• Published 12th Feb 2017
  • 1,951 Views, 11 Comments

Twilight's First Valentine - Lotus Moon

Twilight spend Valentine's Day (Hearts and Hooves Day) in the alternate world

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What's Valentine's Day?

Author's Note:

I wanted to do something special for Hearts and Hooves Day (aka Valentine's Day) and what better way than to give Twilight a new experience. Sorry if it seems amateurish...I've...never had a real Valentine's Day myself :fluttercry:

Twilight Sparkle was wandering through her castle since she uncharacteristically had so much free time now. She had read all the books in her library (many more than once of course), completed organizing then reorganizing her books and scrolls, and taken care of anything else she had planned. As much as she would've liked to spend time with her friends, they were all previously engaged. Rarity was making new designs for her latest fashion line, Applejack was helping out with an overflow of farm chores, Fluttershy was caring for serval sick animals, Pinkie Pie was making deliveries while the Cakes handle Sugar Cube Corner, Rainbow Dash was at the Wonderbolts Academy, and Spike was in Canterlot hanging out with Minuette and Lemon Drops for the day, helping them plan some kind of event.

"I'm bored. And this castle is so big and quiet with just me in it." Twilight mumbled to herself. She happened to pass a room she hadn't been in for a while and opened the door. Inside was the makeshift portal she used to get back to the alternate world. The journal that Sunset Shimmer used to contact her about the sirens was still hooked up and everything. Using her tail, Twilight gently dusted off the machine and stood in front of it. "It wouldn't be harmful if I pop in for a visit. I won't be there long." She mumbled to herself. Teleporting herself to the throne room, Twilight quickly scrawled out a letter to her friends before going back to the other room. Powering up her horn, Twilight activated the machine and went through the portal.


In the alternate world, Sunset Shimmer was helping Pinkie Pie and Applejack in the gym set up for their annual Valentine's Day party. Pinkie Pie was her usual bouncy self, blowing up balloons one after another before bouncing off to set up streamers. Applejack was helping to set up tables while Sunset was checking inventory. Rarity was in the fashion club room designing new dresses for all of her friends while Rainbow Dash restlessly posed for her own dress and Fluttershy was in there helping out however she could.

"Ok, everything looks like it's coming along on our end. We just need the other girls in here to move things along a bit more quickly." Sunset sighed.

"You're right. There's only so much the three of us can do. RD would probably be more than happy to help out, but Rarity's holding her prisoner in the fashion room and Fluttershy is off somewhere." Applejack said.

"Hey, why don't we ask Twilight for help?" Pinkie Pie popped up.

"Pinkie, Twilight's back in Equestria. She's probably got a lot of princess responsibilities to take care of at the moment. And besides, the portal between worlds is closed...why would she be here?" Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Well because she's standing right there." Pinkie pointed to the gym doorway where Twilight was standing and waving awkwardly.

"Hello, girls." Twilight chuckled anxiously.

"Twilight!" Applejack, Sunset, and Pinkie ran over and hugged her.

"Hey. I missed you, girls, too." Twilight said, smushing between the three girls.

"What are you doing here? What about Equestria? Your princess duties?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, isn't it irresponsible for a princess to just up and sneak away from her kingdom?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah because you could be gone for only a few minutes and then next thing you know BAM! Instant catastrophe! The whole town is in chaos! And then everyone will say it was your fault!" Pinkie Pie said, earning a confused stare from the other three girls.

"O...K then...getting back to Sunset's question. Twi, why are you here?" Applejack asked.

Twilight shrugged. "I was bored...my castle is pretty empty. All of my friends, your counterparts, are all off doing things." She rubbed her forearm a bit. "I've read pretty much all the books in my castle library. And I figured since it's been a while, I'd come to visit. I used enough magic to keep the portal open for at least a day or two. Where are the other girls? And what's with all these decorations?"

"Oh, this is for our usual Valentine's Day party. Nothing special." Sunset said, earning a confused look from Twilight. "Oh, right. In Equestria, it's called something different."

"What do you mean? Isn't it the same in any world?" Applejack asked.

"For us, it's called Hearts and Hooves Day. It's where we give a gift to our special some pony...or someone we consider our special some pony." Twilight explained.

"Well it's the same here, only we call it Valentine's Day. And this party is like a little festival. The guys are pretty clueless about it, but the girls are all excited. Aaaaaand that's because we get to bake stuff!" Pinkie Pie grinned big. "Cakes, cookies, pies, muffins, chocolates, gummies-"

"I think she gets the point." Applejack said, covering Pinkie's mouth. "But since Valentine's Day isn't till tomorrow, the actual party isn't till tomorrow. For today, as Pinkie stated, there's a lot of baking that goes on today. And most girls see it as a contest. Some girls make homemade chocolates or cakes and other stuff to give to guys they like or even just their close friends."

"We shouldn't keep her to ourselves. Let's go see the others." Sunset started pulling Twilight out of the gym, followed by Pinkie and AJ. They walked through the halls, Twilight getting greetings from everyone they passed until they caught up with the rest of their friends. All of which were more than happy to see Twilight.

"Twilight, darling! You're here just in time." Rarity pulled Twilight into the club room and quickly took her measurements. "Though your arrival is unexpected, I can pull something together for the party."

"Why are you here Twi? Shouldn't you be back home kicking monster butt?" Rainbow Dash asked, squirming around in the dress Rarity had her tied up in.

"Is there some threat we don't know about and you came to solve it?" Fluttershy asked, innocently twirling her hair.

"Nope. No troubles here or back home. I just came to visit because I was lonely and bored." Twilight said honestly, Rarity all the while keeping her still while holding up different fabrics to see what would work for a new dress.

"Bored? Darling, you're a princess. In a castle! How can you possibly be bored?" Rarity asked, only imagining herself being pampered in luxury by servants. Wearing the finest gowns, her fashions were worn by all sorts of celebrities. But in reality, it wasn't all that grand...especially in Twilight's case.

"Well, I was bored. Being in a castle isn't really all it's cracked up to be...even if I am the Princess of Friendship." Twilight brushed some hair from her face. "I mean, I don't mind being a Princess, I'm still just a normal pony and prefer my friends to treat me as such. Just so things don't seem so different."

"Look Sugar Cube, we aren't judging. We were just curious. Did you leave a note saying where you were?" AJ asked.

"Of course! Though I'm not sure when some pony will see it." Twilight smiled.

"Well if you've taken that much into account, then it wouldn't hurt for you to stay." Rarity said. "Hm, better go with a slightly darker color...then we'll tend to your hair."

"Well, maybe she can be your new model. I'm getting antsy and I'm gonna be late for soccer practice." Rainbow Dash groaned, making an excuse just to escape.

"Oh alright." Rarity rolled her eyes and took the unfinished outfit off Rainbow Dash, setting it on a clothing model stand. And as soon as she was free, Rainbow bolted right out. "Some people are just unappreciative of the struggle to create great fashion."

"Rarity, we don't need a new outfit for every occasion at the school. Besides, the party is starting right after school tomorrow. Where would you have the time to design let alone completely finish seven new dresses before the last bell?" AJ folded her arms.

"Well if she's anything like the Rarity I know from Ponyville, and she is, she'll get them done in no time," Twilight said. "In fact, I have a story almost like this situation. Wanna hear?"

"Oh yes, it would be nice to hear stories of ourselves from your world, Twilight." Fluttershy smiled. Just then, the lunch bell rang.

"Well looks like it'll be a lunch story, and it'll help to pass the time." Sunset smiled as Twilight carefully placed the unstitched fabric on a nearby table before they all filed out of the fashion room.

"So tell me what this story, which is obviously about me, was about," Rarity smiled brightly.

"Ok so my Rarity was designing herself a brand new dress for this huge event called the Grand Galloping Gala and she got the grand idea to create dresses for all of us. It didn't really go as planned." Twilight rubbed the back of her hand nervously.

"How so?" Sunset asked then blinked. "Did you do something?"

"Well...let's just say the first designs were pretty much perfect, but not what we were expecting. So we stressed her out with multiple revisions till she came up with the ugliest dresses ever. But that's not even the worst part." Twilight sighed.

"That's not?! How could it possibly get worse! I can feel my face breaking out just thinking about it." Rarity said, dramatically placing the back of her hand on her forehead.

"It got worse because-umph!!"

Twilight had bumped into someone but was caught before she hit the ground. Looking up to see her caught her, it was Flash Sentry. They stared at each other for a minute before Twilight started blushing wildly up to her ears and straightened herself up. "H-hi."

"Twilight, it really is you. I had heard you were back. I-It's really nice to see you." Flash rubbed the back of his neck nervously as a light pink blush formed on his cheeks.

"I-It's nice to see you too." Twilight twirled her hair nervously. She had been thinking of seeing Flash again, even though she did have some brief encounters with his pony alternate, this Flash had a bit more of a connection with her. Before their awkward staring became...well more awkward...Fluttershy spoke up.

"Um, Twilight..."

"Huh?! Oh, um..right. I-I guess we should be going. Right girls?" Twilight said.

"Wait, Twilight, um...well if you don't know, we're having a little party after school. A-And, if it's ok, would you like to come as my date?" Flash asked.


"She'd love to." Sunset jumped in, answering for Twilight. "I think that's what she was going to say, right?"

Twilight nodded. "Yep. She's right. I'd love to come as your date."

"Great. See you after school" Flash said and started off down the hall.

"Oh my goodness, Twilight, now this definitely calls for a new dress!" Rarity squealed.

"I don't normally agree, but Rarity's right this time. A new get-up would make the night a bit more interesting." AJ said.

"Well we have plenty of time to make a new outfit...or we can simply go shopping instead," Sunset suggested.

"Oh alright, but it's my treat. For right now, continue your story." Rarity said as they entered the cafeteria and Twilight continued telling them the story.