• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 1,102 Views, 17 Comments

Oathmaker - Fangren

A mysterious mare has arrived in Ponyville with a dire message for the Princess: an ancient being is about to awaken, threatening all of Equestria. Will the Elements of Harmony be able to stand against this threat, or will they fall as she did?

  • ...

Chapter 2 - The Message, Part One

Twilight Sparkle and her friends stared at the pony who'd shown up at the castle's doorway. Cold Reason stared at them back. She blinked.

“I apologize,” she said in her light yet monotonous voice. “Was my greeting improper?”

“Nnnnoo...,” Twilight hesitantly replied, sharing a look with Spike. “It's just...you weren't really who we were expecting. Sorry.”

“I see,” Cold Reason replied. “Then I apologize for my unannounced arrival. However I still must give you my message.”

A second passed in silence. “I'm...listening?” Twilight replied, still looking uncertain.

Cold Reason nodded. “My message is this: the-”

THERE YOU ARE!” Everyone present was startled by the sudden outburst except for Cold Reason, who simply turned her impassive gaze back just in time to see Pinkie grabbing her by the shoulders. “We've been looking everywhere for you, silly! I never expected you to be here!

Cold Reason blinked, then looked from Pinkie to Maud who had arrived alongside her. Both of the Pie sisters were carrying full-looking saddle bags. “I do not understand,” Cold Reason said. “I implied to your sister that I would be heading for this castle. Did she not inform you of this?”

“I tried to,” Maud replied looking at her sister.

“Sorry!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I didn't think you'd actually head straight to the castle without checking out the rest of Ponyville first!”

“Your were wrong,” Cold Reason said. “Now please excuse me. I-”

“-am about to have the time of your life?” Pinkie finished with a broad grin. “Cause I know you told Maud that you didn't wanna party,” she explained with a gesture to her staring sister, “but that doesn't mean we can't totally have some 'Welcome to Ponyville' fun!”

“I do not-” Cold Reason began to say before Pinkie cut her off again.

“Oh, where are my manners,” the party pony said jokingly, “I haven't introduced everypony yet! I'm Pinkie Pie, and you've already met my sister Maud,” she said, letting go of Cold to point to herself, then throw a hoof around her sister. “Then there's Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Starlight Glimmer!” She zipped over with startling speed to each of her friends as she introduced them; only Fluttershy and Starlight waved at the newcomer though Starlight's was done with an awkward smile. The others simple watched Pinkie. “Everypony,” Pinkie finished, darting back to the newcomer and throwing a hoof around her, “this is Cold Reason! She's new in town.”

“Yeah, we kinda figured that,” Rainbow Dash said.

“It's very nice to meet you,” Fluttershy said to Cold Reason with a warm smile on her face. “But I'm afraid we're kind of in the middle of a teensy situation right now.”

Cold blinked. “I see. Then please allow me to-”

“Situation?” Pinkie interrupted again, earning another stare from Cold Reason. “Ooh, is it a fun situation?” she asked with a wide grin. “Or is it a baaaaad situation?” she added, switching to an exaggerated frown.

“Bad,” Rainbow Dash answered, pausing a moment then adding “Probably.”

“Then please allow me to-” Cold Reason again tried to say.

“Well how is it probably bad?” Pinkie Pie asked in confusion. “You'd think that-” It was her that was cut off this time, courtesy of Maud putting a hoof over her mouth. She garbled out a few more words before she noticed.

Twilight cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention again. “Well, the truth is we don't know enough about the, uh, situation to tell just yet. But I think our new friend might be able to shed some light on it if we give her the chance.”

Pinkie blinked, then became sheepish. “Ohhh, oops...I was doing that thing where I get too excited and don't let anypony else speak, wasn't I?”

“Yup,” Applejack answered.

“Sorry,” Pinkie told Cold Reason, who simply looked back towards Twilight and the others.

“Well go ahead, dear,” Rarity told her. “We're all listening.”

Cold nodded at her. “Thank you Miss Rarity and Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she said, giving another short bow to Twilight. “I hope my message helps you understand your problem as well. It is this: the Oathbreaker will awaken soon, most likely within the week. Her awakening will have devastating consequences for the world if she is not contained.”

Pinkie Pie gasped dramatically. Everyone else just stared blankly. “Umm, I'm sorry,” Twilight said after a few seconds, “I can tell this is important to you, but I'm afraid none of us know who this 'Oathbreaker' even is.”

Cold Reason blinked. “Unfortunate, but not unexpected,” she said. “The Oathbreaker was – or rather is – an alicorn of unparalleled power who lived a very long time ago. A great tragedy caused her to seal herself in the earth. That seal will be undone soon. She will begin an uncontrolled rampage once she is awake. She is powerful enough to do considerable damage to everything around her. Containing her must be made a top priority.”

Another silent moment passed; aside from Maud, the blank stares of ignorance on the faces of the others gave way to worry. “Wow,” Twilight said, “that really does sound pretty serious.”

“I'll say,” Starlight chimed in. “I am curious as to how you know all this, though.”

Cold blinked. “I do not wish to discuss that in such a...,” she paused, looking around at the others and then over her shoulder towards the town behind her, “public place.”

“Right,” Twilight nodded. “Still,” she told her friends, “this sounds like something we need to look into. And between this and our other problem, we really need to inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about everything, too.”

“Wait,” Cold Reason spoke up, loudly enough to surprise the others. “I apologize for my interruption Princess Twilight Sparkle. I need clarification. The alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna are alive?”

The others looked at her in utter befuddlement, and shared similar looks amongst themselves. “Uh, duh,” Rainbow Dash answered. “Why wouldn't they be?”

Cold gave her no reply, simply looking at Twilight. “And do they possess more authority in this land than you do Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

“Well obviously,” Twilight answered in disbelief. “They rule all of Equestria! Technically, I don't think I even rule Ponyville,” she said, motioning out towards the town.

Cold Reason blinked. “My humblest apologies Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she said, giving her another deep bow. “I mean you no disrespect but my message was intended for the highest ruler of this land. Miss Maud told me that was you,” she said, turning her blank stare towards Maud and receiving one in return, “but that information was false.”

“Oh. Sorry,” Maud answered. “I didn't really understand your question.”

Cold blinked again. “Then I apologize for my poor choice of words. However I must not misuse any more time and deliver my message to the Sisters as soon as possible. They will better understand the seriousness of it and will be better able to contain the Oathbreaker. May I ask where I can find them, Princess Twilight Sparkle?” she asked Twilight with another bow.

“Uhh...,” Twilight began to answer, looking at the others. “Actually...maybe it's a good idea if I come with you. I don't know if you'll be able to get a personal audience with the Princess that easily by yourself, but if I'm there with you it shouldn't be a problem.”

“You have my sincerest gratitude Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Cold said, only then rising from her last bow. “May I request that we leave as soon as possible?”

“Of course!” Twilight said with a smile before turning once again to her friends. “Sorry everypony, but you're gonna have to look for Discord without me.” Cold Reason tensed slightly, but none of the others noticed.

“That's okay,” Fluttershy said. “You've got something important to do too. We'll be fine without you.”

“Totally!” Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight smiled at them, then turned her attention back to Cold Reason to find her mid-blink. “Excuse me,” Cold asked. “Is the Discord you refer to the draconequus Discord?”

“Uh, yeah, what other Discord could we be talking about?” Rainbow Dash replied.

“He still lives free?” Cold asked.

The others shared another confused look. “Well yeah,” Applejack finally said. “Didn'tcha know that?”

“I did not,” Cold Reason answered. “Is the problem that Princess Twilight Sparkle referred to earlier related to him?”

“Mm-hmm,” Fluttershy nodded. “He's gone missing, and I'm just so worried about him.”

Cold Reason blinked twice. “I do not understand. Why would anypony feel concern for the spirit of chaos and disharmony?”

“Oh, I don't blame you,” Fluttershy replied with a small smile. “He did a lot of bad things in the past, but we were able to reform him. He's our friend now!”

“More or less...,” Applejack muttered under her breath as Cold Reason blinked several times.

“...I am having difficulty accepting that as truth,” she said. “The Discord I know of should not be capable of such things.”

“Rrrriiight...,” Rainbow Dash said, giving Cold a suspicious look. “Girls, can I talk to you for a second?” she asked the others, grabbing Pinkie Pie and pulling her inside, then slamming the door shut.

“...I do not understand,” Cold Reason said.

“Don't ask me,” Maud said as Cold looked her way. “I'm not usually a part of these things.”

Cold Reason blinked, then looked back at the door and sat down.

“Okay, does anypony else think the new girl's a little...off?” Rainbow Dash whispered, huddling with the other six ponies and Spike a few yards away from the castle entrance.

“Well, she sure does act awful strange,” Applejack said.

Pinkie rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Hmm...now that you mention it, Maud said the same thing on the way over.”

“She did seem a little...awkward, even taking into consideration her, ah, particular level of expressiveness,” Rarity said with a touch of delicacy.

“And it's not just how she acts, either,” Twilight added. “How in Equestria does somepony know of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but not that they're, well, Princesses?”

“Or about Discord?” Spike chimed in.

“Yeah, even I knew he'd come back before I met all of you,” Starlight said, “and I was living in an isolated village!”

“Exactly!” Rainbow said, hovering above them all. “Something smells fishy here-” she cast another suspicious look towards the door- “and I don't know if I can trust this 'Cold Reason' just yet. What if this is all some kind of set-up to distract us from Discord, or something else?”

“Oh, I hope not,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I don't like set-ups. At least not the bad ones anyway, and this one seems like it could be really bad.”

Pinkie stifled a gasp. “Oh no! I could've been about to throw a welcome party for somepony that's totally evil!” she whispered in panic.

“Now now, let's not jump to conclusions,” Twilight said with a calming hoof gesture. “I'll admit that I have a lot of questions about Cold Reason, but I don't think it's right to just assume she's evil. Especially since I don't think that really explains why she's so, well...”

“Stranger than a hog plowin' a field with its tail?” Applejack finished during the Princess' pause.

“...w-well, I don't know if I'd put it like that,” Twilight said with a faint blush. “The point is, I don't think we should just ignore her warning about the Oathbreaker. But at the same time, maybe a little caution is called for.”

“So what are you suggesting?” Spike asked.

“I'm suggesting that we split up,” Twilight answered simply. “Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, if you don't mind I'd like you to help me escort Cold Reason to Canterlot so if she does try something underhanded I won't have to stop her myself.”

“I'll be glad to help, dear,” Rarity said. “If nothing else it'll give me an opportunity to check up on the Canterlot boutique if nothing untoward happens with our guest.”

“Me too!” Pinkie replied with enthusiasm. “She'd better watch out,” she added with an intense look in her eyes, “cause Pinkie Pie is not gonna let her out of her sight!”

“Applejack?” Twilight asked, looking to the third friend she'd named.

“You know you can always count on me, Twilight,” she answered. “Just let me tell my family I'm gonna be gone for a little while.”

Twilight nodded. “Spike, Starlight, I want you to go with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to track down Discord.”

“What? Why me?” Spike objected.

“Yeah!” Starlight chimed in. “Can't I just...stay here and do some research into this whole 'Oathbreaker' story?”

Twilight shook her head. “Normally, yes. But I'm worried Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash will need your magic for this. Plus, since you became friends with Discord when you rescued us from Queen Chrysalis, he might be a little more cooperative if you're there when you find him.”

“O...kay, I guess...,” Starlight said uncertainly.

“But what about me?” Spike asked.

Twilight smiled at him. “Well, you and Discord are close too, right? Plus if you're with them and I'm with Princess Celestia, we'll be able to communicate back and forth.”

“Huh,” Spike said with a blink of realization, “that makes a whole lotta sense. Good idea, Twilight!” he told her with a bright smile.

Twilight giggled lightly. “Thanks! Now let's get ready to go, shall we?” The group huddle broke apart shortly thereafter, Starlight and Spike heading further into the castle while the others headed back to the door. The Princess opened it to find Cold Reason still sitting on the porch, staring straight ahead at them.

“Oh, um, hi,” Twilight greeted with a sheepish smile, moving to the side to allow the rest of her friends to pass. “So, here's the plan: Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity are gonna help me escort you to the Princesses. Is that okay with you?”

“I have no objections,” Cold Reason replied, also shifting to the side to let the others through. “I only ask that we leave as soon as possible.”

“Oh, we will,” Twilight told her. “Just sit tight for a few minutes while I gather up a few things for the trip.” She turned and walked away, leaving the door open and Cold on the front steps.

Cold looked around her; the two pegasi were already out of sight, while Applejack and Rarity were galloping down the road – as was Pinkie, with Maud in tow. Cold looked back at the open castle and blinked.

“I do not know how to 'sit tight' Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

True to what she'd said, Twilight's preparations took only a few minutes – as did Spike's and Starlight's. The three regrouped briefly with Cold Reason, who had remained seated outside the entire time, before the Princess' assistant and student split off to rendezvous for their own mission.

“So...,” Twilight began as she and Cold walked through the streets of Ponyville, “where do you come from, Cold Reason?”

Cold blinked. “I come from a small village that is very far away. To the west I think. I do not know its name.” Her answers were brisk, and she kept on looking straight ahead.

“...you don't know the name of where you're from?” Twilight asked, giving Cold a disbelieving look.

“Correct,” Cold answered.

“...can you at least describe it?”

“It is average and unexciting. Nothing important happened there. I left because I needed to deliver my message. I do not wish to speak more about my past until my message has been delivered correctly and the Oathbreaker has been contained.”

“O...kay...,” Twilight said slowly, raising a brow. “In that case...what do you think of Ponyville?”

Cold blinked, then looked around. “It is...unexpected in many ways. But it is peaceful.”

“It is, isn't it?” Twilight said with a warm smile. “I've only lived here for a couple years now, but I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Ponyville's just so friendly and, well, peaceful! Well, when there's no monsters attacking or world-ending disasters to avert,” she added with a light chuckle that earned a stare from Cold Reason.

“...I see even this place is not free from troubles,” she said, looking back ahead. “I hope the Oathbreaker does not add to them for long.”

Twilight's smile faded, but only briefly. “Don't worry, we'll make sure that this 'Oathbreaker' is dealt with,” she said. “Trust me, my friends and I are all very accomplished at this sort of thing.” She finished with a slightly smug little nod that Cold Reason paid no attention to.

The two were silent for the last few minutes it took to reach the small one-story building at the end of the road they'd been traveling – the Ponyville Train Station.

“Looks like Pinkie and Rarity are already here,” Twilight said, trotting over to her friends and their luggage. Cold Reason followed after her, her attention more on the building than the ponies. “You all ready, girls?” Twilight asked her friends.

“Yup-a-rooni!” Pinkie answered with an excited bounce. “Maud was pretty sad that we had to cut our visit so short, but she understands.”

“I'm prepared as well. I've also taken the liberty of purchasing tickets for the five of us,” Rarity said, using her magic to levitate a ticket each to the two new arrivals.

Twilight magically accepted hers with a smile; Cold took hers in her hoof and blinked. “I do not understand. What is this?”

“Why, it's your ticket, darling,” Rarity answered, getting a blank stare in response. “For the train?”

Cold blinked, then looked from the ticket in her hoof, to Rarity, and back. “I do not understand what you mean. I apologize for my lack of what is apparently common knowledge.”

The others shared a confused look. “You...really don't know what a train is?” Twilight asked.

Cold looked at Twilight and paused. “That is correct Princess Twilight Sparkle. I do not understand what a train is in this context.”

“Oh, well then,” Twilight began to say with an almost excited smile on her face before Pinkie gasped and covered her mouth.

“Shh! Nopony tell her what a train is!” she stage-whispered to her friend, her eyes wide as she looked at Cold. “I wanna see the look on her face when she finds out!”

Twilight and Rarity groaned.

Meanwhile, Spike and Starlight Glimmer were arriving at Fluttershy's house – the agreed-upon meeting site for the Discord search team – to find one pegasus already ready and waiting.

“C'mon, what took you two slowpokes so long?” Rainbow Dash asked impatiently.

“We can't all be as fast as you, Rainbow Dash,” Starlight replied with a hint of annoyance.

“Plus, you did kinda go back to grab a few books to bring with you,” Spike said from atop the unicorn's back.

Starlight sputtered, a light blush forming on her face. “It didn't take that long!” she said. “Besides, if the whole Discord thing turns out to be nothing I wanna be able to at least try to do some research into this 'Oathbreaker' character.”

Rainbow Dash grunted. “Whatever. As long as you keep focused on helping with the search, it doesn't matter. Besides, we still have to wait for Fluttershy to be ready.”

Starlight and Spike looked at the cottage expectantly, but nobody appeared from it. “Any day, Fluttershy!” Rainbow called out. “You're the one who's worried the most about Discord, remember?”

Something like a faint “Sorry!” came forth from the cottage, and several seconds later the door finally opened. “I'm so sorry everypony,” Fluttershy apologized as she stepped out into the open and immediately got airborne. “I just needed to say goodbye to all the little animals. I hope they won't miss me too much while I'm gone again...”

“We shouldn't be gone that long,” Rainbow told her. “Wherever Discord is, he's probably sticking out like a sore wing.”

“So where are we gonna look first?” Spike asked.

Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin in thought. “Oh, I don't know. The only place I can think of is his, umm, home.”

“So? Lead the way!” Rainbow told her.

“Well that's just the thing,” Fluttershy replied. “He's only ever taken me there by magic. I'm not sure I know where it is exactly.”

“Well, do you at least know what the area around it looks like?” Spike asked.

“Umm...it's sort of...chaotic?” Fluttershy replied, ending with a broad and sheepish smile.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Hey, good enough for me. There can't be that many super chaos-y places in Equestria, this should be a breeze. Let's get going!”

She flew off without another word, Fluttershy following shortly after. Starlight sighed, her magic soon enveloping her and Spike and lifting them into the air as well.

Applejack arrived at the train station less than ten minutes before the train was scheduled to, citing how long it took not only to travel to and from Sweet Apple Acres but also to ensure that her family would be fine to run the farm for yet another indeterminate length of time without her. She was given her ticket, and the five ponies moved to the boarding platform around the back to wait for their ride.

Cold Reason stared at the tracks in silence, looking from one end to the other. Occasionally, she blinked.

The sound of the train's whistle caused her to freeze in place, her ears swiveling towards the sound's direction first before she turned her head. “What is that?” she asked loudly, wide eyes locked onto the approaching locomotive.

Pinkie started to giggle, earning disapproving looks from the others. “Uh, that's just the train,” Applejack, having already been informed of Cold's ignorance.

The train began to pull into the station, and Cold quickly looked up and down its length as each car passed by. Eventually she opted to just look straight ahead at it, her breathing becoming louder and faster, and after several blinks she loudly said “This is highly unexpected! I do not know what to think or say regarding this!” The train came to a stop as her panting breaths slowed back to normal. Cold slowly lifted a leg to take a step forward, only for the door to the car in front of her to slide open and several ponies to walk out and nearly bump into her.

Pinkie fell onto her back with laughter.

“Well, it's nothing to be afraid of,” Twilight said, moving up next to the newcomer once the arriving ponies had dispersed. “It's just a machine that's used to transport goods and ponies across long distances at much faster speeds than they'd be able to go otherwise,” she explained in a know-it-all manner. “It's actually quite fascinating how they work. If you'd like, I could teach you.”

Cold Reason stared at the train and blinked. “Perhaps some other time Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she replied. “Additionally – and without meaning any disrespect to you – what you said about me is incorrect.” Twilight gave her a quizzical look. “I am not afraid of this...'train' machine,” Cold explained. “I have simply never seen or heard of anything like it. I was completely unaware that something like this 'train' could exist. I was slightly overwhelmed attempting to mentally process its existence. That is not fear as I understand it.”

“It's okay, dear, you don't have to put up a front with us,” Rarity said as she and the others prepared to board. “Nopony is going to judge you for being afraid of something as big and loud as this when you've never encountered one before.” She paused as Applejack walked by, dragging a still-laughing Pinkie Pie onto the train. “Now let's hurry up and board, shall we?” she continued, stepping onto the car with her luggage floating behind her. “The train isn't going to wait forever, and you have a message to deliver!”

Twilight boarded next, and Cold Reason followed after a slow blink. She hesitated and looked down for just a moment before stepping from the platform to the car, and the door slid shut behind her.

Author's Note:

More exposition and characterization than action again, but things are moving along more quickly now. Likewise, with a bit of help from one of my friends I feel like I've gotten a much better handle on Cold's voice and characterization, which is good considering she's an important character to the story.

But as always, let me know what you thought of this chapter, and the story as a whole! And don't forget to check out my Equestria Girls oneshots - the third one, 'Nothing if Not', should be going up shortly.

Until next time! :twilightsmile:
- Fangren