• Published 12th May 2017
  • 3,975 Views, 41 Comments

One Plus Six Equals Family - Gravestone

What would you do if you had to choose? As for me I found a loophole so I cheated.

  • ...

Chapter 1 The Day After

My alarm clock goes off waking me from another blissful sleep, but instead of just lying there I remember that now I have a reason to get up six reasons, actually. So throwing my blankets off me, I stand up popping all my joints feeling good and happy after a long time of feeling miserable. Now hold on let me explain something to you see I'm 33 years old and I have had type 2 diabetes since I was 20 and had suffered from diabetic neuropathy over most of my extremities. But just this year I was in the hospital to undergo a medical procedure. Who am I kidding, it was a Four-Way Bypass and then I was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Failure. Learning this hit me harder in more ways than once I lost my job and the girl I thought was the love of my life. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel due to my condition I am now 100% disabled so I get a check I don't like it, but it helps I still work, but it's part-time only. So here I am a single guy living in a large four-bedroom house alone will not alone, I now have six daughters to take care of if the noise from the other bedroom is any sign. Making my way out of my room, I cross the hall to the sounds of yawning and giggles. Walking into the room I'm greeted with the sight of six little fillies rolling around on the queen-sized bed only stopping to look up at me. I had to stop myself from succumbing to the lethal doses of Adorabetes by just looking at now my six daughters. You know I think I need to explain everything that's going on here so sit there and I tell you the short tale of how I became the father of the filly mane six. And when I say short, I mean it's short it's like a paragraph long, maybe two.

So here we go.

It was a dark and stormy night. Wait, don't look at me like that. I'm being serious last night there was a severe thunderstorm. So there now can I continue? Yes then thank you. Now, where was I...
Oh yeah.
It was a dark and stormy night. I was sitting in my living room on my favorite chair drinking a cup of peppermint tea, listening to Pandora. But right in the middle of a good song, there came a knock at the door.

Hey, I was a Brownie and I like John de Lancie met him before once and I even got an autograph. I am getting off tangent here, aren't I?
As I was saying there was a knock at the door and being a little concerned since the weather was so bad I made my way to the front door. Turning on the porch light and unlocking the deadbolt and door lock I opened the door. Only to stand there dumbfounded at what was in front of me. It was Discord no joke it was like someone reached inside a tv and pulled him out into the real world. After shaking off the total nerdgasm a sound drew my attention down to his feet. There at his so-called feet was a basket. But, what was in said basket, is what caught me by surprise. It was the main six as babies, I couldn't help but due, they looked so cute, I lost points on my man card but who cares. Kneeling down to get a better look at them, I am startled when Discord speaks to me.

"I see you are the right choice for this little endeavor," He said in his iconic voice.

Looking up at him I must have had the most confused look, anyone with half a brain would have heard a cartoon character speak.

Rolling his mismatched eyes Discord looked down at me again. "You are what they call a brony am I correct?"

To this, I just nodded.

"Then I must assume that you have read the fanfic called My little Dashie am I correct?" He asked which I just nodded again.

"This is a riveting conversation we're having here, but I must continue. You have been chosen to take part in your own little aspect of the story, but with an added bonus, for instead of just Dashie, you can now choose which pony you wish to raise so please make your choice."Discord said to me, donning what looked like a suit and tie.

"Really that is so awesome," I said as I reach out to pick up one of the ponies but stopped.
Turning to look at Discord one thing puzzled me and I had to find the answer or it would haunt me forever.

"Okay, you said to choose one correct?" I asked which he just nodded his head.

Thinking about this I stood up to look at him better. "Now if I choose one what happens to the others?" I asked.

"Oh, they just cease to exist."He said as if was as natural talking about the weather.

Hearing this I was filled with sickness and rage. The only things I could think of were. "There's got to be some way around this and Discord you are no longer the best villain and none pony you jerk." Standing there I had to think there's an answer but what?

Starting to get aggravated Discord cleared his throat. "Come on I haven't got all day make your choice, so I can leave."

Hearing this made me dislike him even more. And then the answer came to me, I know how and what to do. Looking Discord in his mismatched eyes, I smiled. " Okay, I made my choice and I choose the basket," I say as I quickly reach down and grab the basket with the six still inside. Picking it up Discord reaches out to stop me.

"I'm sorry, but you can't do that," He said still trying to grab the basket.

"No, you said I had to choose one and I did I chose the basket and since I did everything that is inside it is legally and logically considered part of the basket so I get to keep all of them and you can't do anything about it, "I said mentally giving myself a pat on the back.

The only thing I didn't consider was the way Discord started to look at me. Let's just say that the guy may have been a cartoon character, but he was still scary. So I decided to just make a strategic retreat, Holding the basket I slowly backed up into my house. And once I was inside I quickly shut the door, but not before telling Discord thank you and to have a nice day. Turning around I walked into the living room and set the basket down on the couch before I sat down on the floor still freaking out about what I just did.

Outside the door

Discord stood on the porch his scowl slowly turned into a grin. "I knew you'd make the right choice young man. Well, let me see did I leave enough books in that basket for any new pony parent to start their own library, now I just hope this proves to Celly that not all humans are evil and some do deserve to come home." Discord said as he turned and started to walk away before he snapped his claws and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Back inside

After calming down I looked in the basket and it appeared that the girls were now asleep so I decided to turn in as well carefully lifting the basket I took it upstairs. The room across the hall from mine was the best choice for them right now so taking them in there I carefully place each one of them onto the bed and covered them with a blanket. As I turned to leave I looked down at the basket and I noticed something sticking out from under the small pillow. Moving it out of the way I saw something that made me laugh inside. Books lots of books, picking them up I read the titles to myself.

Teaching your foal how to fly.
Magic for foals
Magic 101
Star Swirls guide to magic
Raising Earth Ponies
Raising Pegasus Ponies
Raising Unicorn Ponies
1 million things to bake
Growing Apple Trees
How to care for wild and domestic animals
Clothes designing for Dummies

And these are just the ones on the top of the pile it looked like the basket had no bottom. Chuckling, I pick up the basket and decided to bring it to my room until tomorrow. Yawning, I put the basket on my chest of drawers and climbed into bed ready for a good night's sleep. Setting my alarm for an early time knowing full well that tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

So there that's what happened.
What, what was that... Okay, fine you were right, it was longer than two paragraphs there you happy?
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take care of my six precious daughters and for the love of all that is holy. What is that smell?
Just perfect all six at the same time.
Oh well, nobody said parenting was easy.
Now all I have to get is diapers, formula, baby food, stuff animals, toys, highchairs, a big stroller, and words start to become incoherent mumbling.

Author's Note:

This is what my home looks like if you're interested.