• Published 4th Jul 2012
  • 6,158 Views, 132 Comments

Blueblood's Blush. - Sophocoles

Prince Blueblood meets The Great and Powerful Trixie.

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Chapter 1

The wind silently swept through the fields of the grass surrounding Canterlot Castle. Each blade seemed to carry its own story with it. Some stories of despair and others of hope. Our story today is an odd one. One of love and redemption.

It all began in the highest tower of Canterlot Castle. Celestia’s nephew, Prince Blueblood, was pouting as he looked across the land. A strand of his blond hair blew in the delicate wind. This windy and chilled weather had replaced Canterlot's normal sunny and peaceful climate. Typically, the weather brought upon an aura of calm and peace. “Perfect weather”, some would call it. “Boring” was Blueblood’s adjective. The monotonous weather just seemed to flow into his dull grey mishmash of everyday life. His routine was the same. Wake up, get ready, walk around, eat, sleep. Every day. Somewhere between the eating and sleeping parts he would do just what he was doing now, look out of his window, out at the ponies living their boring lives just as he did. It was sad, really. At least, Blueblood thought it was.

The sun was still high in the sky that evening; it shone down upon the castle, highlighting the stained glass and putting the Prince’s room in the shadows. The white stallion picked his head up from the pillow he was resting on. He stomped his hoof, signaling one of his many servants to come in.

A green pony with a red mane trotted in, keeping her head down both out of respect and fear. Prince Blueblood was not always the kindest of ponies.

“Y-Yes s-sir?” The green mare spoke with a shaky timid voice. This was the Prince’s first encounter with this particular servant.

“A glass of the wine from the Canterlot reserves.” The prince’s voice had an uninterested tone as he rested his head back on his pillow.

The green pony bowed low. “Yes, sir.”

The Prince did not turn his head as the mare trotted away. He treated his servants badly. Yes, he’d admit to that. He remembered the constant lectures from Celestia and the classes he had taken to learn manners. He just didn’t care.

A few minutes later, the sound of carefully placed hooves could be heard from down the hallway. Blueblood’s ears pricked up at the sudden sound of hoofsteps. He once again rose his head in anticipation for the green mare.

She entered the room a few seconds later with a silver platter carefully balanced on her head. Each step was carefully placed as her body trembled in fear in an attempt to keep her balance.

Blueblood sighed and shifted his body, waiting for her to cross the room. It seemed to take the mare an extra long time just to approach. Each of her careful steps only made Blueblood’s temper rise.

After a few more painstakingly long and timid steps, Blueblood finally got impatient and stood. “Can you not go any faster?” He said with a stern voice. The mare squeaked and took a quickened step towards him. In her rushed state, one of her hoofs caught on the carpet and she tripped. The wine glass slipped off the silver platter and emptied its contents onto the prince.

The wine soaked into his well-kept blond mane and perfectly-groomed white coat. He clenched his teeth and looked down at the trembling mare. Her face was hidden underneath her hooves. She cowered and sobbed silently, begging the prince to not hurt her.

Blueblood slowly breathed in an attempt to calm himself. “Out. NOW!” He could not help but bellow the last word. The green mare was out like a flash, her red tail whipped out of Blueblood’s sight as he looked back up.

The wine had only seemed to have landed on him and not any of his precious furniture. Thank Celestia for that. The prince used his unicorn magic to grab a towel that was sitting on his table. He sopped up a bit of the wine from his coat and mane.

The familiar sound of hoofsteps rung in his ears once more. ‘Great. More annoyances,' thought Blueblood. He tossed the towel onto the floor and quickly shut the door with his magic. He did not want to be bothered. He walked over to his bed and laid down.

Only a few seconds passed before a yellow glow surrounded the door. The prince lifted his head to see Princess Celestia walk into his room. He quickly jumped off the bed and gave a half-hearted bow to his princess.

“Is something the matter, nephew?” said Celestia. She took in the red tinge to his wine-stained mane and raised an eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

“Just fine, auntie,” Blueblood replied in a mocking tone.

“I heard a yell. Was that you?” Celestia picked up the fallen wine glass with her magic and placed it on the table along with the used towel.

“Yes, auntie. It was me. I was upset because another one of your timid servants failed to perform their duties.” He scowled at the spot where the green servant mare had stood moments before.

Celestia frowned. “They are not servants, Blueblood. They are ponies, just like you and I. I expect you to treat them with as much respect as they treat you.”

The stallion huffed and started brushing his mane. He did not care. The servant deserved it anyways.

Celestia looked at him, her eyebrow still cocked. “You spend far too much time alone up here, nephew. I want you to get out for a bit. Socialize and meet new ponies.”

“Yes, Princess.” replied Blueblood through grinding teeth. It was true that most of his time nowadays were spent in solitude. He used to like meeting others and having marefriends; since his little run in with a unicorn named Rarity, however, he had changed his opinions on mares.

A good ten minutes later, he found himself walking the streets of Canterlot. Nopony bothered him, but many heads turned as the stallion trudged down the pathway. A streak of blue and purple from the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked up to see a giant flashing poster with a blue mare in a purple wizard hat and cape standing up on her hind legs. Lights lined the sides and flashed white and pink. The poster read, “The Great and Powerful Trixie comes to Canterlot. See Trixie in person at the Canterlot Gardens.” Blueblood shrugged and continued on his walk.

After a few steps he came to a sudden stop. Going to the show would give him the opportunity to be around ponies like his aunt wanted. Plus, the blue mare on the poster was somewhat attractive.

Blueblood made his decision and turned around to start his walk to the Gardens.

Whoever this Trixie pony was, she better be worth his time.