• Published 14th Feb 2017
  • 394 Views, 2 Comments

A Valentine's Story - Silver Inkwell

Just a short little collection of short stories (only one is mostly LOVE themed).

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Love From far Away

Love from Far Away

There once was a very lonely sailor who had none else in the whole entire world to call his own, but then one day he finally eventually met a very young, nice, kind, and generous lady, he courted with her for many days and weeks and even months before he could finally gather up enough money and courage to ask her to marry him. And when that fateful day finally eventually came she said yes to him of course, and when their wedding day came all gathered around to see it.

It was a spectacular most wonderful, amazing and wonderful event that you could possibly ever think of, and so radical and cool too. But eventually the time came for the sailor that he had to leave his wife for adventure and treasures out on the sea, but he promised that he would always remember her no matter what happened and that he would be faithful to her and return to her one day soon.

But as the days, weeks, and even months pass her hope and faith grew less, but she still kept it, and the sailor, well he kept his word and always remembered her, but as time went on her absence made him fonder, for she was very far away from him, but not in spirit, heart, or mind. Eventually the day finally came that he could return home, but sadly enough the ship encountered a terrible horrible accident that left no survivors, and when the sailor’s wife heard this news she wept for many days until one day she could finally eventually walk throughout the whole entire town without shedding any tears for her very recently lost husband. But despite her lack of tears she was always sad and in much great pain and agony on the inside, and she swore never to open up her heart again.

But being a very eligible young woman and also a widow many tried to court her, and all failed as she turned them down, but only one had mild success. He was very young but quite skilled in his profession, and he made lots of money too as well, but what caught her the most off guard was how much similar he was to her recently departed husband. But despite her attempts to court her all failed because she always would say that she made a promise to her husband and she would always keep it no matter what. And when the youth asked her why she would dare to keep such a silly little stupid thing anymore since her husband was now dead she would always respond that she felt like he was still alive and out there somewhere, but that it was just that he was lost and needed help now.

The youth argued that this was impossible of course, the ship accident left no survivors, and it would be better for the both of them if she could just forget the promise to her former husband so that way it could benefit the both of them.

For he would gain a very young beautiful wife with a very strong, kind, generous heart and nature, and she would have all the wealth and fortune she could ever ask for, but she still refused and stayed resolute in her promise.

The youth was very angry at this of course, and he declared on many numerous occasions for each time that he visited her that she would die an old very lonely and foolish widow. But she ignored his outbursts and still waited with the belief, hope, and faith that her husband would return to her, for he had made a promise, and she knew that not even death could or would stop him from keeping it at all ever. But as time went on the youth’s attempts eventually wore down on her, and then one fateful eventual day he felt like it was time to ask her to marry him since he felt like she could and would be ready enough to accept his proposal. But on that very same day he tried something miraculous and amazing and wonderful happened. The sailor came back, the former previous husband was alive, clearly this was impossible, but yet it was still somehow true, for the youth saw this man in town and was very worried, what should happen if this man came back and eventually did finally find his wide? Well that would completely ruin and destroy his chances at ever finding a wife so loving, kind, generous, and beautiful and perfect as she was, no, he had to stop this man.

And so when he came around asking the town folk where his wife was the youth gladly stepped up and said that she had moved from her previous house to somewhere else, and then he pointed out a direction very far away from the lighthouse where she had previously and still was living. The sailor felt uncertain of the youth’s words and asked if he was absolutely certain of this fact since he had heard that his wife was still living in the lighthouse from the other town folk.

The youth smiled very nervously with great fear and worry and tried to reassure the sailor that this was true. The sailor looked at the youth very suspiciously and said that he believed him, but that if he found out that he was lying that he would be in very great trouble and promised to kill him if he was. The youth smiled very nervously at this as the fear in his heart grew, he felt like the sailor was very serious, after all, he had kept his promise to his wife after all this time, and he was sure that he would keep this promise and threat too. And so the youth eventually finally admitted the truth that she was still indeed at the lighthouse, and that he only knew that because he had tried to court her.

The sailor smiled at this, thanked the youth for his honesty and truth, said that he could understand why he would want to try to do this with his wife, and then he punched the youth which instantly sent him flying into the ground and then knocked him out unconscious. And then the man rushed back to his house and when his wife saw him she leapt up in great joy and delight finally glad to see that he had finally kept his promise, but when she asked him what had happened exactly and why it took him so long he responded that he had become lost and confuse and couldn’t recall some of his memories after that, but eventually one day finally came that something came back to him, and ever since them he had been chasing that and that was how he had eventually found her even from very far away, because as he said to her in her ears very softly.

“Love will always find a way,” and then he kissed her and they held each other very gently and softly and both were finally satisfied and filled with great love, joy, and delight, for both had kept their promises, and that was the greatest reward and knowledge that either of them could ever possibly hope for in life as they held each other kissing as the sun slowly set down back in the horizon.

And all was quite well in the town, and eventually even the youth found one that he could marry and enjoy spending time with for the rest of his whole entire life, and they all lived happily ever after that event naturally of course.

Author's Note:

This is Scootaloo's story of course.