• Published 1st May 2017
  • 2,315 Views, 52 Comments

Dash - like the punctuation? - EverfreePony

Rainbow Dash's name has a far different meaning to it. One that might be enough for the filly to despise a part of herself... and books.

  • ...

Name issues

The old mare was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of her neck. The bare blotches of the benevolent fur cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the noon clouds were on her cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of her face and her hooves had the deep-creased scars from handling thunder clouds on the—

There was a knock on the door.

...the deep-creased scars from handling thunder clouds on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in Princess Celestia's ancient—

There was a knock and a thud on the door.

...in Princess Celestia's ancient castle.
Everything about her was old except her eyes and they were the same color as the sky and were cheerful and undefeat—

A loud bang on the door.

"Come in!" a pegasus stallion called, rubbing his temples. With a sigh, he shoved Hayscartes' The Old Mare and the Sky away with his wing.

The door burst open, and a rainbow tornado with a huge suitcase barreled in.

"Dashie! How was your holiday?" He straightened up, a warm smile crawling across his face.

"Daddy!" The filly lurched forward, knocking off his reading glasses.

"There, there, squirt, you'll cho-choke me!" He patted her back. "So tell me, was it amusing holiday with auntie Colon in Canterlot?"

A grin filled the filly's whole face. "Yeah, it was awesome fun! I got to swoop high around the towers of the castle and then raced the armoured ponies! I practiced my wing push-ups every evening! And yesterday, auntie took me to The Wonderbolts Derby! There were so many boring and stick-in-the-mud ponies in ugly dresses, but I've still seen Wind Rider and got an autograph from him!" Rainbow plucked out a feather from her wing, holding it so her father could see the scribble written on it.

"That's really interesting, Dashie. And what about the books you had with you, have you enjoyed them?"

"Oh..." The filly's grin fell as she collapsed into the armchair beside her, trying to return the feather into her wing fruitlessly. "You see, Daddy... I has read all but the Homare's Hurricasey. At first it looked like fun, Commander Hurricane travelling to the Griffon kingdom, dealing with Arimaspis and thunderstorms, but it was all that happened. Then he just travelled by airship, visited somepony, feasted for a year and then travelled again! I bet he wasn't even able to fly after that. It was boring..." She plopped her head down on the table, eyeing her father through a glass paperweight.

"Boring, you say..." The father tapped his chin with a hoof. "But you read the rest, so tell me: What do you think about Shakerapier's The Taming of the Shrew?" He leaned forward, eyes narrowed and lips curved up in a devilish grin.

"Uh... that? That was a great story! I didn't know Princess Celestia herself could tame a dragon singlehoofedly," Dashie offered, beads of sweat shimmering on her forehead.

"Rainbow Dash, don't lie to me. You know there is no point in doing that. If you haven't read them, admit it."

"No Daddy, I hasn't."

"It's 'haven't'. Dashie..." He extended his hoof and raised her chin. "I took you to the Equestria Games opening and paid your flight camps for five upcoming seasons. You'll have plenty of time to practice your flying skills there. However, there is not plenty of time left before your first school day arrives, it's just two days away. I want you to make a great impression on the teachers. After all, the Dash family is—"

"A clan of famous publishers, editors, and literates in Cloudsdale," the filly finished, rolling her eyes.

"Exactly, so I want you to go to the library and read. Three books of your own choice from there should be enough. Now go." He caressed her cheek with a hoof and nudged her forward.

"Yes, daddy."

Gone was her previous vigour. Ears aback, Dashie trudged down the corridor, occasionally kicking a loose strand of cirrus snaking from the carpet. She passed along a line of old paintings, each featuring a pegasus with a book or quill and a cutie mark portraying some punctuation mark, dashes mostly. All the ponies stared back at her with stern glares. Though, who would be able to smile after hours and hours of standing still while being painted? Rainbow was sure she wouldn't. After all, who would be able to smile ever again after receiving such a boring cutie mark as a punctuation mark? A sigh escaped her lips, the filly glancing at her—yet—bare flank.

She always wondered why those paintings were here. Was it because somepony needed to cover the walls of the impossibly long corridor? Or did they build it so long so the pictures could be put here? But why? All those portraits could easily hang in the basement. It's not like the carrots stored there would mind their glares. Also, what will happen when there is no more room on the wall? Will they start putting the paintings all around the house? Rainbow shivered at the prospect of having her ancestors staring at her while she slept or bathed.

A shiver ran down her spine as one particularly nasty portrait came into view. Her wings buzzed, swiftly carrying her down the hall till she almost collided with a huge door lined with silver clouds. Turning around sheepishly, she blew a raspberry at one of her ancestors whose name she refused to remember. Tail between her legs and hooves scampering, the filly hurried inside the library. The doors creaked shut behind her.

The smell of dust, old paper, and stale air attacked her nose. She found herself face to cover with thousands of books. They stood tightly crammed into the bookcases, rose to the ceiling in high pillars from desks and chairs, and some were even stuck in the banister of staircase that lead to... even more books.

With a sigh, she sat her large suitcase down and started for the nearest bookcase. She pulled out one of the tomes, along with a family of spiders living behind it. Reading the cover, she squeezed it back almost immediately, along with the spiders again.

"Mare in the Moon and other legends It's short, but daddy knows I've read it like a dozen times. So, what's next?" She extended a hoof, randomly tapping one of the thinner books with a sigh. "Twenty Ways of Styling Your Mustache with Magic Sure, I'm dying to read that..." She put the book back and glided to another shelf, her wings raising clouds of dust.

"Your Inner Horse What the hay?"
"M. Sue's Guide to Popularity I, Rainbow Dash, don't need books to tell me how to be awesome!" Her hoof shuffled through a pile of books hastily. "The Strange Case of Doctor Pinkie and Miss Maud Sounds like one of those sugary girlish novels... Nope!"
"The History of Wonderbolts Hm..." She cracked the book open, skimming through the pages. "Names, dates, ridiculous dresses, more names... no way I'd ever need that." She flung the book across the room. "How to Sate a Royal: A Cook Book of Confectionery. Uncensored version! Uh..."

Rainbow slammed her head into the shelf, groaning. Was there anything normal to read? She jumped into the air, soaring along a few more bookstacks. Those were ideal for an agility obstacle course... she could surely look up some books while flying along. No, wait, she couldn’t. She's gonna fly so fast that all the books will be just colorful smears zooming by! She can always read later... She made a few pirouettes in the air, giggling happily at her own cleverness.

Her gaze focused more again, eyes narrowing as if she was going to face the Wonderbolts themselves. She scanned every little detail of her planned track. Her wings buzzed with sheer wing power ready to be unleashed. Then, she shot forward.

She zipped along the bookcases, performing daredevil twists and turns. She spiraled just above the stairs. She zigzagged among the many pillars of books, then soared around the chandeliers. The stale air cleared, the fresh wind tickling her nostrils. A giggle escaped her. She felt as if nothing could stop her. One bookcase could.

Dashie faceplanted between crime novels and books of cloud gardening. She slid to the ground, her head throbbing like the one time she flew facefirst into a thundercloud.


Rainbow perked her ears, slowly turning around. She warily scanned her surroundings, ready to face anypony hiding there. Yet, there was no assailant. Just a book. An open book lying there on the ground, its pages fluttering in the remnants of the miniscule tornado she created. Rainbow groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose.


She quickly turned. Next to her lay another book, swirls of dust and tiny clouds dancing around it. Rainbow gulped dryly, raising her eyes to the bookcase she collided with.

It swayed from side to side, the cloud floor no longer able to support it. Books rained down with each tilt of the shelves.

The filly shrieked, dashing away from the tumbling beast of a bookcase. It staggered down, crashing into the next one and a few book pillars. The other bookcase shook, many tomes streaming to the ground. Then it faltered too.

Dashie lay curled on the ground, twitching nervously. An avalanche of books and shelves raged all around her. The old wood creaked and grated. Scrolls flew through the air. Sharp bookbinding tools and quills embedded themselves in the floor. Some slowly passed through the hardened clouds and fell down to some unsuspecting earth pony below. Then, a few last books came down. Everything was quiet once more, only the chandeliers creaked, swaying gently.

The filly dared to take a peek. Dunes of books lay around her, a bookcase occasionally sticking out like a ship stranded on a long-dried beach. She shook her head, crawling atop one of the book hills. A distant snap caught her attention. Her ears twitched.

"The door in the corridor," she whispered to the desolated library. She knew how little time it took a pony to reach the door by a normally paced trot or glide. Her muscles flexed, wings buzzing once more.


"Dashie? Is everythin—oh!" An older mare stuck her head in the library, gasping. "Dashie, you—you cleaned up the whole library?"

The filly sat on the floor, beaming. "Yes, Mum, in ten seconds flat!"

"But... how?" her father stuttered, stepping into the room too. "Your mother made me tidy this place over and over again, but I always ended up with at least a dozen books that didn't fit anywhere! I haven't seen this tiled floor so clean in decades that I forgot it was tiled at all!" He rubbed his neck under his wife’s burning gaze.

"Anyway, we came here to tell you that picking just two books is enough, Dashie, you don't have to choose three—" her mother started.

"Actually, in the light of recent events, I suppose one book is enough too," her father said, hugging his wife with a wing. "So, which one have you chosen?" He gave the filly an expectant grin.

"I... uh, this one!" Dashie groped in the shelf behind her, praying to Princess Celestia that the book in her hold was something better than a moustache-styling guide. She closed her eyes tightly and pulled the book out.

Her parents bent down curiously.

"Are you sure she should read that?" her mother whispered, glancing nervously between the book and her husband.

"Darling, she is old enough. I've read this when I was younger than her." The filly's gaze twitched between her parents, trying to avoid any visual contact with the book.

"Grim Fairy Tales, good choice, Dashie." Her father gave her a conspiratorial wink. The filly's eyes widened.

"Oh... awesome. Thank you, Daddy!" She picked up the book, storming off to her room.

"I don't know what will become of this filly." Her mother sighed, hoof pawing at the ground. One of the tiles shifted a little under her touch.

"Don't worry, darling. Remember what the Cockatrice of Monte Cresto said: 'All pony wisdom is trapped in these two words ~Wait and hope. Only a fool uses brute force, such as hammer, to break away the stone shell to uncover its secrets immediately.'" He nuzzled her cheek, embracing her with a wing. Both headed after the filly, dozens of books hidden in neat rows under the thin layer of cloud floor creaking under the two ponies’ weight.


A small puff of cumulus swayed in the gentle breeze. Slowly back and quickly forth. Back and forth. Back and—

Rainbow Dash woke up, trying to rid herself of the cloud she inhaled. She bent over in a fit of cough, her insides tickling.

Sneezing one last time, the filly shot up from her bed, throwing the curtains open with a minitornado from her wings. Pages of a few books, which were scattered around the room, fluttered in the wind. A few leaves glided from a wall calendar, catching the filly's attention. Her wings stiffened, and she fell back on the bed, her smile falling too.

"First day of school..." she muttered, staring at the swirls of clouds on the ceiling. That one looked like a tornado! And that one like a snowflake, and the other like a... turtle? Or a tortoise? Simply the wrinkled creature with a shell. Having an everchanging swirly ceiling and walls was great. Maybe her posters and the chandelier shifted a little everytime she looked at them, but she couldn't imagine staring into a boring solid ceiling.

"Dashie! Breakfast is ready! I'm sure you don't want to be hungry on this special day!"

The filly stuck her head through the floor, yelling into the dining room below, "Okay, I'm coming!" Pulling her head back up, she blew off a loose chunk of cloud from her muzzle. Hooves patching up the hole in the floor swiftly, she hurried through the door and down the corridor.


"So, that's the school. Grand, isn't it?" her father said, pointing a hoof at the building ahead. When no answer arrived, he glided nearer to the intently staring filly, nudging her side.

"Yeah." Dashie felt beads of sweat form on her brow. When they set off from home, she flew swiftly. Now she was lagging behind more and more with every flap of her wings that brought her nearer to that cursed building. She fought back the cereal and milk raising up her gullet. "Yeah," she repeated, grinning nervously.

Landing in front of the school, her legs and wings wobbled visibly.

"Don't worry, Dashie, it will be fun." A reassuring wing gently landed on her shoulder, dragging her into a hug. The filly burrowed her head into her mother's neck fluff, smiling. Slowly she straightened back up, taking a firm stance and sizing up the building before her.

She was ready to take off when a sudden weight pressed down on her back. Turning, she saw brand new ochre saddlebags resting on her back, their flaps adorned with golden lightning bolt-shaped buckles.

"They. Look. AWESOME!" She grinned back at her smiling parents, then wrapped them in a tight embrace. "Thank you!"

"And that's not all, Dashie." Her father chuckled, opening one of the flaps. "I packed you all you may need: dictionaries, writing guides, a few pencils so in case you broke or ate one, you'll have a spare. You know that plucking out your feathers to use them as quills is highly ill-mannered. Then there is an eraser, a spare eraser, some apples in case you were hungr—"

"Thank you! I'm sure I have everything I need." Dashie shut the flap closed, a sheepish grin gracing her features.

"Very well then. Good luck!" Her father waved her a quick goodbye, rocketing into the sky.

"Your father is a little too excited about today's fair at the Cloudoseum." Her mother chuckled. "Are you sure you can get home from school by yourself?" Receiving a confident nod, she set off after her husband.

Heaving a sigh, the filly readjusted the strap of the saddlebags that was biting into her back. She struggled into the air, the sole weight of her bags nearly flipping her over. She glided to the school yard, scanning the groups of foals playing and chatting. She pushed her way through the crowd. A sudden bump knocked her over, her saddlebags opening and a few of the books spilling out.

"Oops...My bad!" A grey filly with blonde mane bent over, picking up the books. "I'm sorry I didn't see you." She pushed up the glasses sliding down her muzzle. Squinting her eyes, she focused on the tome in her hooves. "A Dictionary of All Things Cloud? Is it a good read?"

"Kind of..." Rainbow snatched the book from her hooves, continuing past the filly with a huff and a flick of her tail. "I already hear about books all the time at home, I don't need to talk about them at school too," she muttered.

"Hoops, watch out!" A dense puff of cloud flew above her head, getting stuck in the wall of the school. Now she spotted them. Three colts with longer manes, playing cloud buckball. Cool!

She flew into the air, catching their stray ball. As gravity caught up with her and her saddlebags, she plummeted back down, right between the colts.

"Um, hello?" She climbed up from the shallow hole her fall created in the cloud. "My name is Rainbow Dash, because I dash through all the clouds. Nice to meet you!" Her own statement surprised her, but it sounded awesome, so she left it at that.

The colts only stared back, unblinking.

"That was a daredevil free fall, Dash." The brown colt stepped forward, patting her back.

"I have never seen a pony with so many colourful hair. You have to have great parents if they allowed you to dye it," the tan one said, blowing a loose strand of mane from his eyes. Rainbow felt her hoof twitch, the appandage itching to rub her neck awkwardly.

"Hey guys, what are we gonna do now?" the last one called from behind, kicking around the blob of slowly dissipating clouds that was once their ball. He turned to the filly. "Do you know how to create a ball that could last more than a few bucks, Dash?"

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head, her eyes wandering around the playground. "Uh, no. But maybe we can play something else. We can play The Three Royal Guards. There are three in the name, but there were actually four, so we all could—" A hoof to her mouth silenced her.

"Hold on... Who the hay are The Three Royal Guards?" The colt cocked his head and eyebrow.

"Well, they are characters from a book, but that doesn't really matter. So, wanna play?" She eagerly eyed the colts before her. For a moment, they just stared back. Suddenly, they fell to the ground, laughing.

"You... want to play some book characters?" The brown one flared his wings, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "At first you looked like a cool flier, Dash, especially with your name..."

"Admit it, you have strong wings just because you drag those books everywhere!" the taller colt teased, poking the dictionary sticking out of her stuffed saddlebags.

"N-no, that's not true!" Dashie cried, backpedalling. Her hoof quickly pulled the flap over the book.

"No? I bet that you can't see past your muzzle from all the reading. You just use the books as an excuse so you don't have to fly faster and crash into everything out of your short sight!" the last colt joined in, apparently oblivious to the fact his mane concealed most of his eyes.

"Hey, I can see pretty well!" Rainbow backed away, colliding with the grey filly from before. Her glasses flew away and her irises immediately shot to opposite corners of her eyes.

"Are you sure your name isn't Rainbow Crash?" The tall one laughed. "Maybe you should borrow Derpy's glasses, seems like you need them more than her, Crash!"

"That's what usually happens to eggheads, Crash. You can either fly as a Wonderbolt or let yourself rot over dusty old books!" The brown one circled her slowly, looking her up and down with a vicious grin. “Such a waste of good wing power. Let’s go, guys. Don’t wanna catch a mould from all the old paper.” He chuckled, leading the trio away to the school building.

"I'm Ditzy, nice to meet you." The grey filly found her glasses and shook the perplexed Rainbow's hoof, then rejoined with some tall sobbing yellow filly and headed inside too. Rainbow Dash just sat there, watching the colts and fillies pass inside before her. Standing up, she trudged her way to the assigned classroom.


"M-Maybe being named after p-punctuation mark isn't such as bad as Crash..." Dashie sobbed as she dragged her way through the portrait corridor at home. Arriving into her room, she tossed her saddlebags away. Her eyebrow perked at the sight of a packet and a note lying on her bed. She hopped on the mattress, taking the note into her hooves.

We've gone to the book trade fair this morning. Father was so enthralled that he insisted on returning there after lunch. We will with most probability return home in the evening, so I'm leaving here the book I bought for you. It has been recently published, and the author already seems to have gained a lot of attention. It's not as distinguished as the works you usually read, but I suppose it might still entertain you.

Unamused, Rainbow tore away the paper from the packet, revealing a green book with crocodiles and some mare swinging on a vine on the cover.

"Not as distinguished, huh?” The image of the three laughing colts passed through her mind. She shook her head and turned the book around in her grasp. The glint of Ditzy’s glasses in the morning sun flashed before her eyes. A burning anger rose in her chest. She glanced at the posters on her walls. “I’m gonna be a Wonderbolt, not an egghead who reads! Reading is undeniably, unquestionably, uncool!" Dashie roared, throwing the book against the wall. It slid down into the drift of dust behind a cupboard. The filly kicked a piece of cloud in its direction before she dashed out the window.

The book lies there up to this day, cracked open and forever declaring the words of a new chapter into the darkness...

The smell of decay and danger hit Daring Do as she peered into the dimly-lit entrance of the ancient temple...

Author's Note:

And that's all... if Dashie remembered that day, many things could have been avoided. Like breaking in a hospital. Or nearly trading Fluttershy away for a first edition of a certain book :trixieshiftright:

Furthermore, the use of hyphen in the title is fully intentional.

And now, a few thanks and references...
First, the text this story begins with is a ponified citation of Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea
Then there are many references to other works of literature. In the order of being mentioned:
Homer's Odyssey
William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew
Neil Shubin's Your Inner Fish
Robert Louis Stevenson' The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas' The Three Musketeers

My biggest thanks go to the editor of the story, Boulder. He is also the one who gave me the very idea of Rainbow Dash’s name association with a punctuation mark (See comments under Inside the Forbidden Room) If it wasn’t for him, this story wouldn’t even exist... or it would, but littered with typos :ajsmug:

A huge thank you also goes to Tranquil Serenity who kindly went through the story, fixing up the many runaway errors.

If you spot any errors, please report them in the form of PM rather than comment.

Comments ( 52 )

So if Dash has two meanings and she can sorta use both, that means Auntie Colon might have a side job as a butt doctor. :twilightoops:

Also now have a headcanon that some of the less grammatically focused family members nicknamed Rainbow as Hyphen when she was little.

8132498 Auntie Colon, by full name Scribble Colon is a secretary totally-side-character in one of my other stories, but who knows. Maybe she's a secret surgeon! :pinkiehappy: Great idea!

Okay this is awesome, no question there, just Awesome :rainbowkiss: the irony, the feels and the idea just gets me so well that it did tug the heart strings a bit :twilightblush:

Bravo just bravo, well done :twilightsmile: it rivals the Forest Pony as one of my favorites :rainbowwild:

8132724 Aww, thank you so much! :pinkiehappy:

it rivals the Forest Pony as one of my favorites

Wha-? No, nothing can't exceed TFP! *deletes Dash* :raritywink: Seriously, I'm not surprised. Stories including OCs are great, you have almost free hand writing them. But writing something a canon character that is widely known for certain traits opens up an entirely different space for humour :rainbowwild:

Interesting read, Dash was really adorable and it is an interesting interpretation of why she developed disdain for reading. And of course you didn't spare any chance for having as many references as you could fit.

I am a bit skeptical about having a tag for Derpy/Ditzy/Muffins/Dark Queen of Bubbles. Did you perhaps plan for her to have a bigger role?

8133283 Thank you for the kind words! Indeed, playing with references is the biggest plus of fanfiction I see.

As for that tag... my friend said it would be great to have it there because she still gets some 'screen time' to herself. Honestly, I'm much more used to having far bigger plots, so judging the character time in a one-shot is quite hard for me. What do you think? Keep it or remove it? :applejackunsure:

8133331 Honestly I do not really understand if Tags should represent characters with significant role or if they serve to just tell that character is present at all. I mean Derpy is definitely present and interacts with Dash so I guess it won't hurt let it stay.

8133350 Okay then. Honestly, me neither. The rules either don't say anything about certain tags or when they do, it's some vague stuff like "Something you could actually see in the show's episode" (Everyone tag) Now, compare some episodes of season one and for example season four finale. That's quite a gaping difference in content and one should judge their story by that :derpytongue2:

Lol, I loved it.
And, I also feel bad for Auntie Colon. Her name is worse than Dashie's.


8132730 :pinkiegasp: NOOOOOOOO!!! don't delete TFP :fluttercry: but on another hoof it's still better for me but these one just got me good :rainbowlaugh: and I see your point, the humor here was actually quite alluring to be precise :derpytongue2:

Funny story, liked it a lot!:rainbowlaugh:

My grand grandfather worked as an editor for a national newspaper called Globo, I think I can relate :twilightsheepish:

8133412 Thank you so much Melly!
Well, being named 'Scribble Colon' is still better to me than 'Spoiled Milk' for example (Spoiled Rich before she married :scootangel:)

8133947 I meant 'deleting' this story. But you know me long enough to be sure I'd never do that to any of my stories :rainbowwild:

8134019 Thank you so much! Seems like foxes can get anywhere :raritywink:
En dash, I guess too :rainbowlaugh:

Which of those have you read? (I doubt it was Inner Fish, it's a book about evolution, but from the rest, anything is possible...) :scootangel:

8134291 Heh, Thank you so much!

8134866 So, same like me it seems. Plus Jekyll and Hyde on my side.
Honestly, I've tried reading The Old Man and the Sea, but it's a book about what? Man reminiscing about strange things while sitting in a boat and then catching a fish, all described in crazily constructed sentences. Nothing more happens! :raritydespair:

Very nice, I do love me some references.

8135407 Thank you so much, Crono!

I wonder how Dash's parents reacted when she got her cutie mark. :pinkiecrazy:

8135544 "That means you will be a really swift writer, Dashie." :scootangel:

8135569 I meant the thunderbolt one. XD

8135602 Exactly, this is not an AU. She received her CM for being fast, so why couldn't she be fast in other aspects too, like fast writing? :rainbowwild:

8144211 Uh, thanks, I guess? :twilightsheepish:

8144238 I mean I'm sold on the idea. I like this fic.

8144276 Ah I see now. Thank you :twilightsmile:

Over all this time I never once thought of "Dash" being correlated with the punctuation. Very, very clver.

What made this story fun is seeing an alternate version of RD's parents. One's that were all about keeping a degree of prestige while Rainbow had many other plans that had nothing to do with books.

You also did well in setting up why she would come to dislike reading along with the start of the nickname, "Rainbow Crash". Derpy had a great cameo, too.

Nice touch with hinting that Fluttershy was in the classroom, too. :)

Thank you for all the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed this story to the tiniest of details! :twilightsmile:

However, I can't honestly claim that the idea of young Dashie and punctuation was solely mine. My friend,Boulder started making jokes about that, putting that idea in my head.

Hello, there! I'm from the A for Effort group.

Story title: Dash – Like, the Punctuation?
Portion read: Everything

Grammar: 7.25/10
Grammar-wise, your story is good. There were a few consistent mistakes, but not enough to earn an automatic fail. Most of the errors are lapses of tense consistency (whether throughout the whole story or in a specific sentence); words missing "a," "an," and "the"; and words that need to be capitalized but aren't. Your best bet is to get an editor to iron out these errors.

Originality: 9/10
Canon aside, the idea of Rainbow Dash coming from a line of bookish ponies isn't one I've seen in most fan works (or pretty much anywhere). Heck, you even managed to link her canon disdain for reading to the fanfic's main premise. Nice work. Honestly, the only reason I can't give a perfect 10 is that the idea of children not wanting to continue a family's legacy isn't particularly original in terms of fiction in general (even though it is original in terms of Rainbow Dash fanfics).

Characters: 9/10
Again, I liked the way you characterized everypony here. Already you can see portions of Rainbow Dash's life journey being paved, even if they're just small portions. The story gives Rainbow's childish dislike of books in "Read It and Weep" in a more sobering light and sort of explains why she feels a need to show off how badass she is in the TV series.

Pacing and Storytelling: 4/10
Despite the grammar being serviceable, there are many pieces of prose in your story that are awkwardly worded. They're not grammatically incorrect, but they sound…unnatural. Sometimes, the issue is with choice of words; other times, it's with the way the sentences are structured.

For example, there are several paragraphs where the sentences are a consecutive string of "She did X. She did Y. She did Z." Try to vary the sentence structure more. Tip: instead of focusing on the characters' actions all the time, focus on the environment ("She galloped down the hall. The floorboards creaked and thumped with every step."), the characters' body parts, ("She did X. Her legs trembled.") or the characters' psychological state ("She did X. The buzz of adrenaline coursed through her legs and shook her brain.").

There are other ways the sentences feel a little clumsy, but it's nothing a good editor can't fix. And if the prose were less awkward, then other things considered, your story would excel in the pacing and storytelling category. Its pacing and progression are well-done.

OCs: 8/10
Not much to complain about when it comes to the OCs. Rainbow Dash's family serve their purpose quite well. Sure, their pushing of the family legacy onto Rainbow Dash seemed overbearing at first, but their subsequent lenience and their attempts to tailor the notion of reading to Rainbow Dash's interests shows that they come from a good place.

Summary: Dash – like the punctuation? is an unique, interesting take on Rainbow Dash's parentage, childhood, and name. Its writing and grammar are a little rough around the edges, but it's not to the point of being absolute garbage. I would really love to see a sequel to this where an adult Rainbow Dash has to come to terms with her parents. EverfreePony, make it happen!

Score: 7.45/10 – Good Read

Oh, thank you very much for your critique! I believe you were more than generous with the score :twilightsmile: I’ll try to run this by my main editor someday as I don’t want to bother him all that much with extra work. The fact English is not my mother tongue clearly shows through now :facehoof:

Anyway, what caught my eye was the OCs section. I have nothing against the content of it. More like, I haven’t thought about the parents as OCs up to this moment. Sure, the mother was made up and all, but the father was based on “Rainbow Blaze”, a season three ‘precursor’ of Bow Hothoof from Parental Glideance. Are background ponies considered as an OC when you give them personality and background? :derpyderp2: I need to do some research on that. I didn’t really think about that before, thank you for that!

I wasn’t planning a sequel, but your prompt sounds like it could be fun. Well, maybe one day... :raritywink:

Well, think of it this way. You wrote this story back in May. You started commenting on my own story at September. When you first commented on my story, I didn't pick up on the fact that English wasn't your native language until I read your bio a few days later and found out you're Czech. It goes to show how much your English has improved from the time you wrote this story.

Also, I'm Filipino, so technically, English isn't my native language either :twilightsmile:

As for the father, he was not called "Rainbow Blaze" anywhere in the fanfic, so I assumed he was an OC. Also, back in 2016, it was announced that Rainbow Blaze was not, in fact, Rainbow Dash's father.

But if you consider Rainbow Blaze to be the father in this particular story, don't make me stop you. :twilightsheepish:

Glad you liked the review! And I hope you get around to making that sequel! :pinkiehappy:

Oh, I actually thought English was your native language, both your grammar and spelling are very good :pinkiesmile:

Actually, this story is even older than this May, I started writing it back in November 2016. And just to make sure, I simply rolled with a “purple pegasus stallion with rainbow mane”. I’m aware that it was stated Rainbow Blaze isn’t her father, but only a few years back, some merchandise deemed him as such. It’s an utter mess :derpytongue2: So, no problem :twilightsmile:

An excellent read.
Just letting you know that I am adding this to the "Hidden Depth Rainbow Dash" group's "Top Stories" folder, where hopefully more people will be aware of this excellent interpretation of our favourite flier.

Alright, thank you very much, both for your kind words and sharing it. It is greatly appreciated! :pinkiesmile:

Cute, but relegated to "AU" in my head.

Thanks :pinkiesmile:
Didn’t want to add that tag as it was written before “Parental Glideance” and thus it could have been a real backstory of RD at that time.

I joined the show pre-PG and even before that ep, I'd still mark this in my head as AU. Just something about it makes me think that.

Alright, no problem with that :)

I very much enjoyed this! In all my years on this site, I don't think I've ever read a story going into detail as to why Dash thought reading was uncool in the first place. This story presents a very probable reason for it.

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Have a (far too old!) review notification. I really like the setup for this, which is entirely original as far as I know; I've certainly never seen a background for Rainbow anything like it. I do wish the fic had done a bit more with that excellent start, though.

Huh, thank you for your time and the review. Though I honestly don’t remember submitting this story for one :twilightsheepish: (Aside the one that 8573206 did.)

I have to say I’ve been feeling a bit down lately with the whole COVID-19 situation and my immune system going nuts, but (re)reading both of your reviews, I feel a bit of a vigour to dive in and see if I can tweak this old piece for the better. I may have already done that following Seriff Pilcrow’s comment, I’m honestly not sure anymore. Seems like my memory isn’t what it used to be. Edit: Went through the whole story and did some minor adjustments for better flow and understanding of certain scenes.

Good luck! I can't remember whether my memory has worsened or not. :raritywink:

Rainbow dash slammed her head to a shelf oh dear. That must of hurt a lot. :3 I do like it... I give it an 8/10.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

I liked the story! Yeah that totally fits how Rainbow Dash would decide that she doesn't want to read. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks! Yeah, her pride can sometimes get in the way.

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