• Published 8th Feb 2017
  • 1,011 Views, 20 Comments

Choices and Consequences - RaylanKrios

A great terror threatens Equestria. This is a job for Twilight Sparkle right? Well, not exactly.

  • ...

A Trip to Canterlot

“But why can’t I come to Canterlot with you?” a shrill whine asked, emanating from a diminutive purple dragon.

“Sorry Spike, I need my number one assistant here. Just because the library is now also a castle doesn’t mean ponies don’t need to check out books,” Twilight responded coolly, even though she had already explained why Spike couldn’t come three times already.

“But what if you and Rarity get to trouble? You’ll need my help,” Spike said, flexing his arms and puffing his chest out in a futile effort to make himself appear imposing.

Twilight tried very hard to suppress a giggle and almost succeeded. “We’re just going to Canterlot to visit the Princess. I think we’ll be okay even without a big strong dragon to protect us,” Twilight replied, hoping that stroking Spike’s ego might cushion the blow of having to stay home.

“Why does Princess Celestia want to see you and Rarity anyway?”Spike asked, mollified just a little bit.

“I’m not sure, but I’m not going to panic. She wants Rarity to come too so maybe it’s to talk about this year’s Gala?”

“I still think I should go with you,” Spike groused.

“You just want an excuse to spend a few hours on a train with Rarity,” Twilight teased, playfully poking Spike’s soft belly.

“That too,” Spike admitted, fending off Twilight’s hoof. “But that doesn’t mean you won’t need my help.”

“I’ll bring you back some donuts from that place you like, how’s that?”

The promise of gem encrusted donuts brightened Spike’s mood a little bit and he nodded. A few minutes later Twilight pronounced her checklist complete, and thus her bags officially packed.

“Can I at least come to the train station to see you and Rarity off?” Spike asked.

“Sure, I’ll bet Rarity would like that too,” Twilight responded, happy to be able to say yes to one of his requests.

The train station was only a short walk from the library, and when the purple pair arrived they saw Rarity already waiting on the platform, accompanied by a small mountain of luggage. Upon seeing her friends, the white unicorn smiled and waved as the trio convened on the platform.

“Hello darlings, it is a glorious day for a train ride to Canterlot isn’t it?” Rarity said, her excitement plainly evident.

“Sure is, y’know if you need help with all that heavy luggage I’d be happy to come with you,” Spike offered, ignoring a glare from Twilight.

Rarity batted her eyelashes and smiled her patented “dragon heart melting” smile. “That’s very chivalrous of you Spike, but Ponyville needs its library. What kind of mare would I be if I denied the citizens of Ponyville their right to education, just to satisfy my own needs?”

“Aww, I guess you’re right,” Spike said, blushing.

“That was my argument! Why does it sound better when she says it?” Twilight blurted out with no small measure of disbelief.

“Everything sounds better when Rarity says it,” Spike said, oblivious to the world around him.

Rarity smiled and let out a tiny giggle. “That’s very sweet Spikey, and it was wonderfully gallant of you to see us off, but now I do believe the citizens of Ponyville would be most grateful to have their library back; so as much as it pains me, I must bid you adieu,” Rarity said, offering Spike a chaste peck on the cheek. Spike turned a deep red and wordlessly waved goodbye to the two ponies, practically skipping on his way back to the library turned castle.

“You know, you really shouldn’t lead him on like that, Rarity,” Twilight said disapprovingly as Spike faded from view.

“I beg your pardon dear, I am not leading him on; Spike is a dear friend and I enjoy his company. Would you rather I break his little heart but showing him nothing but cold dispassion?”

“Well, no…”

“This is a harmless schoolcolt crush. One day, Spike will meet a wonderful young filly or dragoness who will make him very happy and then he’ll forget all about me.”

“Somehow I doubt that,” Twilight chided.

“Well maybe not all about me, I am pretty fabulous.” Both ponies fell into a round of giggles that was interrupted by the call of the conductor ushering them aboard.

The two ponies settled into their private car, (being a princess did have its advantages even when not traveling by royal carriage), levitating Rarity’s mountains of luggage in the overhead storage space.

“Did you really need to pack so much stuff? It’s not like we’re going to be there that long,” Twilight asked, letting out a deep breath now that she was unburdened from the strain of using her magic.

“Well no, but I assume Celestia wants me to design a dress for this year’s gala, and I want to get an idea of what style of dress she likes, so I needed to bring examples of my work, and then I need to know about fabric so I had to bring some samples, and I need to think about colors, since her mane is even harder to match than Rainbow’s so I had to bring different color swatches of the different fabrics, plus we’re going to be in Canterlot, what if we get invited to a dinner party? I need to be able to select the appropriate outfit,” Rarity said, gasping for air as she finished her explanation.

Twilight threw up her hoofs in surrender “Okay, okay I get it, all your luggage is one hundred percent necessary. But did Celestia tell you why she wanted to come to Canterlot, all she said in my letter was that we should get there as soon as possible.”

“She was vague in my letter too dear, but what else could it be? If the elements were needed she’d summon all of us, and outside of my dress making I can’t imagine what the princess would possibly need to see me about. So surely this is just a consultation for me, and friendly social call for you.”

“You’re probably right,” Twilight said with a smile, but still unable to shake the uneasy feeling she had.

Author's Note:

I've had this lying around for a while. Like I said in the note it was originally a collab with a friend of mine, he's not around right now, but I want to see what kind of reaction this gets.