched imitation of Twilight’s.

Applejack chuckled low in her throat. It was reassuring to hear - she might look wildly different, but she was still the same old AJ. “Yeah, Ah reckon.”

Rainbow laughed with her. “Yeah. Seriously, though. Pretty cool costume, AJ. Points for effort… even if you look like, well, a total nerd.” It was the only thing she could say to conceal how hard her heart pounded in her chest every time she cast a sideways glance at the adorable outfit, and the adorable person wearing it.

She fake-laughed at her own joke while Applejack rolled her eyes. “Well, thanks, Ah think.” She tilted her head to stare at Rainbow’s own outfit. “Ahhh. Ah see ya found a costume too, huh?” Farmland and trees rushed past them as they coasted into the more populated part of the city.

Rainbow Dash shrugged nonchalantly. She'd wanted to surprise (and possibly, okay, definitely seduce) Applejack with a cute costume of her own, although Applejack was definitely taking the prize for cutest costume tonight. “Meh. Just a little something I put together.” She was dressed as an athlete - she was wearing some of her normal athletic gear, including the scuffed sneakers she usually wore to track and soccer, and she'd even cut out and spray painted aluminum foil gold medals which were now hanging around her neck. “I'm dressed as this super-awesome track star who's won, like, every gold medal at her school.”

“So, basically yore dressed as yourself, ‘cept yore costume’s missin’ some extra ego an’ pride.”

“Ouch.” Dash mock-winced. “Burn.”

The farmgirl-turned-nerd cracked a smile. “Kiddin’, honey, it’s a good costume. Ya look real nice.”

And suddenly, the fact that Applejack had complimented Rainbow and called her ‘honey’ in the same sentence made the two hours Rainbow had spent cutting her gold medals to look perfect - nothing but the best for AJ - totally worth it.


About ten minutes later, Applejack pulled into a spot in the crowded school parking lot and stepped on the brake. She and Dash hurried into the school, drawing their arms around them for warmth; the late-October air was chilly. Although they were right on time for the start of the dance, the gym was already full of students ‘milling and chilling’, as Dash might have said. Applejack and Rainbow strode into the gym and stopped in their tracks, staring around in amazement. “Whoa,” Applejack breathed, awestruck. “When Vice Principal Luna asked Twilight an’ th’ girls t’ decorate, Ah never expected this.”

The gym had been draped in black and orange sheets that reflected the overhead lighting, ensuring that the room was bright enough to see by. Streamers of painstakingly-made papier mâché bats and spiders hug from the ceiling, and black and orange confetti was everywhere. A neat space had been cleared out for dancing in the middle of the floor, over which hung a glittering disco ball, and the far wall was lined with a dessert and drinks table. Pinkie had even hired Vinyl Scratch to DJ. All in all, the room was decorated with a bit of Twilight’s careful planning, Rarity’s finesse, Pinkie’s randomness, and Fluttershy’s soft touches such as the disco ball.

“You like?” Rarity sang, popping out of nowhere and admiring the gym with shining eyes, as she always did when she had helped to create something. “The papier mâché bats and spiders were my idea. Tasteful, but not too intrusive, if you know what I mean.” They didn't, but she didn't mind. She entangled Dash in a hug and then Applejack, pausing to whisper in her ear, “Lovely costume, my dear. I see you took my advice.” Then she stepped back and bestowed them both with a wide smile, allowing them to see her costume. She had come as a princess, complete with silk ball gown, ornate crown, and scepter. All the boys were visibly ogling her.

The rest of the girls came over to say hello, looking tired but happy. They had stayed behind at school for an extra few hours to help set up the party. Twilight - who was wearing a white lab coat with test tubes in the pockets - complimented both of their costumes but frowned when she saw AJ’s. “That is so offensively stereotypical.”

“What’d I tell you?” Dash muttered into Applejack’s ear, much to her amusement.

Fluttershy hugged both of her friends as well, drawing back to stare at Applejack from a distance. “My, that's a wonderful outfit. You look so different.” She tugged self-consciously at the sleeve of her unquestionably adorable bumblebee costume.

“I'll say!” Pinkie Pie chimed in, suddenly appearing in front of them with a halloween-themed cupcake in each hand. She’d refused to let Twilight, the person who had planned the party as part of her student body secretary job, cater food for the event and had actually made everything herself. Pinkie was wearing a tweed suit that clashed horribly with her hair - Rarity had already pointed this out several times in the past few minutes and had an arsenal of further similar comments to make about throughout the rest of the evening - as well as a fez and a bow tie. Nobody knew what this outfit was, but nobody questioned it, attributing it to Pinkie’s usual randomness.

“It's really cute though,” Pinkie continued, pulling on the sleeve of Applejack’s blazer as though confirming that it was real. “You look all Twilight-y and stuff. I love it!” Twilight frowned, wondering if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but Pinkie didn't allow her to deliberate for too long and changed the subject with her usual rapidity. “I made some cupcakes I want you guys to try, come on! Let's get partying!”

She grabbed them all at once and dragged them into the crowd of students towards the food table, ignoring Fluttershy’s muffled ‘eep’ of protest and Rarity’s wails about her hair being mussed. Many of the students they passed turned to stare at Applejack in open-mouthed awe as she went by them, making her feel uncomfortable once more. Applejack was known for her good looks, although she'd never figured out that this was the reason boys and girls alike stared at her as she walked by them in the halls. Seeing her in a new and tight costume only increased their interest - but Applejack was squirming. Like her big brother, and unlike her little sister, she hated being the center of attention. She was content to sit back, let others shine in the limelight - the ones like Rainbow Dash, who craved it - and only step up to lead if she had to.

Pinkie dragged them over to the dessert table and left them there, pointing out the specific foods she wanted them to try and even pausing to shove a vanilla cupcake in Applejack’s mouth before zooming away, shouting something about giving an announcement. The rest of her friends snickered while Applejack gagged on the cupcake but somehow managed to swallow it. “Hey, this is actually really good. Y’all should try one.”

If Applejack, a baking connoisseur, liked it, then that was good enough for the rest of her friends. They each took a cupcake and tried it for themselves, chiming in with praises for Pinkie’s talent.

A hum of static creaked somewhere in the room as a microphone was suddenly switched on, and the crowds quieted a little. “Ahem, ladies and gentlemen! How are you enjoying the party?” It was unmistakably Pinkie. She was standing on a makeshift stage at the opposite end of the gym from the food table.

A few people mumbled responses.

Pinkie frowned. “I SAID, HOW ARE YOU ENJOYING THE PARTY?!” Her voice rapidly rose in pitch with each word, causing people to cringe and step back from the microphone.

This time around, people responded with a loud cheer, realizing that she wouldn't be appeased by anything less. Pinkie was suddenly all smiles again. “That's better! Okay people, let me tell you the plan! Eat and dance!” She paused. “That's the whole plan! Enjoy!” She put the microphone back in its stand and darted off the stage as everyone around her gave a collective laugh and returned to their small talk.

Twilight shook her head. “Well, that definitely warranted an announcement,” she said dryly.

Rarity smiled. “It's Pinkie Pie, dear, what did you expect?”

Pinkie Pie returned to the group and the six of them spent a few minutes chatting amongst themselves and eating as well as admiring everyone else’s costumes. Pinkie told them that there was going to be a contest at the end of the dance for funniest costume - judged by her, of course. Much to her embarrassment, Applejack learned from Pinkie that she was already in the running.

When Pinkie judged that the mood was right, she winked at Vinyl Scratch, who nodded her head and started the music. The buzz of chatter was replaced by excited murmurs as people led their dates onto the dance floor - this was the part of the evening that everyone had been waiting for.

Applejack eyed Rainbow uncomfortably, wondering if she should ask her to dance. Fortunately, Pinkie solved that problem for her. “Come on, guys! Let's dance!” She dragged them all out to the dance floor, once more paying no more attention to their protests. But the music soon proved too catchy to ignore, and the six girls soon found themselves getting into the swing of things and dancing along with the crowd. Applejack was clearly having a hard time figuring out how to move in a skirt, to everyone else’s amusement, and kept stumbling over her own shoes.

Within a few minutes, the six of them had managed to clear out a sizable space for themselves on the dance floor - well, that was really thanks to Pinkie and Twilight. Pinkie kept accidentally booting people away from her with her exuberant dance moves, and Twilight’s dancing looked like she was having some kind of seizure, so it was no wonder that no one wanted to dance near them.

Applejack was snickering with Rainbow Dash over Twilight’s poor dancing abilities when she suddenly caught sight of Apple Bloom at the far end of the gym, dancing with… a boy. Her big sister instincts set off a glaring alarm at once. “What in tarnation? What's he doin’ t’ her?” Applejack balled her fists, preparing to march over there and give him a piece of her mind. “Why, Ah outta - ”

“Whoa there, cowgirl!” Rainbow managed to restrain her with difficulty by wrapping her arms over her shoulders, practically able to feel the anger vibrating through her small frame. “Leave her alone. She's a cool kid. She's sensible. Takes after her big sister like that.” She flashed Applejack a cocky smile. “Besides, I know that boy. He's one of Scoots’ friends. He's a good dude. Well, as far as boys go. But seriously, don't go over there. Apple Bloom’s gotta start making her own choices sometime, right?”

Applejack sagged in her arms. “Ah know. Ah jus’… don’ like seein’ her growin’ up so soon. She ain't even in high school yet.” She heaved a heavy sigh and turned away from her little sister. “But Ah don’ want her t’ hate me fer interferin’, so Ah’m gonna trust ya an’ follow yore advice. Jus’ this once,” she addd sharply, catching sight of Rainbow’s proud grin. “Don’ go gettin’ a big head.”

“Wouldn't dream of it,” the rainbow-haired wonder replied smoothly.

“Hmph.” Applejack didn't believe that for a second.

The song ended and switched to a slower-paced one. The atmosphere in the room changed instantly - people drew closer to their dates; the chatter softened. Applejack looked Rainbow in the eye. Maybe now was a good time to ask her to dance.

And then, once again, the problem was solved for her. Soarin, dressed as an old-fashioned sailor, suddenly appeared out of the crowd, his eyes riveted on Applejack as he politely asked people to move aside so that he could reach her. His handsome face wore a bright, hopeful smile, and Applejack knew with certainty that he was coming to ask her to dance. She also knew that she had no real reason to refuse him, since no one else had asked her to dance - and she was too kind-hearted to refuse him, anyway.

But all of a sudden a pair of strong hands grabbed her own, and Soarin slunk away, disappointed. Applejack felt a thrill of excitement as her fingers were grasped and covered. She knew these hands. She had been holding these hands, been punched and nudged by these same hands, for more than ten years.

Slowly, Applejack lifted her head to stare into Rainbow Dash’s eyes, which carried just as much surprise as her own. If Applejack had been able to read Rainbow’s mind, she would have realized that the bold move had been entirely unintentional - her body acting on a mad impulse against the wishes of her mind, grabbing AJ’s hands so that Soarin would think she was taken and go away.

Applejack couldn't read her mind, so she didn't know this. But she could read her eyes, and they were scared. For some reason, Rainbow was scared that she was going to pull away. So, acting on a mad impulse of her own, she drew closer until their bodies were almost touching and squeezed Rainbow’s hands tighter. “Why?” she murmured softly.

“I - I don't know,” Rainbow stammered, entirely lacking her usual calm, unruffled demeanor. “It was an accident… I didn't want you to leave with Soarin and I just…” Her voice faltered.

Applejack brushed her thumbs along the backs of Rainbow’s hands, wondering somewhere in the back of her mind if she was going too far. “Well, thanks fer savin’ me… mah knight in shinin’ armor,” she added teasingly.

Rainbow blushed deeply and refused to say another word. Suddenly embarrassed - and for good reason, as the two of them were starting to attract unwanted attention - she loosened her hands from Applejack’s grasp. Disappointed and equally embarrassed, fearing that she had indeed gone too far, the farmgirl dropped her hands to her sides and cleared her throat awkwardly.

“Miss Applejack?”

Applejack turned her head to the side and her eyes widened. Principal Celestia was standing in the middle of the dance floor, her pastel hair swirling regally around her shoulders. “Might I have a word?” she asked kindly. “That is, if you aren't busy.” Her gaze swept over the rest of Applejack’s friends. “Lovely job setting up the party, by the way,” she added to Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, who all beamed with pride.

“Oh, er, no ma’am,” Applejack stuttered hastily. “Ah got time.” She eyed her friends apologetically. “Be right back.” Rainbow glanced up at her. She wasn't smiling, but there was an encouraging glint in her eye, even though her cheeks were still red from her earlier blush. Not knowing what any of this meant, Applejack offered her an uncertain smile and nervously fell into step behind Princess Celestia.

“Quite an interesting costume you have there,” Celestia commented mischievously. “My sister Luna would love it. Anyway, I'm sorry I had to pull you away from your friends. You're not in any trouble, don't worry. I just wanted to talk to you about something and was too busy to bring it up during the day.” She led Applejack outside the gym and closed the door, instantly muffling the sound of the music. “That's better. Now.” As was her wont, she launched right into business. “Five weeks ago, Spitfire spoke to you about forming a field team, am I right?”

“Uh, yes?” Applejack was so taken aback by the topic that she forgot to say ‘ma’am’.

“I believe she also told you that you should talk to me about forming one. May I inquire as to why you never did?” Her eyes were not stern, but rather gentle and curious.

“Oh.” Applejack blushed faintly. “Ah jus’… kinda forgot about it, Ah guess.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed. She knew there was more to the issue. Applejack fidgeted and looked away. “An’… Ah was scared. T’ be in charge o’ somethin’ big like that… Ah don’ wanna mess up.” An’ Rainbow’s a team captain too. Ah don’ want her t’ see me mess up… t’ laugh at me…

“Oh, Applejack.” The principal’s voice softened. “You're a good student, a good athlete, and a good person. There's no one I would trust more with this job than you. I can't decide for you, of course, but I think you should take Spitfire’s advice and form the team. The school can provide you with all the necessary equipment. Pardon my language, but… Crystal Prep has some asses that need kicking at next spring’s sports competitions.”

Applejack blinked in surprise at Celestia’s language, but her lips slowly curled into a smile. “Well… An guess it would be nice t’ have a team t’ challenge theirs. We've never been able t’ have field competitions with ‘em before…” She faltered. “Uh… how’d ya know about all this, anyway?”

“Spitfire came to talk to me herself on Monday. She seems to think this is a wonderful idea, and I have to agree with her. I've been meaning to speak to you about it all week, but this is the first time I've been able to get a break.”

“Oh.” AJ frowned. The notions of Spitfire trying to help her and simultaneously having a huge crush on Rainbow were not quite compatible in her mind. “Well, Ah suppose if ya think it's such a good idea, Ah’ll… Ah’ll do it.”

“Wonderful!” Celestia beamed. “I'm proud of you, Applejack, and I know my sister and I will be very excited to let Cadance know that her field team will have some real competition this year. She's been resting on those laurels for far too long. Anyway, tryouts will be held tomorrow at 2:30 in the afternoon. I know that's short notice, but you should start training your team as soon as possible to make up for the two months you missed. I plan on making a lunchtime announcement tomorrow to notify the school, and I've already printed out flyers which will be all over the school by tomorrow morning.”

“Ya made flyers beforehand? But how'd ya know Ah was gonna accept th’ job?”

Celestia winked at her. “I trusted you to do the right thing.”

“Oh.” Applejack smiled softly. “Well… thank ya kindly, then.”

“Certainly. And, as your principal, I should tell you that I think this will be a great opportunity for you, Applejack. To lead your team to victory.., alongside Rainbow Dash.” She flashed a knowing smile.

Applejack jumped, accidentally letting a countryism slip out in her shock, praying that Celestia hadn't somehow figured out about her enormous crush on her friend. “What in tarnation? What does this gotta do with Dash?”

“Well, the track and field captains must work very closely together, do they not? They must have even more intimacy with each other than they do with the other team captains -” Applejack blushed at the probably unintentional wordplay “-because they share the same practice space and the same practice time. They also have to be willing to discuss strategies and timings with each other when necessary. After all, track and field are often referred to together for a reason. They are very deeply related.”

“That's all well an’ good, but…” AJ scratched her head. “Rainbow still ain't th’ track team captain.”

Celestia’s smile faded somewhat. “And this is where I leave you with someone more qualified to discuss this than me. Have a nice night, Applejack. I'll expect you to be out on the track for field auditions tomorrow at 2:30. Audition however you think is best, and train your team however you wish. I trust you completely. Good luck. I have faith in you.” With that nugget of mysterious and slightly terrifying encouragement, Principal Celestia patted Applejack’s shoulder and strode off in the direction of her office.

Completely nonplussed, Applejack stared straight ahead for a few seconds and then spun around to stare at Celestia’s receding back. ‘Someone more qualified to discuss this than me’? Who was she talking about?

Her question was answered as a tall, lithe figure stepped slowly out of the rippling shadows in front of her. Spitfire, dressed in a majestic phoenix costume complete with yellow and orange wings arching around her back.

The two of them sized each other up in silence, Applejack desperately wishing she were taller. It was impossible for them to truly like each other, thanks to their shared affections for Dash. But they respected each other and had always managed to maintain somewhat friendly relations. “Hey, Applejack,” Spitfire finally greeted her, her voice hoarse and soft like she was preparing to say something she didn't want to say.

“Howdy,” AJ replied cordially, still confused as to what was going on.

“I bet you're wondering what's going on, huh.” It wasn't a question. “I'm giving up the track team.”

A beat. Then: “What?”

“Don't pretend you didn't hear it. I'm giving it up. Backing down. Resigning as captain. Whatever you want to call it. I already talked to the Principal about it. She agreed. It's official. The team is no longer mine.”

“But… why?” Applejack couldn't believe her ears. Spitfire being captain of the track team was a fact of life. She had started the team herself and captained it to glory for four years - even at the young age of only fourteen, the principal had recognized her talent and allowed her to lead. And now she was resigning?

“Because… Applejack, do you know why I asked to form the track team in the first place?” Her voice was even softer than before.

“Uh… no,” she confessed suspiciously, not sure where this was going.

Spitfire took a deep breath, looking hesitant and unsure. “Because… because I wanted to entice Rainbow Dash into joining. All of this was about Rainbow Dash. Forming the team, working my ass off to get really good so I could be captain - it was all for Rainbow.” Now that she'd started, her words began to flow quicker and quicker. “I loved her from the start. I thought if I started the track team, she'd be the first person to want to join - she loves running and she loves glory. Sure enough, when I went out to the track to hold auditions, Dash had already been there for ten minutes, waiting for me to arrive. I let her on the team after watching her do one lap around the track. Just one. She was good enough. And I thought if I kept her on the team every year, treated her well and made her feel special, let her win trophies at all the competitions… maybe she'd start to love me back. And then you came into the picture. I hated you at first, you know. You were Dash’s best friend. If she loved anyone, it would be you. I didn't have that spark of closeness with her like you did. We were teammates who worked hard together, nothing more. And I hated you for that spark, I really did.” She sighed. “But then I thought about it, and… I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to keep pretending like Rainbow is ever going to like me when I know it won't happen. So I'm resigning. I started the team for completely selfish reasons anyway. It's someone else’s turn to captain. Someone else’s turn to lead the team to victory… someone who has the team’s best interests in mind, not their own.” She hung her head.

“An’ who are ya thinkin’ o’ promotin’?”

Spitfire sighed. “I think you already know.”

Applejack nodded. She did, and she wanted this badly. But she still needed to do the right thing. “Ah can't let ya do this,” she said firmly. “Ah can't let ya give up th’ team fer me. Ah don’ care why ya started it, y’all’ve been a great captain, an’ yore teammates love ya.”

“Applejack,” Spitfire said flatly, “I'm not joking around. I mean it. I'm leaving the team. Everyone's gotta go sometime, anyway, and Dash is the only one good enough to take my place. So she's the most strategic choice - even Principal Celestia realized that, or she never would have agreed to my plan. Besides - ” she flashed a crooked smile “ - I'm not giving up on sports or anything, don't worry. I already kind of have a monopoly on the other sports teams, so it's not like this is a huge loss.” This was true - Spitfire was co-captain of the basketball and football teams as well as captain of the swimming team.

Applejack took a deep breath. “Have ya already talked t’ Rainbow about this? What if she doesn't want t’ be captain o’ th’ track team?”

“If she gets to work with you as the captain of the field team? Trust me. She'll want to. I'm gonna talk to her about it tomorrow at lunch, but I don't doubt that she’ll say yes, even though it's kind of a sudden change. She won't hesitate to take the job.” Her words were bitter but resigned.

Applejack hesitated, feeling torn. “Ah - Ah still don’ feel comfortable with this… ya don’ have t’ leave th’ team. Ah mean, Ah could work with ya, we could figure things out, it jus’ don’ seem… fair.” She echoed Spifire’s sigh. “It don' seem fair that ya should have t’ leave… an’ why would ya do this fer me, anyway? Why me? Why would ya think Ah have any more chance with Rainbow than you do?”

Spitfire stepped forward and placed a cool hand on the shorter girl’s shoulder, her eyes glinting in the faint light. “Because I know Rainbow. I know what she likes. And trust me, she doesn't want someone exactly like her. So… I have about a snowball’s chance in hell with her.” She managed a short laugh. “Trust me, Applejack. I want to do this. I want to. My teammates are good people. They'll understand, and they'll trust my choice. Now you need trust it, too.” She indicated her drooping phoenix wings with a sad sigh. “I already had my chance, Applejack, and I didn't make it. It's time for me to fall into the flames and come out again… stronger… without Rainbow Dash. I'm giving you your chance now. Don't mess it up, rookie.” Some of her usual joking tone slipped back into her words.

Applejack hesitated. She was perceptive enough to realize that Spitfire was telling the truth - she really did want to give Rainbow her captaincy. But she was still reluctant to let her do so. It seemed like a huge and unnecessary sacrifice. “Ah - Ah dunno…”

“God, you are so stubborn.” Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Say yes already. I'm giving you the chance you've always wanted, and it doesn't come with a catch. You should be happy! Just let me do this, before I come to my senses, realize how stupid I'm being, and decide to stay captain. Okay?” Her eyes were almost pleading.

Applejack came to a quick decision, realizing she couldn't force Spitfire to stay captain anyway. “Okay,” she whispered. “Yes. Ah won't bother ya no more. Y’all can resign if ya want. An’… thank you.” In a sudden surge of happiness at the prospect of working so closely with Rainbow, she reached out and shook Spitfire’s hand with the firmness that had been cultivated by her many years of farm work. “Thank you so much.”

Spitfire wavered, unused to physical contact, before settling her hand uncertainly in Applejack’s and returning the shake. “Yeah, yeah. Don't get all sappy on me, shortstuff.” Applejack had to smile at the nickname. Perhaps the two of them were becoming… friends. “Just… don't mess things up. And try not to distract Rainbow too much, ‘kay? She's still gonna have a team to run.”

“Y’kiddin’?” Applejack smirked. “With that hair o’ hers, how could Ah be th’ distractin’ one?”

“Fair point.” Ruffling the wings on her costume, Spitfire walked over to the gym door and held it open for Applejack, her sharp eyes scanning the dancing crowds inside. Her usual gruff demeanor had returned, squelching the emotion that had shown through during their conversation. “Don't mention anything about this to Rainbow or any of your other friends. I'll tell her tomorrow. This conversation is officially over.”

“Shore thing.” Applejack paused and tilted her head back to stare into Spitfire’s eyes. “Jus’ one more thing. Ah jus’ want ya t’ know… Rainbow’s gonna make ya proud. Ah’ll make sure o’ it. An’ Ah’ll make ya proud too. Ah’m gonna do that fer you.”

“No,” she said firmly. “Don't do it for me. I sure as hell didn't give this up for you. I did it for Rainbow. She needs you, Applejack. So don't you dare do anything for me.” She calmly held Applejack’s gaze. “Do it for her.” Then, without another word, she slipped away into the crowd, leaving Applejack standing by the door and watching her in bewilderment.

Shaking her head perplexedly, Applejack adjusted her fake glasses and went to find her friends - which was an easy task, as the mane of pink, fez-covered curls bouncing high over the crowd every few seconds quickly gave their position away. Applejack didn't know what to think about her conversation with Spitfire. She was still bothered, but she felt waves of happiness rolling beneath her doubt. She decided to think about it later - she wanted to enjoy what remained of the party.

Applejack gave her friends a welcoming smile. “What did Principal Celestia tell you?” Twilight cried almost immediately, hyperventilating. “Are you okay? Are you in trouble? Oh no, are we in trouble? Are - ”

“Relax, honey,” AJ chuckled. “Ain't nothin’ like that. She was jus’ talkin’ t’ me about some sports stuff. Y’all’ll find out soon enough.”

“Whew,” Twilight sighed. “That’s a relief. I thought you were going to be expelled or something.”

“Egghead,” Dash snorted, slipping a friendly arm around Applejack’s waist. She seemed to have recovered from her fit of odd behavior earlier. “Hey, was that Spitfire I saw you talking to a second ago?”


Fortunately, Applejack was saved from having to answer by the opportune arrival of Pinkie Pie on the makeshift stage. “Ladies and gentlemen!” she announced ebulliently. “It's tiiiiiiiime for our costume contest!” The overhead lighting snapped off, and a spotlight beam made a few rotations of the gym before settling on Pinkie. “All of you guys have amazing costumes! But, of course, only one can win! I've spent the whole evening thinking really, reeeeaaaaaally hard: which of you has the funniest costume? There’ve been some amazing contenders, but in the end I had to go with… our very own Applejack! Give her a round of applause as she comes up to collect her prize!”

A second spotlight flickered into existence, right over Applejack. Rooted to the spot in her horror, AJ groaned and buried her head in her hands while Rainbow Dash roared with laughter. Seeing that she wasn't moving towards the stage, Pinkie leaped down, grabbed her arm, and dragged her onto the platform, beaming broadly. The partygoers stared in admiration at her nerd costume, some giggling, some wolf-whistling. Applejack’s face burned with embarrassment. “Pinkie!” she hissed. “What in th’ hay was that for?”

“Well, duh, it's because I thought you had the funniest costume! Here's your prize! Yay!” Pinkie shoved a bag of Skittles into her hands. “I already ate half the bag, hope you don't mind! Also, don't worry, I didn't individually touch all the Skittles in there, only about half. Now let me get a picture of your costume!”

“What? No!” Horrified, Applejack attempted to leap off the stage, but Pinkie’s arm snaked out and caught her at lightning speed. Pulling her camera from her hair, the party animal shrieked, “Say cheese!”

Her camera flash was echoed by another coming from the space next to Rainbow. Big Mac stood there grinning, an old-fashioned camera wrapped in his meaty hands. Rainbow howled with laughter. This was just too perfect.

Applejack growled and clenched her fists. “Mac? What're ya doin’ here?”

“Y’all didn't think Ah was gonna miss mah lil’ sis dressin’ up fer Halloween, didja?” he smirked. “‘Specially not with a costume like that.” He stared down at the camera and nodded approvingly. “This one’s goin’ in th’ family album.”

Apple Bloom, who had pushed through the crowds to witness the spectacle, cackled. “Serves ya right fer borrowin’ mah clothes without askin’!”

Narrowing her eyes at her siblings, Applejack heaved the bag of Skittles go Big Mac, who caught them easily. “Ah shoulda known ya were up t’ some kinda prank,” she muttered angrily. “Ah can't believe ya got th’ nerve t’ show up here after askin’ me t’ wear that stupid costume!”

“Hey, chillax, cowgirl,” Rainbow chuckled, still wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. “‘S’all in good fun. Besides, you got a back of Skittles… even if they are half-eaten.” She eyed Pinkie dubiously.

Pinkie beamed back brightly. “I may have also mixed some M&M’s in there.”

“Alraght, now that's jus’ a crime.” Applejack sighed and then smiled at her friend. “Ah guess Ah can forgive ya this once. But you - ” she added sharply, spinning around to face her taciturn big brother, “- you an’ Ah are gonna be havin’ a talk t’night.”

“Oooooh.” Rainbow whistled. “Busted.”

Big Mac knew when he was beaten. He turned around and made a hasty retreat towards the gym door, still clutching the enormous bag of Skittles.

Still smiling, Pinkie leaned into the microphone. “Well, that's all for tonight, folks! I hope you had a fantabulawesomazing - ”

“Ahem.” Rarity coughed delicately. “Pinkie, darling? Our plan?” She indicated Applejack and Rainbow Dash with a quick shake of her head, although neither of them noticed.

Pinkie Pie paused. “Oh. Riiiight. Sorry guys, I forgot! We have one more thing on the schedule for tonight. We're going to have a Couples Dance! Everyone has to pair up with someone, regardless of whether or not they brought a date - we don't want any poor people left out!”

“Um,” Fluttershy said softly, “what if someone doesn't want to dance?”

“When I said everyone, I meant everyone!” Pinkie cried in answer to her question. “But there's no pressure - Vinyl Scratch will set up a nice, slow waltz, and we’ll take it from there! Now, enjoy the dance, and I hope you guys had a great Halloween Party!” She jumped off the stage amidst a chorus of whoops and hollers - everyone apart from Fluttershy was excited to have the opportunity to dance with their dates again, and those who hadn't brought dates were even happier. Now they had an excuse to dance with someone.

Rarity beamed proudly. This had been her idea, of course. She had seen how quickly Rainbow had grabbed Applejack’s arms when Soarin came by, and instantly put two and two together. Clearly, Rainbow Dash was just as much in love with Applejack as Applejack was with her - the two of them were simply too obtuse to realize it. So Rarity had pulled Pinkie aside while AJ was talking to the principal and asked her to suggest another dance, without telling her the reason why (she didn't want to tell Pinkie about Applejack’s feelings without permission from Applejack herself, since their phone conversation had been confidential). Maybe, if Rarity played her cards right, she could set AJ and Dashie up together without them ever finding out that she'd had a hand in it.

Now, as the lights dimmed and the music started up, Rarity had to execute her plan. She unobtrusively nudged Twilight in Flash Sentry’s direction, and he was more than happy to ask her to dance, although Rarity was certain that if Sunset Shimmer had been around Twilight would have been far more enthused to dance with her. Pinkie had already bounced away with some random boy, so that was taken care of. Only one last step left. The fashionista tapped Fluttershy’s wrist. “Fluttershy, dear? Would you care to dance?” She may or may not have been furthering her own romantic agenda.

Fluttershy blushed violently but accepted, knowing that Rarity was probably the least likely person to step on her toes or scare or hurt her in any other way. Nodding her head meekly, she let Rarity slip an arm around her waist and the two of them waltzed away, both of them glancing back anxiously at AJ and Rainbow. Fluttershy had guessed Rarity’s plan, being herself privy to Rainbow’s feelings. Applejack and Rainbow were the only two people in the room who weren't paired off… but that was clearly about to change.

Applejack stared up at her best friend, swallowing nervously as she realized how little distance remained between their warm bodies. Rainbow was close. Very close.

“Well, um, I guess it's just us, then. Can you dance?” Rainbow’s voice cracked in her anxiety.

“You kiddin’?” The farmgirl did her best to keep her voice calm. “Ah been dancin’ since Ah was a toddler. Why, Ah could dance circles ‘round a whirlwind. Can you dance?”

“Better than you can.”

“You gonna put yore money where yore mouth is?”

“Let's find out,” she whispered, her beautiful magenta eyes flashing in the overhead lighting. “Will you dance with me?”

Applejack felt almost dizzy with happiness, but she knew she needed to keep a cool head. “Don' seem like Ah got much choice, does it?”

And now came the smile - the warm, genuine smile that Rainbow never showed when she was trying to act ‘cool’, the smile that slipped out whenever she was truly at peace with the world. “Then let's get this party started.”

Slowly, slowly, Rainbow Dash stepped forward, her polychromatic hair swishing around her back, brushing against the tips of Applejack’s curly blonde waves. Slowly, slowly, she slipped an arm around Applejack’s waist, gently clutching the fabric of her shirt, and reached out to slip her other hand into Applejack’s. And slowly, slowly, looking deep into each other’s eyes but not saying a word, their noses an inch away from each other, they started to dance.

They were awkward and halting at first, but quickly fell into step with each other, their smiles growing as they found a natural rhythm and realized how perfectly their bodies fit together. Rainbow’s hands were sweaty in her own, probably from nerves, but still, Applejack couldn't have been more charmed if she had tried. She glanced down at Rainbow’s feet and saw that even her footwork was expertly executed, without a single stumble or falter. Rainbow hadn't even stepped on her toes yet. “Where th’ hay did ya learn t’ dance?” she whispered softly.

“Don't you remember?” that scratchy voice whispered back softly. “You taught me.” She released her arm around Applejack’s waist, sending her out for a spin, before taking her into her arms again and bending her head to speak into her ear. “When we were little. We were in the barn and you had just invited me to your eighth birthday party…”

And all of a sudden, the memories came flooding back. Seven-year-old Applejack standing next to Rainbow Dash, both of them the exact same height back then. There's gonna be dancing, Applejack had said. After dinner. Why? Rainbow had asked. Because Ah love dancin’, she had answered simply. I don't know how to dance. From Rainbow Dash - a pause; doubtful hesitation. Then Ah’ll teach ya. So Applejack had held her around the waist with her grubby, child-sized fingers and taught Rainbow how to waltz, explaining kindly until everything was perfect. And after dinner that night, there was, indeed, dancing. Applejack’s friends and family danced with each other and on their own, with their own friends and family and with the people they didn't know. But the two of them, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, were the stars of the show.

Applejack blinked the memories away and stared at Rainbow Dash, admiring the strong curve of her jaw and the lean muscles in her arms. Taller now than when they had danced as children, but no less beautiful. “Yore right. Ah did teach ya how t’ dance, didn't Ah? Ah’d forgotten.”

Rainbow chuckled softly. “Good thing too, isn't it, considering how awesome I am at it now.”

“If Ah recall, ya stepped on mah toes at least fifty times, an’ ya complained th’ whole time about how ‘uncool’ dancin’ was while ya were doin’ it, too.”

“Well, what can I say?” Rainbow leaned even closer as they swayed in time to the music, her lips almost brushing Applejack’s ear. “I've been practicing.”

Applejack allowed herself to be carried away by the music as Dash lifted her arm and she twirled in a full circle beneath it, coming to rest on her muscled shoulder as Rainbow supported her with her other arm. Now pressed against Rainbow’s chest with her face turned away, Applejack felt her heart rate skyrocket. She didn't dare to hope that Rainbow felt the same spark of love for her that she felt for Rainbow. She couldn't. It would be too cruel to let herself hope.

Instead, she closed her eyes and pretended. Yes. Rainbow Dash was her girlfriend. They couldn't have been more in love. And this was their first dance, which was soon to be followed by their first kiss.

The thought made Applejack happy, but somehow, it didn't make her any happier than she had been before. Perhaps just being here, dancing with her best friend and surrounded by her strong arms, was enough.

So, as the music came to an end, Applejack found herself feeling warm and content rather than wistful or yearning. The last violin note faded away, but Rainbow and Applejack did not pull away from each other, still looking deep into each other’s eyes. It was only when the lights were returned to their full intensity that they were reminded to pull away, and they did so as hastily as possible, as if embarrassed to be seen wrapped around each other.

“That's all for tonight, folks,” Pinkie said, returning to the stage, in an uncharacteristically quiet and thoughtful tone. Maybe she had seen Rainbow and Applejack dancing. “I hope you enjoyed the evening. Happy Halloween, and see you at school tomorrow.”

The costumed guests trickled away one-by-one, leaving the gym empty except for Pinkie and her five friends. The place seemed oddly gloomy after everyone had left. Out of a sense of duty, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stayed behind to help clean up even though they had not been asked to assist with setting up the party in the first place. Neither of them spoke to each other; both were far too preoccupied with thinking about the dance.

Finally, after trashing every last fake spider and piece of confetti, the girls left the gym and headed outside, leaving Principal Celestia to lock up the school for the night. They bid each other farewell, made promises to sit together at lunch the next day, and headed to their respective cars. Applejack and Rainbow climbed into the old pickup and began the drive back to Rainbow’s ‘house’, still not speaking to each other. Applejack was too worried that speaking would somehow shatter the new intimacy that had slipped between them, and Rainbow Dash was still dazed at her own audacity in asking Applejack to dance.

When Applejack pulled up the curb in front of the house, Rainbow quietly thanked her for the ride and unbuckled her seatbelt. She knew she was going to have to walk all the way back to her apartment in the dark, but for the first time, she relished the trip: it would give her some time to think.

Another impulse suddenly presented itself to the rainbow-haired girl, even more daring than asking AJ to dance, and Rainbow acted on it instantly, as usual not giving herself any time to hesitate. Without warning, she leaned forwards and kissed Applejack gently on the cheek, her poky eyelashes brushing against Appejack’s long ones. “Goodnight, Applejack,” she said softly. Then, without another word, she abruptly slid out of the car and strode away, slamming the car door behind her. She was terrified that she was going to look back and see a look of disgust spreading across Applejack’s face, so she didn't look back at all. Please let me not have just ruined our friendship.

But nothing could have been further from the truth. Applejack blushed and touched her fingertips to her cheek, the aftereffects of the kiss warmer than apple pie. And yet she still couldn't let herself hope that this was anything more than friendship. Rainbow Dash had just been… caught up in the excitement of the dance, that was all. If Rainbow had really been in love with Applejack she'd have told her long ago; she was usually so bold about such things, Applejack reasoned. Besides, friends kissed each other on the cheek all the time - Rarity could be found doing it every other minute.

Still. A kiss was a kiss. Feeling a smile spread across her cheeks, Applejack started the pickup engine to life and drove away. When she pulled into her driveway, she stepped into the house, hastily ripped off her horrible costume, gave Big Mac the stern talking-to she'd promised, bid Granny goodnight, tucked Apple Bloom into bed along with a big-sisterly warning about boys, snagged a quick late-night snack, brushed her teeth, slid into her own bed, and, exhausted by the day’s physical and emotional exertion, promptly fell asleep.

Through it all, the memory of the kiss tingled on her cheek like a soft summer breeze.

Author's Note:

So. New chapter, a super long one, and it only took two weeks. Not bad at all. I'm putting you guys through some real emotional turmoil though, aren't I... there were some suprises this chapter. ;) Just a couple things I wanted to say:
1) This story is now officially longer than my novel.
2) I swear you'll found out more about Rainbow's housing arrangements and family situation and stuff soon... I'm kinda ripping clues but they're not really obvious.
3) Anyone who knows what Pinkie's costume is and can tell me gets a virtual cookie. ;)
4) That Phoenix metaphor tho.
5) I am going on vacation and will be gone for a week... so if you liked this chapter leave me a nice comment to read when I'm back!:rainbowkiss: and check out my story Twister that I'm gonna publish today!

P.S. that amazing fan art was done by the wonderful milla0126!