• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 28,314 Views, 2,023 Comments

Stranger in the Forest - TrixterCat

When Fluttershy encounters a new creature in the Everfree forest, how will the ponies deal with its strange ways and its inability to speak?

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Chapter 7 - Old fashion, new fashion (Edited)

“I still can’t believe you didn’t come and get us.” Twilight muttered as she, Rainbow, Spike, and Rarity made their way along the edge of the Everfree forest.

“Look, I already said I’m sorry Twilight.” Rainbow said exasperated as she floated along. “After we left Sweet Apple Acres, the big guys thingy started ringing again and it went back in to the forest. Maybe it had something it needed to do.”

“Twilight, darling, you are getting way too worked up about this. You need to relax, the creature is not going anywhere…erm, so to speak. I’m sure you will have plenty of time to study it.” Rarity said from behind them.

“Yeah Twilight, Celestia didn’t give you any time limits for your report on this creature, so we can take as long as we want.” Spike added.

“I know…” Twilight said, her ears folding back.

“Chill out Twilight, we’ll crack all the secrets the big guy has in no time!” Rainbow encouraged her as she saw the ears.

“Talking about cracking secrets, shouldn’t Fluttershy come with us too? I’m sure we could use her expertise on this matter.” Rarity asked after a while.

“She had to look after her animal friends, she’ll join us later.” Twilight replied.

The four of them continued their walk in silence after that. It was late morning, the sun was shining warmly again, but there were still many signs of yesterday’s storm. The ground was mostly dry, but puddles had formed in many places. Twigs and branches were strewn across the landscape, and there was even a tree that had tipped over from its precarious position downhill.

After a few more minutes of walking, they found the place where Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy had met the creature two days ago.

“So…are we just going to wait here for the creature?” Spike asked.

“Yes.” Was Twilight’s reply, as she set her saddlebags down.

“Really?” Spike said in full deadpan.

“Well, we don’t really know where the creature lives. We just know it’s somewhere in the Everfree, most likely. That is where it seems to go back to, after all. We also don’t have any way to know when it is going to come and go.”

“But if we don’t know when it is going to come here, we could sit here all day waiting for it.”

“If the creature is willing to come here in the middle of a storm, I’m sure it will come here on such a lovely day as today, too.” Rarity piped up as she levitated a picnic blanket from the basket she had been carrying. “And don’t you worry, Spikey dear. I’ve prepared us a lovely picnic while we wait for the creature.”

“I’m surprised that you were so eager to come all the way here to meet the creature, Rarity.” Rainbow said as she landed next to her.

“Oh but of course! Ever since you mentioned that the creature likes to wear clothes, I’ve been dying to see what kind of fashion it is interested in. Maybe it’ll even give me some new ideas!” Rarity exclaimed happily as she set out to put the picnic together.

Twilight and Rainbow both stopped, and looked at each other. They both turned away awkwardly, neither having the heart to tell Rarity that the clothes the creature wore weren’t exactly at the top of fashion.

With the picnic set, the ponies and the dragon sat down to enjoy the weather and the treats Rarity had brought. There were daffodil sandwiches, fresh fruit, several different pastries from Sugarcube Corner and even a couple of gems for Spike.

After getting their bellies full, each one of them focused on their own way to pass time. Rainbow had immediately decided to take a nap, and flew to the sky to find a cloud. Spike followed her example, and propped himself against Twilight as she laid down and took to reading. Rarity took out parchment and started planning out her next line of fashion.


An hour later, Twilight’s ears twitched as she heard a rustling noise come from the forest. The creature slowly emerged from behind the trees, wearing the same camouflage clothes as last time (minus the hat), a smile forming on its face it spotted her and Spike. Rarity had left a bit earlier when she got an idea for a dress, and wanted to find some flowers.

“Spike, wake up.” Twilight gently nosed the little dragons head to wake him up. He let out a massive yawn and stretched his limbs.

“W-w-what time is it?” Spike asked as he got up.

“It’s around noon. The creature showed up.”

Spikes mouth clicked shut and he spun around towards the forest. The creature stopped, and they both stared at each other with curious eyes.

“Wow you are tall.” Spike commented and walked towards the creature, who kneeled down.

“Hi there, my name is Spike, I’m Twilight’s number one assistant!” He said and extended his claw. The creature responded with a strange sound and shook it.

“What was that? Was that your name or something?” Spike blinked.

“I don’t think it speaks Equestrian Common, Spike.”

“Oh yeah…but it did say something back, right?”

“Maybe? If it was a language, it wasn’t anything I’ve ever heard of.” Twilight’s face scrunched up as she thought about it. “Then again, I didn’t recognize any of the markings in its device either, and they looked something like a language. Hmm…”

“What are we going to do now that the creature is here?” Spike asked and walked back to the picnic blanket with the creature right behind him.

“Well, Spike, I was planning on taking it back to the library with us, so that I could run some tests on it and take some measurements. Like its height, weight and such.”


“Because it is of an unknown species, Spike. Nopony knows anything about it, we need to record everything we can about it so that other ponies can read up on it if they meet another creature like it.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Spike scratched his head. The creature had found the scrolls that Rarity had been drawing on, and was examining them with interest. “So are you going to write a book about it?”

“No.” Twilight chuckled. “As much as I would like to do something like that, I don’t think this one species warrants an entire book.” She turned head towards the sky and scanned the nearby clouds.

“Rainboooow? Rainbow!” Twilight yelled. The creature also turned its head up to see what Twilight was yelling at. “Do you know which cloud she was napping on, Spike?”

“Umm…” Spike looked up and shielded his eyes with one claw as he looked around. “There, on that cloud!” He said and pointed at one of them.

Twilight and the creature turned to look where Spike was pointing at and sure enough, if you squinted and looked really hard, you could see a rainbow tail poking out from the clouds.

“RAINBOW!” Twilight hollered even louder. For a moment, nothing happened, but then the tail disappeared in to the cloud, and a sleepy eyed pegasus peered down at them. Rainbow rubbed her eyes before taking flight and floating down to them.

“Oh..." Rainbow yawned. "...big guy is finally here.” She said as she landed and started to stretch her muscles. The creature just stared at her for a moment, before snorting to itself in amusement.

“And what are you laughing at?” She challenged the creature with a stern stare. Her act was broken when she let out another yawn. The creature just smiled and patter her head.

“Why do you keep calling it ‘big guy’?” Spike asked.

“Eh, it just kinda stuck with me when I first thought about it. And it’s pretty accurate too.” She said and pointed at the creature. “It’s big and it looks like a stallion with its beard and all.”

“You mean male, not stallion.” Twilight corrected. “And just because it has a beard doesn’t mean it’s a male.”

“Of course it does. Mares don’t have beards.” Rainbow said with one eyebrow cocked.

“Mares, no. But some females of other species do.”

“What? No way. You are pulling my leg.”

“Have you ever heard of trolls?” Twilight asked. Both Spike and Rainbow shook their heads.

“I’m not surprised, they don’t usually live in Equestria, but they are native in some parts of where the griffins live.”

“And their…mares have beards?” Spike asked. Twilight grimaced.

“What I have read about them, and seen some…artistic renditions of them, apparently, the members of their species are very…hairy.” She said and shuddered. Rainbow and Spike tried to imagine what a troll would look like. None of the images were particularly pleasant.

“Well, I don’t want to call this doofus ‘it’ all the time, so I’m going to stick with big guy.” Rainbow said and held her hoof for the creature to bump, who just grabbed and shook it instead, confused.

“I suppose we should think of something better than ‘the creature’ or ‘it’.” Twilight admitted.

“Then why not just call it big guy?” Spike pointed out.

“Because that is not a correct, scientific name.”

“But it’s a good nickname we can use until you do figure one out for the big guy.” Rainbow said.

“I guess you’re right…” Twilight was about to say something else, but a sudden gasping noise made them all stop and turn towards it.

“What. IS. THAT?” Rarity gasped in horror at the sight. The flowers she had been collecting fell on the ground and were carried away by the wind.

“Oh, Rarity, this is the creature we came here to see.” Twilight said gently. Rarity’s eye twitched.

"I know...but why is it wearing those...those...those horrible rags?" Rarity cried and quickly walked to the creature and started circling it like a shark, tugging and poking its clothes.

"They are so worn out that you'd think they would have fallen off long ago...the colors are dirty and washed away...and, and these patches..." Rarity stopped in front of the creature and looked it straight in to its eyes. Her lip started to quiver. "WHY ARE THEY ALL IN DIFFERENT COLOHOHOHORS?" She wailed at the creature, who had the look of utter bewilderment on its face. It kneeled and petted her, trying to comfort the distraught fashionista.

Twilight, Rainbow and Spike had to admit, the clothes the creature was wearing had seen better days. The colors were faded, there were numerous patches (all different shades of green, brown and black) used to repair tears in the fabric and the pants looked too loose for the creature. The jacket’s zipper seemed to be broken, and it was held closed by snap fasteners instead. Calling them worn out might have been too kind.

The creature looked at the others, asking for help. Twilight and Spike cautiously approached.

“Ra-Rarity...uhh, I think you are making the creature nervous. The clothes are atleast...umm...still useful?” Twilight tried.

"Useful?!?" Rarity sprang out of the sadness and smooched Twilight's cheeks together with her hooves. "They are not useful! They are barely holding together! How the creature can wear them and not faint, I haven't gotten the faintest clue." She said as if the very mention of said clothes would bring disaster to Equestria. “Those clothes are an affront to fashion and every seamstress in all of Equestria. I will not allow it to wear those…those hideous garments for any longer!” She stomped her hoof.

"So...what? Are you going to take off its clothes?" Rainbow asked, and rested her hoof on the creatures shoulder, who very much wanted an explanation of what is going on.

"If it were my decision, I would burn those clothes the moment I could. No creature should have to go through wearing anything like that." She declared. "And that is why I'm going to take it to the boutique, right now, and make it some new clothes." Both of the ponies and dragon blinked once.

"Now?" Twilight repeated.

"Yes. The less time the creature is in those clothes, the better off Equestria will be." Twilight looked at Rarity's serious expression for a while.

"I...suppose we could do that." She tilted her head, her gaze wandering to the ground. "I was interested to see what the creature looks like under those clothes..." Her head turned towards the creature, who was still trying to figure out what just happened.

"Then we have no time to lose!" Rarity said and started to trot towards Ponyville. Her horn lit up with magic, and she tugged the creature from the cuffs of its jacket to get it to follow her. The creature stood there, looking at the others with mostly confusion and a little bit of worry on its face, before following after Rarity.

“Rarity, wait for me!” Spike shouted and sprinted after them. Twilight and Rainbow stood stock still for a few moments, before shaking themselves out of their stupor.

“I…guess we need to go after them.” Rainbow finally said.

“Yeah...Rarity sure was energetic about this...” Twilight added.


They stared at the retreating forms a moment longer, before starting to pack the picnic supplies and hurrying after them.


The walk to Rarity’s boutique had been a fast one. Rarity had a determined look on her face the entire time. The creature calmed quickly, but his confusion, clearly etched on his face, didn't disappear in the least.

When they neared the town, it changed to wide eyed wonderment instead. The creature’s head turned every which way, trying to look at everything before Rarity pulled him along. They met a few ponies on their way, who stopped to stare at the strange sight before them. The creature tried to nervously wave to a few of them, but most were too busy wondering what was going on to notice.

When they reached the boutique, Rarity wasted no time in urging the creature inside and leading him to her work area. As soon as they got there, she turned around and faced the creature.

“Now, take them off.”

The creature was taking deep breaths after the rather brisk walk and looked at her in confusion again.

“Come darling, we have much to do and no time to waste!"

“Rarity.” Twilight said when she entered the room. Rarity turned towards Twilight. “The creature doesn’t understand our language, remember?”

Rarity tilted her head and her mouth made a small 'o'. She turned back towards the fidgeting creature.

"Well, then we shall help it undress." She said and lit up her horn again. She started to undo the snap fasteners and the belt the creature was wearing. He exclaimed something and grabbed hold of his garments before Rarity could yank them off, a blush making its way on his face.

“Are you sure about this?" Rainbow asked as she looked at Rarity trying to pull off the creatures pants. "Maybe the big guy doesn't want new clothes?"

"How could you say that, Rainbow Dash? Who would want to wear those?" Rarity responded and pointed at the clothes.

"They do look really bad..." Spike commented as he poked one of the patched.

"And inefficient." Twilight added.

"...And not cool at all." Rainbow admitted. Perhaps it would be better to get something more awesome for the creature to wear.

"So we are all in an agreement. Let's get those off of it so I can take some measurements." Rarity said as her horn lit up again. The creature commented something, embarrassed and blushing. It took a few steps backwards.

"Wait Rarity, maybe we should try to explain to it first why we want it to take off its clothes." Twilight said before Rarity would rip apart the creature's clothes.

"And how do we do that? If the creature can't speak, how do we tell it?" Rarity replied and powered down her horn again.


The creature turned towards Rainbow with a questioning look in his face, pleading her to make sense of what just happened.

“Oh horseapples…uhh, look big guy…” She began, trying to think of a way to do this. Twilight suddenly clopped her hoof on the floor.

“I know! Come here.” She said and tugged at the creature’s jacket to get him to follow her. He hesitantly followed her to the main area of the boutique, where all the ponyquins were. She went ahead and pointed few of the ones with dresses on. The creature studied them for a while before looking back with a small, confused smile.

“Do you think he got it?” Spike asked.

“I don’t think so.” Twilight replied.

“Let me try it.” Rainbow said and went to one of the ones nothing on it. She pointed at the creature, then the one with no clothes on, then to the creature again, and lastly the ones with clothes on. The creature scratched his head.

“Oh come on, it’s not that hard to understand!” She said and took to the air.

“I know!” Spike said and went to take two hats. He put one on his head, the other one on one of the ponyquins with clothes on, and went to stand in front of the creature. He pointed at the creature and himself, took off the hat and placed it on the ponyquin with no clothes, and then taking the other hat and placing it on his head. The creature had a small frown on its face as it thought about it. It shrugged at them helplessly, before suddenly its eyes widened. It motioned towards its clothes, before hesitantly pointing at one of the dresses.

“Yes!” Twilight said happily and clopping her hooves together in excitement. The creature looked like it wanted to flee.

“No, not one of the dresses you doofus.” Rainbow said and shook her head. She motioned towards the room where Rarity was. “She is going to make you new clothes.”

The creature crossed his arms and huffed.

“Look big guy, Rarity isn't going to let you out of here until you get better clothes, and I kinda agree with her on this one.” Rainbow said and started to nudge the creature towards Rarity’s workroom again. Reluctantly, he followed them back in. Rarity was waiting for them with expectant eyes and a smile.


Rainbow pointed at the creature and tugged its clothes. The creature looked around uncertainly, starting to blush again.

“If you aren’t going to take them off yourself, I will.” Rarity declared and took a step forward. The creature looked at her for a minute, before admitting his defeat with a sigh and starting to take off his clothes.

“Worry not darling, I will make sure to make you a new set of...perfect…clothes…” Her jaw fell as the creature took off his clothes. Under the camouflage clothes was another set of garments, and in all of her life, Rarity had not seen uglier clothes. The creature had a gray shirt and baggy, black pants. He had also taken his shoes off, and he seemed to wearing socks too. And they were all in a horrible state. The shirt looked to be decades old, it was so worn and full of holes. The pants also had a hole that seemed to have been worn through on the left knee, and there were few brown splotches of something. The thick, woolly socks smelled terribly, and had few loose thread poking out of them. Rarity's eye started to twitch again.

The ponies and the dragon looked at the creature, unsure what to say, while he just squirmed in place.

“You…you should probably take those off too…” Rainbow said and reached for the creature’s shirt’s hem. She tugged at it, and there was a ripping sound as the fabric split in two.

“Oh…uuh…oops?” She said.

Rarity shrieked.

Author's Note:

*I have rewritten the latter half of this chapter, because Rarity's behavior was...wrong. Now I think it's better, hopefully. :derpytongue2:*

This is a bit of a two parter for a chapter. Next time we get to see what happens when the human is set loose in the town of Ponyville. :pinkiehappy:

And yes, there are people who wear clothes that are in such a bad state. My father is one of them. :derpytongue2: I too, to a certain extent, but never that bad. If my sock or shirt has one teensyweensy extra hole in it I won't just throw it away. I just wear it when there are no other people to see and comment about it. :rainbowlaugh:

Is ponyquin the right way to say it? Or is it simply pony mannequin?

Also, did I do the ' marks right when they talk about if they should call the human big guy? I never remember what's the correct way to do it, and I can't search the internet for help cuz I don't know what to search for. :rainbowwild:

Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter. :twilightsmile:

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