• Published 5th Jan 2018
  • 1,555 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Mages: The Anointing - Foxhelm

As Cadance's due date arrived, Twilight has what she think is the prefect plan for Starlight's first lesson in friendship. Yet not everything goes according to plan. A My Little Mages retelling of The Crystaling

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The Crystalling

Celestia and Luna stood in the frozen wastes not far from Krystalopolies, at the same time in Krystalopolies, Shining had taken the baby so that Cadance and Twilight could find a way to restore the Crystal Heart. Celestia’s hands glowed golden as Luna’s hands glowed silver. “You hunted us down before!” Celestia shouted to the black cloud as it landed and morphed and took form, or rather forms.

“But that tables have turned! We are not the helpless children we were!” Luna shouted as the sisters witness the forms become recognizable. They looked not unlike humanoid bipedal wolves with bare antlered skulls as heads, and their chests were empty rib cages.

One walked forward, it was the largest of the lot and had many prongs on the racks of its antlers, it gave a deep guttural laugh, “Foolish girls, you are fools to think we will be driven back so easily. Once we are finished with you, not even that bitch's spell will save her brood.”

Celestia’s hair began to shift towards looking much like a flame, as Luna’s shifted to be reminiscent of Nightmare Moon. “You think you can break me?” Celestia laughed, “I break the very dawn!” Celestia then blasted all the Wendigos with her golden magic, which caused them all to drop to their knees and clutch their chests in pain.

“You think you frighten Us?” Luna asked, “You know nothing of nightmares!” Luna then sent out her blast of argent magic and forced the Wendigos back. The two continued this assault, never once letting the Wendigo get back up to their feet, Celestia burning them with the power of the sun, while Luna reflected it back onto them like the moon. The two had no idea how long they had been at that until they took a break.

As the Wendigos slowly began to get back on their feet they saw the two princesses bathed in a merger of gold and silver light as they floated above. The two’s eyes were field of white, “WE ARE THE DAUGHTERS OF CLOVER THE CLEVER, TAUGHT BY SMARTCOOKIE AND PANSY, STAR SWIRL THE GREAT’S LAST STUDENTS, WE ARE THE HEIRS OF PRINCESS PLATINUM OF THE MAGICBORN, SUCCESSORS OF CHANCELLOR PUDDINGHEAD OF THE EARTHBORN, BEARERS OF COMMANDER HURRICANE OF THE SKYBORN, THE DIARCH PRINCESSES OF THE EVERFREE PRINCIPALITY OF MYSTICA IN DREAM VALLEY, WE ARE CELESTIA AND LUNA, WIELDERS OF THE SUN AND MOON. AND SO LONG AS WE HAVE THE MEANS TO STOP YOU…” The two listed as the raised their right hands in unison and point at the Wendigos, in Celestia's palm an orb of golden light formed, and one of silver light formed in Luna’s. “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!” the two shouted as the orbs changed to beams. As the beams flew, they were drawn together and spun around each other until the merged as they made contact with the Wendigos.

Celestia and Luna then allowed themselves to float down, “did we do it, sister?” Luna asked.

“Killed them? No. If anything we really pissed them off.” Celestia said as the two turn toward the clearing smoke.

Starlight ran through the city, Spike barely at her heels. She didn’t need to see all the people had packed pretty much all of their smallest and lightest possessions and were making their way to the southern gate. She didn’t need to see that the Crystalborns’ skins had dulled. She didn’t need to feel the slow but unmistakable increasing cold. She knew that things were bad, but maybe, just maybe, with Sunburst things would be fixed. She threw open Sunburst’s door startling the wizard, as noted by him falling to ground after she shouted “Sunburst!”. As Sunburst got back to his feet, Starlight ran to the nearest window, taking Sunburst by the hand, “Haven't you looked outside?!” She asked as she pointed to (re)forming storm clouds, with hints of snowfall.

“Snow?” Sunburst asked as he adjusted his glasses and then turned to his books to see what he could find anything about it, “That's... not right. The Crystal Heart—”

“It’s gone!” Starlight cut Sunburst short in order to answer this question, just as Spike walked in and shut the door behind him, “The baby to have the Crystalling– Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's baby –she’s a demigod!” Starlight continued to answer as she all but shouted.

Sunburst nearly tripped over his books at that revelation. He turned to Starlight and adjusted his glasses again utterly befuddled at what he just heard, “Really?”, was all he able to ask.

“Really!” And her magic is a little berserk, and well, she destroyed the Heart!” Starlight answered before she took hold of both of Sunburst hands, holding them close to each other in front of Sunburst’s chest, “Twilight tried to fix it with The Spell of Relic Reconstitution found in Trotter's Tome of Reliquary, but it didn’t work with her casting the spell by herself. Princess Cadance thought you could help!”

“Me?” Sunburst shouted as he broke free of Starlight’s grip and stumbled backward almost tripping over a stack of his books.

Starlight helped Sunburst regain his balance, “Of course!” She then pointed towards the door, “You're an important wizard here! It just makes sense!” She said as she tried to drag Sunburst with her towards the door.

“Right... right... right right right.” Sunburst stammered as he managed to get out of Starlight’s hold and went to his books and started to move the books around again, “You know, I'd like to help, I-I really would. I-I just have so much, um, important wizard work to do around here,” As he spoke he reorganized the books he just moved around which was not unnoticed by Starlight and Spike.

Spike and Starlight both went “Huh?!” at that Starlight then walked up to Sunburst and made him turn to face her, which caused the wizard to almost fall in the clutter of his home. “Sunburst, I know you're busy, but did you hear what I said?” She asked as she grabbed him by his shoulders.

Sunburst tried to break away as slight panic was heard in his voice, “I heard you, but-but like I said, when you're an important wizard, the work just piles up.” He looked to a stack of books almost pleading for Starlight to drop the topic.

“Sunburst!” Starlight shouted as she was not having any of whatever Sunburst was offering at that moment.

Sunburst looked away and to the ground and sighed, “Look, Starlight, I want to help. I do. But I can't. I wish I could.”

“What do you mean?!” Starlight all but shouted as she shook Sunburst in an attempt to make him look at her.

Sunburst managed to break free of Starlight’s hold and walked away, “Fixing an ancient relic? I-I can't even come close to doing something like that!” he said as he looked at the ceiling.

Starlight’s mouth was agape as she stepped backward,“But I thought you were an important wizard!”

Sunburst turned to face Starlight but looked at the floor with his eyes closed, “Well, you were wrong, okay?! I'm not an important wizard! I'm not even a wizard at all!” He shouted, but both Starlight could tell that it was not out of anger at Starlight, but ashamed of his past. “I dropped out of Celestia’s School for the Gifted,” Sunburst confessed as he opened his eyes and looked at Starlight, a few tears forming in the corners of them. He took a breath as he wiped his eyes, he looked to the floor as he hung his head in shame, “I know it's hard for you to understand, but not all of us end up achieving greatness.”

“What?” Starlight asked as she and Spike were caught off guard, she shook her head not believing what she heard, “Why wouldn't I understand that?”

“Really?” Sunburst asked not believing Starlight, “You're the protégé of the Princess of Friendship! I don't think she picks just anybody for that!” Sunburst proclaimed as he pointed out how he viewed Starlight based on what he was told.

“Technically, she's more of a student than a protégé,” Spike pointed out to make the distinction between the two.

“Whatever.” Sunburst said as he started to walk towards the kitchen, “I'm sorry I'm not the big important wizard you were expecting.”

Starlight ran up to Sunburst and took hold of Sunburst’s shoulder, and tried to turn him around to face her, “I don't care if you're a wizard or not. I'm just surprised.” Once Sunburst turned around, “You always knew so much about magic when we grew up.” She then spread her arms out to gesture to all the books in the room, “I mean, look at all these books!”

Sunburst looked around and the room again and then dipped his head in shame, “Yeah, well, reading about magic is one thing, but you don't know what it was like at Celestia’s School!” His voice rose as he tried to more or less shout Starlight and Spike out of his home, “To know so much and not be able to do any of it!”

Starlight was done with Sunburst, as tears of anger formed in the corner of her eyes she pointed at Sunburst, getting his attention, “Well, you don't know what it was like to be left behind." She called out the wizard. She could no longer hold back, "And then getting so bitter that you steal the aura marks from an entire village worth of people and then get defeated by Twilight and her friends." Sunburst seemed to freeze, which was lost on Starlight as she continued. "Which would lead you to travel through time to get back at them, but they beat you again and teach you about friendship, but your so terrified people will find out what you did that you can't make any friends!” Starlight finished and was about to run away in tears, but before she left she looked up to Sunburst.

There was a long pause as Sunburst’s glasses slide down the bridge of his nose and his mouth hanging open. After the pause, Sunburst re-adjusted his glasses and closed his mouth,“Did you really travel through time?” he asked like a child.

Spike smirked as he elbowed Starlight, “See? I told you he'd be impressed.”

Sunburst sighed and looked down at the floor slightly ashamed about his past,“I'm sorry we lost touch. Maybe if I had reached out, you could have helped me in my classes, and I could have helped you to…” He trailed off, as he didn’t know how to phrase the next part with tack.

“Not become totally evil?” Starlight asked as she looked at the floor and sighed. She then looked up to Sunburst and reached out her right hand towards Sunburst, “Let's just say I know what it's like to have something you're not exactly proud of.” For Starlight it wasn’t just a handshake, it was a symbol of her reconciling with her past, both before and after Sunburst left.

Sunburst reached his right hand out and shook Starlight’s, “When you showed up thinking I was some big wizard…” He trailed off a little as they ended the handshake, he sighed, before he looked Starlight in the face, “I'm sorry. I should have told you the truth. Can we start our friendship again?”

“Yes. Let’s us,” Starlight said with a nod before they hugged each other, “It's fine, I sorta set this up. At least we worked it all out.” Starlight said, happy that she was able to bridge that gap, “I think Twilight would be proud of us.”

“Well, if you ever want to tell her about it, we should probably leave now!” Spike said as he opened the door and pointed towards the gathering civilians as they were preparing to evacuate the city.

Starlight gasped as she recalled why she was there in Sunburst’s house, “I forgot to tell you! They're evacuating the city! We need to get to the train station unless you've got a spell here that will drive back the Wendigo and fix the Crystal Heart so the baby can have her Crystalling?” Starlight said as she prepared to exit.

“Crystalling...!” Sunburst said as he taught for a moment, dipping his head down as he seemed to look into the void in front of him. He gasped as he went over to his books and grabbed a couple of them, “Of course!”

At the same time as Starlight was heading towards Sunburst’s house as Twilight ordered to get the wizards, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna continued to blast the Wendigos with a magical missile version of the spell Clover the Clever used to save the two all those years ago. The Wendigos were each blasted and their forms were forced to dissolve back into a cloud and had fallen back, save the one that spoke up to the two, “How?” it asked as it fell to its knees.

Celestia and Luna smirked and blasted the Wendigo without a word. “That might will hold them back for a few more hours,” Celestia said as the last Wendigo returned to the cloud with the rest of the Wendigo and seemed to drift back.

Luna turned back to the city, “We hope that Twilight, Cadance, and Shining have found a means to repair the Crystal Hea...Is that Commander Sentry?” Luna asked as she spotted Flash Sentry flying towards the two at speed of light.

Celestia turned to see what Luna pointed out, just as Flash landed in front of the two. “Princess Twilight has an idea, but she’ll need your help.” Celestia and Luna looked at each other and nodded and flew towards the city, with Flash following them.

Within minutes the three arrived at the spot of the Crystal Heart and Twilight, also joining them was Cadance, Shining, and the baby. “All right, what’s the plan?” Celestia asked.

Cadance walked to be with Twilight, “Twilight tried using the Spell of Relic Reconstitution, it failed, but maybe if two of us demigods it might work.” The two younger demigods’ hands glowed light crystal-blue and purple as they sent their magic to the Heart, Twilight and Cadance screamed as they cast the spell. The fragments of the heart began to float and collect reforming the heart. It looked solid for a second before it shattered again. Everyone looked at the remains utterly broken again.

“I thought that if two demigods tried it would work,” Twilight said as tears started to form in her eyes.

Just then Starlight, Spike, and Sunburst came running in, “I HAVE A PLAN!” Sunburst shouted as he approached the demigods. Once he arrived at where the Heart was he stopped and panted, “Oh sweet(pant) I need to (pant) the gym.” After Sunburst collected his breath, he looked and saw the baby in Shining’s arm, and then to the fragments of the Heart, “The baby did this?!” he asked as he looked to the other adults (and the lone dragon) in the room.

Everyone nodded, Twilight then presented the Trotter's Tome of Reliquary and turned to the page with the Spell of Relic Reconstitution. “We tried this, once by myself and once by Cadance and myself.”

Sunburst read the page, “Relic Reconstitution.” he stated before he lowered the book, “That won't do it. The Crystal Heart is a relic that has been around for almost two millennia, carved from a larger crystal almost a million years old.” He then looked over the fragments again as he took out the books he had, “Restoring a relic like this is way beyond one spell. Even with one demigod casting it.” He then took the hand of Twilight and guided her and then did the same with Celestia and Luna and then Starlight to form a square around the Heart, “In order to use a spell like that on a relic like the Heart, you need at least three demigods, and a binder to binder the three spells together.”

“How did you know I am a binder?” Starlight asked.

“Before I left for Celestia’s School for The Gifted, I didn’t, but there I looked up the various arcane magic users and found that the Binder was the closest to your magic back when we were kids. You had a hard time learning spells, but once you learned it, you could easily bind it to other spells you knew and so much more than I could with just that spell.”

“But I can’t bind three copies of a spell-like Relic Reconstitution, especially when cast by three demigods.” Starlight shouted as she pointed to her wrist,”This band on my wrist is enchanted to prevent me from using my magic beyond the most basic of spells and I can only bind together a maximum of two spells. And I will have to wear it until a time equal to the total time I used my magic for evil on others.” Starlight informed. Starlight knew it was only partly true and only part of the truth, but she didn’t feel that she was in a place where she could tell Sunburst that there were a means around her penance.

“That’s not the full truth,” Twilight started to inform the others there, “if the people you have wronged at any point think, say or write that they forgive you, the remaining of the time of the people who forgave you will be commuted.” Twilight then turned to her fellow princesses, “And Princess Cadance, Princess Luna and/or Princess Celestia can override the magic of the band for an hour.”

Celestia then sent a small beam of golden magic that floated to the band on Starlight’s wrist. The golden magic caused the timer on the band to stop and over it, another timer formed that read 60:00 and then started to decrease. “Go on, my old student,” Celestia ordered.

Sunburst nodded and continued, “Even with the three demigods casting the spell, given the nature of the Crystal Heart, we still need to combine it with something else. Something unique to the relic itself. Something that strengthens it and provides it with power...?” He stopped as he was asking the others in the room.

There was a moment of silence, before everyone else answered, “The Crystalling!”

Sunburst nodded and began to dig things out of his bag as he walked over to Cadance, Shining, Flash, the baby and Spike, “Thus combining the three spells with the light and love of everybody in the city for the ceremony,”

“We ordered an evacuation of the city.” Flash called it, “Unless you can teleport everyone else in the city to where the baby will be…” He stopped as he looked at the others there, “oh yeah four demigods and a binder, and one of the four demigods bore the Element of Magic. Never mind.” Flash conceded before he was scolded over it. In silence, the four demigod’s eyes flashed gold in the case of Celestia, silver for Luna, crystalline blue for Cadance and purple for Twilight. After the flash was over, Flash flew over and saw everyone else in the city was collected in the area to witness the presentation of the child. “They’re all here.”

Sunburst nodded and then walked over to Shining and Cadance, “and a little Fledgling's Forbearance for the parents…” Sunburst said as he handed the scroll with the spell. Cadance then cast the spell on the baby, “That should curb the little one's power fluctuations during her infancy.” The baby giggled as she saw the smile on Sunburst’s face.

“You must be Sunburst.” Cadance said as she offered her hand to greet the wizard, “Starlight said you were a powerful wizard.”

“Oh, I'm no wizard,” Sunburst said as he accepted the scroll back and put in back in the bag he brought with him.

“What?” Everyone but Celestia and the baby asked in utter shock. The difference was that the baby was just as shocked as the others, while Celestia seemed to shake her head as if she was disappointed in Sunburst.

Starlight, however, turned to the three demigods that with her made the square around the Heart, “But he studied magic his whole life! You should see his house!”

“I know, he was my student.” Celestia vouched on Sunburst’s part and confirm Starlight’s testimony. “Now let’s try this, what do we have to lose?” Celestia asked as her hands started to glow.

Shining looked at Twilight and opened his mouth, but before he could ask the question forming in his mind Twilight nodded as her hands glowed. Shining then turned to Sunburst “I had planned on asking Twilight to be our crystaller, but since it seems like she'll be busy…”

Sunburst smiled with a slight blush of modesty as he was given the purity crystal from Twilight, “I'd be honored!”, the baby giggled as she seemed to like Sunburst. Sunburst, the parents, the baby, Flash, and Spike headed towards the stage for the presentation of the baby for the Crystalling.

Twilight, Celestia, and Luna nodded in silence and sent beams of magic, gold from Celestia, silver from Luna and purple from Twilight, each casting the Spell of Relic Reconstitution which in turn caused the fragments of the Crystal Heart to reform. Starlight then sent from her hands two beams of turquois magic that wrapped around the three other beams and the Crystal Heart. All four straining to keep the Heart together.

At the same time, Sunburst was in front of Shining, Cadance and the baby, as Spike and Flash seemed to take on the role of the guards. “Citizens!” Sunburst announced and got the attention of all in attendance, “Sorry for the delay and the sudden change in plans.” He then coughed to clear his throat, “May I present the newest residence of Krystalopolies!” Shining then held his daughter aloft for all to see her. The baby laughed as she looked at everyone there to see her. The crowd cheered as they kneeled to the ground as their love and light flowed from them into the ground towards the stand. Sunburst took the purity crystal and touched the ground with collecting all the love and light before he brought it to the baby and touched her chest with it, making her laugh. He then as quickly as he could run to where the Crystal Heart was and levitated the purity crystal into the dip of the Heart where it lowered into and merged with the Crystal Heart.

The Crystal Heart then began to spend all on its own and soon sent out a wave of love and light that gave everyone a shining transparent looking crystalline shin.

As everyone cheered and embraced each other the love and light wave continued to spread where the Wendigos in their cloud form was. The wave struck it the cloud and for a second there was a cry of pain before the Wendigo cloud began to change into the Wendigos that Celestia and Luna fought, only for them to fall to the ground with whatever amount of life they had snuffed out.

Back in the city, as Twilight and Luna left to join Shining and Cadance with the baby. Starlight turned to Sunburst and hugged him after they broke “For a person who isn't great at magic, you did pretty well.” she said as she elbowed him in his arm playfully.

“Indeed,” Celestia said as walked up to the two. She turned to Sunburst with a smile, “I'm glad to see you've found a way to share your unique gift, Sunburst. You may be more of a wizard than you think, my old student.” Celestia then conjured a few pieces of paper which were an application for Celestia’s School for The Gifted and a copy of his transcript of completed work, “You are welcomed back should you seek to complete your degree, which you can do here, there are personal study courses and Cadance is certified to administer exams.” Celestia then turned from the two, to be with her family, “The choices are yours.”

The following day, after the lowering of the Moon and rising of the Sun, at the train station in Borealton, Shining Armor, Cadance, Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Sunburst were standing on the platform. The train came to a stop and after a few seconds people began to exit the train, two waved at and went to Shining, Cadance, and Twilight. One was a Magicborn woman old enough to be Shining’s mother, just, she had light artic blue eyes and her hair was stripes of purple and whitish gray. She wore a long gray dress with the purple five-pointed stars embroidered on near her heart and a simple focus gem on her forehead. This was Shining’s and Twilight’s mother Twilight Velvet or Velvet for short. Next to her was a man old enough to be Velent’s husband. He had amber eyes and dark blue hair. He wore a grayish azure coat and pants and a simple focus gem on his forehead. On his coat was a pin of two crescent moons, one much smaller and in the crescent of the larger one, this was Velvet’s husband and Shining’s and Twilight’s father, “You would not believe the crazy weather that delayed our train. There was this blizzard that came out of nowhere, went on for miles.” Night Light said as he hugged his children, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter with Velvet in a big group hug.

As the two new grandparents ended the big hug of their family, “But it was all worth it to see this peaceful little angel!” She then turned her attention to the baby who was reaching out towards Velvet as if she wanted Velvet to pick her up. “Awww, she’s so sweet!!”

“We have Sunburst to thank for that,” Shining admitted as he pointed to Sunburst. “He was able to help us find a spell to help with the magical outbursts of newborn Magicborn. And you have no idea how useful it was.” Shining continued as the wizard waved nervously to Night Light and Twilight Velvet. The two nodded approval of the young man in the role he was given.

“I hope he takes his role as crystaller seriously,” Cadance said as she got her mother-in-law and father-in-law back to her and the baby. “Something tells me the baby will need a person like him to look to for magical advice.

Velvet took her granddaughter into her own arms and had a little laugh, “Cadance, darling, aren't you going to name the poor little dear,” She started before she rubbed her face affectionately on the baby’s, making her laugh and giggle. As she looked back to Cadance and then to Shining, “or are we going to spend our entire visit just calling her "the baby"?”

Shining Armor turned Cadance as if he was silently asking her something as he rocked his head to Twilight. Cadance nodded before Shining turned to Twilight, “I wanted you to be the Crystallier. But would you mind naming our little girl?”

Twilight thought about it for a second. “Flurry Heart, to remember the occasion” Twilight then leaned in to speak to just the recently named Flurry Heart, or Flurry for short, “Not that we’re ever going to forget it.” She then kissed Flurry and the baby giggled happily.

“Well, I think it’s a lovely name.” Twilight Velvet said as she and Night Light started towards Krystalopolies. “Now let’s go see the city with grandma, Flurry.” Flurry giggled and babbled happily at that.

Elsewhere on the platform of the station, Starlight and Sunburst were standing next to each other. Starlight looked to the train and then back at Sunburst, “Well, I think you're Krystalopolies' big important wizard, whether you like it or not.” She said as she gave a playful shove.

Sunburst chuckled at that as he recovered. He took a breath and he looked to see Flurry with her grandparents, “I don't know if I'll have time for any wizarding. I'm a crystaller for a member of the royal family now.” He turned back to Starlight and closed his eyes as he lifted his chin up with a small smirk forming on his face, “That's a big responsibility.”

Starlight smiled and shook her head at first, “I can't think of anybody more qualified. Just…” She paused as she looked at the ground and began to spin her foot on the ground nervously, “promise you'll stay in touch?” She asked as she looked up to Sunburst.

Sunburst smiled and nodded before he replied with a ‘Hm,’ “I will never lose touch with my oldest friend again.” He replied as he hugged Starlight. “I am sorry I never wrote.” Starlight returned the hug.

From within the train, after Spike and Twilight took their seats, the dragon noticed that Twilight was looking at Starlight and Sunburst and then to the notebook she wrote her lesson in. The frown on her face was unmissable.

“What's wrong, Twilight?” Spike asked electing to not beat around the bush.

Twilight sighed before she looked at Spike, “I don't know, Spike.” She turned back to watch Starlight and Sunburst end their embrace. As Sunburst was about to leave to join Twilight Velvet and Night Light with Flurry but was stopped as Starlight grabbed him by his shoulder turned him around and kissed him on his lips. “I think I have a lot to learn about being a teacher.” Twilight as she turned to look at Spike.

“What are you talking about?” the dragon asked clearly confused. “Your lesson achieved its goal. Starlight and Sunburst got over their past and rekindle their friendship.” Spike continued. “And if that little exchange was anything, “Maybe a little more,” Spike said with a wink and a smirk not unlike in response to when Twilight denies something about her and Flash.

“No thanks to me,” Twilight replied as Starlight and Sunburst waved goodbye and the binder boarded the train. Twilight sighed, “I know a lot happened. I just wish I could have given my pupil the attention she deserves.”

Spike took a second to think as he noticed that Starlight had taken a blank notebook and began writing in it, likely to tell Twilight what she had learned in a text form, like some sort of homework assignment, “Well, I know she needed to be put on the right path,” Spike commented as he returned his attention to Twilight. He then thought back on to many of the most pivotal lessons Twilight learned that were issued by Princess Celestia. The elder demigod was extremely hands-off in her methods, knowing that the lessons Twilight needed to learn could only be best learned if Twilight had the space to make her own choices and that teaching style ultimately worked for Starlight. “but giving her the space to make her own decisions worked pretty well. Isn't that how Celestia taught you?” Spike asked as he finished his thought.

Twilight took a moment to think about how Princess Celestia taught her, sure when it came to the academics and such Celestia was an extremely hands-on, right there to answer teacher but for the lessons in Friendship which Twilight had to learn Celestia pointed her in a direction and gave a means to find what she needed and allowed Twilight to come to her own conclusions, “You know, I never thought about it!” Twilight answered as she finished her stroll down memory lane, “But I guess it is!”

“Maybe you're a better teacher than you thought,” Spike said as he leaned back in his seat with a triumphant grin on his face. He then turned to see Flash enter the train. “Although there is someone that you should really have a heart to heart with,” Spike said as he waved to Flash, beckoning him to join Spike and Twilight. As Flash sat down Spike left the two and walked over to seat with Starlight.

After Flash sat down, “I guess we need to talk?” Twilight said with a nervous laugh as she looked away.

Flash looked to Starlight then back at Twilight, “I see you have elected to take on a student, so what brought that up?” Flash asked as he taught he found something that could break the ice.

Twilight turned back Flash, “Well you see after my friends and I got back from Midnight Castle from the battle of the bands against the Dazzlings…” Twilight started her tale as the train started to leave the station.

Epilogue: A New Home

In the outskirts of Krystalopolies, in the wastes were the now lifeless husks of the Wendigos dissolved into the snow and ice, an androgynous black insectoid looking human with insectoid wings. It had eyes that were mostly fields of blue which gradually faded into a white circle from the outside in, with fairly pronounced fang-like canine teeth. Once it found a place to sit down, in enveloped itself in a blue fire to reveal its true form, a humanoid male with long pointed ears, grayish skin and green eyes with white circles separating the green ‘whites’ from the pupils. It wore a black long sleeve shirt, dark gray pant, with what looked like three green bands that gave his torso an insectoid appearance. Over his shoulders was a shawl-like green cloth that looked like the wings he had in his previous form. “Looks like this place will do for now,” it said revealing itself to be male.

Comments ( 4 )


Really? :ajbemused: You know, I'm impressed how that obvious reference didn't detract from the epicness of that fight. :ajsmug: So, is Flash going to show up more in later stories? :unsuresweetie:




So, is Flash going to show up more in later stories?:unsuresweetie:


All I can say is great job on the final chapter of this story. :-D The exchanges, action, characterizations and general wrap-up were all very well done. :-D

I absolutely loved the greater detail shown in Celestia and Luna's attempts to keep the Windigoes at bay as well as the added detail going into that spell needed to repair the Crystal Heart as well as the chat close to the end between Starlight and Sunburst AND what I guess to be an end cameo by Thorax .

I'll most assuredly be looking forward to more of your work, but will also respect the fact that you DO have a life outside the computer room that requires attention too.

Another piece of story completed and the introduction to another one!

Great job as always, man.

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