• Published 28th Jul 2018
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Star Wars: ARC Troopers in Equestera - Alaph-14

The Alpha squad is escorting supplies to the outpost on Rhen Var. Things went wrong and they hyperspace to the Unknown Region and crash land on an strange alien planet. Unknown to them, an old enemy awaits on the planet waiting for the time to come.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Droid Attack


No matter where you go, war will always follows behind you.

Location: Outer Rim
Current Location: Rhen Var, Galidaarn system
Day:560 ABG(After Battle of Geonosis)
Galactic Military Time: 15:30

A Republic starcraft appeared out of hyperspace in the Rhen Var system. The Acclamator-class assault ship was on its way to Rhen Var to bring supplies and reinforcements for the defenses in the Outer Rim. Onboard the ship, the crew were feeling quite bored. Supply runs ranked as the most boring duty in the Grand Army of the Republic. Nothing exciting happened around regular supply shipments. Nothing. In the Republic ship, the only things there were to do were to inspect the supplies, perform the daily patrol, check the maps and repair the starfighters.

In the barracks were four ARC troopers. One was typing on his datapad while two more were arm wrestling, with the last one as their only spectator.

“Come on! Come on!” said Flare, one of the wrestlers and the group’s weapons specialist, using all the strength he had to try and beat his opponent.

“Have a nice trip,” the other one, a sniper named Ven’vul, said with a smile. With one quick motion, he sent Flare sprawling to the floor. “Make that a flip,” he chuckled.

”No fair, I demand a rematch!” shouted Flare.

“Oye, will you guys cut out,” said Razor, lifting his nose from his datapad. “I’m working here.”

”What are you doing anyway?” Flare asked as he got up from the cold hard floor.

”I’m checking on the security on the ship” Razor stated. “I’m the tech specialist, remember?”

"Oh come on. Lighten up here, hardly anything happened,” Flare said.

“I have to make sure the security systems are fully operational,” Razor said strictly.

“Razor is right," Jai, the group’s commanding officer, said. "This is war. We have to be alert.”

"Could you tell me why, of all the possible tasks, we have to babysit a bunch of crates?” Ven’vul grumbled.

"Because,” Jai sighed," we have to keep them safe and bring them to Rhen Var so they can be ship out along with reinforcements.”

"What happened?" Flare wondered. "From what I heard from one trooper, they seem desperate.”

"There have been raids on three of the outposts in the Raxus system,” Razor stated flatly. "Two destroyed, one badly damaged. There were only for six survivors, each grievously wounded and in need of recovery in their bacta tank for some months.”

"How come they didn’t send the reinforcements before?” Ven’vul demanded.

"If you were listening to the report, there were two republic cruisers that carry supplies for the outpost entering orbit. Before they realized what happened, they too had been attacked.” Razor said.

"And the kadales?" asked Jai in Mando’a.

"One was nearly destroyed, and the other they stole to who knows where. As for the crew, all died in the cruiser. The state of the final one is unknown. He paused and continued. Get this, a Jetii general was in the damaged one. He’s dead too.”

Surprise quickly mounted. "Dead? How?” the others asked.

"Gutted,” Razor answered grimly.

Jai felt sorry for the Jetii. "The raiders? Where are they?” he asked.

“No one knows. By the time reinforcements arrived, they seemed to vanish into thin air. Only a few droids remained, but they self-destructed.”

“Self-destructed?” Jai asked.

“Yeah, but they were identifiable as B1s, B2s, and B-Xs. The odd thing is that there are no more than twenty of them.”

"Only twenty? They would send at least fifty or a hundred clankers,” Flare mused.

“How would twenty do that much damage?” Ven’vul pondered.

"Don’t know, but once we get to the planet we will in-”


A large explosion shook the ship and knocking clones to the floor. “Haar’chak!” shouted Ven’vul. Alarms wailed across the corridor: “HANGAR BAY 4 UNDER ATTACK ALL UNITS TO THE HANGAR BAY 4!"

“Come on Alpha squad! lock and load!” Jai ordered, quickly rising.

The others got up and rushed to their weapons. Jai garbed his WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle, his pistol, and attachments to his blaster. Razor got his blaster rifle and a probe droid. Flare grabbed his grenade launcher and his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. Ven’vul selected his sidearm, a vibro knife, and his favorite weapon: the verpine sniper rifle. This done, the squad rushed to the turbolift at the hangar level.

Running through the hallway, they heard blaster fire. When they reached the hangar bay, they witnessed hell. The wreckage lay strewn everywhere, crates crushed and jumbled, loose wires sparking. A Consular-class cruiser sat in the middle of the hanger, surrounded by clones taking cover by the crates and exchanging fire with the attackers.

“Clankers!” Jai shouted as he and his squad took cover by the wreckage of a starfighter.

"Where they come from!?” Razor shouted while taking down two advancing B1s with his blaster.

"Does that cruiser have something to do with this?” Fare wondered as he blasted three of droids into scrap metal.

Six more droids moved in, Ven’vul started to blow off their heads with his sniper rifle one by one. "Who cares where they came from,” he said happily as he shot down the fifth droid. "All I care is that I can finally have something to shoot at,” he finished blasting the last droid's head to pieces.

The headless droid loosed a barrage of red plasma from its blaster in every direction. A bolt flew and hit Jai in the chest. Fortunately, his armor was strong enough to block the bolt, thanks to Razor's specially prepared energy shield reinforcement. Razor, you have done it again, Jai thought to himself at that moment. Any delay on that shield and I’d have been a dead man.

A nearby clone trooper had not been so lucky; a bolt had penetrated his helmet and he had fallen dead. Jai fired his WESTAR-M5 at the headless droid to finish it off. He then looked at the dead clone and sighed.

It never gets any easier, watching my brothers die.

“Look out!” a trooper shouted. Jai turned toward the trooper that gave warning, only to watch the trooper’s head roll to his feet. He looked up to find a commando droid with a vibrosword standing on the headless body. Enraged, Jai took out his vibroblade from his gauntlet, charging at the droid. He ducked as the vibrosword swung toward his head. Jai shot the commando droid’s left arm off with his blaster rifle. With his vibroblade in his left arm, he blocked the sword and pushed it away. Swing his vibroblade, Jai cut the droid's neck, then blasted it in the head as it dropped down with a clunk.

“We got big baddies!” Flare shouted.

Jai turned around to see two super battle droids “Take them out!” he ordered. He threw an EMP grenade between the super battle droids to stun them. He followed up with a grenade attachment to his blaster, firing it at the droid, and blowing it to pieces. Flare shredded the other’s armor. Ven aimed at its chest head and fired. Sparks jumped out as it unleashed a metallic scream and fell with a thud.

"That’s half the points Ven,” Flare said as he reloaded his Z-6.

"But I got the kill,” Ven’vul protested.

"Will you two cut it out?” Razor grumbled. "Let’s just mop the rest of-”

From the corner of his eye, Razor saw a tremendous fireball. Turning, he found a swarm of droids in the hall.

"What the-!” Razor exclaimed before being cut off by a bolt.

“Duck!” Ven shouted as he pulled Razor down. Before them stood an array of B1s and B2s along with another new droid type.

“What are they, and where are they from?!” Flare shouted taking cover by the crates.

“I think those are the infiltrator droids from the reports,” Razor said joining him. The droids flooding in.

"We’re being outflanked!” Jai shouted taking cover while returning fire.

"You don’t say?” Ven replied sarcastically as he shot down one of the infiltrator droids.

“Razor! Get the defense systems going!" Jai ordered.

Razor quickly extracted the mini-computer on his gauntlet and started typing. “They're offline!” he shouted.

“What!?” Jai queried.

"The defense systems are offline!”

"Shut the doors then!" Jai ordered.

"I can’t shut the doors, all of the ship’s systems are down!” Razor responded.

We’re sitting ducks. Jai thought to himself. He heard a click of munition loading, and quickly turned around. A super battle droid launched a rocket at the pile of crates where the Alpha squad and others were taking cover. “Incoming!” Jai shouted. He and the others scrambled out of its way. Some weren't so lucky. The rocket hit its mark and exploded. Screams of agony mingled with the noise of the explosion.

Cadence awoke with a gasp, sweat running down her face. She looked around relieved to find herself still in her bedroom in the Castle of Canterlot. "It’s only a dream," Cadence thought to herself.

The door opened with a slam and Shining Armor rushed in. “Cadence, are you OK!” he asked, concern in his voice.

“I’m OK Shiny, just a bad dream” Cadence replied.

“Are you sure?” he asked, calmer this time.

“Yes, I am sure” Cadence answered. She expected for Shining Armor to be stressed, especially since they were engaged. It had been a few weeks since the proposal, and Shining Armor had been busy since then. Planning out the wedding, setting up position for the guards, trying to make sure everything was perfect for his mare.

The Captain of the Royal Guard walked over to Cadence. “Sorry if I was being stormy. I'm stressed out and tired.”

“It’s fine Shiny,” Cadence replied, nuzzling with Shining Armor. “How’re the wedding plans going?”

“It’s going good, all the guests are invited and arrangements in order, although…” He paused.

“What?” Cadence asked.

Shining Armor let out a sigh, “I've so many duties that I'm not able to meet with Twilight.”

Cadence furrowed her brow. “I think Twilight will understand,” she said.

“I doubt it,” Shining Armor replied, dropping his head. She put her hand under his chin and leveled it to her eyes.

“Nonsense, you're her brother, she will always love you no matter what, but let’s worry about that later,” said Cadence. “For now, you should get some sleep.”

“Yeah, I guess I should.” Shining Armor went toward the door. “Good night Cadence,” he called as he left.

“Good night,” she replied. Shining Armor closed the door and walked down the hall.

Cadence went to a nightstand to have a drink of water and clear her mind of the dream.

But the dream seems very real, with the strange and yet familiar beings. Oh, but the screams, the screams of pain still rang in her head. Who are they? Those...those poor creatures she thought. Seeking fresh air, she put on her night robe went onto the balcony and looked up at the stars, still wondering what the dream was about.

Alpha squad ran through the damaged halls of the ship. “This is insane! Where'd the haran those droids come from!?” Fare growled. The halls shook and a boarding craft came crashing through the wall.

"There's your answer.” Ven nodded toward the craft. A squad of B-1s led by an infiltrator emerged from the craft. In response, the ARC troopers flanked both sides of the hall- Jai and Razor to the right, Fare and Ven opposite them.

“We have to get the ship’s system online!” Jai shouted, taking down two droids with his blaster rifle. Razor claimed two another while Ven relived three droids of their heads. Fare concluded the encounter, firing his Z-6, and then moving past their molten scrap metal.

“We'll get to the computer center, and- uh-oh.” Razor hesitated.

Jai looked at him quizzically. “What?”

Razor motioned toward two infiltrator droids at the end of the hallway. They shaped shifted into a box, with a timer on it.

“They turn into bombs!?” Flare barked at the others.

“Apparently so,” Razor replied.

Flare rushed to the droids turned bomb, seeking to disable them.

"Where is the deactivation button when you need one!” Flare said shakily. Pulling out his Z-6, he took aim at the bomb.

“Wait!” Razor grabbed the Z-6, disarming Flare. “If you blast it, it’ll blow us up!”

“What else should I do?!”

Sighing, Razor gently approached the bomb. A couple of skillful wire clips and the bomb was undone.

“Oh,” Flare said weakly. “ You remembered your bomb squad training?” Razor asked.

“Is that what we did on Kamino?” Flare wondered. Razor facepalmed.

“What’s the plan, Jai?” Razor asked.

"We split up. Razor, you go to the computer center. Flare, you go with Razor to deactivate the bomb droids. Ven and I will advance to the bridge to see what we can do from there,”


"Copy that"

“OK boss,” Flare joked.

Jai sighed. He hated when they called him that.

“All right, set your comlinks on,” he ordered. He switched him on as the others did the same. “OK, let’s go,"

"Oh, you might need this fella,” Razor said, giving Jai his probe droid.

"Thanks,” Jai replied, and he meant it. He knew the value of the droid; Razor had increased the range of its scanners and had added both laser turrets and powerful hacking equipment to it. It might very well come in handy.

“Now you know what to do,” he said. “Good luck.” With that, they went their ways.

Jai paused to look at a dead commando droid with a vibrosword. He went over to retrieve it. “This could be handy,” he observed. He put the sword on his back and caught up with Ven.

They approached turbolift, only to find it blocked by a squad of battle droids headed by a pair of commando droids. The droids opened fire on the ARC troopers.

“Ven! Snipe the commandos!” Jai shouted. Ven nodded his head in acknowledgment and took position by a wall. He aimed his verpine rifle at the head of the first commando and fired.

The droid dropped with a clank. Jai took down four of the B-1s, while Ven dodged a bolt from the commando droid. Returning fire, his shot penetrated two battle droids at once, leaving a hole in their chests and hitting the commando straight to the head. Jai shot down the rest.

“Six points there,” Ven said as they arrived at the doors of the turbolift. Jai pressed the button. A clank was followed by a car dropping from above and crashing below the feet.

“So much for our ride” Ven said grimly.

“Looks like we have to do this the old fashion way,” Jai commented as he gazed up the shaft. “Get your grappling hooks ready.”

He aimed his hook and fired. His hook and Van's reach the top at the same time. “Let’s see what's up there,” Jai said. He took out the probe and let it fly up. Jai and Ven began their climb. “This could take some time” Jai added.

Flare and Razor rushed to the computer center, meeting a few droids that they quickly disposed of. At the computer center doors, they observed at least twenty battle droids. “I got this,” Flare smirked. He aimed his Z-6 cannon at the droids. It started to rotate and fire, shooting them down.

“There we go,” Flare said and went to the door. He tried to open the door by pressing the button but to no avail. Flare pulled the door and that didn’t work. “It’s locked!” He kicked at the door in frustration.

“That can be solved,” Razor said walking by him.

“How!? Only a droid can-” Flare stopped as Razor pointed his right arm gauntlet minicomputer and a plug shot out and connected to the computer key on the door, quickly reprogramming the door lock.

Flare stared at the plug and at Razor. “Where did you get all that tech?”

“Leftovers I put to good use on,” Razor replied as the door opened. At once, they were met by a storm of blaster fire. Taking cover by each side of the entrance, they returned fire. Razor threw an EMP grenade at the droid. It sent a disabling pulse to the group of droids. They collapsed in a heap. Flare and Razor rushed in to finish off the rest. Razor shot at two of droids by the data core, and Flare shredded another four. As if that weren't enough, a super battle droid marched in and initiated fire. Razor lifted his left arm gauntlet sending a taser toward the super droid. The taser hit the droid head on. Smoking and with one final groan it fell with a thud.

“I could use one of those,” Flare commented.

Razor turned around in time to see a pair infiltrator droid walking away. “They're heading to the engines!” Razor shouted. Flare turned around in their direction. “That’s the worse place they could go!” Flare shouted.

“Ok, you go and eliminate them. I will try to get the systems on.”

“Got it,” Flare replied, running to the hallway.

“Flare, be careful, and try not to blow something up” Razor joked.

“I won’t,” Flare replied, a sarcastic tone in his voice. He went to the ship’s engines, while Razor went to the computer. “I hope Flare takes care,” Razor said as he began typing.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Flare demanded, firing at the infiltrator droids as they entered the engine room. The first one went down as did the other. “Ha! You think you coul-” Flare stopped. He saw the room is full of infiltrator droids and bombs.

“Oh blast.”

Jai and Ven were halfway up when Jai’s helmet started blinking.

“It seems our little fella has something,” Jai said. He set down his periscope and turned on the camera on the droid. “Ok, there are eight battle droids at the turbolift entrance and two commandos with them, two droidekas and super battle droids, and-”

Suddenly, the screen went static.

“What the!?”

“Jai, what’s wrong?” Ven asked.

“I lost signal from the probe droid,” Jai said.

“Well, this is going to be interesting,” Ven replied. They reached the level of the bridge.

“You ready?” Jai asked as he get his blaster charged.

“Always ready sir,” Ven replied as he cocked his verpine rifle.

Jai place a detonator on the doors and with one press of a big red button, blew them open. Two droids by the doors were destroyed by the blast. Jai and Ven opened fire on the others in the room; some of them returned fire before they were shot.

Jai and Ven swung into the hall and engaged the commandos. One commando took a vibrosword. So did Jai, blocking the droid’s attack with his, before striking out at his opponent with a series of attacks that pushed it back towards the wall. With one final stroke he sliced the droid in half.

Meanwhile, Ven had just finished disposing of the other commando droid when he heard a sound. Turning, he saw two droidekas rolling in. “Rollies incoming!” he cried, whipping out his verpine rifle and aiming it at the first of the new enemies. As it began to unfold, Ven blew it apart. “That’s one down” he said. He turned to see that the other droideka had already unfolded and was encased in its shield. Before Ven could react, a shot punched through the droideka’s shield and blasted it to pieces. Ven turn to see Jai, the still smoking blaster in his hands.

“A verpine sniper attachment,” Ven observed. “Noticed it earlier. Clever.”

“Kal’s idea,” Jai replied.

“And the shield piercing ammo?”


They went down the hall when Jai found something.

“It's the probe,” Jai said, pointing at the shattered remnants of Razor’s droid. It seemed that someone or something had stabbed the probe and smashed the camera.

“Well, Razor is not going to be happy,” Ven observed. Jai nodded in an agreement as he packed away the broken pieces- just in case it could be repaired later.

They continued down the hall until, in the distance, they saw a small group of clones fighting a squad of B-1s. “I’m going to help them and cover you. You go to the bridge” Ven said.

“Be careful.”

“Since when am I not?”

Jai rolled his eyes and hurried to the bridge. He opened the doors, only to pause at the scene in front of him.

There are bodies everywhere troopers and officers alike, and some of them are gutted. Some of them were missing legs while others lacked arms. One clone looked as though he had been stabbed and left to bleed to death. There were scorch marks across the walls and consoles. Blood stains were everywhere.
What happened here?

Jai went to the controls and switched on the comlink, tuning in to Razor’s frequency. “I’m on the bridge; how’s the slicing going, Razor?” he asked.

“I was able to turn on the ship’s systems, but the communications are mostly down still, and there are infiltrator droids heading to the engine room. Flare’s gone there to-”

Suddenly the whole ship shook. “What was that!” Jai shouted.

“Uh…” Flare’s voice cut into the comm channel. “I got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that the prime engines are destroyed. The good news is that I was able to save the secondary engines and the hyperdrive. But the controls are, uh…smashed.” Flare chuckled nervously.

“Could this get any worse?” Jai said aloud, mostly to himself.

A Luctehulk-class battleship appeared in front of the view port.

“Apparently so.”

“They just keep coming and I think they got a dispenser!” Ven shouted over the sound of blaster fire. This is not good, the troopers are getting overrun, they can’t get reinforcements, even the Alpha squad can’t fight against so many, and the engines-

The engines… A thought occurred to Jai.

“Razor, you think you can get us to hyperspace?”

There was silence.

“Well, I could turn the hyperdrive on, but the nav computer’s down,” Razor said.

“I don’t think it really matters”, Jai replied.

“I turned it on but you have to start it at your position,” Razor said.

“Ok, tell the others get ready for a-” Jai was cut off by an explosion. He turned around to see eight battle droids and a super one, all of them painted black and having unusual symbols. He pointed his blaster at the droids and fired, destroying them all.

He then pressed a button and the stars outside the window began to blur. He then leaned down and examined the shattered droid’s symbols. He recognized the rigid reptile-bird with a bite mark on its lower wing.

“What the-”

Suddenly, Jai’s right HUD began flashing red. He turned around, but it was too late; the mini rocket slammed into his body, blasting him across the bridge and slamming him into a console, where he lost consciousness at once.

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfic story so I hope you like it.
I did not create the Alpha squad nor do I own them. I found them on a mod for Republic Commandos:ARC Trooper mod. If you want to give credit, then give it to the team who make it possible.

(the names of the team are at the ending part)
This is just the first time you should see how much it developed.
Give them a big hand and support for them. In fact, if there anyone out there with computer or mod skills go out and help them.
Here is the link:http://www.moddb.com/mods/arc-trooper-mod

I also want to thank crankyman7 helping me to edited and revised the story. He's also a great fan-fic writer, so check out his stories also.

This is Alpha-14: signing out
