• Published 7th Feb 2017
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A Rainbows Blessings - Sonic rainbow

Rainbow Dash is in high school, and she is also part of the Wonderbolts Sports Academy. Rainbow has been through the everything with her friends and school and at the academy. One day something comes up and she doesn't know who to turn to.

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Chapter 3: A Rainbows Horror

A Rainbows Blessing
Chapter 3: A Rainbows Horror
Sonic rainbow

Rainbow Dash was sitting in her bedroom staring at the letter she just got in the mail from her dad. Should I open it or leave it. Rainbow Dash took a chance and opened the letter, it read:

Dear Rainbow Dash,

It is time if you know what I mean, and if you don't I will ascertain what that means for you. It's time to come visit me and I know it is your favorite time of the year. Since it is Friday I will come and pick you up that day and you will stay with me for the long weekend. Isn't that going to be exiting? Sincerely your father, Rainbow Blaze.

"Oh no, oh on ho no oh no oh no oh no," Rainbow Dash started hyperventilating and grabbed a paper bag out of her drawer and starts to have a panic attack. Rainbow's heart is beating like crazy, she gets dizzy and the room starts to spin around and around. Rainbow Dash falls on the floor and her head is pounding. Rainbow Dash got her breathing in check and got up.

"Time for school," Rainbow Dash got her books and walked out.

"Sup Rainbow?" Ocean Breeze asked as she started walking to the bus. Something looked off. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Well, no not necessarily. Actually I had another panic attack," Rainbow Dash explained to her worried friend.

"Another one about what? Is it serious? Is there something wrong? Should I take you to the doctor?" Ocean panicked.

"No, it is time for me to visit my dad," Dash said in a hushed tone. Ocean gasped and covered her mouth preventing her to say anything out of the blue.

"Good luck Dasharina," Ocean said Rainbow Dash Ignored nickname as she grabbed her hat and ran for the door. Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot caught up and they started to school.

Rainbow Dash stared at the clock in her class before lunch. Five, four, three, two, one, DINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Everyone ran out of the classroom to go to lunch.

"Girls I am so hungry I could kill myself, for more than one reason," Rainbow Dash said flat out, but then realized what she just said. Rainbow Dash felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around.

"Rainbow Dash we are having a new student on Monday and you are going to be helping him. His name is Swift Bolt, and he has all of the same classes as you do. He is from Cloudsdale like you and he went to Cloudsdale Academy," Principal Celestia gave her the slip and walked away.

"OO someone knew I love meeting new people, and a good thing is that Sunset Shimmer could have a fresh start just like when Ocean Breeze came to CHS she didn't know about the whole evil Sunset shimmer that took over the school," Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah Rainbow, I haven't toured anyone since Starry Night and that was a year ago. Wait isn't he your boyfriend?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Um yes, but that is NOT important right now," Rainbow Dash said trying to get off of the subject.

"Darling you have a boyfriend before I do?" Rarity asked with a pout. Rainbow Dash smirked.

"I guess I do because you haven't had one yet because every person who asked you out said no. Trust me Rarity you are not as attractive as you think you are," Rainbow Dash just shattered the hopes and dreams of Rarity. Rarity scoffed, but before she could say anything Fluttershy said something.

"Um... sorry to intrude, but Rainbow that wasn't very nice even though it was... true," Fluttershy said meekly.

"What are y'all doing this weekend?" Applejack asked while eating her lunch.

"I'm going to bake and then go over to Fluttershy's house!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

"I am going to go and have a tea party with Sweetie Belle," Rarity said.

"I'm goin to work and then I'm goin to Sunset's house for a sleepover," Applejack said

"I am going to stay with... my dad for the weekend," Rainbow said slowly.

"Ya don't sound so happy about that," Applejack mentioned.

"I'm not, I always dread going to my fathers house and ever since I left 1 time every 4 months I have to go visit," Rainbow said.

"So what happened to your mom?" Rarity asked as Fluttershy flinched and Rainbow pretended that she busy. "Was there something I said?"

"Um... well Rainbow's mom was Firefly," Fluttershy started, as everyone's eyes widened and Rainbow Dash continued.

"...And she had children," Rainbow Dash said bluntly. Everyone stared at her. "What?"

Fluttershy nudged Rainbow "Tell her the truth."

"I am telling them the truth, she did have me," Rainbow said.

" Okay Fine, Firefly she was sixteen when she had me. Well, actually she had triplets Me, my identical twin sister Polychromatic Dash, and my twin brother Spectrum Dash," Rainbow Dash said.

"from that part of the story I take it, y'all were not planned," Applejack mentioned.

"I know right, Rainbow, Polychromatic, and Spectrum all mean some kind of colors mashed together, AND ALL THEY DID WAS ADD DASH AT THE END OF ALL OF YOUR NAMES!!!! THAT IS OUTRAGOUS!!!" Ocean Breeze yelled, stood up, and banged on the table drawing attention to their table including Celestia and Luna. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STAIRING AT?" She said as she sat down everyone pretended like they didn't do anything.

"Yah, we were a dumb night at the bar. Soon Firefly realized that she couldn't take care of us, so she left the end," Rainbow Dash summarized it all up and kept eating her nasty food. Soon Flash Sentry and Thunderlane came and sat at the table. "End of story no more discussion," Rainbow Dash said.

"What are you all talking about?" Thunderlane asked.

"Didn't I JUST SAY END OF DISCUSSION?" Rainbow Dash asked. Everyone just shook their heads and went back to their business.

"They have the worst food, but no one ever brings THEIR LUNCH. I swear Flash and I always are at the end of the line," Thunderane said.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, do you remember the worst school lunch?" Flash looked at her with a smirk.

"O...M...G, Cloudsdale Academy was the worst place. I... they were trying to kill us. no, but I got food poisoning once a week, and I pretty much missed about five months of school every year, so they had to kick me out. I did NOT mind either, so at the end of the year we all left and the school got shut down," Rainbow said and her friends just stared at her.

"If you really want to see something you should see Rainbow's medical record. She has more injuries than anyone, but than again she was a major fighter. There was this one boy named Swift Bolt and they always fought, but they are good friends," Thunderlane said.

"So when he comes to join is he going to get bullied?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe by me," Rainbow Dash said as Fluttershy shot her a sweet little hard glare.

"Okay, just promise me your not too hard on him he needs to get used to you again," Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash.

"Okay, okay, hey remember when Flash was new?" Rainbow interjected oddly.

"I dated him," Sunset Shimmer said. "What else happened?"

"Well, I bullied him so much he wanted to leave, but a day later he remembered me and started to bully me, so that happened," Rainbow smiled and messed up his hair.

"You do that to all of the new students an example is Caramel now he is scared to you," Applejack said.

"I LOVE NEW STUDENTS," Pinkie yelled as she ate her cupcake.

Rainbow Dash was rapidly tapping her pencil as Ms. Harshwhinny drowned everyone in boredom. Literally people were in 'Jamaica' swimming in the sea of boredom.

"Missssss. Dash can you please STOP TAPPING YOUR PENCIL," Ms. Harshwhinny slurred her 's' as she kept writing on the board. "Oh, and I hope everybody is taking notes for you test Monday," She mentions and everyone panics. "Amateurs," Ms. Harshwhinny muttered under her breath.

Finally after a long forty-five minuets the last bell of the day rung and she dreaded this. Rainbow Dash knew the games that her father plays, as he acts all nice, but when she gets home...

Rainbow Dash walked out of the building and was meet by her fathers car that she got into, and they drove away to his house.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, long time no see," Rainbow Blaze said hugging her.

"Hey Dad, how are you?" Rainbow Asked nicely.

"I am good actually you will not be bored this time because Polychromic Dash is also visiting from the streets," Rainbow Blaze said like everyday he has a kid come and visit off of the street. When they got to the house the first thing that Rainbow's Dad does is gets four bottles of beer and gets to work on them in his room.

"So much for a drink free experience," Rainbow muttered as her sister walks in.

"Rainbow Dash!" Polychromic Dash whispered. "One big rule is if you are going to leave this house before Monday morning you have to leave after ten and before six. Now lets go get dinner." Polychromic motioned for Rainbow to follow.

"You do know you can't drive, right?" Rainbow said wondering what the were going to do as they walked to door being careful about not stepping on the glass laying around the house.

"du, the restaurants are close by," They started walking.

"So, how is life?" Polychromic asked.

"Well since we last seen each other I got moved up two grades in middle school," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey, when you go home can I come with you? Dad scares me," Polychromic Dash asked.

"I don't see why not," Rainbow Dash was dreading what would happen if they came home late. Rainbow looked at her sister she was wondering what happened to Spectrum. The two of them got to the restaurant and the hyper waiter scared her to death. Rainbow Dash did not what to end up like her mothers father because he was deaf.

"HI GIRLS WHAT CAN I DO YOU FOR," The waiter asked in a abnormally loud voice. Rainbow Dash adverted her eyes so that she couldn't see the creepy waiter's eyes.

This was going to be a long dinner.

Polychromic Ran to her friends house like her father told her to, as Rainbow Dash quietly tiptoed through the living room.

"What are you doing Rainbow Dash," Rainbow Blaze asked in a low voice as he walked toward her.

"Walking," Rainbow Dash soon realized what she said as her eyes widened.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOUNG LADY?" Her father said as he grabbed her shirt and pushed her against the wall.

Rainbow Dash flinched "I-I-I'm sorry, please don't hurt me," Rainbow had a muffled scream as her father punched her in the stomach.

"AHHHHhhhh," Rainbow screamed as she took another blow to the head and she got dizzy. Rainbow Blaze then kicked her in the head, back, stomach, and smacked her in the nose and blood started gushing out of her nose. Her father then took his beer glass and smacked it on her head as it shattered. All of Rainbow's confidence left as her aimed a heavy blow to her eyes. "AHHHhhh," Rainbow Dash cried out as he bruised all of the parts of her body.

"Get to your room," Rainbow Blaze said as Rainbow Dash stumbled to her bedroom and cried herself to sleep.

Rainbow Dash found herself waking up with unbearable pain everywhere you can have pain. It was twelve o'clock am and Rainbow Dash could resist the constant stinging of bruises, so she got up and went to the pantry, but being super quiet to not wake up her drunk father sleeping on the couch.

Rainbow Dash took two Advil, but then stepped on something that made a loud noise waking up her father. "Damn it," She cursed under her breath as she walked out.

"We do Not take pills or alcohol in this house do you understand me," Rainbow Blaze said.

"You do it everyday, at least I do it for a good reason," Rainbow again forgetting who this was, was met with another hard beating this time getting a black eye in both eyes and a major concussion which made her pass out.

Rainbow was out for TWO DAYS. The pain was unbearable as she went upstairs where her sister was and got ready for a 'nice' school day.

"Ready to go to school?" Polychromatic asked her.

"No, but anything to get away from him."