• Published 28th Jan 2017
  • 1,002 Views, 15 Comments

A Princess' Request: Three Crates - FerociousCreation

After the events of the recent Summer Sun Celebration, Derpy has been busy with deliveries nonstop! And when Princess Celestia arrives to the post office to request a delivery to Canterlot, the alicorn specifically requests that Derpy would deliver.

  • ...

Arm Strong

Thanks to Princess Luna, Derpy Hooves knew exactly where to go. The princess had to attend to other matters about the castle and had to leave Derpy on her own. Slowly, the mailmare pushed a crate through the castle entrance, grunting with every shove. Every guard the mare pushed watched in silence, almost wanting to assist the struggling pony. However, they had a post to attend, and would rather save themselves a lecture from the guard captain… or worse.

Taking a break, Derpy Hooves stopped her pushing and looked at the path ahead. Before her was a staircase dressed in red carpeting, and at the base of the steps were two white guards, much like the one who stopped the pegasus outside.

Her jaw nearly smacked the ground, intimidated by the obstacle. And yet, Derpy puffed out her chest with pride, knowing what had to be done. This box may be heavy and large, but I will not let Princess Celestia down!

Pushing it to the base of the stairs, Derpy started to walk up them, counting each step. “Thirty-five,” she said, looking down to the froyer. Flying down to the box, the mare began her struggle.

Standing on the stairs, Derpy lifted with all her might, getting the edge of the crate up the first step. The next few steps were not as stressful as the first, but it was still difficult. Derpy couldn't remember the last time she had to exhaust herself this much. Regardless of the past, it was not helping her with the task at hoof.

Thinking it was enough of a lift up the stairs, the mare quickly moved to the first floor and gave the crate a hard shove. To her great pleasure, the box began to move, sliding upwards as she pushed. However, the box was pushing against her, giving Derpy more stress than she needed.

Derpy didn't know how far she was pushing before her strength started to fail. Oh no… I… I can't… No! I… can! Her own words of encouragement was not enough to maintain her strength, and Derpy Hooves stepped aside, letting the heavy crate fall. It bounced a little, the contents inside smashing and breaking, then fell onto the guard on the stairs’ left.

“Oh my goodness!” Derpy dashed for the box, her adrenaline taking control of her instincts. She looked over to the other guard who looked as though he didn't care for his comrade. “What are you doing?” she yelled. “He could be hurt! What am I saying… Of course he is hurt!”

Again, she attempted to flip the heavy package. And soon, it began to lift. The guard below used his one arm to remove the crate from himself with ease, somehow not as hurt as one may assume. Thank goodness I'm an Strong Arm, he thought to himself, shrugging his shoulders.

Without warning, the mare crashed into him, sprawling Arm Strong onto his back and smacking his head on the tile floor. “Mister, are you okay?” The blow to his head dazed the guard, and his ability to reply was impaired. Derpy Hooves rested her ear on his chest plate, listening for a pulse. But no such sound was made.

“Oh my gosh! I killed him!” Thinking to resolve her predicament, Derpy remembers watching a movie about doctors using a defibrillator in order to start up a heart. Electricity! “D-don't die on me now!” Derpy screamed, darting for the exit. “I'll come back for you!”

Chuckling to himself, the standing guard asked, “Hey Arm Strong, you doing alright?”

Gathering himself onto all fours, Arm Strong rubbed the back of his head, “You know, Keen Eye, I never thought I would be taken out by a mare.”

“Now all you have to do is get one to ask you on a date,” Keen Eye laughed.

“Oh shut up…” Arm Strong looked around, wondering where the pegasus went. “Umm… do you know-”

“Don't you die on me!” a voice shouted. A gray mass moved into the castle, quickly approaching Arm Strong. Derpy Hooves ran the thunder cloud above the guard, unaware of his consciousness. Preparing to buck the cloud, she cried out, “Clear!” With all of her might, Derpy kicked the gray cloud hard. Electricity spat from below, shocking Arm Strong with intense voltage. He twitched as the electricity shot through his system before falling over.

Keen Eye was now worried about his ally and quickly flew over to Arm Strong. Derpy shoved him out of the way, scowling at Keen Eye. “Now you’re worried about him?! Sorry, but I am saving his life.”

Arm Strong’s mouth was wide open, still stunned and unable to move. Derpy stood over Arm Strong, and took a deep breath. “If the kiss of life doesn't work, I don't know what will!” Arm Strong flushed, not sure if having this mare perform C.P.R. on him was a bad thing.

Derpy blew hard into Arm Strong’s mouth, air snorting out of the guard’s nostrils. She pushed hard on his chest before resuming her “rescue.”

Taking him by the shoulders, Derpy looked at him with tears beading at the corner of her eyes. “Are you there!?” she cried desperately. Thankfully for Arm Strong, he blinked. “You’re alive!” Derpy was filled with glee and tightly hugged the guardspony.

Somehow, Arm Strong couldn't break free from the mare’s grasp and began to suffocate. If I don't free myself, this mare might actually kill me! With every ounce of strength he had, Arm Strong muttered, “You can… let me… go…” Arm Strong almost fell over, taking deep breaths the moment Derpy released him.

“I'm so sorry…” Derpy spoke shamefully.

A hoof tapped her shoulder and Keen Eye said, “He was fine from the beginning.” Keen Eye pointed at his friend. “That stallion is Arm Strong; nothing can crush him.”

“Almost…” Arm Strong commented, his eyes firmly on Derpy.

“Oh…” Derpy grinned bashfully and worried if she bothered the guard.

Arm Strong knew the mare meant no harm, despite how she created more harm than good. “Worry not, for I have accepted your apology.” His smile was more than enough to lift the mailmare’s spirits.

“Thanks Mr. Arm Strong!” She then realized how much time has been wasted. “Now I hate to leave you two right away, but I need to get back to work. This crate isn't going to push itself.”

Keen Eye and Arm Strong looked at each other with concern, then eyed the mare. “Are you sure you don't need any help?” Keen Eye asked before gesturing to his friend. “My friend could possibly help you with that heavy crate.”

Arm Strong shot a hard stare at his friend, bothered with how he was being forced to volunteer. Then again, a single mare shouldn't bare too much weight on her shoulders, in more ways than one.

“Thanks but no thanks,” Derpy disagreed, shaking her head to the offer. “Princess Celestia told me to personally deliver this crate to her throne room personally.”

If I remember correctly, I heard the contents within that box break... I sure hope the princess knows what she is doing. Keen Eye simply shrugged, “As you wish, Mam.”