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Opal's Dreams

The following is a fan made sequel to the fanfic Transdimensional Zoology, bronies who haven't read it won't understand this fanfic as much as they should. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. This is a fan made story and nothing more. Also ponies are awesome, enjoy.
Transdimensional Zoology: Worlds Collide

Opalescence was a peculiar pony indeed. She lived in the Carousel Boutique, were she made dresses for the ponies that would commission her. She was a refined, well mannered pony, and a true artist of fashion. But that wasn't what made her so peculiar.

What made her peculiar was her dreams. She tried to focus on her career as a dress maker, but couldn't help but feel there was something missing in her life. And she blamed it on her dreams. She dreamed of herself as a white cat under the care of a beautiful white mare, with luxurious lox of purple, which curled into a shape that nopony could ever hope to imitate. In her dreams, she was lazy, and hadn't a care in the world. When she wasn't napping on a soft pillow, scratching her claws to get them good and sharp, or enjoying a dish of creamy milk, she was playing around with balls of yarn, or with her owner's younger sister. You'd think that with how luxurious her dreams were, Opal would be content with the life she had; but Opal was a little bit selfish. Mind you, she was generous in several ways, but she grew jealous of her dream counterpart. She didn't dare tell any of her friends that much, but deep down she desperately wanted to live that sort of life. Living the life she did now made her feel...alone. She'd told her story to all her five friends now, telling them each what animals they were in her dreams, each with a different response.

Winona had the same unfazed happiness she always had. “A dog huh? Ah like that!”

Tank was loving and tolerating as always. “I guess that makes sense, I always have been as slow as a tortoise.”

Angel was infuriated by the idea of what he was in the dreams. “A bunny!? You dreamed me up as a bucking bunny rabbit!? I may be gentle with animals, but I'm no softy!! You better make me into a better animal than a stupid bunny!!”

Gummy was unfazed, and possibly intrigued by his animal self. “A toothless alligator? Did I like chewing on things? Wait, would it still count as chewing if I didn't have teeth to chew with?”

Owloysius was fascinated by his even more so than Gummy. “A wise owl, how fascinating. And fitting all things considered. I'm the smartest pony I know personally, and I pull all-nighters all the time. Even my name fits well. Owloysius Owl.” He couldn't help but chuckle at the idea, and it made Opal happy to see he enjoyed hearing about her dreams. She'd started putting her dreams into detail for Owloysius, but he only wanted to hear about them so he could document them like a research project. Still, that didn't faze Opal. She liked talking about her dreams, almost as much as she liked dreaming them.

After a particularly long day, she laid down on her king-sized mattress, and let out a slow yawn as she stared at the candle on her bedside desk.

“I am the most delusional pony there is, no question about it.” She sighed, as she tried to rid herself of her thoughts of animal life, failing miserably, and deciding to accept another lovable dream of luxury. “Back to the place I belong.” She blew out the candle on her desk, and closed her eyes for another nights sleep full of enjoyment.

“Flying Philomena above, I can be such an idiot.”

Owloysius stood in his library half-awake. He had pulled another all-nighter studying the theories of the multiverse, and after creating a math equation for opening a magic portal to who-knows-where, he, in his lack of sleep, decided to try it out.

Big mistake, now he had to keep the portal stable, and keep himself awake so it didn't become unstable. He could only imagine the result of a feral portal to another dimension being made, but his multiple theories were cut short by his constant urge to sleep, and the concentration he had to put into maintaining this portal.

“I swear, if I die, this portal's going down with me.”


Out like a light, and suddenly the portal became an array of parks, one of which hit Owloysius directly in the forehead, which seemed to guide the other five. Before any of his friends could wake up for the morning, they all fell victim to his failed experiment.