• Published 8th Jul 2012
  • 4,650 Views, 173 Comments

Mass Effect: Salvage - N00813

A story about mistakes and the consequences of intentions. [OC Mass Effect characters.]

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Inspiration and Thanks

Inspirations and Thanks:

Intellectual Property used:

Mass Effect franchise, by Bioware

My Little Pony franchise, by Hasbro Inc.

Cover Artists:




The ones listed below are the most obvious sources of my inspiration.

Galaxy at War: N7 by iBayne

Kindred Spirits by Cottonmouth

Mass Effect: Interregnum by The Naked Pen

SPEC OPS: The Line - developed by Yager, published by 2K Games


To all of you dear readers!

Special thanks to G S tol Kriaal for being an unofficial proof-reader in the comments.

To the ones who've explained why and what they disliked, and why and what they liked.

To the ones who've taken something from this story after reading it.

To the ones who've left encouraging, ego-stroking comments, likes and favs.

To the ones who've stayed after the admittedly uneventful first few chapters to see the meat of the story.

Comments ( 9 )

Sorry, I got another project in the works (beside the Luna-mance).
Maybe one day, in the far future...


The only story with a proper epilogue! Loved it all, never stop writing! :pinkiehappy:

The epilogue was incredible, I might add.

Normally authors on this site never have the guts to definitely END the story, but it leaves behind a sense of optimism that sort of pounces out once the natural deaths of most of the main characters are mentioned.

I look forward to your future works. :pinkiesmile:

You deserve this watch.


I don't get what you mean.

lol i start playing the commander shepard song and then i find this
Most likely

This was a very enjoyable story, and one I kept reading in one go for all the hours it took me. Some errors slipped through, but by and large the quality is very good.

I must say I was quite unhappy with how hostile the initial situation turned out, as well as somewhat miffed with what happened to get it back reasonably on track. Shiny's horn injury also seemed oddly offhanded, for all the fact that you didn't use it almost at all (nonchalized it, even).

Still, the latter parts in Winterhold and whatnot were very well written. Good job, all in all, and a refreshing take at the "Alien in Equestria" concept - for all of its start as a generic "Land in Everfree, run into manticore" fic.

Excellent work on this story... would have been nice if Twilight had become a princess along the way and lived on..... oh well.

Holy shit this is awesome.
Someone should make this a movie.

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