• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 2,519 Views, 67 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: What Separates Us - Cloudhammer

What truly is the divide between human and pony?

  • ...

Epilogue - Hope for the Future

Week 25, Monday

Week 26, Tuesday-Wednesday

“Nimbus, if you look out that window again I’m going to bolt you to your seat.” Skipjack said with a snort.

Nimbus shot her fellow lieutenant a glare, but she couldn’t bring herself to be irritated with her. Just seeing her smiling again was worth it. Looking around the cabin of the plane, she saw the others from their mixed unit talking, sleeping, or like her just staring out the window. She frowned as she thought back to arriving in Kinshasa, seeing half the city ablaze and a significant number of citizens missing. They’d heard the sound of the changeling’s passage as they fled north with their captives, and Nimbus shuddered as she thought of what might happen to those poor people. Rubbing her stomach absently, she winced as the foal kicked again. Amy had given her a checkup once they’d crossed into Brazzaville across the river, and said she’d be due within the next two weeks or so. That had been nearly a week ago, and she admitted that she was getting nervous.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. We’re beginning our descent into San Francisco now. Thank you for choosing the US Air Force as your mode of conveyance on this flight. At this time we’d like all our passengers to please fasten their seatbelts and put the tray tables in the upright position.” Everypony rolled their eyes at the sarcasm in his voice, and started stretching and getting themselves buckled in.

“How are you holding up Nimbus?” Amy asked as she buckled Suzy and Jimmy into their seats.

Nimbus tossed her head. “I’d be fine if they’d just give me some word of how the others are. I’m worried about them all.”

Amy nodded. “I’m sure they’re fine. Between Flare, Aegis, Lariat and Dawn I know there’s nothing they can’t handle.”

Nimbus nodded, though the fluttering in her stomach refused to go away as the plane angled downward toward the city below.


Flare waited anxiously at the terminal, pacing back and forth, every other pass stopping to look up at the clock.

"Flaaaaare, time ain't gonna go no quicker if you stare any harder at that poor clock..." Aegis said, a laugh on the edge of every word.

Lariat chuckled, though to be honest he was just as anxious to see everypony come home safe. It had felt weird to leave them all behind, but there hadn’t been a way to get out and avoid the returning changelings. He pointed out the floor to ceiling windows toward the tarmac. “Look, that must be their plane now.”

The aircraft in question slowly taxied up to the staging area, where a tower hitched up to it and pulled it carefully into position next to the gateway. After another few minutes, the sound of hooves on carpet could be heard, and Flare held his breath as the first pony rounded the corner.

Things seemed to slow down as Nimbus met Flare’s gaze, the pegasus feeling her wings start to stand up despite themselves. She broke into a bounding gallop, Flare doing the same as the two crashed into each other. Nimbus wrapped her wings around him and squeezed as tight as she could, while he wrapped his neck around hers and buried his face into her ivory mane. “You big idiot, you forgot me in Africa.”

Flare snorted his laughter as he released the hug to kiss her. “I’m sorry dear, I’ll be sure to make it up to you.”

She sighed in resignation. “Just help me through the next week and I’ll let this one slide.” Getting to her hooves, she turned to Aegis and Lariat, her tail instinctively finding Flare’s just to anchor herself to him. “Glad to see you two lugs came back safe too.” Her ears folded as she asked the question that had been bothering her the whole flight back, “How many made it back?”

Lariat shook his head. “We’ll talk later Nimbus.” The melancholy expression on his face lifted as two joyful cheers split the air.

“UNCLE LARIAT!” Jimmy and Suzy careened into the tan stallion, bowling him over. The pile of ponies flailed about until Lariat had the two in firm headlocks, laughing.

“Glad ta see you two brought everypony back safe. Did you listen to your madre like I told you?”

The two siblings nodded. “Uh-huh!” they chirped in unison, looking over their shoulder as Amy walked out of the gate, Fluttershy in tow. “Mom, look! Mister Lariat came to see us!”

Amy smiled tiredly. “That he did. Now come on kids, we need to grab our bags and go home. I think we’d all like a chance to sleep in our own beds tonight, how does that sound?”

The two cheered, scampering off toward the baggage claim. Fluttershy followed after them nervously, muttering for them to slow down. Amy stopped for a minute by Lariat. “I’m glad you’re alright.”

“Me too Dr. Getton.” He replied. She turned to remind him not to call her that, and shook her head as she saw the smirk on his muzzle.

“I’ll see you around sometime.” She hurried off after Suzy and Jimmy, calling at them to stop begging the fast food cashier for free food.

Aegis looked between Lariat and Amy as she walked away. “Why, you diamond dog. You’re sweet on the Doc, ain’tcha?”

Lariat did his best not to, but a light flush lit up his tan cheeks clear as day. “What? No amigo, I mean yes; she is pretty, by human standards anyway. And she is doing a great job raising Jimmy and Suzy... But she’s human, y’know? I used to get around, but I don’t range that far.”

“Well, Lariat,” Aegis grinned, “from what scuttlebutt I hear, she won’t be able to be human for too much longer...” Aegis nudged Lariat in the ribs, and then trotted over to greet Nimbus.

As the friends caught up with each other, everypony else got off the plane and joined in the happy reunion, taking a moment to simply enjoy being alive.


“So, we had that few come back alive?” Celestia asked quietly as she looked up from the report that had been delivered. The excursion had cost them dearly. Only twelve of the captured guards had been able to survive being separated from the pods. The past week had been nothing but funerals, and the Guard's morale was lackluster.

“Yes, your Majesty.” Cloudhammer said, his voice firm, but his eyes gave it away like they always did. “Funeral arrangements have been made for all the deceased, and the human dead were returned with full honors to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to be buried in their homeland. We’ll be prepared to deploy to Africa within the next few days, and this time those monsters will pay for every life they stole.”

Celestia lifted an eyebrow. “Calm yourself Cloudhammer. I know how you feel, and have spent time mourning the dead and planning a suitable next move. But unfortunately it appears we will have to wait.” She levitated a piece of paper to him, continuing while he read it. “The US deployed their Special Forces to the location with the approval of the United Nations and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. While the physical hive itself was found, the changelings have disappeared. After conducting a sweep and taking samples, the hive was destroyed.”

Cloudhammer finished reading the report and tossed his head angrily. “There’s something else, if they were able to relocate from here in Equestria or one of the neighboring countries to Africa and then somewhere else, they had to have accessed the Canterlot Archives for the runes needed. I’ve gone ahead and increased the security procedures for Archive access, and Amber Dusk has ordered that higher-level court members be discreetly screened for any trace of this ‘greasy’ feeling Second Lieutenant Solaris described.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you, that saves me the trouble of having to make an official announcement about it just yet. Now, what about the captive that was brought back, and the newfoal?”

Cloudhammer nodded. “The captive is held in a specially made room in the center of the Guard Barracks. There are always ten unicorns on guard, and randomly selected code words are used every time a questioner goes in. In addition, there’s only at most two ponies in that room at any given time. It’s not going anywhere. Though it’s only made one request, to see its ‘father’, the newfoal unicorn brought in named Elias. He is currently in protective custody, using one of the spare rooms here in the castle. I’ve stationed two pegasus guards to keep an eye on him, and Amber Dusk has a unicorn on standby should he try to use his magic. Bastion Yorsets says they’re still working on a spell that will let us understand him and vice versa, but it’s been slow going.” Cloudhammer took a drink of water as he finished speaking.

“Excellent. Keep me informed on any updates.” Celestia said calmly. As Cloudhammer turned to leave, she suddenly called out, “Oh, I almost forgot. Do notify me when Flare’s foal is born. The birth of the first foal created from the union of native and newfoal is sufficiently momentous that I’d like to see it for myself.”

Cloudhammer gave her a deadpan look. “You just want to skip the tax meetings again, don’t you?”

Celestia smiled demurely, bringing up the next batch of reports, but otherwise not saying anything. Cloudhammer shook his head and trotted out, quietly closing the door to her office as he left.


The sculpture gardens were always a favorite tourist spot in Canterlot, though at this time of night there was nopony to be seen. Exactly as Connor wanted it. He tilted his head back, looking up at the statues of the guards, now three strong to represent the new addition of the earth pony branch. Each stared sternly over the gardens, the plinths they stood upon polished to a high sheen and engraved with hundreds of names. The earth pony plinth only bore a paltry few names, but they shone as brightly under the moon as the pegasi and unicorns. In front of the three was a small sign that simply read,

-In honor of those who laid down their lives for Equestria, so that their sacrifice shall never be forgotten.-

Connor flattened his ears, feeling the weight of their stares boring into his very soul. The armor felt like it had doubled in weight, and he lowered his head to look at the names again. “Divot, Whirlwind, Gregory... Captain Stardust... everyone...” He repeated softly, feeling the names etching themselves onto his heart. He tried to find more words to say, but they wouldn’t come, leaving him sitting silently in front of the memorial to the fallen, and monument to his shame.


They’d told her it wouldn’t hurt, and she’d believed them. As another contraction rippled down her body, Nimbus screamed her frustration at those morons, despite the magic helping to relieve some of the pain. She was lying on her side in the Canterlot Hospital bed, the unicorn doctor and a few nurses assisting. Flare had wanted to be with her, but the doctor had politely told him that the room was going to be crowded enough, and if he fainted as some stallions did, they didn’t have the room to be stepping over him.

“That’s good Nimbus, just keep breathing, nice and steady.” Doctor Silverheart said, nodding as he checked her. “You’re dilated nicely; I can see the amniotic sac now. Just focus on your breathing.”

“THAT’S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY!” Nimbus half-hissed, half-screamed at him as the next contraction hit her like a tidal wave rolling inexorably ashore. She felt like she was being split in half and screamed again.

Outside in the waiting room, Flare paced, wincing at every scream from beyond the double doors.

Cloudhammer rose from his cushion and interrupted Flare’s circuit. “Keep pacing like that and the hospital’s going to charge you for the new flooring.”

Flare snorted but stopped anyway, trotting over to take a seat next to Aegis and Lariat. Even then he couldn’t sit still, tapping a hoof on the tile. Across the room, Skipjack tried to keep her composure, but winced all the same at the noise coming from the room. She leaned against Dusty for support, smiling as he rested his head atop hers. “Thanks for coming sweetheart; I know this isn’t your thing...”

He smiled down at her, rubbing her back with a hoof. “But it’s yours, that’s enough for me.”

Aegis nudged Lariat, motioning towards Dusty and Skipjack, “Now, if only we could get Mrs. Cloudhammer, Fireball, and Aaaaaaamy here for you....”

Lariat twitched, punching Aegis in the shoulder, though he couldn’t help the little flush that tinged his cheeks. “I told ya, you sinvergüenza, Amy and I are just friends!”

“What the Tartarus’s a sinvergwee-” Aegis was cut off by another scream, this one louder than the ones that had come before. Afterward there was nothing but silence. Flare was on his hooves, eyes staring so hard at the door he could have melted holes through it.

After a few minutes had crawled by, Skipjack finally couldn’t contain herself. “Do you think she’s alri-” She abruptly stopped cold as a new sound made itself heard.

A thin, wailing cry.

Flare was already in motion as the doctor opened the door. He could hear him saying something, but his ears didn’t register it, focused as they were on the open door at the end of the short hallway. Reaching the doorway he stopped, letting his eyes take in the room.

Nimbus lay on her side now, head propped up by some pillows, her coat and mane matted with sweat. Lifting her gaze, her tired smile spread even wider as their eyes met. “Hey there.”

Flare quietly crept across the room on his hooftips, eyes locked onto her and the small, cloth-wrapped bundle snuggled firmly against her lower barrel. As he drew close to the bed Nimbus smiled and reached down, carefully rotating the bundle so he could see it better. The bundle bleated its protest at being interrupted, looking first at Nimbus, and then up at Flare, its muzzle smeared with the remnants of its first meal.

“Flare... Meet our son.”

Flare stopped cold, heart in his throat as he looked down at the tiny shape. His coat was a bright blend of blue and green, reminding him of the ocean water at Hawaii. A small shock of white hair decorated the top of his head, a streak of light orange running through it. His eyes were a vibrant shade of red-orange, the color of the setting sun.

“He’s... he’s perfect.” Flare whispered, afraid to do or say anything for fear of breaking the moment. He felt tears forming at the corners of his eyes, but didn’t even try to hold them back.

Nimbus smiled at him and shifted a little, so she was sitting up a little more. “Do you want to hold him?” Not waiting for his reply, she gently scooped up the bundle and held it out to him.

Sitting down hard, Flare reached out with a leg and carefully cradled the bundled colt, his son, in the crook of his elbow. He stared down at the tiny little hooves, the small nose, the bare forehead... “Does he have wings?”

Nimbus giggled. “No. He’s an earth pony. I bet Aegis is never going to let us live this down.”

Flare couldn’t help himself and chuckled with her. His son squirmed, not liking the new noises, and tried to push himself free of the blanket imprisoning him. Leaning back more so his hind legs were supporting him, Flare gently lifted his other leg and brought his hoof close to the little tummy. The foal sniffed at it cautiously, but then broke into a smile and grabbed playfully at it, nibbling on the end of his hoof.

Blinking away the fresh wave of tears, he looked to Nimbus. “So, what do we call him?”

Nimbus thought about it, then smiled as it just hit her, the inspiration coming out of nowhere. “How about.... Breaker. Because that’s what he is. A little wave, bringing in something new and wondrous.”

Flare felt a smile crossing his face, so wide he thought it’d split in half. “I think that’s a perfect name.” He looked down at his son, tickling him gently with a hoof. Breaker giggled and poked back with one of his tiny hooves. “Breaker.”

Doctor Silverheart cleared his throat gently from the door. “I’m sorry Captain Flare, but Nimbus and Breaker both need their rest. We’ll be putting Breaker in the nursery, and there’s a viewing window there for all your supporters to meet him too.” The nurses came back in, one pushing a baby bed on wheels. They gently lifted Breaker out of Flare’s foreleg despite his mild resistance, and settled the newborn in, tucking the blanket around him. Another nurse helped Silverheart tend to Nimbus, who’d already fallen asleep, the same smile on her face. Flare carefully squeezed her hoof, smiling as she squeezed back, before turning and making his way back to the waiting room.

Standing there outside the door, he looked at all his friends and grinned from ear to ear. “It’s a colt.”

Skipjack broke into tears, hugging Dusty fiercely, a broad smile on her muzzle. Dusty nodded his congratulations to Flare, hooking a leg around his marefriend and drawing her in for a hug of his own.

Lariat cheered, hopping to his hooves and giving Flare a round of thumps on the back. “Congratulations amigo! And just what is this little milagro called?”

Flare ducked his head, still grinning. “Breaker. Because he looks like the ocean. It was Nimbus’ suggestion.”

Aegis loomed nearby with a grin across his face, happy for Flare and Nimbus, two of his best friends. “Well, which tribe, Unicorn or Pegasus?”

Flare started laughing. “You won’t believe it, but he’s an earth pony.” He wiped at his eyes with a hoof.

"Well I'll be..." Aegis grinned. He and Sledgepetal would be splitting the pool after all. Aegis wasn’t a gambler, but he’d always bet on his earth pony pride.

Cloudhammer walked over slowly and embraced his old friend, squeezing him hard. “I’m proud of you, Flare. You did good kid.” He said, his voice a little gruff.

He did good? Sounded to me like Nimbus did all the work...uh, Sir.” Skipjack rattled off, a sheepish grin on her face.

Cloudhammer rotated his eye to fix her with half of his best trainer stare, but otherwise said nothing, finally releasing the hug. “I’ll be right back.” He turned and trotted out of the room towards the front doors.

Flare watched him leave, his expression puzzled for a second, but then shrugged and looked at the others. “Do you want to meet him? The doctor said they were putting him in the nursery, and there’s a viewing window-”

“You have to ask? Lead on!” Aegis spoke for everypony present.

Flare chuckled at his exuberance, then turned and led the mismatched formation of guards down the corridors to a large window set into the wall. A number of foal beds were laid out in rows, a nurse quietly picking her way among them. Seeing Flare and the others at the window, she smiled and gently pushed one of the beds closer, so everypony could get a look.

Skipjack almost melted on the spot, a small squeak of happiness escaping despite herself. Dusty grinned and held her up, eyes fixated on the foal as well.

Aegis, head above the rest, had no trouble peering at the newborn. “My word, look at that coloring.” Aegis took a look at Flare. “Sure you won’t consider renaming him? Aegis the Second’d be perfect, look at that stately chin! He’s gonna move mountains someday.”

Flare snorted, cuffing Aegis on the shoulder with a hoof. “I think we’ll stick with Breaker.”

Lariat, meanwhile, had abandoned all sense of dignity and was making baby faces through the glass. “Flare, amigo, he is a beautiful child.”

“I agree, though I’d refrain from making those faces for too long. You might get stuck that way.” Celestia said with a small laugh as she joined them, Cloudhammer beside her.

“Princess... Princess Celestia!” Flare nearly skidded his hooves out as he struggled to get his chin to the floor, everypony else racing after him and nearly colliding into a tangled mass of ponies.

Celestia waved a hoof, a beaming smile on her face. “There is no need to bow to me on this day Flare. Your son is truly a gift, and not just to you. He is a living symbol of the love that can unite anypony, even a native Equestrian and a newfoal of Earth. You and Nimbus should always treasure that love, and never let Breaker go without it.”

Flare nodded, still sorting out getting back to his hooves. “I will, your Majesty.”

“Not to speak outta turn, your Highness, but he’s dang cute, too,” Aegis dared.

Celestia laughed lightly, turning her immortal gaze back to the sleeping foal. “He certainly is, Captain.”

Within the nursery, Breaker slept on, dreaming whatever the newly born dream, unaware and uncaring of the mixed parentage that, together, had brought him into the world. For him, the world simply was, without separation or distinction.

Comments ( 15 )

Inspiration for this chapter includes:
"Here I Am" by Bryan Adams (specifically the version from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
The scene from Aurora Spectralis when Rainbow Blitz holds his and Dash's daughter for the first time. Bit of an odd ship I know, but the author did a wonderful job capturing the emotion that I wanted :twilightsmile:

Aegis_Exemplar, for his continued help with Aegis' characterization, plot correction, and wonderful suggestions. I cannot thank you enough for all your help my friend :twilightsmile:

Glad that Flare, Nimbus, and the new little Breaker all made it out of Africa safely.



Yet another amazing story, Cloudy. Once more, you make me emo that mine isn't as good. Can't wait to read the St. Louis Massacre!

Excellent story, man!

Beautiful way to end this, mate. Kudos.

B'awwwwww! I'm so happy for them! :raritycry::heart:

1066162 Perhaps, but I wanted to write his thoughts as he was thinking them. And in the future, maybe try to at least be neutral when you say something could be done better please.

The changing when to Uganda to live with Kony didn't they?

Wait. Maybe I'm a little mixed up, but you mentioned Dusty in this chapter. Isn't he , uh, dead? :fluttershysad:

1128991 Not to my knowledge, unless I mixed up a name (is easier than it looks, especially when I've got so many :rainbowlaugh:)

1129005 Maybe I missed it or something, but I could've sworn someone with a five letter name that began witha D was killed by changelings. Oh well, I probably just got confused. Sorry! :twilightsheepish:

1129043 Yeah, it was Divot who was killed :pinkiesad2:

That was beautiful.
There is no other way to describe it.
Now I need a towel.

I always love how you're CB stories always end.How humanity and the ponies have hope to peaceful coexist with out everyone becoming a pony

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