• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 3,669 Views, 90 Comments

Me and My Lord of Chaos - Abryssle

Discord escapes his fate by shifting dimensions and ends up on earth in a human's house.

  • ...


All six were silent, besides Pinkie, who pointed a hoof at us immediately and said excitedly, "See! There they are." I stood still, focusing on breathing, which suddenly seemed way harder to do than a second before. Or it felt significant. Words don't capture the physical awkwardness that was crushing against my chest. Discord didn't seem to be feeling it, but he sort of cheated by being a god. Or a demi god. It was cheating either way.

"Dis-" Twilight said with quiet confusion before recovering and speaking with a confrontational confidence more ordinary for facing a villain. "Discord! And... Aaron?"

I noticed that Dash looked as though she were teeming with rage, standing near the back left of the room. I could see muscles tensing as her bright eyes glared at me. Everypony else, besides those three, though, just looked plain shocked. Even though I could only imagine that they'd been meeting each other about the fact that me and Discord were strolling around town. I suppose it might have been kind of hard to believe, for the ones who hadn't seen evidence. I mean, they had sealed the motherfucker in stone at the conclusion of their last encounter. Or thought they did, at least.

"Indeed! Live and in the flesh," Discord said. I felt him grab my arm, and I started to look over, only for him to give a swift tug and let go. I slammed into him, and his arm was instantly around my shoulder, holding me there, next to him. His hand wrapped around my head and pressed it into his fur. It felt simultaneously awkward, embarrassing, nice, and incredibly stupid. It also seemed to paralyze the mane six further still, except for Pinkie, who released a loud giggle.

"I told you guys! I was riiiight~" She said with the cheer that normally possessed Pinkie. Despite the warm cheer, the rest of the room remained frozen in a strange mix of confusion, anger, and shock. I felt my muscles tensing in preparation for an effort at escape, which seemed rather misinformed of them, as I was fairly sure I was going nowhere. Discord seemed to be tensing up too--I felt the muscles of his body shifting underneath his furry exterior.

He laughed, really loudly, tossing back his head. I could feel his chest moving slightly as the air movements involved worked through his body.

"Ha, you're all so surprised! You all sincerely though you defeated me? All of you?" He swept his head back and forth, gazing over the group. He was met only with a dense, irritated silence. "Well, then... To give you a quick update, you didn't. Just so we're all on the same page here."

"How did you get out of your prison, Discord!" Twilight demanded, having apparently regained control of herself.

"By not getting in it, my dear Twilight Sparkle," Discord said with a slight grimness to his voice. "When the magic of the elements came down, I figured it would be a good time to jump ship. So I headed off to some random, as-of-yet-unnamed dimension to relax for a while. And I found this guy!" A finger of his other hand prodded the top of my head.

"That doesn't—what!?" Applejack protested immediately, in obvious confusion.

"You tricked me!" Dash yelled just afterwards, pointing to me. The rest of the group looked at her. Then they all followed the hoof's direction down to me.

"Well... I couldn't just say Discord brought me from an alternate dimension as his companion," I said quietly. Dash's eyes narrowed.

"How'd you know my name? No, wait, scratch that, why are we letting you stand there when you're together with Discord!" Discord pointed to her.

"You're powerless." I saw Dash get riled up at the statement, and the other ponies in the room move to restrain her. Discord smirked. He relinquished his hold on me, and I dropped to the ground besides him. Almost instantly, I started to miss the warmth of his side. It was one of those sort of, "only miss it when it's gone," things. There was, of course, the upside of a sudden decrease in my level of embarrassment, which was a perk. On the other hand once again, the room had descended back into silence. Apparently, they were still lacking anything to actually do to me and Discord. My dread built up over the next few seconds, not helped by Dash maintaining a look that spoke of a strong determination to inflict bodily harm to someone or something.

I ran out of the library.

Well, walked out, but I turned and left. The void of conversation in the room and the fact that I was likely now in "public enemy" status by way of association seemed decent enough motivation to ignore a thing as mundane as politeness and to simply leave. Nobody in the room actually seemed to have the nerve to comment, besides Discord, who simply uttered a "Forgive him, he's a little shy," to the group before snapping. I anticipated the flash in front of me before it happened.

"I know you're nervous, Aaron, but don't you think just leaving is a little rude?"

"I don't have any defense. I'm your accomplice."

"True," Discord mused. "Though i'm virtually required to remind you that being my associate has substantial advantages." I glanced back.

"Yeah, but that's basically just when we're alone. Almost everything we've done in public either has you doing nothing, or using your powers for things that you desired or needed. Nothing that I want-" Discord got a wicked look on his face. "-ed..." I finished. The mane six were coming out of the library too, no doubt trying to figure out what was going on. Discord's body lowered, and, though my body started to anticipate his motion, the odd air-slithering move he did at high speed functioned quite nicely for surprising me. He was besides me in a fraction of a second, past me in another, bending his tail end around me the next—Discord smirked as his head came back up in front of me, smirking at my obvious, still-not-abating discomfort. His body was wrapped in coils, circling me without actually touching, though barely. It appeared to have stretched to do so.

The proximity and restrictiveness of the constraining pose heavily implied imminent toying, which made me blush. Especially since it would now take place in front of someone else. Several someone-elses, in fact. All just watching us, transfixed, their large pony eyes widened even more in confused fascination; I considered ordering Discord to release me, but some impulse held back the urge.

"Discord..." I said warningly.

"Yes?" Discord replied. My eyes switched between him and the six ponies standing behind him.

"What are you doing?"

"Making you flustered again, and confusing our dear, now-shared enemies," he answered calmly. "Fairly amusing, i'll reiterate, for such little effort." He made a thoughtful expression, and his tail—seemingly subconsciously—tightened around my clothes and against my skin. "Do you think your reaction would be funny if I licked you?" I processed that statement.

"If you find embarrassment and slight arousal funny, it'd be funny as hell," I said back quietly, only too aware of the listening audience. The response felt oddly foreign to my mouth as it left, like something someone else had said that was completely unrelated to me. Which was odd, logically speaking, because that response had everything to do with me. Discord let out a low chuckle, and then started moving his head towards me, with a very deliberate slowness.

Shit. He was doing it.

"What are they doing?" I heard Applejack whisper to one of the others.

"Does it matter? Now's our chance!" Dash said in a barely hushed, frenzied tone. I leaned slightly to the left to look at the six more clearly, and that was where my eyes were fixed when Discord started to lick my neck. I saw it in my peripheral, a thin pink thing that ended in a fork. It felt rough and wet where it touched my skin, and instantly I felt a tingle spread over my body; that sort of skin-crawling nerve response the mind gave shrugged its shoulders and gave when weird shit was going down. My breathing sped up a little, and I heard a slight sigh slip out my lips as his tongue traveled upward. It withdrew as it reached my cheek.

Man. I am a subby bitch, my logical thoughts gave me before shutting down and collapsing into a sparking, dysfunctional mess.

"Well... That was amusing," Discord said with a sensual deepness. His body and tail curled a little tighter around me. I could feel the blush on my face practically burning the atmosphere around it.

"O-oh my..." Rarity offered in comment. Discord chuckled at that, his neck turning to let him peer over at the six.

"None of you have any obligation to us, you know. You can all scurry off and do pony things." He hung a hand down off his wrist and flicked it up twice in a shooing gesture. Meanwhile, his coils were shifting, moving the part of me they held down to my legs, and moving my body upwards, up to where Discord's chest debatably lay. I was fairly powerless to resist as I got pushed up, back against Discord's body. He seemed determined to get the mental image of us cuddling (awkwardly, one-sidedly cuddling, but still) stuck in the head of each of the Element's individual heads. Still lacking anything to say, I held my silence, and joined Discord in staring at the ponies.

Confused. They all seem confused still, my mind noted, in a completely unnecessary observation.

I'm still confused. Of course they are. My arms, in an instinctive effort to stabilize my position, wrapped around Discord. He was still a rather comfortable thing to be against. Warm, soft... It was almost exactly as i'd imagined it would be. A felt a momentary surge of self-pity at the realization that I had in fact imagined what this would be like, but quickly the justification that it was just like wanting to have a cat or dog to cuddle. Which it was. Only romantic cuddling, and the cat/dog would be sentient. Discord's hand gently touching the back of my head cut my out of my thoughts and attempt at self-justification as cleanly as the blade of the sharpest razor on earth would shave a face.

"I did really mean that. Go get to fetching your precious elements," he said, as he started gently stroking my head. It was an affectionate act, rather like, indeed, one might do with a pet. "Besides, you're making him nervous," Discord added, as his hand completed one slide down to the base of my hair and started back up. I could have cared—Societally, I should have cared—that this centuries-older-than-me male beast was doing that, but sensation, apathy, and perversion won out, and I just closed my eyes and tried to shut out everything but the pleasant feel of Discord and his hands.

Another pause. Then, "Oooh, I get it!"

"No explanations, please, Pinkie..." Fluttershy mumbled. It was the first time she'd said anything. I suppose that even her expanding confidence, a returned evil demi-god and an alien cuddling in front of her was a bit much to handle.

"Okie dokey~!" Pinkie responded.

"Girls, come on," Twilight said, trying to refocus the group. "He is- well, he is right. We're going to need the elements." My eyes opened. Blocking out other things was proving too hard.

Rarity was glancing over to Twilight, her pale face still tinted a light pink by the blood rising to her skin, to make the white features flushed with an apparent embarrassment. Her speech, ordinarily rather controlled, came out filled with slight stutters, and a sort of wavering quality that implied weakness. "But, Twilight, Darling... Surely we can't just- just leave Discord here! Alone, in Ponyville, unwatched and unguarded? The town will be devastated!"

"Watchers will be charged," Discord broke in cheerfully. "And beside, i'm on good behavior right now." The degree of bizarre I was at, mentally, or course, as I lacked a quantifiable value with which to measure bizarreness, cranked up a little bit more.

Wait, Rarity finds this erotic? my mind added wonderingly.

"No. We're all going, now." Twilight seemed to have ignored Discord. Rarity was slightly more flushed yet. "Before Discord manages to talk us out of it, or... Or something," Twilight said flatly. Her horn started to glow with purple light.

"Bu-but darling, I-" Rarity began before a flash of purple energy cut her off, and swept the six away.

And then we were alone again. I felt a great sense of relief. For one thing, there was no longer the mental burden of even trying to worry about speaking to the ponies, and two, the group had seemingly failed to notice the golden tip of a tiara sticking out of my pocket.

"So," Discord said, still stroking my head with his lion's paw. "Am I correct in assuming you're enjoying this?"

"A bit, yeah," I said ashamedly.

"That's good," he replied, in a comforting manner of speech. We started to hover to the library door. On nearing it, it flung itself fully open before us (Discord's hands didn't leave me), and we hovered back into the library, me in Discord's arms. Though, in fair consideration, I was equally within his tail and body.

"Whoa," I heard a young voice say as soon as we were inside. "Uh... Hi." Both me and Discord looked over to the stairs. Spike. Of course.

"Hey," I said back on impulse. "How's it going?"

The tiny dragon blinked. He didn't seem afraid, but 'uneasy' seemed like it would fit. "Uh, okay, I guess."

"That's good," I said back. "So, we can browse, correct?" Spike seemed to be thinking.

"Of course we can, Aaron. This is public property," Discord answered for the tiny dragon, dragging several books from their shelves and hovering them around himself. "Hmm, I wonder what they have on me."

"You're good, then?" I asked.

Discord smirked. "I haven't been bad so far, have I?" I ignored the playful nature of the line and instead walked over to Spike.

"Wanna go upstairs, Spike? Just-" I glanced back at Discord, who had generated a monocle and was holding a thick book in one hand, which flipped its own pages after a short period of observation. "-I can explain what's going on. Probably more than Twilight." Spike glanced around nervously; I could only imagine he was afraid of being caught speaking on friendly terms with the enemy. If, indeed, that actually was what the mane six had reclassified me to.

"Sure, yeah. I could do with knowing what's going on."

"Okay, then," I said. Neither of us moved for a moment, and then Spike started running with his short little legs over to the staircase. I followed him easily. My legs gave me a massive advantage.

We went up the stairs, into what I could only assume was Twilight's room, and sat down on what I could only assume was Twilight's bed. I tried to avoid showing any obvious signs of weirdness about that idea as I launched into my explanation.

No idea how well it was working.