• Published 10th Feb 2017
  • 701 Views, 2 Comments

Star Wars Equestria - grammar404

Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon, were on an expedition to a planet similar to Equis. Having met by a hostile force, the Amity flew into a wormhole and was dumped in an unknown part of the galaxy, separated by an oppressive empire and struggling

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Star Wars Equestria



It is here in an artificial cave atop the Canterlot mountain that Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship, rechecks her checklist for the umpteenth time regarding her inventory for the trip to come. She wore a pair of jeans and a dark violet tunic with a medium and small white lines on the edge of it's v-neck, and at the ends of its sleeves.

Approximately 2 years ago that an amazing discovery was found hidden underneath the centre of the Badlands. It is there that the extraordinaire adventurer, Daring Do, found a labyrinth of synthetic origin. The metallic labs and complicated machinery that were there was decades far beyond pony technology, lay forgotten for thousands of years. Baffled by such, princess Celestia had her friend, and former student, princess Twilight Sparkle to investigate. During her investigation she learned about the origins of the place's creators, mysterious creatures they were– devoid of magic. The eager and enthusiastic mare was evermore gleeful when she encountered a network containing large amounts of data pertaining to space exploration and how to create machines to do so, and quick. Intrigued about their forerunners from space and in hopes of visiting the moon again in her less maniacal form, princess Luna also conducted a huge part in funding and coordinating the researches.

Research and advancement carried on and some blueprints from the network was innovated to help the betterment of pony lives. The Equestrian global influence grew even more as the first launch proved to be successful. This fuelled the thirst of everypony to explore and learn more of what is out there. And, of course, Twilight is one of them.

After finishing the last checks the Alicorn turned her gaze upon the platform that housed the Amity, a Harmony class freighter, the first of its kind, her Starship to be. It is 50 meters in length, 32 meters in width. height and depth of 16 meters. Maximum speed of around 1,250 kph and is also equipped with 2 main engines and 3 secondary engines. New Hyperdrive system equipped and 2 Laser cannon turret, 1 above and another at its nose. Princess Luna insisted its installation for possible 'hostile' encounters.

The two main engine, that carried her mark, settled on its flanks while the secondary engines sat on the back. The Amity was designed to be a comfortable alertnative home that could protect itself when necessary.

Smiling with her hands on her hips, Twilight inhaled deeply then sighed. There was so much possibilities and opportunities to be had alongside Amity, and Twilight was just as excited as a foal having their cutiemarks when she first laid eyes on it.

Her thoughts were caught short when a voice called her. Twilight turned her head to the source to find her former teacher and a trio of her friends walking towards her. "Guys!" Greeted Twilight, "Glad you could come."

"Hi, Twi!" Her friends greeted back.

"Starlight, you're here I thought you have a magical convention to attend to?" Twilight asked.

"Of course! But I would not miss this for the world. After all, you've done so much for me, and seeing you off to whatever adventure you get yourself into, it is the least I could do." Starlight Glimmer said. The unicorn wore a simple white V-neck t-shirt and a pair of blue leggings.

Rainbow Dash, who had been hovering the entire time, crossed her arms. "Come on, you probably got like waaaaay over that for rescuing us from the changelings." The athletic mare wore her Wonderbolt uniform.

"And cause them to transform to super colourful ponies!" Pinkie added, bouncing in place. The pink partymare wore a white tank top, with a pink heart print, under her baby blue vest. She also wore a fuchsia coloured skirt that bears her mark. And a pair of fashionable boots.

Starlight chuckled while shaking her head. "Nah. You guys showed me the value of friendship, I couldn't have had a happier life. if it weren't for you guys I could still be back in our town ruining everyponies lives."

"What Rainbow Dash means, Starlight," said Twilight, "is that you owe us nothing." she held Starlight's hands and looked into her eyes, "You are our friend Starlight, you are dear to us especially to me. If you think that you owe us for anything at all, remember that you've also saved our lives and we might as well owe it to you."

The unicorn sniffed, a tear threatened to fall from her left eye. "Really... You guys truly think so?"

Everypony nodded in reply. "Yes, " said Celestia, "and I can attest to that Starlight Glimmer. You are as much of a hero as your friends, and I am happy to call you one myself." The solar princess wore a simple white Toga that expresses her like a divinity.

"Thank you, princess." Starlight wiped the tear off then bowed her head, Celestia did the same.

"Twilight! " A voice came from the shuttle's ramp, " It's almost time, are you ready yet?"

"Almost! " replied Twilight, "Come down here, the princess and our friends have visited."

"The princess... and friends!" The mare, who was descending from inside, exclaimed.

"Wait, was that Trixie? She's coming with you?" Starlight asked. A worried look appearing on her face.

"Yes, my dear friend, for I, the great and powerful Trixie," proclaimed Trixie, as she walks towards the group. "wishes to accompany Twilight in her great adventure!.. And, of course, learn some friendship lesson along the way." Trixie, now standing between Twilight and Starlight.

Twilight gave a sheepish smile, "Trixie might be exaggerating a bit. We're actually just exploring a sister planet, investigating the geography around the future colony, so it's not that great of an adventure, it is exciting though."

"Exaggerating, moi? " the showmare asked with mock disbelief. "Nonsense, Twilight, for I am with you and I'll make sure our adventure will. Be. Great!" Emphasizing the last word with mini-fireworks and confetti. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie cheered with their approval. Pinkie joining in the fun by pulling her party cannon from offscreen and blasting more confetti.

Starlight chuckled. "Alright, Trixie are you sure about this? I'm just afraid that if something happens, I might lose my two best friends." She then turned to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, "no offence guys." The two shrugged.

"Potato-potatoe" pinkie said.

Waving a dismissive hand, Trixie replied. "No need to worry, Starlight, I'm with Twilight. " she then leaned closer to Starlight's ear. "And I'll make sure to keep her out of trouble." She whispered.

The unicorn mare giggled. "Okay, but you guys make sure to return quickly."

"Yup!" Agreed Trixied, she then looked at Starlight mischievously, then said in a teasing tone. "So, on another note, how are you and Sun Burst?"

"Trixie!" The showmare rolled her eyes.

"Whaaaat?" She said innocently.

Blushing through her fur, Starlight brushed a hand across her mane. "Well... We're doing good, great even. We are actually planning to get married in a year from now."

The announcement was met with hanging jaws and wide eyes. Soon those mouth turned into grins that almost reached their ears. Trixie was especially giggly, acting like a foal about to receive her HeartWarming present.

"Oh my gosh, oh my goooosh! We'll be right back before you know it! And I, the great and powerful Trixie, in your wedding, will perform the greatest tricks no one has ever seen! It will be the greatest show ever!" She stood there triumphantly, her starry cape flapping in an unseen win–aaaand... there's Pinkie beside her with an electric fan.

"Congratulation,Starlight," said Twilight, "I'll make sure that we'll be quick."

"And I'll make sure to set up your 'Welcome back from your unexpected journey party'!" Pinkie said before blowing a party horn... And wearing a party hat.

Rainbow Dash jabs Starlight's shoulder playfully. "Ha! I never thought you were a flirt, you were hiding some serious charisma all along huh?" The pegasus wriggled her eyebrows. "So, what he taste like?"

Flustered, the unicorn stammered on her reply. "W–w–what? W–we didn't–t We–n n–ever... Rainbow Dash!"

The athletic mare giggled sheepishly. "I'm kidding. Until the wedding then?" "Wha?"

"This is going to be fuuuuun!" Said Pinkie, "I can't wait for everybody to throw pies at each other!"

"Uh, Pinkie Why do you think everpony is going to do that?" Starlight asked.

"You'll see!" The partymare reassured.

"Well, that is a wedding not to be missed. My sister and I would certainly like to attend, if we are invited, of course." Celestia inclined.

"Why, yes you are, your highness." Said Starlight, "That would be a great pleasure."

Celestia nodded. "Well, everpony" continued the princess, "the time for them to leave is getting closer. You best get to the control tower, I'll soon follow I have to talk with Twilight for a while."

Everypony nodded and the three began to make their way to the control tower. "I'll be inside making sure everything is prepared." Said Trixie, "see you inside, Twilight. " she then bowed at celestia, "princess Celestia." Then made her way into the ship.

With the two of them left alone, Twilight took a deep breath then asked. "So, What do you want to talk to me about?"

Celestia folded her hands behind her back and stared at the glory of Amity. It's light-lavender colour and soft humming of the engines. The sound of workers and machinery all around her. Celestia could not help but express a sad smile.

"I merely want to thank you Twilight," she started, "and say how proud I am to see you grow and achieve so much. You have bested my expectations many times but still have not failed to surprise me further. I can feel that this will be your greatest challenge, why for that matter, I do not know. But take heed Twilight Sparkle, never lose the will to believe in yourself and what is right."

She stepped closer and hugged Twilight, the lass's height just enough for her two enormous jugs to weigh on the little alicorn. "I wish you good luck my little pony."

The smaller alicorn nuzzled under her senior's embrace."Thank you, Celestia."

The two stayed like that for a few minutes before the sound of the comms interrupted them. "All hands on deck, Project Space Friends' final preparations are to begin in 5 minutes. All crew of the designated Harmony class freighter, Amity, please report to your stations."

The two broke from each other's grasp. "The time has come." Said Celestia, "You better go, I'll be in the control tower with the others."

Twilight nodded. The two parted ways. The smaller alicorn made her way into the starship and into the cockpit. There Trixie sat behind the navigator, a pegasus mare whose mane was pink, and coat a more saturated of the same colour. Their pilot a thestral mare whose coat was Indigo and mane Ultramarine. Another with them, the squad leader of these soldiers in-charge of protecting princess Twilight and companion was a unicorn threstral stallion whose coat was grey and mane of maroon. There were two other soldiers inside the ship, a unicorn stallion and another threstral mare.

Their guards wore the same battle armour issued from the latest design the only thing that differentiate them was its colour, navy blue for threstrals and light yellow for solars. Their mark of fealty, though, was to Twilight Sparkle, their suit's insignia carrying her mark.

"Command to Amity, copy." A female voice called in the comm line.

"Amity to command, we read you." Answered the threstral mare.

"Amity you are clear to egress platform 4. You will be escorted by two ESD fighters as you escape out of the atmosphere. From there you will be escorted by a squadron from SFS. Good Luck Amity. Friendship and Harmony."

"Thank you, Command. Friendship and Harmony."

As the escort switched, Twilight Sparkle worked with the navigator to pinpoint the Sister Planet of Equis, Iris. She stood behind the Navigator, Swift Compass, scanning the neighbouring nebula for the planet.

"Keep scanning this area here." Twilight pointed at a cluster in an image on the screen. "If you find anything call for me, alright?" She said, stepping away from the navigator. Swift nodded in acknowledgement. The princess of friendship looked around the cockpit and asked herself, Where's Trixie?

After touching the control-pad beside the door, its familiar hiss as it opened, Twilight set to know where her friend is. In her search she found herself in the main lobby. The two guards who were with them sat by a table while playing a game of cards. Twilight approached them to ask for information.

"Stout... Shield, right?" Twilight asked. Her hands folded behind her, a gentle smile perched upon her lips.

The unicorn guard looked up from his cards and onto the princess. "Yes, Your highness? What could I do for you?"

"I–I... I was thinking," She said with a nervous shy, "Have you seen where Trixie is, or where she went to?"

The guard shook his head. "Can't say I have, sorry your highness." He gestured at his opponent, "I was busy playing Gwent here with Keen sight. True to her name, I have three streaking loses already. Uhh... Maybe you should ask her?"

The princess turned to the smiling mare, who nodded at her. "Er... Keen Sight, yes?"

"Yes you highness, lady Lulamoon had gone to the cargo hold, down the ladder yonder. " the threstral pointed with an open palm at the ladder down. "Her ears kept flittering, might have sense something." The mare tilted her head as he rears perked. "Would you need me to come with you?"

"No, it's Alright, thank you very much." After a few steps, Twilight looked back at the mare. "Say, you should let poor Stout Shield a chance to win, to fire up his spirits and all that."

"Really, your highness? " Keen Sight asked with a raised brow, "I thought he was being nice and had been going easy for me... Way too easy."

Twilight shook her head and giggled. "Anyway, I have to get going now. "The threstral nodded. "Indeed, princess."

"Ughh... This is bad..."

"What was the bet again? Your sword or the dandelions you packed?"

"Oh, give me a break."

Author's Note:

SFS - Shadowbolts Fighter Squadrons
ESD - Equestrian Space Defence

Please Note, that this chapter is but the prologue if you want to leave you judgement for later feel free to add it to your bookshelves. The likes this receives will identify how much time I would spare on the later chapters, for school is tough.

This chapter in not professionally edited, please forgive the mistakes taken in this chapter. Hopefully, you liked the story enough to leave a like or keep it in your bookshelf to see how it goes.

Anyway, I thank you for your time. See you nest chapter!

Comments ( 2 )

Interesting premise.

I like this.

And on that note, grammar isn't too bad, spelling's fine. It's mostly capitalization. I might be willing to edit for ya. Send me a message if you're interested.

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