• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 1,141 Views, 7 Comments

Flightless Destiny - Silver Inkwell

What will Scootaloo do when she learns that she can never fly? Will she be alone in the darkness with her pain, sorrow, and misery? Or will she accept her destiny and fate instead?

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Flightless Destiny

Flightless Destiny

Scootaloo looked up at the sky with want and longing.

She wanted to fly, but she couldn’t and she never would either.

She had just been told that she had a very rare wing disease that would make it impossible for her to ever fly because her muscles would never develop properly. But she didn’t care what the doctors or her parents said, she would fly, and she would never give up until she did, or she would die trying to instead. But no matter what happened she would have to be brave in facing this very difficult task and challenge ahead of her, and so she was since she stood at the edge of a cloud waiting to jump down, soar, and then fly too.

Under her there was another cloud just in case she failed, but she had no doubt in her mind that she would succeed. And so she slowly took a very deep breath in to calm herself down, on three I’ll jump, she thought to herself.

And very slowly she counted and as she did suddenly the world seemed to slow down around her as she could suddenly see everything around her with perfect clarity for some strange, unusual, and very mysterious reason that she could never quite figure out. But as to why or how it does no matter, what really truly matters is what happens as the moments and time goes by as she counts.

One, she saw two parents, but not her own, that were playing with their young little filly as she effortlessly flew in the air playing a game of catch the ball.

Two, she saw a flock of birds pass by through the brilliant sun that was now setting and cast down a very beautiful array of colors like orange, purple, and red, and she saw that the birds were heading south for the winter.

Too bad that she couldn’t just fly away like they could do.

Three, she took one last very deep breath… and then jumped.

Suddenly the world started to come into focus as she dived downwards now.

She stretched out her wings letting the wind and gravity work for her as she dived down, but when she tried to flap them she found that she could not rise, she could only fall down and dive, and that was the worst disappointment of them all. And so with tears on her eyes she tried to gently land on the cloud, but her dive was too fast and instead she crashed into it instead.

Eventually her parents came to get her and help her home, but it was too late for them because now she was crushed internally, in spirit, in mind, in hope, in heart, she still had all that, and she wanted to be very brave and hopeful, and strong too, but she just didn’t know how she could always do that now. She just didn’t know how she could live without ever flying in the air…

Years later Scootaloo found her friends… and Rainbow Dash too.

They all helped her out with her… disability.

They helped her to learn how to cope and live with it.

They taught her very valuable lessons in friendship.

They taught her what it was like to feel like an outcast or different.

And that was because in some small little tiny way they were all the same now.

Of course she never could quite fly despite all her time, effort, and energy.

But very soon enough she discovered her destiny was to help other ponies out.

And perhaps just maybe being disabled from flying was an advantage instead.

Perhaps maybe she was born this way so that she could understand the pain of others, so that she could understand their sorrow, despair, and agony as well.

Perhaps maybe it wasn’t quite the curse that she thought, but maybe instead a gift. But she couldn’t ever know for sure, she just thought that it was that way.

But that was only after some very wise words and advise from her friends… And Fluttershy… And finally
Rainbow Dash as well.

They had all helped her to learn, for Fluttershy had said that just because she could fly didn’t mean that
she did, and she also said that it didn’t matter what a pony was born as so long as they could figure out their destiny and embrace it. Rainbow Dash had said that she should never give up on her dreams even if
something natural was going to keep holding her back, she said that she should never give up or
surrender, and she also said that the moment that she finally did give up would be the moment that she
kills her dream.

And her friends… well they were always there for her no matter what happened and she knew that no matter what that they would always be best friends.

And that was why she was here now on the edge of a cliff, for now she had to prove to herself and others that she could accept a destiny that meant that she never could fly. She could accept it, and she would, but she would never give up on her dreams either, just because she couldn’t fly it didn’t exactly mean that she could or should give up, no, it just meant that she had to do her best, and if she could not fly in the skies then she would soar very high instead.

And with that she slowly counted to three, stretched out her wings, and let the wind do its work as she dived to the ground, but she did not try to flap her wings since she knew it would be in vain to resist, and so instead she gently landed down below in the forest now finally satisfied with her performance.

For now she had finally done something very hard and difficult.

She had faced her fears, challenged the impossible, and accepted fate.

But during the whole entire process she never gave up on her dreams either…

And that of course, is the most important lesson of all to learn now.

Author's Note:

Yes, this originally meant to be longer, and I want it to be, the only question left is this, do you?

Anyhow I hope that you liked, loved and enjoyed this and thank you for the continuous support.

And please, do comment down below, it's really important to me if I can ever improve at all and each and every comment is important and valuable too.

Comments ( 7 )

wow, poor Scootaloo

*hugs Scootaloo*

Good fic

Comment posted by Nox the Eternal deleted Jan 26th, 2017

And yet her wings were powerful enough to fly on land. The fact that Scoots was able to propel a wagon with two fillies her own size has been a huge inspiration for her to push on.

You deleted my comment without actually answering
And now i have witnesses to my question. WHY DID YOU PUT THIS IN THE FOLLOWERS OF DISCORD GROUP?
An actual answer would be nice as opposed to just deleting my comment.

What story in what folder? :) ;) :derpytongue2:


And finally to quote Miss Mary Poppins, "I never explain anything."

This was okay. It needs editing, and I guess the point is made, but it just feels flat and descriptive more than a story should.

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