• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
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SCP Pinkamena

Escaped SCP: Always running, never stopping

Comments ( 14 )

The description was enough to get me excited.

Will there be other dead characters appearing to help Apollyon like General Tozen?

I know they had different objectives, but since they're the only Humans in that world, I think they would stick together and become Apollyon's lieutenants.

7995297 If there is any justice in this world, Tozen will stay dead... :twilightangry2:

looks like a good story so far cant wait for the next chapter

well, looks like I have to hurry up and complete the story mode.

7995525 I take it Tozen kicked your ass?

7995768 Me and my friend were repeatedly butchered by that man who has a mouth the size of his entire body... The cue lines... Dear God, the endless cue lines!

7995824 From what I see, Tozen was a badass but very honorable character.

7995898 He was also stuck on repeat. He sounded like my grandfather's old broken record. :rainbowlaugh:

7995951 "You are Raider. Legendary!"

They really need to fix that. Apollyon too.

7995954 I remember that on my first playthrough. I felt as if it were more of a taunt than a voice cue though.

7995954 Oh, don't forget my personal favorite: "I must defeat you!" His dialog was more broken than Twilight Sparkles brain during the episode Feeling Pinkie Keen, and I wasn't sure that was possible. Still, you have a point, he was a courageous warrior, despite his flat-out enraging boss fight.

I never really noticed Apollyon's dialog, I was too busy thinking to myself: "If a foot-long dagger to her liver didn't kill her, how the Hell am I expected to kill this thing with anything?"

7996010 If it was intended to be a taunt, then by God it worked... eighty percent of For Honor's fanbase has 'Nam flashbacks anytime the words Raider and Legendary are in the same sentence. I should know, I'm one of them.

7996037 I believe Apollyon kept repeating, "You are the first Samurai to reach here. Congratulations."

please update this.....


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