• Published 12th Feb 2017
  • 479 Views, 8 Comments

Artis' Model - BatwingCandlewaxxe

On a trip to watch the Great Flutterspider Migration, Fluttershy encounters a pony out of distant legend. An reclusive ancient alicorn stallion known to few living ponies. Meeting her awakens feelings he had thought long since lost.

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Day 1: Unexpected Encounters

Artis' Model

Day 1: Unexpected Encounters

"Oh Angel, this is just perfect! We should have an excellent view from here." Setting down her saddlebags just inside the tree line, Fluttershy stepped forward into the clearing. Looking around, she could see a long, steep slope drop away a few dozen yards in front of her, overlooking a shallow, sparsely-forested valley nearly carpeted with hoof-sized blue-and-purple flowers; numerous small clouds of of tiny green flies clustering around the blooms. "The flutterspiders should be easily visible from up here, and we won't risk interrupting their migration," she observed to the small white rabbit riding on her back. The Iridescent Northern Flutterspider was the rarest and most beautiful of all the flutterspiders, and there was no way Fluttershy was going to miss their first major migration in just over twelve years. Three days were all she had to observe the colourful airborne arachnids, and she was going to make the most of them. With Angel's assistance she pitched her tent, and erected her viewing stand.

Finished with the last of her preparations, Fluttershy quietly took her position on the top of the ridge, just above the downslope; her binoculars mounted and ready, sketchbook and small box of oil pastels near at hoof. It was still early morning, and the migration wouldn't truly start until the sun's rays had sufficiently warmed the flowers, attracting the larger insects that fed on the tiny flies, which the flutterspiders in turn preyed upon to build energy reserves for their arduous journey south. In the meantime, she enjoyed the coolness of the morning, nibbling on a granola bar and a few pieces of dried fruit. As she sat, she felt a gentle, rhythmic thumping on her right hoof. Looking down, she found Angel looking back expectantly, and pointing off behind her to a clump of dense undergrowth near the treeline a short distance from their tent.

"Oh, yes, I guess that would be okay," Fluttershy remarked to her companion. "It looks safe enough here. Just watch carefully, and don't eat any unfamiliar plants without asking me, and don't eat so much you make yourself sick." She watched as Angel bounded off to his expected breakfast, and returned her gaze to the valley below. The flowers were finally beginning to open, it wouldn't be long now.

As she watched the valley, she was startled by a heavy breeze from behind, and the sound of hooves lightly hitting the ground. She turned, tense and ready to bolt, but the sight that met her widening eyes froze the blood in her veins and paralyzed her with panic. Between her and the protection of the treeline stood an enormous alicorn stallion, nearly as tall as Princess Celestia, powerfully built, with a coat so black that it appeared to absorb and imprison all light striking it, leaving little to highlight texture or curve, and a mane and tail which seemed to glow with every shade of red from fiery crimson to the near-black of dried blood. Colours which spoke of quiet sunsets over distant mountains, raging infernos, and secret places under the earth. The alicorn took a few steps toward her, trailing in the air behind him a large wooden case, and an enormous flat panel of a pristine white material Fluttershy did not immediately recognize. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for a mad dash around the intruder to the trees, when the alicorn smiled at her, a gentle and somewhat sheepish grin that defused much of the tension between them. As he continued to move toward her, she could see a little of her own tension and fear reflected in the huge pony's eyes, eyes that commanded her attention not only for their mismatched green and amber hues, but for a feeling of great age and... loneliness?

"Um... hello?" Fluttershy barely squeaked out the greeting, timid and trembling.

The black and red stallion's smile grew wider, his case and the white panel coming softly to rest on the ground beside him. "Greetings young pegasus," he replied, stentorian voice booming in the still mountain air; his tone surprisingly gentle despite the volume. "I apologize if I have startled you, I was not expecting anyone else up here." He looked her over, taking in her binocular stand and sketch pad. "I assume you've come for the flutterspider migration?"

Fluttershy relaxed slightly, but continued shaking. "Oh um yes, sir. I... I'm here to observe the flutterspiders. My name is Fluttershy. Who... what... are you?

The imposing stallion jerked his head back slightly, ears twitching forward. "Oh! Where are my manners? I do apologize again, it's so rare that I have visitors up here that I tend to forget the social graces." As the alicorn made a low, graceful bow, sunlight glittered on silvery metallic threads twisted through his forked, ebony horn. "I am very pleased to meet you miss Fluttershy. My name is Artis Donum, and I am at your service." Artis smiled sadly, "Please do not think I mean you any harm. I realize some ponies can find my appearance... intimidating. I myself find it woefully dull and insipid. Particularly next to a pony of your radiant colouring."

As the alicorn stallion proffered his name, Fluttershy's eyes went even wider, and she started into the air, hovering a few hooflengths above the ground. "Artis Do- but you... you're..."

"A myth? A legend?" he replied with a chuckle. "Yes, I suppose I would be by now. Although I'm surprised that you know of me, not many ponies do these days. But yes, I am that Artis Donum, scion of the First Alicorn, and giver of the Magic of Art to pony-kind in the elder days." He recited the titles as if reading a school lesson, a note of self-deprecating boredom in his voice. "But your name is familiar too..." Artis peered at her intently with his eerily mismatched eyes.

"Is it?" asked Fluttershy as she settled back down on the ground. "Oh, my, I can't imagine how someone like you would know about a simple pony like me. I'm just-"

"The Element of Kindness!" declared Artis, throwing his great head back and laughing heartily. "One of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, responsible for reclaiming Princess Luna from Nightmare Moon, reforming the mad draconequus Discord, and oh so many exploits great and small. Isolated as I am, Princess Celestia keeps me apprised of goings-on in Equestria, and I have learned much of your heroism, yours and your friends'." Artis held out a glinting, steely hoof to the lightly-blushing pegasus. "But, surprisingly, none of the letters I received spoke of your great beauty."

Fluttershy startled back slightly, her blush deepening. She reached up a hoof and touched his, very briefly, in greeting, then pulled away again; head turned to hide behind her mane. "Are... are you you here for the flutterspiders as well?"

"In part," the alicorn replied, "although I'm often here, for the flowers and the trees more than anything. 'Tis one of my favorite places to paint. And now that the flowers are warming, I suppose we should take advantage of the light while we can."

Fluttershy, still blushing, nodded and turned back to to view the flowers. They were nearly open now, and the first of the large insects were beginning to appear. A series of noises caused her to turn. Behind her and a short distance to her left, she could see Artis settling the white panel on a long, low easel. Next to him, the case was open, displaying a collection of paints in an impressive array of hues and shades, numerous brushes and knives, and a pale-coloured wooden pallette. Artis himself was facing away, setting up a camp stove and table. She smiled and turned back to watch for the first emerging flutterspiders, and soon heard the scratching sound of pencil on canvas drifting over from her left.

By midday, there was still no sign of the flutterspiders, and with a sigh, Fluttershy put down her sketchpad, and rummaged in her saddlebags, soon producing a pouch of mixed nuts and dried fruits, a small wedge of hard cheese, and a bottle of Sweet Apple Acres apple cider. Catching Artis out of the corner of her eye, Fluttershy turned and noticed him staring at her intently, and she shrunk down into herself. "Is... is something wrong?"

Artist just stared several moments longer, then started as if he'd only just heard her. "Oh, um... no, I was just... the light... I see you've started lunch, that sounds like a good idea. He arose and stepped away from his easel, toward his camp stove, where a pot simmered slowly. As he bent to sniff at the pot, Fluttershy noticed his cutie mark for the first time, a simple plain white rectangle. Artis glanced back at Fluttershy who, caught staring, quickly turned her gaze to the ground. A soft chuckle came from the massive black alicorn, "Is something wrong?" he asked, amusement colouring his voice.

"Oh, no, I was just... that is... I just now noticed your cutie mark."

"Ah yes," sighed Artis, "dull colouration, and a dull cutie mark. I think that's part of why I became an artist to begin with, to make up for my own personal blandness."

"But," continued Fluttershy, "what is it?"

"A blank canvas," replied Artis as he levitated the pot over to the camp table. Out from a pouch nearby floated a wedge of cheese similar to Fluttershy's, and a small bunch of green herbs, which he tore up and sprinkled liberally on the soup. He turned back to Fluttershy. "Mushroom soup, with wild herbs. You're welcome to some if you'd like, It's quite good if I do say so myself. He poured out a mug of the soup, and set it on the table. "I would be honored if you joined me for lunch. You and your rabbit companion."

Fluttershy picked up her food, and wandered over to Artis' camp table. "You're very kind, and the honor is mine, Mr. Donum," she said with a small bow. "It smells wonderful." She called out to Angel, but he seemed content to keep his distance, casting a wary eye the massive black and red pony.

"It's the herbs up here, they're wonderfully fragrant, although they can take some getting used to." Artis bit off a large mouthful of cheese and ruminated upon it slowly.

Picking up the mug, Fluttershy took a careful sip of the hot soup. The herbs were indeed pungent, but quite pleasant, with a light spiciness she found invigorating. "A blank canvas doesn't seem dull to me," she said. "To me, it seems like.... like it's hinting at... um... possibilities? Like it's waiting for somepony to fill it with their imagination. I think-" Her thoughts were interrupted as Artis' canvas caught her eye. She could do little but sit and stare, so caught off-guard was she by the sight. Instead of the landscape she had expected, the entire right third was dominated by a sketch of a pegasus pony with flowing mane and butterfly cutie mark. Although clearly still a rough portrait, she was surprised by the degree of detail, almost as much as by the fact that she herself was the subject of the ancient alicorn's painting. "Oh... my."

Artis followed her gaze, and chuckled again. "Yes, I had intended to paint the valley and flutterspiders as I have before; but I unexpectedly discovered a much more fascinating subject. I hope you don't mind."

Fluttershy pondered for a moment. While she would normally have found the attention a bit scary, she also felt unusually flattered by the artist's focus on her. "I don't mind at all," she replied bashfully. Looking back at the canvas, her eyes were drawn magnetically to the sketch. "It's really very nice, the line work is quite... elegant, as my friend Rarity would say.

"Rarity, the Element of Generosity I believe, and herself something of an artist with cloth and needle as I understand."

"You seem to know a lot about us."

"Yes, I do try to keep in touch with the world, despite my self-enforced seclusion. I suppose it's only fair that I tell you something about myself, something that's not in the history books." He regarded Fluttershy for a moment. "Blank Canvas."

"I... um?" Fluttershy threw the dark alicorn a confused look.

"That was my name, my original name. Blank Canvas. Before I was became Artis Donum during the Gifting of Magic."

"That was when the ancient alicorns gave the various types of magic to ponies after the Dragon Wars?"

"Yes," said Artis. "As I said, I gave the magic of art." He chuckled. "A pony like me becoming the Muse of Art. Perhaps it was the disappointment of my own dull colouring that inspired me to appreciate the myriad colours of nature."

"But you're not dull. Maybe a bit... dark and imposing. And your eyes are certainly not boring. I don't think I've ever seen a pony with differently-coloured eyes before."

Artis said nothing, just gazed downward for a moment, then attempted to cover a look of embarrassment with a long sip of soup.

"Oh," replied Fluttershy, ears drooping. "I'm sorry if I've said something wrong. I just thought they looked so... interesting. Like your horn and hooves."

Artis' face fell even further, and he said nothing.

Fluttershy felt a tightness in the pit of her stomach. "I'm really very sorry, I didn't mean to offend, I'll leave you to your painting..."

"No," replied Artis, his normally booming voice nearly a whisper, "please don't go. You didn't offend me. It's just... One doesn't like to be reminded of the follies of one's youth."


"Oh it's all right, you'd think I'd have gotten over it by now. The heterochromia is not natural, my eyes are not their original colour. When I was very young, I had a mad idea that I could magically improve my coat, mane, and tail, endow them with brighter, more eye-catching tints. Needless to say, I failed, and the eyes were all that changed. I can't even remember their original colour anymore. I seem to recall them being a pleasant shade of celadon, but..." Artis' words trailed off as he gazed into distant space. "But it looks like your flutterspiders are finally here." Artis pointed off into the valley, where a pair of the winged arachnids were swooping down toward the buzzing clouds of colourful insects.

"Eee!" squealed Fluttershy, everything else forgotten. She quickly downed the last swallow of soup and trotted over to her viewing stand. Picking up her sketch pad, she peered through her binoculars at the sparkling creatures, noting the way they'd swoop down on the bees and dragonflies and other flitting insects, snatching them up with little nets of spidersilk spun between the tips of their legs. She sketched away busily, almost oblivious to the similar sounds behind her as Artis engaged in his own artistic endeavours.

The hours passed by swiftly, neither pony saying a word, content to watch and sketch and paint. As the sun began to drop to the horizon, the scintillating flying spiders sought hideouts for the night, and Fluttershy stretched and yawned, imitated almost immediately by Angel. She began packing her binoculars and sketching supplies in their respective cases; while Artis did the same with his paints and pots.

Just as Artis picked up his equipment, he turned to Fluttershy. "Will you be here for the entire migration?"

"Definitely," said Fluttershy as she pulled a small wrapped sandwich out of her saddlebags. "I'm staying until they've moved on. I don't want to miss a moment of this."

"And you have a tent, I see," the alicorn continued.

"Yes," replied Fluttershy, "I love camping. It's so relaxing being outdoors, enjoying nature."

"In that case, miss Fluttershy, I look forward to seeing you in the morning." Artis bowed, and flew off into the dusk, trailing his canvas and equipment behind him in a dark red magic aura.