• Published 15th Feb 2017
  • 439 Views, 0 Comments

The Sea Pony At Canterlot High - Pastel Candy Candies

I'm Starry Sea and I get to go on the best adventure ever!

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The Portal

My name is Starry Sea, I am a green sea pony with wavy rainbow hair and a kitten hat. My mother had made it for me when I saw one near the surface and told her about it. My cutie mark is a rainbow music note that has kittens around it.

I swam around my sea as usual. I always swam alone, I don't have any friends besides, I've never seen another sea pony. Sighing, I swam back to Coral Cove. That's when I saw it, a swirly thing near the entrance of my cove. It was a sparkly green and it glowed brightly.

I swam up to it, curious as to what it was. But when I got near it, it sucked my up. All that could be heard was a scream to be noticed by none. When I was spit back out from the portal I found myself in a smaller sea. Hmm, Hooves? Check. Tail? Check. Kitten hat?? Check. I thought, making sure nothing was wrong.

Now to be exact this sea was just as big as my cove. And that wasn't huge at all! I swam up and saw that I was in a cave of white. And there were these weird creatures that walked on two hooves and had weird dragon-like claws. None of them had horns or wings but she could feel magic in the room.

"Rainbow Dash!" One of the creatures yelled as a rainbow haired one jumped into my little cove. Once the thing called "Rainbow Dash" saw me it screamed and tried swimming away. I can not let this stand! There was an intruder in my new cove and it was making a racket! I snarled and swam to the creature and snapped my sharp jaws at it. It quickly got out as fast as it came in.

I was proud of myself, not gonna lie. I just defended my new cove! My father would be so proud of her! Wait... father? I thought. It was soon forgotten so after doing a victory jump in my little cove I started to pay attention to what the creatures were saying. One of the ones with light pink hair came up to the edge of my cove. I swam over to it, sensing no danger.

"Hey there cutie." It said softly and reached out it's dragon like claw and scratched behind my ear. I purred at the delicate touch. I have an idea! What if I sing for the creature to thank it? I'll could try it out! I thought.

"Built inside a dream, never coming out.

We all love the place we rule, so why don't we enjoy it all?

Wasn't built to last, that's what they say

But we don't what all of them say to us, cuz we're gonna keep on living

Never gonna die out.

Never gonna leave this town, they can't bring us down.

We all rule this town, so get up and dance to the beat that lasts forever." I sang while dancing and flipping in the water. The pink maned thing cheered a laughed until the rainbow one pulled it back. I hissed and snapped my jaws at the rainbow one and it quickly backed up. Then a red and orange maned one came up to me slowly.

"You can talk right?" It asked. Of course I could, but it'd been awhile.

"Y-yes." I said.

"Oh dear, I think the poor things shy." A curly purple maned one said. I hissed.

"I'm n-not shy, I just h-haven't talked in a-awhile so it's h-h-hard." I choked out. Buck! Why are the "H's" so hard!?

"Ah think it's a from the place where Princess Twilight a came from." A blonde maned one said. Why does it talk funny? The others don't talk weird.

"She does look like it." The red and orange maned asked. Hmm... whats a good name for weird creatures instead of calling them by their mane colors. Ooh! I'll call the light pink maned one Sea Fairy and the red and orange maned one Fire Dust. The blonde maned one can be called Coral and the curly purple maned one can be called Star Fish. And that super curly pink maned one can be called Bubbles and that rainbow maned one can be called Wave. And the last one with the strait purple mane can be called Ocean Shell.

I clapped my hooves, drawing their attention to me again.

"Your Sea Fairy and your Fire Dust and you are Coral and your Star Fish and you can be Bubbles and I'll call you Wave! And your Ocean Shell!" I said pointing to them.

"St-St-Star Fish!? I'll have you know my name is Rarity! IT'S RARITY!" Star Fish said, having quite a fit over the name I gave it.

"NO! Your new name is Star Fish!" I yelled back. Star Fish opened it's mouth to protest again but I gave a long and sharp hiss, it seemed to shut it up.

"W-well... if it m-makes you feel better I l-like the name you g-gave me." Sea Fairy said shyly. I puffed out my chest and held my head high. Wait... why does that make me feel proud? Oh well, who cares. I thought, shrugging it off.

"Now that you've um... named us can you tell us your name?" Fire Dust asked.

"Oh right! H-h-how silly of m-me! M-my name's St-Starry Sea." I told them.

"Can Ah have a new name please?" Coral asked. I crossed my hooves over my chest and shook my head. Coral sighed and hung her head. That's when I saw her weird hat.

"Ooh! Me and Coral both have hats!" I said, pointing to my kitty hat.

"It's very l-lovely Starry S-Sea." Sea Fairy said.

"Thanks!" I said.

Then a new creature walked it. And it looked mad. Really mad... I think I might call it Puffer Fish, it sure seemed to like puffing out it's chest.

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