• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 4,875 Views, 371 Comments

Stuck in a Rainbow - theRedBrony

Rainbow Dash and some dude named Church switch places. Told from both perspectives.

  • ...

The Changeling Gets Punched Again (Dash)

"Uh, Church, what's this clown talking about?" Rarity guy points a thumb towards our new friend in the back of the car.

" 'Church'? That's actually a name here? I hate this place," The changeling comments from the back seat.

"Church…?" Rarity asks again.

"Uh… heh heh… is this a bad time to tell you that I'm not really Church?" I force a smile and scratch the back of my neck.

He looks completely disturbed, "Then who the hell are you?"


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The changeling cackles from the back seat. "This is priceless!"

"Well, at least I'm not a changeling." I glance at the guy in the back.

Rarity guy is really confused. He stops the car in front of some dumpy old building. He tries to read my face for a second.

"You're going to explain this shit to me later. First, let's find the real Conner." He gets out of the car and drags the Conner impersonator out of the back. His legs are untied so he can walk around with us.

He walks up to a door and asks, "Think you can kick this down? I've got my hands full," he gestures to his prisoner. The wooden door looks pretty old.

Kick it down? There's no way I can do a buck in this body.

"I'll try." I put one foot on the door and try to get a feel for how I'm gonna do this.

I should get a running start, so I back up a bit. And I go for it.



I fell on my flank… but I did it!

"Wow, nice one," Rarity-guy cracks. Our pet changeling just snickers at me.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumble as I get back up and dust myself off.

I look inside, and carefully step in. It's pretty dark in here, there's a little light seeping in through the boards covering the windows. Trash scattered around on the floor, and most of the walls have been knocked out, just the frames are left. A little further in, there's a staircase in the back that goes up. I don't see anything else around here, the guys are right behind me, so I figure I'll check out upstairs.

Same story up here, busted walls and garbage. At least the missing walls mean I don't have to check every room.


"Do you see anyone? No? We can go now, you guessed wrong," changeling pipes up.

Rarity-guy gives him a dirty look, and I say, "Maybe that's just what you want us to think!"

"Or… maybe I want you to think that's what I want you to think so you search an empty building some more."

I look around at the stale emptiness. "Fine, let's go."

Back outside, Rarity guy looks towards another boarded up building, it looks like a factory.

"Should we try that one?" I ask.

"WHAT!? NO, there's nothing in there…" the changeling insists.

"Shut up," Rarity-guy says as he pushes the changeling forwards.

I don't think I can kick this door down. It's a really big, solid metal door.

"Try a window maybe?" Rarity-guy helpfully suggests.

I walk down the side of the building, there are a lot of windows, all up high over my head. What I wouldn't give for a pair of wings. Towards the back, there's a pile of crates and big wire spools and junk, that'll do. I climb up onto the stuff and wouldn't you know it? This window's cracked open. Almost like somepony's been in here already. I pull it open and look inside.

There's three people standing in the middle of the factory.

"Hey, hold on, I forgot there are a bunch of druggies around here," Rarity-guy says.

"HEY GUYS HOW ARE YOU DOING?!" The changeling yells obnoxiously.



One of the guys looks up to me at the window, "Yo man, what's up?!"

Our changeling friend decides to answer for me. "Not much, just being tied up and forced to random buildings against my will!" He yells.

The guys inside start laughing.

I jump down from the pile of junk.

"Well I'm guessing what we're looking for isn't in there..."

"I dunno… this changeling didn't want us to go in there…"

"Look I don't want to deal with druggies any more than you ponies do," changeling explains.

Rarity-guy cocks an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you think?" I ask.

"I don't know, we can't really trust him can we? We can come back after we're done searching if we don't find anything else."

"I guess so."

"Ya know, you didn't even try asking politely," he suggests.

"Who, you or them?" His handler asks.

"Both of you, maybe you should learn something and report it to the Princess."

"I'LL REPORT YOU TO THE… Oh for the love of… Ok… would you pretty please tell us where you're hiding the guys?"

"Haha, no, but thanks for asking, you're such a nice pony, Dashie."


"ARGH!... Whatever… so where do we go next?"

"Well there's an abandoned train station down the road, you probably passed it on the way to Danny's."

"Sounds good. Let's go."

"Sooooooooooooo, Dashie, what do you think about all of this...?" Changeling asks from the back seat of the car, with a smug smile on his face.

I look back at him over the seat. "I think changelings are ANNOYING!"

"Awwwww c'mon, think harder," he teases me.

"Hmm…" I hit my head a few times. "I got nothing."

"C'mon pea-brain! You woke up in some random body in some random world you've never heard about right?"

"Yeah… and…?"


"I SAID YEAH! …And you guys probably have something to do with it!"

"So there is probably someone in your body messing up your life… RIIIIIGGGHHHTTTT?!?!?"

"Well, I never really thought about it that way… He could be lying to my friends… and pretending to be me!" I turn to Rarity dude. "Would Church do that?! Would he lie to my friends?!"

"I have no clue what you're talking about. But you're- I mean, Church isn't much of a liar. He's just a loud mouth."

"Oh… well, ok, I guess. See?" I look to the back seat. "He's not messing up my life."

"So... I'm sorry, I gotta ask. If you're not Church…who in the hell are you?" Rarity dude asks me.

"Uh… Name's Rainbow Dash!"

"...You're fucking kidding me," he deadpans.


"Rainbow Dash. The pegasus?"

"Yeah! That's me! Why, ya heard of me?"

"Ok ok ok… let me try to get this straight. You're a pony… AND you're inhabiting Church's body at the moment?"

I look down at myself. "…Yeah. Seems like it."

"…Church, you've lost your fucking mind," he mumbles. "Well then... I'm sure you wouldn't mind answering some questions..."

"Questions? Ok, I guess…"

"Ya know, just to prove it's you."

"Makes sense."

He thinks for a second, just concentrating on driving.

He finally takes a deep breath… and stares me dead in the eyes.

"Why did you want to go to the Grand Galloping Gala?
What's your job for Winter Wrap Up?
What place did you get in the Running of the Leaves?
Whose side were you on at Appleoosa?
Why did you pick a turtle as a pet?"

He looks back at the road in front of him and swerves the car back onto the right side, jerking me towards him.

"Pfft… that's easy.
I wanted to hang out with the Wonder Bolts at the Gala.
I'm always on weather duty for Winter Wrap Up day, mostly moving clouds.
I got… last place in the Running of the Leaves. Well, second-to-last.
I kinda sided with the buffalos.
Tank saved me when my wing got stuck under a boulder from an avalanche."

"And he isn't a turtle, he's a tortoise."

"Ugh! Same thing!"

"And I'm Changeling drone number 10231, pleased to meet you!"

"Oh my god. You people have all lost your goddamned minds. I regret ever mentioning ponies to either of you. Well, I guess not to Conner, because I'm pretty sure this guy isn't Conner. And let's just say I believed you guys for a second. Cuz I totally don't! But let's just say!" He throws his hands up in the air. "Do either of you know WHY YOU'RE HERE!?"

"No, but I bet THEY have something to it!" I sneer at what's-his-number in the back seat.

"Oh come now Dashie, are you implying that I'm so horrid as to separate you from your beloved friends? Your delectable emotions would taste horrible that way."


The car suddenly screeches to a halt, and we all jerk forward.

"Alright! Let's try here. It's an old train station, shut down like 80 years ago..."

"Sounds good…"

Ok, so we managed to break in from a little side door. I'm in a lobby kind of room, with some chairs here and there. It's dark in here, but there's a red light coming from somewhere… it's making the whole place dark red… kinda creepy.

There's two doorways… the one on the left leads to a small hallway full of doors and on the right is an open room with a bunch of metal scaffolding.

"Let's check those rooms." I almost forgot Rarity guy and changeling are behind me.

"Ok…" I go and look in some empty office type rooms.


"Yeah, same here," I say.

There's a ladder at the end of the hallway, I grab onto it… hehe… and climb up through a hatch in the ceiling. The room it goes to looks like a control room or something. It has big windows looking down onto the train station platform.

"Ah, this is the perfect secret hiding place, a giant, obvious building," changeling says a little loudly.

I look out the big windows… there are a bunch of old crates, garbage everywhere, and some more scaffolds, but that's it.

I climb back down the ladder.

"No good, I don't see anyone out there." I point to the other doorway that now obviously leads to the platform.

"Damn, empty too then... there's only one more place I can think of."

"Want a riddle?" the changeling asks. "A hint? A guess?"

"Do we have a choice?" I deadpan.


I sigh -slash- grunt.

"...Well you have to ask politely. Don't be rude Dashie."


"Wow is that it? Please what?"

Even Rarity guy sighs.

"Please give us a hint," I ask through clenched teeth.

"Oh, no, I lied, I was never gonna give you a hint. I figured that was pretty obvious. But now that I have your attention... How would you feel about Church if he was ruining your life? Ya know, acting lame in front of the Wonderbolts for example."

What'd he just say?

"Oh! He probably can't even fly! Hahahahahaa! Yeah, you're so lame now, reputation ruined forever."


I punched him in the face. Boy it feels good.


He spits some blood onto the dusty wood floor. "Ha, well I know about bad ones, clearly. Just think of all the mean things he's doing, all the lies he's telling, and of the friends he's hurting. It's fair to say that they're not even themselves anymore and it's all your fault."

I give him another in the gut this time.

"Hey! That's enough." Rarity guy pulls the changeling away from me.

He coughs a little bit, hunched over in pain. "Wow, you punch like a filly. Pretty cute if you ask me. But you probably deserve that hint after all, you brutal, brutal creature, you.

"I'll give you a hint in the way of a question. If you were to infiltrate a town disguised as the people that lived there, would you...
A. Live in an abandoned building
B. Live in the building that those people lived in
C. Live on the street
D. Live in the clouds, like some frilly little horse?"


"Yes, you know, little horses that have rainbow colored manes. You only see that on the frilliest!"

"WHAT? That's my natural color, HOW DOES THAT MAKE ME FRILLY?!"

"Oh my gawd…" Rarity guy facehoof's.

"Because it's just so girly and cute! You might as well call yourself Rarity Junior!"

"WHA… never mind… I dunno, you'd probably live in the house those people lived in. I don't see what that has to do with where you'd put the people…"

"Wow, are you kidding me... can you use that frilly brain to its full potential for once?"

"Well, what do you think… you know, I never did get your name…?"

"Oh, it's Morgan and I just rolled a 3, so I have no clue at all."


"Are you kidding me?! Think of the one building you've been in where the only creature that was in it was a Changeling! It's so simple even the bubble pony could figure it out!"

Morgan and me look at each other and gasp in realization.


"Um… Morgan? Don't you mean Danny's house? The one with the barn, right? You know, where they had me tied up?"

The changeling and I exchange looks. "Yeah… I was at Claire's house, but you know… so was Claire? And she's not a changeling, so…" changeling hints.

"Oh..." Morgan looks down. "I hate rolling low on intelligence checks…"

"To Danny's house then!"

Author's Note:

Morgan rolled low numbers so damn many times on intelligence checks, that I had to throw that bit in there. Little 4th wall breakage, but hey.

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