• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 1,555 Views, 217 Comments

The Harmony Initiative - Madame Hellspawn

After a deadly attack of seemingly unknown origins, Luna and Celestia begin talks of reviving an ancient order meant to defend Equestria and the rest of the known world from threats deemed 'other worldly'.

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Chapter 5: Air Strike

She stared at the red bandana hanging on the edge of the table just beside her bed, longingly and dreadfully. Her body ached and screamed with every small movement she made, but nothing hurt more than the terrifying prospect of what she had been told days ago.

Her wings were gone. She would never fly again.

They were crippling words no pegasus should ever bear to hear. She wanted to find herself back in the cloud fortress that was home to so many of the Royal Guards ready to protect Equestria and Her allies in a minutes notice. She would be greeted by the grand pegasus architecture; a mix of solid tangible material and fluffy clouds. Friends would tease and jest because she had the equivalent to a filly’s nightmare.

At least, that was her hope. Her friends had already left the hospital no more than an hour ago to return to Canterlot or Cloudsdale. She didn’t pay attention to where they were going. Just the fact that they left. A part of her knew that they wouldn’t be able to stay forever, but she had desperately hoped one of them would come back and go against their duties. There was an incredible sense of loneliness that plagued her mind.

Now, she lay motionless on her stomach and stared at the crimson bandana, the last gift her friends left her, a reminder of their friendship. It was all they could offer to give her and she didn’t mind it.

She had been confined to the bed for little more than two weeks. She knew the damage was bad. Shrapnel from the bandits’ cannons bore into one of her wings and when she landed from the crash, her other wing snapped as well as several other bones in her body. The aching sensation and loneliness never left her.

For two hours she writhed in unbearable agony hoping someone would hear her screams, shouts and whimpers. She knew her sounds would be drowned out until the cannons cease firing and the griffons were either in shackles or routed from their stronghold. In that time, she had waited as patiently as anypony could with broken bones spanning her whole body.

It was a total of three hours before the search party had found her broken and shuddering form slammed against the rocky surface of the mountain. To say the least, it almost shattered the men’s morale when they first laid eyes on her as the pegasi medical team lifted her onto a gurney and straight to the nearest medical center. She stayed there ever since, confined to her bed and moved around only when the doctors needed her to. There was little she could do besides that.

The door to the room creaked open. She turned her head, several muscles screaming in pain as she did so. Two slender unicorns trotted in, identical save for one of them bearing a red mustache. Each wore striped blue and white vests and white shirts underneath. Hanging off their sides were a set of hazel leather packs, dangling freely as the two walked forward.

“How are you..?” The question died on her lips, having answered itself. Unicorns. Of course.

The two pale yellow unicorns approached with what could have been genuine sympathy in their eyes. Their matching candy cane colored manes floated gingerly in their enveloped magic. The one with the mustache spoke up first.

“A rather unfortunate situation for one so skilled in the skies,” He said with an odd bright tone to his voice. “Wouldn’t you agree Flim?”

“I do agree Flam,” Said the other. “Whatever is one to do in such a precarious position?”

Her eyes danced between the two stallions. She grit her teeth, but wasn’t even sure if she should be growing angry.

“What do you want?” She asked, the neutrality in her voice betraying the ever-present growing frustration building up.

“Why we’ve come with a proposition!” Flim beamed. Beside him a gold folder floated labelled Icarus.

“But before we get to that,” Flam interjected. “A question: What is one of the Royal Guard’s most talented and combat savvy pegasi to do without her wings? A former Combat Flyer grounded? Preposterous!”

She furrowed her brow. Flam pulled the collar of his shirt calmly re-adjusting.

“Could you imagine dear brother,” Flim spoke. “The idea of being grounded for the rest of one’s life? If only there was a means to allow a pegasus to fly again!”

“What in Tartarus do you want?!” She roared, slamming her charcoal hoof on the rail of her bed. Strands of her silver mane fell into her eyes, but she was far more concerned with the sharp pain enveloping her body. She closed her eyes and repressed tears, gritting her teeth to the point of near cracking.

A moment later, the pain subsided and she was fine. She gasped for air, taking in deep breaths. She looked at the two stallions, both of their horns glowing brighter and their green aura surrounding her.

“Miss Strike,” Flim said floating the golden folder to her, blocking view of her beloved bandana. He opened it.

“We would like to grant you the ability to get your wings back,” Flam continued. The words and language were foreign, speaking of servos, implants and other scientific technobabble she wasn’t able to completely understand. The diagram, however, did wonders of portraying completely what it was they were offering.

Prosthetics, but more than just that. These boasted of faster than average speed, unrivaled versatility and arcane based technology. Their design was both aesthetically pleasing, managing to maintain that grand pegasus ornate design while remaining collapsible and rather unnoticeable when not in use, folding up and staying at the sides almost like normal pegasus wings. Curved elaborate pieces of metal jutting from her side seemed silly at first, but the probability of flying again….

“Of course,” Flam said. “At the moment, the designs and functionality of such an ambitious project are all in the final prototype stages.”

“But we have the utmost faith in our associates that these wings will become a fully functioning reality,” Flim continued. “In the highly unlikely event that the wings won’t function as intended, you will still be able to fulfil your duty of protecting all of Equestria.”

“What’s the catch?”

“How would you like a spot in something far greater than the Royal Guard itself?” Flam questioned. “After all, if they can’t protect the ponies vanishing from their homes and city streets, who can? Of course, that’s where we come in.”

“You may have noticed the missing populace,” Flim continued. “How is it that all these ponies are just going poof without a trace? Maybe there is a greater force that we never knew about? Who else to rise against and investigate these mysterious disappearances than something greater than the Royal Guard itself?”

She lay confused now. Something greater than the Royal Guard? A peacekeeping force greater than that of Equestria’s largest and most well known order of warriors? Impossible.

“Should you choose to accept,” Flim said. “We can cover this in better detail.”

“And if I refuse?”

“Then this conversation will have never happened,” Flam answered. The words left his lips smooth and unwavering, but she failed to understand. Much to her surprise, Flam continued, almost as if reading her mind. “We will take our leave and you will forget that we had ever met.”

Still, she didn’t understand, but she hadn’t pressed the question further. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know. There was no way she could deny herself the chance to take to the skies again, even if the wings weren’t exactly hers. But if the wings didn’t work? At least she may have the ability to fight again in a little while.

“Alright,” She sighed. “I accept.”


2 Hours After Operation Red Star

“Pegasi around the Vanhoover area were grounded after the discovery of an unknown flying craft in the skies. Eyewitness accounts describe the object as a ‘round metal vessel’ of some kind, capable of high speeds. Pegasi are advised to stay clear of the skies while the Royal Guard attempt to diffuse the situation. Anypony inside the city are advised to stay indoors and remain sheltered until the threat has come to pass.

“We’ll have more information on the story shortly. In other news….”


1 Hour After Operation Red Star

It was like an out of body experience, allowing a mostly metallic capsule to envelope one’s body and using nothing more than just an inkling of energy to do something as simple as walk, trot, gallop or fly.

Initially most pegasi considered the hulking suits to be far too large and too clunky to properly position oneself, but as they soon found out, the most basic movements and aerial maneuvers were almost second nature in them. Sure, the massive canons built into the sides of the body would take some getting used to, but nopony complained once they had been strapped and encased in the safety of the armored shell.

The process of equipping such an advanced piece of armor was rather long and arduous from accounts of other pegasi in the hangar assigned to aerial combat. A pegasus would stand in the center of a platform while other ponies assembled the armor around the various parts of their body. It was a process which shouldn’t be rushed so only the most patient and calm of pegasi were selected to act as interceptors for the alien spacecrafts.

Commander Sparkle entered the metal floored alcove where one such pegasus stood diligently as the ponies around her fit the armor snug around her firm and robust frame, covered with an underarmor as to not let her flesh get caught in the armor’s hinges.

“Commander,” Air Strike stiffened, causing a few of the maintenance ponies to jump back with the armor plates dropping. They returned to their duties urgently without a word, locking the lower hoof-guards into place before working on the upper hoof armor. “Sorry. I’d salute, but…”

Twilight waved a forehoof. “I understand. I was just checking on all of the pegasi getting headed off to Vanhoover.”

The armored carapace consumed Air Strike’s hooves, folding over each other and hardly causing a shift in weight. She didn’t know what made it so unnaturally light, but she’d chalk it up to magical enchantments. From what she had seen, that was the logical solution for any obstacle in Harmony Headquarters.

“How are the wings?” Twilight asked, stepping in front of the charcoal mare. Air Strike felt her face twitch, but maintained her deadpanned expression. “I heard what the ponies in R and AT managed to accomplish. I almost didn’t believe it!”

Twilight’s eyes glossed over to the prosthetic wings; ornately silver metal attached via an implanted socket where Air Strike’s wings used to grow. It still felt foreign to her, the neural link talisman implanted in the mechanics of the sockets making her spine tingle occasionally. It was astonishing; the unrivaled ingenuity of earth pony mechanics mixing with unicorn enchantments crafted into something so simple that would grant pegasi all over Equestria the ability to fly should they ever lose their wings.

Air Strike understood Harmony tech would most likely never see its way into hooves outside of the organization, but she wished at least their advanced prosthetics would see its way into hospitals and places all around Equestria.

“They’re perfect for the job,” Air Strike answered, her voice even and smooth, troublingly so for somepony in her position. . “Blend well with the thick suit and respond almost as well as my old wings. Pretty much built with the suit in mind.”

The curved metal arches sprang up with a low, but still audible whirr and a brilliant blue aura glowed behind them, lightly as to not wind up taking off before the maintenance ponies were finished covering up the small bits of Air Strike’s body. The magic sheen gleamed off the cold metal plates which enveloped her.

The corner of the commander’s lips curled up. There was a sparkle in her eyes, although it was hard to tell if it was from the light dangling above or from her general amazement of what Harmony was able to accomplish on its own in just a matter of weeks.

“That’s amazing!” Twilight stepped closer, but stopped midstep, watching the ponies raise their brows before they finished up, casing Air Strike in the most high impact resistant suit money could buy. Despite all of its plates and moving pieces, the armor managed to hug every curve of the mare .

The maintenance ponies stepped away, allowing the stationary platform which kept Air Strike sturdily grounded to lower.

“The ponies in Engineering really outdid themselves,” Twilight commented.

“Thank Celestia for that,” Air Strike said glancing down at the two canons flanking her side. “Feel sorry for the band of aliens that would have to deal with three more of these. Speaking of, any word on the craft?”

Twilight’s expression shifted, her smile fading and eyes darkening. “Of course. The recon teams are still keeping an eye on it. As best they can anyway. That thing is fast.

“I don’t expect the job to go easy, but your weapons and arms combined with everypony else in your squadron should be enough to at least disable the vessel. I’m not asking you to take it down, go inside and clear it of any aliens. Just take it down. We’ll send in a squad to do the rest.”

“Understood ma’am.”

Twilight looked out from the cavernous alcove and down at the other ponies getting ready for the upcoming battle. Air Strike stepped forward, ears twitching with each heavy footfall.

“We’ve never seen what the alien crafts are capable of,” Twilight said. She cast a glance down at a group of griffons dragging ponies into their little gambling card game; Doppelkopf. The commander shook her head with a slight smirk. Air Strike had to admit, she was a bit of a fan of the game, even if the expert griffons hosting the games never took it easy on her like they said they would.

Twilight faced Air Strike. “If you or anypony else sustains too much damage, I need you to pull back and disengage.”

“We will ma’am,” Air Strike approached a side table full of her belongings and sat on her haunches, a loud metal clang causing Twilight and herself to jolt a little. She smiled apologetically. “Sorry about that.”

The alicorn simply nodded before continuing. “There is a small chance you will have assistance from the Royal Guard, though I don't see what assistance they could provide us. They'd just wind up throwing sticks and stones at metal.”

Air Strike picked up the silver helmet and slid it over top her head, sliding on with ease despite the crimson bandana resting on her mane. The moment her metal encased hooves let the helmet rest, the visor sprang to life, a single crosshair in the center and a multitude of other displays including ammo count on the upper left corner, a status link of the armor as a whole to the lower right and a compass right beside it. The helmet even managed to cover her ears, but she still heard the outside world just fine.

“Aren’t we supposed to be a secret though?” Air Strike asked.

“We are,” Twilight answered after a moment of pause. “But no doubt, everypony knows that there’s someone out there actively fighting against the alien threat. I would much prefer to stick to Luna’s initial plan of remaining in the shadows, but the ponies need someone to look up to for hope and if we could provide that...”

Twilight stepped forward. “You understand don’t you?”

Air Strike nodded gently.

“Anyway, I didn’t come here to bore you with all of that,” Twilight stood straight and tall, completely unwavering, her energy seemingly restored. “Before I go, I would like to think you already know this but...If you can take down the alien craft, then it would be preferable to do so away from the city. There’s already enough of a scare with the fact that there’s an alien ship looming overhead. We’ll also need you to remain near the affected area until the fireteam arrives. Just in case somepony gets a little too curious.”

“Gotcha,” Air Strike said through her helmet.

“Alright, Banshees,” Air Strike’s ear had no room to flick or twitch. Vapour Trail’s soft voice rang again. “It’s time. Everypony ready?”

“Ready,” Blue Bell sounded.

“Ready,” Lightning Dust's answered.

“Ready.” Air Strike’s wings began to glow, brighter now. She lept into the air, the blue glow intensifying as the mechanical arches sprouting from her torso flapped once and gingerly kept her afloat despite the armor.

Twilight’s horn lit up slightly. “You all know what to do. Good luck everypony. Remember, outside of the city if you can.”

The Banshee Squadron all floated out of their alcoves embedded within the rocky surface of the hangar’s walls. Lightning Dust fiddled with one of her hoof guards as she hovered out into the open and checked her cannons before finally paying attention to where she was flying. The armored carapace enveloping her seemed weightless with the way her wings managed to flap at a normal pace. Blue Bell hovered at attention, awaiting orders just beside Lightning Dust.

Air Strike joined the two, her mechanical wings flapping out of nothing other than pure instinct. The trail of blue that followed her attracted the attention of everypony who saw it. She was already used to the wondrous gazes of those down below. After all, she was one of the only pegasi with those implanted wings.

Vapour Trail’s brilliant mane and tail poked from her armor as she flew, her wings keeping her afloat just below the giant maw-like doors in the roof of the hangar. She looked at the other three mares in the division.

“Alright everypony,” She spoke, a slight tinge of nervousness in her voice. “ Let’s go save Vanhoover.”

She launched herself upwards, Lightning Dust and Blue Bell trailing behind.

The ever increasing hum of Air Strike’s new wings filled her with a strange kind of joy. She couldn’t help but to allow a smile to form underneath her helmet. A trail of blue followed her as she took to the skies behind her fellow pegasi.

Author's Note:

I originally wanted to post this as it's own parts in what would end up being Chapter 6, but I don't want there to be too much stuffed into 6. Anyway, I'll have chapter 6 posted some time during the week or maybe next week.