• Published 19th Jan 2017
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Hive Diplomacy - Kinni

Cadance goes into the Changeling Hive with a mission to normalize the relationship between them and Equestria. Learning about Changeling society and having pleasant conversation with Chrysalis ensues.

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First Night and First Day

Cadence followed the Changeling guard. It was similar to the first time she was following a Changeling inside the Hive, but there were still differences. This time, the light radiated by the Changeling's horn was brighter, and she could see a lot more of the path, including all the unmarked passages that were a part of the labyrinth of the Changeling hive. There were so many the princess could be sure that any invading enemy would get hopelessly lost.

Beside that, she also detected the presence of other Changelings besides just the guard, she could see them by the corner of her eye, looking ar her from the passages, she could hear silent steps from both behind and in front. It didn't take long for Cadence to realize that news of her appearance had reached the ears of the Changelings.

Still, that was of less concern than what to do next, and Cadence realized that she had a perfect opportunity to start learning. So she did the simplest thing and asked:

"Could you tell me your name?" Directed at the guard.

He stopped for a moment, before turning his head to her and speaking:

"I am called Armor Hide. This name was given for my ability to strengten my body." He said in the same tone guards everywhere had when communicating with civilians, the kind of detached seriousness that gave rise to rumors that they were artificial ponies or something similar.

"So you get names based on your abilities?" It was similar to ponies who changed their names upon getting their cutie marks "Does this mean Chrysalis has a special talent in creating her namesake?"

Armor Hide nodded and Cadence thought of asking about what were chrysalis used for among the Changelings, before realizing there was something else she was more curious about.

"Chrysalis called herself Reaper of the Underworld. What is that about?" She asked, knowing she might be pushing her advantage too far.

Still, the guard didn't seem offended "This is a title, titles are given for performing feats. Queen Chrysalis earned hers for thrice managing to escape from the jaws of death." The last few words lost part of the detached tone he had used until then. What sneaked in was a tinge of pride, of admiration towards his ruler.

As Cadance paused to consider this new information, the Changeling resumed walking towards his destination. And Cadence decided there would be time for further questions later, specially considering how forthcoming the guard had been with volunteering information.

It took only two more minutes or so for them to reach their destination. It was a small wooden door inserted into the rock, Armor Hide pushed it open before waving Cadence inside. And upon entering it, she saw that the "guest room" was somewhat misnamed. It seemed to be designed for long term living. It was a spacious room carved in the rock, with multiple sub-areas.

There was the bathroom, which included a water system. There was a space with a table and an empty bookshelf that could be a work room. There was an empty cabinet, that could be used to store clothes and all kinds of personal effects. There was a bed that was more like a mat, but still soft and including a blanket. There was a lit lamp set with clamps on the wall, and it was a special model that became very popular for being easy to carry. There was even a few cushions laying around. It was far from the special accomodations a princess like Cadence was used to, but it was definitely confortable.

After she took in the sight of her temporary home, Cadence turned to the guard, who said:

"There will be an worker sent here to help getting you accomodated. You can also ask him about your possible activities for the next days. Any questions?" The Changeling explained carefully.

"No, I'm alright." Cadence said, shaking her head.

Then, the guard closed the door and left, leaving Cadance to think about what did those guest rooms get used for. She also checked every single piece of furniture and every single corner of the room, just to see if she might find something interesting, but discovering the whole thing was spotless. Thus, she simply daydreamed until she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." She said in a slightly raised voice.

A male Changeling entered and walked closer before doing a small bow "Hello, Princess."

"Hello." She smiled and did a little wave "You can call me Cadance. But what is your name?" She stepped closer.

"I am Light Keeper. I've come to help you with any matters you may need while you are our guest." The new Changeling spoke with a tone that resembled that of the cleaning staff of the palace. Helpful, professional and a tiny bit ingratiating.

It was a familiar tone, and Cadence ended up answering without much thought "Then, could you bring a few scrolls and writing implements for my use? Also, something like puzzle books, to give me something to pass the time."

Light Keeper didn't disappoint "I shall see that will be done. Do you need anything else? We already know you are receiving food regularly, so..."

Cadence decided to resolve her doubts. She indicated the room "Why is this called a guest room? What kind of guests use these rooms?"

He looked up for a second before answering, and his voice took a tone closer to that of a storyteller:

"Sometimes, ponies or others start feeling constrained by their roles in society and decide to go away for a time, or sometimes they get lost in certain places, or sometimes they are purposefully looking for old legends. Whatever the case, they sometimes end up making their way into the hive, and they volunteer love in exchange for being taken care of for as long as they decide to stay. Every single one of them lives in one of those rooms." He finished with a somber expression.

"I can understand." She waited for a few moments before opening her mouth again "So, what has been decided regarding me learning about the Hive?"

"In these next few days, I shall take you to visit the Changelings that are in charge of the most essential aspects of the Hive. As well as the most important places we can allow you to go into."

Now Light Keeper's voice took on a knowledgeable tone, like he was a teacher talking about his specialty "Her Majesty Queen Chrysalis will call for you to discuss with her later in the day."

"It seems to hold together. And... could I ask to receive the same food as the guests?" Cadance asked in a conversational tone.

"I don't see why not." The Changeling answered simply, seeming to understand the meaning inherent in that request.

"And you will be my direct line with Chrysalis for the kinds of things we don't discuss in our sessions." She stated in a confident tone, having figured out at least part of how the hive operated.

"Yes." He didn't deny it. And then he looked down for a bit before continuing "Do you need anything else? Because it is getting late, and the next day is going to start early for you."

Cadance realized that she was indeed getting somewhat tired. And briefly wondered about the schedule management in a place where the sun didn't reach, but realized there was something else she wanted to ask more.

"One last thing," she took two steps closer to the Changeling "what is your name for?" She was getting more natural in asking that question.

Light Keeper stopped for a moment, as if trying to decide where to start "I earned this name by inventing a new kind of lamp... Of course, since Changelings can see in the dark, it's usually guests who thank me for them." With those words, he turned away and left the room.

Cadence thought about her new situation and about what she was going to be doing soon. She engraved in her heart the fact that every Changeling she met had their own stories, knowing this would be something that would be disastrous to forget for even a moment during her mission.

Soon, there was a knock on her door, a shout of "Delivery!", and when she went to the door, the princess saw a box containing what she had asked for. Then, bringing the box inside the room, she went to the bathroom to do her final preparations for the night before laying on the bed and sleeping.

The next morning, or at least what her body told her was the next morning, Cadence woke up and did her morning preparations before taking a scroll and writing a message on it:

Hello, Auntie

Things are going well so far. I have become a guest of the Changeling Hive and will be able to learn more about them and Queen Chrysalis has agreed to discuss diplomatic possibilities with me. I will keep you posted on any updates to the situation.

Also, they will be providing me with meals, so you don't need to keep sending food to me.

How are you and Twilight? I hope you're all fine, and I'll try to bring something interesting for her when I get back.

Much love to you all.


She sent the scroll directly to Celestia with a spell and took out the puzzle book she had received the previous day, intending to distract herself with it until the time came. However, before she

could even open it, there was a knock on the door, a familiar cry of "Delivery!" and she had to go see what was up.

This time, the delivery was a basket containg two daisy sandwiches and an apple pie. They had brought her breakfast. Of course, she thought, I had almost forgotten that I'll be getting food from the Changelings now.

She ate her breakfast and finally opened the puzzle book she had received. It was one of those kinds that had all sorts of different puzzles, with the first one being a logic problem. And looking at it, Cadance soon realized that this book had been used before, but someone had them removed all the markings with magic. Possibly multiple times. She was still in the middle of solving it when she heard another knock on the door.

After allowing the visitor to enter, the princess recognized him as Light Keeper, who walked right to the front of her before talking:

"Are you ready for your first day?" He asked, his voice this time tinted with an encouraging tone.

"Yes, I am." Cadence nodded firmly "Where are we going to go today?"

The Changeling smiled "You're going to see the chief of the gatherers. She is one of the most skilled Changelings in the entire hive. Her name is Aqua." He turned away and left the room, signalling for Cadence to follow him.

She grabbed the lamp on the wall to help light the way, even if his light spell was good enough to make it unnecessary, she still felt it was the right thing to do.

"I presume her name has something to do with the maleability of water?" Cadence asked after two minutes of walking, since she honestly curious.

"That and the fact it can be anywhere, including the air." Light Keeper clarified with a smile in his voice.

"She's your lover, isn't she?" The Alicorn worked out.

He stopped for a moment before turning back to her and smiling abashedly "Was it really that obvious?"

"Not for most people," Cadance shook her head "but I am the Princess of Bonds. I could feel the resonance of a strong bond when you were talking about her."

He turned his head away "I guess there's no need to keep it a secret. But I was just embarassed to be seen through so easily, because the gatherers like her are experts in stealth and acting." He resumed his walking, Cadance following closely.

They stopped talking for the rest of the walk, but this time the silence was more because of a sense that there wasn't much that needed to be said. The two had become fairly confortable with one another, to the point where Cadance wouldn't hesitate to call Light Keeper a friend.

Eventually they got to a big hall where there were dozens of Changelings, which was a great surprise, considering she had never seen more than two Changelings at the same place at the same time, and that was including the Queen. All of them were listening carefully to a Changeling at the very end of the room, who was facing them and talking about something.

"... that is why the careful study and control of body language is essential to any sucessful mission. Now you should practice in front of mirrors until you can do every gesture and movement perfectly and switch between them fluidly no matter which form you're using. Class dismissed!" Was what Cadance managed to distinguish after she got close enough for the voice to make sense.

The Changelings formed four lines and walked out of the hall in perfect syncronization. If someone had told Cadance that those were the Changeling guards, she would have believed it.

Finally, there was only the Changeling teacher remaining in the room apart from Cadance and Light Keeper... or rather, apart from Cadance, since he apparently had sneaked off together with the rest of the Changelings.

"Hello, you must be Aqua, right?" Cadance waved at her, without even bothering to get closer first, but those halls were silent and carried voices well.

Instead of answering, Aqua took to the skies and flew towards the princess, before coming down in a technically perfect maneuver that would get her full points for landing in a flight competition.

Now that they were close enough to see each other clearly, the Changeling put a hoof in her chin and answered "That's me. And who are you?" She asked in such a perfect manner that Cadance could almost believe the Aqua had no idea who she was.

However, she wasn't caught off guard, and simply put a hoof in her chest and assumed her most formal voice "My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but I prefer to be called Cadance, I am the Alicorn of Bonds, I am currently 23 years old and my current interests revolve around the estabilishment of a peace treaty between the Changelings and Equestria." She smiled and passed the ball to Aqua.

It was clear the Changeling mare was satisfied with Cadance's response. She put a hoof in her own chest and declaimed in a manner remarkably similar to what the princess had just done "In that case, the reason why you are here must be to obtain the counsel and teaching of Aqua, the Thousand Lives, the high chief of the gatherer branch of the Changeling Hive." Suddenly she stomped the floor with her front hooves and pointed at Cadance "Isn't that right?"

"Smartly deducted." the princess was having fun, but decided it was time to turn the tables "As expected of one of the most skilled Changelings of the entire hive, partner of the genius that brought so much wealth to it, Light Keeper."

Suddenly, Aqua was right beside her "Ohh..." She started, in a voice that was amused and yet annoyed at the same time "Has someone been telling tales?" She put her hoof on Cadance's shoulder.

"It wasn't that hard to deduce." Cadance came very close to losing her cool at the sudden change, but still hung on "He mentioned gaining his name by inventing a lamp, and my room had this lamp," She indicated the lamp still held in her magic "the same kind that became super-popular in recent years. Combined with the weird feeling I got to take it when I was coming here with him, and also the feeling when he was talking about you... I just had to join the dots."

"Ha." Aqua did a few claps, genuinely impressed "I guess even young Alicorns shouldn't be underestimated." She then moved to the front of Cadance "Then tell me princess... What do you want to know?"

There was only one possible answer to this question "As much as you can teach me." She answered with the eagerness of a scholar.

The high chief smiled "Then let's start."