• Published 28th Jan 2017
  • 2,320 Views, 15 Comments

The CMC Review Movies from 2016 - FNAFBRONY

The CMC look back at some of the films from 2016 and talk about them.

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The List

Is it on?

Yeah, it think it's on.

Okay. Hi everypony! I’m Applebloom, and I'm with my best friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Say hi girls.



So today, we’re going to talk about a bunch of movies we saw last year!

Oh, I can't wait! There were lot of awesome movies that came out!

Now calm down Scootaloo. We’re going through them one by one and just giving our thoughts on what came out.

I got the list of movies we saw right here!

Wow, that's a lot of movies.

Well, enough waiting. Let's start talking! You ready girls?

Of course!


Alright, let's begin.

Oh great! This is the film we have to start off with?!

Calm down Scootaloo, it wasn't that bad.

Wasn't that bad? WASN’T THAT BAD? It's a movie about a dancing polar bear that tries to tell everyone to stop building homes in the arctic! How can you find it not that bad.

I'm gonna have to go with Scootaloo on this on Sweetie Belle. This movie was bad.

Well, uh, okay. I can see where you're coming from. This movie wasn't very good.


This movie had the perfect blend for us.

It had awesome fighting for me!

It had adorable pandas for me.

And it added a lot more history into the world of the universe of these movies. Movies that we love more and more as a new one comes out.

So much fighting! So much comedy! SO MUCH DEADPOOL!!! I LOVE IT!

Looks like somepony fell in love with this movie more than we did.

Well I thought the movie was funny, just not as good as Scootaloo thought.


The stop motion animation is just beautiful to look at!

Now if only it was more interesting and like the actual book it was based on!

Hey, just wait a few years before this movie becomes a meme. I mean it happened the last time a movie did something similar to this. Have you seen the videos of people editing Let it Grow or How Bad Can I Be?

Yes, and if that happens, I will personally give you 1000 bits!


I-I'm speechless. The message this movie gives is just so strong! There's no other movie like this.

Not only that, but it did give out quite a lot of laughs, which left me entertained.

I love every character in this movie! They are all just so lovable in their own way!

I think we can all agree that this film is amazing!



You have no idea how hyped up Scootaloo was to see this movie.

And you had no idea how much she wanted us to go with her to see it.

So imagine how shocked she was to find out that this movie wasn't good.

I-I-it can be! Two of the greatest superheroes coming together to fight, and it wasn't good? How can this be?

Oh just wait until later. There's another film that made her even more disappointed.

I’ve never played the games, have you two?


No, and even if we did, this would still be a movie that isn't all that good.

And this is only the first of four video game movies that came out this year! Let's hope the other three get better.

Now that’s what I like to call a superhero movie! This is what Batman V. Superman should have been!

Despite not really caring for these kinds of movies, I actually really enjoyed this. I think it's a film that a lot of ponies could take inspiration from.

I agree with both of you. I enjoyed this quite a lot.

Sweet Celestia, that airport scene was AMAZING! There's no other action scene like that.

Looks like somepony found another amazing movie.

I don't think I’ve laughed that hard at a movie in a long time. This movie was hilarious!

Yeah, and since we actually played a bit of the video game, we know a bit more about this movie than Ratchet and Clank.

I don't know. While I did find this movie funny, it's not a movie I would want to put back on anytime soon. Maybe you two are seeing something that I don't.

Most likely, because this is probably one of my favourite movies of the year so far.

Bore fest.

Snore fest.

RUIN FEST! Thanks a lot Michael Bay!

Hey look. Another movie based on a video game we haven't played.

And just like Rachet and Clank, it sucked.

I’ll bet even if we played the game, this movie would still be bad. And I was seriously thinking video game movies would get better after The Angry Birds Movie!

We all loved the original Finding Nemo, so we all thought this movie was great, didn't we?

Yep. Loved every second of it.

Agreed. It was awesome! Looks like Pixar learned their lesson after what they did with Cars 2.

Don't remind me of that movie. EVER!

Another sequel nopony asked for.

And another movie that sucked.

I’d rather go and watch the first one, even if it wasn't my kind of movie.

We should have took Fluttershy with us when we went to go see this. Because she would love every minute of it.

Yeah, we should have. But to be honest, I thought this movie was just okay. It could have been worse, but it should have been better.

Every character is lovable in their own way. They could be either really adorable or really funny. They're all different, and I love it!

Looks like Sweetie Belle ate this film up.

I’d rather watch the original. At least that one was actually funny. This one was just a bit boring.

I only liked the parts with--

You probably shouldn't say anything that you liked Sweetie Belle. Somepony might get offended by what you say.

Why? It's just Ghostbusters?

Because if you like the film, you're ruining your childhood. If you disliked the film, then you obviously hate mares!

One, we are children. Two, we are females. And three, why should any of this matter? It's a Ghostbusters reboot!

Girls, calm down. Let's move on before somepony actually get ‘triggered’ as they say.

Remember back when we actually looked forward to a new Ice Age movie?

Yeah, those were the days. Remember back when there were two films that were actually good, a third film that was okay, and a fourth film that was just plain bad?

Yep, those were the days. Remember seeing the recent fifth movie and knowing how low the franchise had sunk?

Yes, that day was horrible. Just like this movie!

This movie sucks! End of story!

Oh great! That's twice DC Comics! Both of your movies this year sucked!

Scootaloo, calm down! It's not a big deal. Yes, the movie was kinda bad, but it wasn't the worst.

But I was so hyped up for this movie, even more than Batman V. Superman! I was hoping that this movie would be great, but it wasn't! Why does this keep happening to me?!

Let's just move on before this gets out of hoof.

I don't get it? Why is this remake so different than the original?

Who knows, and to be honest, who cares? I thought they changed it for the better.

Yeah, I also think this was better than the original. It just feels like the movie you think of when you hear ‘Pete’s Dragon.’

Well, I guess I can see that. I just hope Disney keeps improving their animated films the more these come out.

Wait, what's this movie doing in here? I didn't see it.

Neither did I.

Oh, I saw that movie. Rainbow Dash took me.

Really? How was it?

It was good, until the last five minutes.

What happened then?

You do NOT want to know!!!

The animation really is wonderfully beautiful, making everything look amazing.

And the history of its world does keep you interested.

If only Scootaloo went and saw this with us. She would really enjoy this.

No I wouldn't!

No she wouldn't.

So we go from The Lego Movie, a movie we all loved to death, to Storks, a movie we all thought was… what's the word?



In the middle?


Yeah, that's it! Meh!

I guess that is the word that describes this movie. It was funny, but nothing that laugh-out-loud hilarious. Just ‘meh.’

Why is it that Marvel has been killing it with characters nopony has ever heard of, and DC has made movies with characters everypony’s heard of that are bad?

Whatever the case, this movie just looked weird. But in a good way!

Yeah, this was a great movie with some amazing visuals.

Now if only we can DC to do something like this, then we can all be happy!

The only good thing to come out of this movie was that song I heard every day during the summer!

Yeah, this was a forgettable movie that none of us will be rewatching anytime soon.

Well, Sweetie Belle probably will. I mean, look at her. This movie was made for--

I think this passed the limit on my adorable scale. It's now so cute, that it's not anymore.

You were saying Scootaloo?

Oh nevermind!

Yay! Another princess movie from Disney!

And just like Zootopia, it was really enjoyable.

At first, I thought it wasn't going to impress me. But as the movie went on, I got more and more sucked in. So, I liked this a lot.

And if Scootaloo likes a Disney princess movie, you know you're doing something right.


Finally! A good Star Wars prequel! And it had to be done now!

While me and Sweetie Belle aren't the biggest fans of Star Wars, I think we liked this movie enough to get our recommendation.

Yeah, that was fun! I liked it! That's all I can say.

Let's hope these new movies get better. We don't want another Episode I!

Seriously? Is The Angry Birds Movie the only video game movie that came out this year that was good? The freaking Angry Birds Movie?

I guess so, because this is probably the worst one out of all of them.

I just noticed something. The bad video game movies are based on games we’be never played. But the one movie that was good was based on a game we actually played. There has to be something to do with us not playing enough video games in our free time in order for these movies to be good!

Or it's because The Angry Birds Movie actually had effort put into it.

Yeah, that could be it too.

This movie will only please those who both love animals similar to Zootopia, and those who enjoy any kind of music.

So basically Sweetie Belle?

Yeah, pretty much.

Hey! You guys liked the movie too! You both said it yourselfs when you walked out of the cinema!

But only a tiny bit. It was good, but now as good as say Zootopia or The Secret Life of Pets.

Oh okay. Just as long as you two liked it, that's all that matters.

And that is every movie we saw in 2016!

It was indeed a split year, with movies we will almost always remember.

And movie we should forget!

Speaking of that, should we say what our favourite and least favourite movies were?

Okay! I’ll go first.

Alright, go ahead Sweetie Belle.

My least favourite movie of the year would probably be either Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows or Ice Age: Collision Course. While my favourite movie would be The Angry Birds Movie.

Oh those are some unique choices. You wanna go next Scootaloo?

Alright. The worst movie of the year for me has to be Norm of the North, hooves down. My favourite movie, on the other hoof, is gonna have to be Deadpool.

Okay, that just leaves me. My least favourite movie of the year is Nine Lives, as I was the only one here who actually saw it!

We both knew it was going to be bad, so we didn't go.

I knew I should have listened. Anyways, my favourite movie of the year is probably a tie between Zootopia and Finding Dory.

And should about wrap things up! This was fun.

Yeah it was. Maybe we should do this again at the end of 2017? Who knows what could happen?

Well, there's only one way to find out. Let's see what 2017 has to offer!

Author's Note:

This was just an idea that came to my head when me and my brother were looking back on every movie we say last year. I don't know why I come up with these kinds of ideas! :unsuresweetie:

Comments ( 15 )

Well, that was fun! Though, could you make Sweetie Belle's lines a different color? The white text is kind of hard to read.

7903245 Yeah, perhaps a light purple color, from her mane?

This wasn't a blog post, WHY?

Well I have to say this is a rather accurate review of 2016 movies.

I just don't think this translates well to story form.

So basically this is just your opinions on these movies. that doesn't make a good story. Sorry and i happen to like Batman v superman and Sucide Squad

I also love BvS and Suicide Squad and a lot of others do as well. Some other fans are comparing the DC movies too much with the Marvel movies. The franchises are both different. It's like comparing apples with oranges. And I also love TMNT 2.

Not the worst concept. The problem is that there isn't enough reviewing. Like, have the Crusaders actually discuss the movies for more than six sentences. As it is, all you're doing is parading a train of shallow opinions that amount to "I like thing" or "I don't like thing." And that's boring to read. You had some glimmers of interest when the Crusaders disagreed on the movies, but you always moved on to the next movie too quickly for that to go anywhere.


Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I actually kind of had a hard time saying original things about the movies I saw. I mean, almost everything has been said about most of the good and bad movies that came out last year. So, going more into why I loved or hated a movie I saw would basically be me copying what someone else said in their own review, and as much as that would be longer and more in detail, it might also come out more uninteresting and a lot more boring. Especially when I would have to write it for three different characters!

I'm not a good film critic. Hell, I'm not even a good critic in general! This was just an idea that came to my head one day and I began to write about it in the place of my favourite character on MLP. I know it's nothing that good, but I just thought it felt better than writing an entire blog post about it!

Thanks for taking you time to actually read this story and giving your thoughts on it. I'm always open to criticism. :twilightsmile:

Rarity and AJ let them see "Deadpool?"

1. The moral in zootopia is bad

2. The abgry birds movie gets better if you understand the polical jokes

This story was ok, it would have been better with one movie per chapter and more talk about the movies.

Would've loved to have seen how the CMC reacted to Don't Breathe or Deepwater Horizon.

That said, this was more fun than I expected... though, as a story, it was a bit... well, non story like.

Still, I enjoyed it.

This movie sucks! End of story!


Then again, I'm a cat person.

Oh, booooo, you teased Star Trek Beyond in the cover art, but then don't actually comment on it at all! That was the one I was actually interested in seeing the review on! :rainbowlaugh:

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