• Published 5th Feb 2017
  • 2,624 Views, 11 Comments

Aurora Sparkalis - Skaltrox Defiance Knight

Twilight Sparkle's entire life started off simple, then it got a little complex with the arrival of her ascension, with time, she adjusted to her title and she couldn't be happier. Now Celestia believes it's time for a secret to be awakened.

  • ...

A journey like no other

Blustering winds whistled through the mountain in a chorus of highs and lows. The sound was calming, something a lone pony that ascended the treacherous landscape needed. The winds continued to blow stronger and the pony was starting to waver on her course. She didn’t want to stop but she really had no option. Scanning her snow-caked location, she searched for anything to use as a temporary shelter: large overhanging rocks, large holes in the ground or possibly a cave. Her search seemed useless until she spotted a rock formation that acted like a natural bridge or arch with a small wall just off in the distance. She was eager to fly over to it, but she knew all too well what awaited her if she acted upon that eagerness and she didn’t feel like spending more time redoing the entire climb. So she opted to walk toward the arch rather than the less than impossible -usually- method of flying towards the arch.

Arriving at the arch, the pony dropped her saddlebags and laid down to rest behind the rock wall that shielded her from ice and snow that acted like frozen needles when in motion. Using her magic she levitated a map out of her saddlebags and assessed her current location. She located her destination on the map, an ancient ground that was apparently called the “Aurora Circle” then traced it back to where she was, confirming this with a nod.

The pony returned the map to its former place in her saddlebags and with an unexpected yawn, slowly drifted off into the dreamscape amidst the harsh winter climate.

This lone pony was named Twilight Sparkle: she was originally born a unicorn, but later on in her life she ascended to that of a regal Alicorn princess. She was reluctant at first to take upon this honor. She felt like others were going to treat her differently. Her mentor, the ever grand Princess Celestia, understood her hesitance to become a princess. She explained to her pupil, “Some ponies will not waver from treating you with the utmost respect that royalty gets, and it does make it near impossible to be friends with them, but if the friends you already have treat you like they always have done, then… it won’t matter how others see you.”

Twilight held onto those words, and she slowly cosied up to being royalty. Granted, she was still uneasy at hearing ponies addressing her as “Your Highness” and other phrases to address royalty. She was thankful that her friends didn’t do the same.

Her royal life was a constant seesaw of good times and bad times, these times exchanged places near daily and the poor Lavender Alicorn couldn’t keep up with it all. But then recently, one wild ride of a day, started with Twilight learning a secret about her life that was meant to be kept under lock and key for all of eternity. That secret led her to where she was now, high up in the cold mountain winds searching for her Destiny....

2 days earlier

Twilight paced down the corridors of Canterlot Castle, the echoing sound of hoofsteps on marble was the only noise that Twilight could hear and it was the only thing to keep her calm. ‘Celestia wants to speak with me about something highly confidential?’ Twilight repeated over in her head. ‘What secret could she possibly want to leak to me and at that ‘A Highly confidential one’?’

These words were all Twilight thought about as she neared the grand Princess’s chambers. Luckily, Twilight pulled out of her thoughts just before she walked right past Celestia’s personal chambers. Although, the chances of missing these doors, regardless of riding the train of thought, was very slim. Celestia’s chamber doors were exceptionally large glowing gold doors with her Cutie mark proudly adorning the top. In fact, the amount of sun-based decor on these doors were almost as obnoxious looking as Prince Blueblood’s. Twilight failed to stifle a small chuckle at that thought. Nopony was more obnoxious about their superiority than Blueblood.

Twilight regained a straight face after a few seconds. Letting out a (nervous) sigh, she rapped on the golden doors with a hoof, slightly startled by the massive sound it makes. After a short pause, a voice spoke from the other side of the doors. Twilight took that as her cue to come in. With a mighty pull, she opened the door and entered the room.

Now, Twilight had seen Celestia’s chambers before, but she still stared in awe at its grand appearance. The large bed was positioned off to the left of the room. A desk -that Twilight remembered to be made of Mahogany- stood at the far end of the room almost level with the entrance and lastly a fireplace on the right of the room where several guest seats and a large pillow resided. Speaking of the pillow, it was currently in use by the mare herself.

Princess Celestia. In all her glory, relaxed upon the pillow while reading through an old friendship report scroll that Twilight had sent her in the past. How did Twilight know it was a friendship report? It was the drop of ink at the bottom of the page that gave it away, Twilight remembered specifically when it happened as Spike wrote the report.

Twilight knew that she was royalty herself, but she still felt beneath Celestia and was extremely hesitant to say anything to break the current ice. Shuffling her hooves about, Twilight wrestled up some courage to speak with Celestia,“You wanted to speak with me, Celestia?” Twilight announced.

Celestia in turn dropped the scroll and turned around to face her guest. “That is correct, Twilight” she replied, her regal voice nothing less than grand sounding.

The Sun Princess looked around her chamber with cautious eyes, she glimpsed at Twilight for a second, smiled, then with a quick spark of her horn, the room was enveloped in a golden glow that lasted several seconds before dissipating into nothing. Twilight looked around the room quickly to see if anything happened. When she found nothing to be out of place, she assumed only one thing happened.

“Did you put a silencing charm around the room?” Twilight asked Celestia.

The Princess replied, but not with a simple yes or no. “It is necessary. Nopony must know of what I’m about to explain to you.”

Twilight slightly taken aback by the seriousness in Celestia’s words. “Does that mean Luna too?”

Celestia shook her head. “My sister is the only other pony to know of this secret. Which means it won’t matter if you discuss it with her.” she answered.

Twilight looked towards the ground, she wondered about this secret ‘A secret that only the Princesses know about?’- Twilight gazed at the carpet before her- ‘I’m getting into something way over my head aren’t I?’ she asked herself.

“Twilight” Celestia said, breaking Twilight from her thoughts “Are you ready?”

‘Are you ready?’ those words seemed daunting to Twilight, but she needed to answer. “Yes...Yes I am” she responded.

Celestia nodded. “Very well, now...Twilight, I’d like to get another short answer from you. Do you know about the Equestrian Lights?”

Twilight unintentionally scoffed. “Do I know about the Equestrian Lights? Please, I think everypony knows about them-” Twilight realised her change in tone. “I-I mean, yes I do.”

Celestia merely smiled briefly before continuing. “Care to tell me what you know about their significance?” the Sun Princess asked, walking back over to her pillow and lying down, gesturing for Twilight to sit on the chair beside her as she did.

Twilight complied, trotting over to the seat. She started to let out all she knew about the lights that may be important to the conversation. “The Equestrian Lights are older than we can imagine. They are flowing luminescent magical rivers in the sky that supposedly fill ponies with sudden jolts of energy, hope and friendship. This is what many believe to be how the elements of Harmony came to be.” Twilight jumped up onto the seat. “But apparently the Lights were not created naturally. Is that correct?”

“It is.” Celestia answered, adjusting her position on the seat she continued. “Long ago, even before the time when Equestria was formed. The three tribes were very distant from each other and they only came together when our land’s first rulers summoned them. King Galaxius and Queen Terra Nova. They were humble and generous rulers. Some ponies back then believed them to be created from magic itself. Of course, we are not certain that was true. One day, the benevolent rulers announced the birth of their first child, Princess Aurora Nebula… Mother to Luna and I, the soon to be ruler of the skies. Her life was filled with despair, for she hated to see the hostility between tribes, something her parents never tried to rectify. Not even the birth of her brother, Prince Solaris… our father, could liven her up with enough genuine happiness.” Celestia paused to look at Twilight’s pulsing red face.

“WHAT?!” Twilight exclaimed, slamming her hooves down on the chair rests. “Your parents were siblings?!”

Celestia nodded calmly. Twilight couldn’t fathom why she was being so nonchalant about this bomb. “In earlier times, initially sexual relations between siblings wasn’t problematic and marriage was also acceptable. The reason behind this was to-” Celestia’s cheeks took on a tinge of pink “...keep the royal blood flowing.”

Twilight said nothing. She was shocked by this revelation and this info wasn’t even the reason she was here.

Celestia chuckled at the sight. Twilight was still like she had always been. Sighing, Celestia progressed with the story, Twilight eventually came out of her stupor to listen. “So anyway, she decided to do something about the hate, climbing one of Equestria's northernmost mountains. she created the very ancient site known now as “The Aurora Circle”. Summoning her power, she powered the circle with her magic so that it acted like a conduit to continuously power the lights. Her magic shot into the air spreading out like tree roots in the sky, but flowed like rivers, the light shone down upon the future Equestria, sharing its wondrous powers to all that gazed upon its majesty, she had done it. My mother created a magical energy capable of bringing ponies together... even if it was only for a few nights a year. Eventually, as time went on, my sister and I were conceived, ready to take our place as near deities over normal citizens.” Celestia ended off.

Twilight enjoyed the story but she still was in the dark about the most important thing. “Where do I fit in this whole thing?” the lavender alicorn asked.

Celestia smiled her famous motherly smile. “That is the part that really must be kept between us three.” Celestia’s face returned to that of seriousness. “Your cutie mark is the same as our mother’s.”

Those words shot into Twilight’s core. “W-What?” Twilight stuttered.

Celestia rose from her pillow. “Well, actually it was slightly different, but it’s purpose was very much the same. You see, Mother…” Celestia’s blush from before came back with a vengeance “wasn’t satisfied with one partner. She became smitten with a commander in her royal guard and one thing lead to another. She conceived one of your ancestors, Twilight. She is your many greats grandma, and before you ask, yes, Luna and I are thus related to you.”

Twilight was now even more shocked to find out that Celestia and Luna were related to her. “This day just took a turn for the crazy.” Twilight blankly replied.

“I don’t blame you for the emotions you feel now, Twilight…” Celestia scrunched up her face in thought. “In fact, are you aware of why you were named that”
“My name?” Twilight pointed to herself, Celestia gave a small look for Twilight to explain. Twilight understood “I...was named Twilight because of my mother...right?” Originally Twilight would've said that to somepony with confidence, but now after the information she had dumped on her...she wasn’t so sure.

Celestia answered “Yes and no. I told your parents to name you Twilight. I did the same with your mother, but she didn’t acquire that cutie mark.” Celestia pointed to Twilight’s flank. “You, however, did.” she stated. Something, though, seemed bitter in her words…
’Jealously?’ Twilight thought.

Celestia snapped her out of her thoughts with a slightly louder tone in her voice. “Twilight, that cutie mark is important to the Equestrian Lights. For generations, those who don that extremely rare mark are destined for something others could only hope for in their wildest dreams… to be the guardian of Magic, Hope and Friendship. The ruler of the Skies and above all, Peace.”

“You must be joking, Celestia. Me? Ruler of Peace?” Twilight uttered.

“Twilight I am being more than serious with you than ever before. What I’m about to send you on can not be declined!” Celestia seemed almost angry.

Furiously, Celestia dashed over to a painting of herself, activating a button on the frame the picture slid across to reveal a small storage compartment holding one thing. A map.

Delicately levitating the map over to Twilight, she explained its significance. “Twilight, use this map to find the circle. But be careful, as it is older than I am.”

Twilight hesitantly took the map in her aura and gave it a brief once over. “I don’t know what to say about all this Celestia, I was expecting something like this, but… still I- I- I...” Twilight repeated the word, trying to formulate the rest of her response, getting a bit light headed for a few seconds. Celestia instead trotted over to place a hoof on her shoulder. Twilight looked up to Celestia’s returned warm smile.

“You don’t need to say anything more, I feel that you are ready to take upon this responsibility. With both hooves. Now go, there isn’t a moment to waste.” Celestia ushered Twilight out of the chamber, Twilight blabbering questions along the way.

“B-But what do i do when i arrive at the circle? How long is it going to take? Can my friends join me?”

Celestia pushed Twilight out of the chamber “You’ll know when you get there. It may take a little while to get there, so take plenty of supplies and unfortunately no, this is your quest alone… but do not worry, for they are with you, even if they are not physically so.”

Twilight sighed, giving the map another look, she pulled a look of determination. “Ok, Celestia, I’ll go get ready.”
Celestia grinned. “That’s my girl.”

Author's Note:

This is a two parter story. Edited by Chrome Masquerade.

Comments ( 11 )

I'm intrigued. The writing is very good, the characters are in character from what I can tell, and the premise is interesting. I await the next chapter.

7923595 It shall be the last. This is just a two parter. And also thanks, I've been doing my best to write better and slightly longer chapters and I can say this is my best piece so far.

7923601 look forward to it and your welcome.

Seems interesting, been a while since this has been updated though.

Yeah I'm pretty much done writing anything on here. It was fun for a time but I just couldn't seem to write anything good enough to entice people. While that wasn't my whole reason for doing it, it doesn't hurt to have the attention a story gets such as the ones being featured. Basically motivates me to do more.

Makes sense. That's the reason I stopped writing for a while. When I came back my skills had improved and I was making the top page on each story.

Man I'd be satisfied with just one Story doing that good. I did have a look at a couple of your stories and I see what you mean. I might read through the best ones so I can get an idea of how it's done better

Best tip I can give is; start with epic one-shots. You seem to be a fan of Twilight Sparkle so that's a good start she is the show's main character which makes her the most eye-catching and liked.

Yeah I can see that. She is definitely my favourite, so I do have ideas towards that side of things. As for one shots, it seems to me that for a one shot to do well, it has to have an eye catching plot to drag people in and the story itself to build upon that

That is true here I'll pm you and we can continue this conversation.

Is this dead because it was said it was only gonna be a two-parter so please don't just leave us here wondering

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