• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 1,271 Views, 101 Comments

Angels Among Us - Dash32

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are drafted into war. Years later, the war ends in tragedy. How will the Humane 7 cope?

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Chapter 14

As the weeks go by, Rainbow Dash and Applejack do their best to stay out of trouble and avoid General Sentry’s fury after the incident. Hours and hours of endless training, lunch, training, showers, bunks, repeat. It had started becoming a routine for Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the other recruits.

Finally the time came where it was time to send more troops into the battlefield. Rainbow Dash, despite everything she says trying to deny it, was more than a little nervous about going out into the field. In fact, some would say she was scared shitless. But she wasn’t about to let her best friend see her in a vulnerable position. So she did what she always did in times of stress. Jam out to her favorite tunes on her iPod. One of the few possessions they were allowed to have on them. At least she WAS doing that last time Applejack checked on her almost two hours ago. Applejack on the other hand was busy writing another letter to the girls letting them know about what was going on...

‘Hey girls, it’s AJ again...uh...there ain’t no easy way ta say this...so Ah’ll just say it...Dash and Ah are goin’ ta war. Ya read that right. In less than forty eight hours we’ll be out on the battlefield with the rest of ‘em. So uh...if...this is the last ya hear from us...remember we loved ya’ll more than ever...and...and we didn’t go down without fightin’. You can bet on that. Dash says hi by the way. She doesn’t show it but, Ah know she’s scared. Hell Ah’m scared too...but now ain’t the time fer’ bein’ yella-bellied. Now is the time to stand up fer what’s right. Ta protect our country even if it means givin’ everythin’ up in the process. Ah...WE love ya girls...say hi ta Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo fer us will ya? Let them know we’re safe. Fer now. A-Anyway...Ah better get ta bed. Lord knows Ah won’t be gettin’ much sleep fer a while...’

With the last parting word, Applejack sets her paper aside and lays on her back. Staring into seemingly nothing but the bunk above her, she thinks about the things in life that could have or have led to her current situation. What did she do to get the military’s attention? With a resigning sigh, she props herself up on one arm and leans out from her bed a bit. Waiting a moment to think about whether bothering her friend was a good idea, she sighs and whispers out*

“Dash? Ya awake?”

No response. Not even a stir. After waiting a few moments Applejack lays back in her bunk.

‘Must be asleep...’ She thought to herself.

Suddenly a couple of seconds later she heard the top bunk stir and creak as her Rainbow haired friend hung her head down over the bunk.

“What’s up AJ?...” she whispers back.

“Can...Can Ah level with ya, Dash?...”

“C’mon AJ...we’re pals! You know you can tell me anything...” she responds with a grin that never ceases to warm Applejacks heart.

“Right...well...the truth is Dash...A-Ah’m scared. Ah hate showin’ it, and Ah hate ta admit it...but Ah’m genuinely scared. Ah dunno what we’re in for...h-how long until we’re both shot dead or captured?...”

A bout of silence filled the air of the barracks for a moment as neither girl said a word. Finally, Rainbow Dash lowers herself to the floor as quietly as she can and sits in the bed next to her country friend. Slinging an arm around Applejacks shoulders, she takes a deep breath and stares out the window*

“Look...Between you and me? I’m scared too... i mean...I know I don’t show it because I’m awesome at hiding it...”

A roll of the eyes from Applejack to her friends boasting.

“But yeah. I’m scared. No...I’m terrified. I’ve been in fights before but...nothing to this extreme. I’ve never KILLED anyone. And you’re right. I don’t know when or if we’re going to be killed on the spot or captured by the enemy. But we can’t let that get to us. Our country needs us to defend it. We’re the only thing keeping THEM out of the states and killing everyone in sight. It’s okay to be scared. But we can’t let that fear control us when there’s people out there that need us to protect them...”

Surprised and touched by Rainbow Dash’s words, Applejack smiles and pulls her friend into a hug, nearly squeezing the life out of her already blue skinned friend before she pulls back.

“Thanks Dash...Ah needed that talk...”

“Heh...a-anytime...” Rainbow stammers as she tries to work out the kinks in her neck from the ‘Hulk Hug’.

“So...forty eight hours...then it’s off to the Devils sandbox...”


“Man...that’s going to suck MAJOR balls...”


Any chance we can ditch this place and high tail it home?”



“Ah wish there was Dash. Believe me Ah wish we could just say ‘Ah quit’ and run home with our tails between our legs. But..unfortunately that ain’t how it works. So...only thing we can do is suck it up and deal with it for as long as we can...”

“Right...that General Sentry is a bit of a dick though, right?” Rainbow asked in a joking manner, shooting a grin to her friend.

“Heh...alright maybe just a bit. But it’s like Ah said a while back...he has ta be a hard ass to harden US up. Ain’t no room fer sissies in the military. Which reminds me. Ain’t ya gotta report ta Captain Spitfire tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Says we’re going over the basics of how to operate a jet one more time before we take off...afraid one of them is going to go into ‘Limp dick’ mode as she calls it and forget EVERYTHING we’ve learned.”

“She’s got a good head on her shoulders. She’ll keep ya safe.”

“I hope so...”

“She will Dash. She’s been doin’ this fer a while now. She won’t let ya down...”

Rainbow Dash smiles tiredly at Applejack before pulling her into one last hug.

“Thanks AJ...”

“Anytime, Sugarcube...”

“Will you two shut the hell up?! Some of us are trying to sleep!” One of the recruits calls out from somewhere in the barracks. Rainbow Dash scowls angrily and balls up her fists.

“How about I come over there and put my foot in your ass?! How would you like that?!”

“Dash, calm down. He ain’t worth it.”

“No AJ! I’m not going to just sit her while he–!”

“GET BACK IN YOUR BUNKS BEFORE I COME IN THERE, UNSCREW YOUR HEADS AND SHIT DOWN YOUR NECKS!!” General Sentry calls out angrily through the door of his own room.

“S-Sir, Yes, Sir!”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack quickly get under the covers of their respective beds, if anything to avoid having their atoms rearranged by General Sentry. Taking a deep breath she looks down and whispers down to her friend.

“Goodnight AJ...you’ll do good out there. I know you will.”

“Goodnight Dash. As long as Ah have ya watchin’ over me, Ah know Ah’ll always be safe...”

With those parting words, both girls turn over in their bunks and let the warm embrace of slumber overtake them in a matter of minutes.